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Westerdam - 30 days with a 3 yr old - Crazy???


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We have placed a deposit on Westerdam, leaving Athens in Oct, 2010 and arriving in Florida 30 days later. We are taking our 3 1/2 yr old daughter and I wondering if this is an appropriate cruise for our family. We are experience cruisers, but never on HAL and never more than 8 days. Are we crazy to do this trip?


We have just come off an 8 day Carnival Cruise, where Camp Carnival was a success for a few hours each day. I'm wondering if the HAL kids program will match the quality of Carnival? I don't want to end up on a cruise with so few kids that the programs don't run or are of lower quality.


Initially we choose HAL because they indicated we could leave our daughter in the kids club, while we went into ports and toured.

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I'm jealous. I only wish I could take my three year old on a trip like that, but most people would say I'm crazy too. Our DS, will take his 11th cruise next month, but it will be his first on HAL(Oosterdam). I will post my review of Club HAL on the Family board when we return.


Most of the reviews of Club HAL on the Family board are very positive. However, I would think that there would be very few kids on your cruise due to the time of year and length of the cruise. Maybe you could call HAL and ask them how many kids are typically on a trip like that. It might give you a better idea of if Club HAL will be open.

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HAL has a wonderful children's program but there won't be many kids on a 30 day cruise. You are far more apt to find families with young children on a 7 - 10 day cruise.


That being said, no reason your family can't have a great time. Just don't expect lots of kids in Club HAL.


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My understanding after reading these boards for a few years ;) is that there will be very few children on board for a cruise of that length.

You can check with Ships Services and find out how many children will be on board for that sailing. 1 800 541-1576

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I personally think it would be great to have very few children on your 30day cruise. My kids like playing with other kids and also love playing one on one w older kids & adults. My son has had a great time on a cruise with only 2-3 other kids and with larger groups, but did not seem to have as much fun with MANY kids and overworked staff that didn't look like they enjoyed being there. So there are positives & negatives-- might depend on your 3 year old. Gamble here would be the quality of staff for CLUB HAL vs other kids. My son did not play with any of the other kids much the cruise with only 2-3 but loved playing with the staff & they seem to enjoy playing with him. We found out on our 2nd cruise that the staff don;t typically give each kid a stuffed animal every day, he also was given a plastic watch, toys, etc..... just thought it was routine on our 1st cruise.

We have 2 2yr olds & 6 yr old and would love to do the South pacific cruise-- hopefully will within the next 3 years or so & I would hope for no other kids or minimal kids vs large #'s. CLUB HAL's space on the Amsterdam was very small and IMO there were way too many kids in such a small area. Big difference from other cruise lines that we have been on. BUT I have only been on one HAL cruise-- so not sure how much CLUB HAL varies from ship to ship

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I gather that your cruise is a Collector cruise, combining an 12 and an 18 day cruise...There will be different numbers of kids on each leg. I did a 14 day collector on Westerdam in Feb. and there were 24 kids the first week, and 124 the second. EM

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I believe there were no kids on the Rotterdam similar 32-day cruise last fall; if there were any, it was on the first (14-day) portion. And that's what I expected as normal.

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While I have no objection whatsoever to kids on cruises*, 30 days for a 3 yr old might be pushing it. It will depend on the specifics of your daughter.


Consider the size of your cabin. Will 30 days sleeping in the same room stress any of you? Will your daughter feel cooped up or stir crazy in such small spaces for so long a time? Is she the kind to quietly color and play with dolls, or is she the kind who needs to run, climb and explore?


Does she deal well with separation anxiety and day care arrangements, and will her reaction to your absence be different if you are gone for 1-3 hrs onboard vs. 6 or 7 hrs (or more) in port? Does she sleep well in strange environments? Does she over-stimulate easily? I am not attempting to dissuade you, just suggesting that you give careful thought to the length of the cruise.


*I have cruised with my son for 10 days at age 14 months, and a week at age 5. I would not do the former again, but I would do the latter in a heartbeat.

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Never cruised Hal before only Princess, but we will be on this very same cruise. Now I don't know about the kids program on board, but cann't think that there will be many kids on ship at this time. Last fall at the same time we did a south Pacific for 11 days and there only about dozen kids on board. Having said all this, your little one might get spoiled by people like me who will be missing their grandkids and enjoy having a munchkin on board.

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Wow...that is a huge step cruising for 30 days for both you and your daughter. When our son was 3 he was easy to travel with and I would do it in a heartbeat....only you know how your daughter travels and if you know she will settle in to sleep at night in the same room as you and as long as you have made sure there is in fact a kids club I bet you will all love it. 30 days is a long time if you have only done 8 but as long as you are prepared it will be a great experience. Enjoy it!:)

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It depends on the three year old. My older daughter would have been no problem. My middle daughter would have had people jumping off the Lido deck. My youngest daughter? I'll have to let you know next year when she's three!


I would be more concerned about getting off the ship and leaving my daughter on board. If something happens and for whatever reason you can't get back on that ship, what are you going to do? Especially if both you and your husband are off. That's a big risk.

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No way would I take a 3-year old on a HAL cruise. Not much at all for them compared with more "child friendly" ships. I'd reconsider, personally. I doubt you'll find any other kids on a trip that long, too...most will be on other ships.

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JMHO, but I wouldn't consider it for a variety of reasons. First and most importantly I would never leave my children of any age on the ship while we went touring in ports. Anything can happen and the ship will sail without you. If she's not old enough for you to want her in ports with you, I would not take the cruise. Some things just have to wait until kids are older.


Aside from that, there will be few children on board and no matter how great Club HAL might be when the ship is loaded with kids, it certainly will be scaled down on a cruise like this. Plus she is only 3, which is a far cry from older children enjoying group activities with kids their own age. I would never consider doing this cruise, but maybe that's just me. But you asked for opinions.

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We have placed a deposit on Westerdam, leaving Athens in Oct, 2010 and arriving in Florida 30 days later. We are taking our 3 1/2 yr old daughter and I wondering if this is an appropriate cruise for our family. We are experience cruisers, but never on HAL and never more than 8 days. Are we crazy to do this trip?


We have just come off an 8 day Carnival Cruise, where Camp Carnival was a success for a few hours each day. I'm wondering if the HAL kids program will match the quality of Carnival? I don't want to end up on a cruise with so few kids that the programs don't run or are of lower quality.


Initially we choose HAL because they indicated we could leave our daughter in the kids club, while we went into ports and toured.


Please don't leave her on the ship while you are in port...


It depends on the three year old. My older daughter would have been no problem. My middle daughter would have had people jumping off the Lido deck. My youngest daughter? I'll have to let you know next year when she's three!


I would be more concerned about getting off the ship and leaving my daughter on board. If something happens and for whatever reason you can't get back on that ship, what are you going to do? Especially if both you and your husband are off. That's a big risk.


I cant tell you about the number of children on board, because every ship is different..I know when we did our Trans-atlantics there were only one or two older children on board, but that was several years ago..

However, I bolded the two paragraphs only because I agree with mrsitg & Peaches from Georgia...


I'm retired from the travel business (airlines) & have been all over the world...Have heard & seen many instances where people have been delayed in getting back to their hotel or ship due to public unrest, roads closed, accidents, busses break down etc..Think of your ship as a floating Hotel..

If you are on a HAL tour, normally the Captain of the ship will wait for you in case of delay..However there have been instances when the Captain is required to leave a port by the Port Authorities due to weather or other conditions, not in his control..We heard of one ship which had to leave the Falkland Islands due to a storm & the passengers stayed overnight on the Island..The ship returned the next day to pick them up..

If a ship leaves without those on the tour, the Port Agent takes over & handles the passengers...He might send them to the next port to meet the ship or take them out to meet the ship by boat..

In my opinion, leaving your daughter on the ship while you are in port is taking a large risk..



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Initially we choose HAL because they indicated we could leave our daughter in the kids club, while we went into ports and toured.


I missed this part when I 1st read the OP. I agree with the others- I would not go into ports & leave my children on board in CLUB HAL. We have twin 2yr olds & a 6yr old & have cruised with them and have had wonderful vacations, but would choose alternate vacations or bring grandparents along if we were desiring to go into ports without the kids. DH & I have separated in ports before one with the kids and me for instance going to ANAN for bear watching (DH had no desire & it saved us $800 w/ not having to take the kids along). Most of the time though we just pick port activities that will be enjoyable for all

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What apparently some are missing is that this cruse isn't just sold as a 30-day cruise. My best guess that the OP has booked a 30-day cruise that is also available as a 12-day (Ancient Explorer) and a 18-day (Journey to the New World). While there have been a number a very valid points brought up, there is the possibility of there being more kids on the shorter segments. Now, if it is a good idea for the OP's 3-yr old - I'm not touching that...

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Club HAL does operate even if there are very few children. I've done two HAL transatlantics. There were children on both, there were Club HAL activities on both and kids seemed to be enjoying the cruise on both.

As for missing the ship, that is not common. It only happens, and not often, to people who ignore the time or take chances getting back at the last moment. If parents did miss the ship, they'd probably find a very pampered child when they finally rejoined the cruise.

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I just can't think what pleasure a child of that age would have from a cruise holiday, particularly if you are off on day trips. There are far better choices you could make for a small child. Most kids are happy given a sandy beach, paddling and a bucket & spade. (Plus the freedom to run around as much as they choose.)


I would base your holidays around the child's needs for now - they're not little for very long.

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I just can't think what pleasure a child of that age would have from a cruise holiday, particularly if you are off on day trips. There are far better choices you could make for a small child. Most kids are happy given a sandy beach, paddling and a bucket & spade. (Plus the freedom to run around as much as they choose.)


I would base your holidays around the child's needs for now - they're not little for very long.


Thanks Chrispb - I have been thinking on how to phrase my thoughts on this subject and you have done it exceptionally well - much better than I possibly could have.


A three year old's attention span is in perpetual motion. As Chrispb says, why not consider a shorter vacation based around the child's likes/dislikes/want-to-do's - etc. She is too young for most shore excursions and I would NEVER consider going ashore without her, lest - God forbid - something would happen to you, or worse - to your precious child on board. Kids fall, trip, develop sudden illnesses, etc, and at that tender age, sometimes they just want their mommies!! How traumatic would it be for your daughter if something of that nature were to happen, and you were off on shore someplace...??? And as far as if you were to miss the ship - I can't imagine that a 3-year old would be anything less than terrified if she didn't have her mommy for a day or two...!


Our youngest family member was 6 when she went on her first cruise, and, even at that age, her parents wished they had waited until she was at least 8 years old. Thirty days is a l-o-n-g time for most adults to be cruising - let alone a 3-year old. My opinion only, but I would not choose a cruise of that length with one so small.


I sincerely wish you only the best in whatever you decide. Your daughter is lucky to have such a great mom! :)

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Thanks for all the opinions. You all have reinforced some concerns that I have to the practicality of taking this cruise. At first glance, it seemed like a great idea and we got an exceptional price on a suite. But, now reality has set in and I think it's best of we cancel.

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On our Maasdam repositioning cruise last year there was one three your old girl that was just precious and the only child on board. She instantly had over a thousand doting cruising grandparents and crewmembers. She always seemed happy and was just loving all the attention.

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I'd do this kind of a cruise with a 3 year old but not with a 6 year old. A 3 year old can still be very much amused by her family. An older child would like to mainly play with other children.


But of course no two children are the same. I'm basing my opining looking (and thinking about) at my two cousins children who are a bit older than ours is.


Edit: I see that the cruise has a lot of Mediterranean ports. I would plan the cruise so that there are a minimum amount of "adult shore excursions" and a lot of playtime on the beach etc. for the little one. I still see this totally doable with a 3 year old but...you have to plan your shore excursions accordingly. October can still be quite warm in the Mediterranean. I'd schedule some beach time, zoo visit at least in Malaga, pool time at Funchal etc.


Ps2. We have also a little one. Currently we'd cruise as a family only if we have other members of the family with us (grandparents etc), they truly are a life saver for us and it's a win-win situation: they really like to be with our DD and we (DD and I) get some time for ourselves. And believe me: we are overly cautious of not taking advantage of them so they really are enjoying themselves. :)

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