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Autotipping for infant/baby...leave full tip on bill?!...


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But I have always wanted to ask and didn't want to start a new topic.


What do families do with a crying baby in the middle of the night onboard a ship with the cabin walls so thin? Babys cry, there is no way around it. I just always wanted to know how parents handle this, so as to not disturb other passengers in surrounding staterooms.


Sorry for the OT, but I really am interested. ;)


That's an interesting question. We started cruising with our children when our youngest was 5 so I haven't traveled with a baby in our cabin, but since we travel at peak times we have traveled alongside lots of babies. We have never had a problem with being disturbed by a crying baby.


It has been a long time as our kids are now 16 and 10, but I do seem to recall that by the time they were 6 months old they were pretty much sleeping through the night. It was only when they were younger infants that they woke crying at night. By the time they were 12 months old as the OP's baby is, they were definitely not waking crying at night. I would guess that for many young kids the rocking of the ship would actually be soothing. My kids actually sleep incredibly soundly on our cruises as do I because we love the slight rocking sensation.


I guess if I did have a baby that awoke at night on a cruise, I would do the same things you do to comfort them at home - bottle, pacifier, snuggly blanket, some rocking and TLC, maybe a little walk to calm them. Most parents know what to do to calm their baby back to sleep.

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But I have always wanted to ask and didn't want to start a new topic.


What do families do with a crying baby in the middle of the night onboard a ship with the cabin walls so thin? Babys cry, there is no way around it. I just always wanted to know how parents handle this, so as to not disturb other passengers in surrounding staterooms.


Sorry for the OT, but I really am interested. ;)


Dunno......maybe I was lucky. Mine never cried much. I don't think most do in the middle of the night unless they are sick. Usually if they wake up and fuss a little it's pretty easy to settle them back to sleep unless you let them work up a full head of steam. Of course, I was always one foot out of bed the moment I heard a peep (I'm a light sleeper.)

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But I have always wanted to ask and didn't want to start a new topic.


What do families do with a crying baby in the middle of the night onboard a ship with the cabin walls so thin? Babys cry, there is no way around it. I just always wanted to know how parents handle this, so as to not disturb other passengers in surrounding staterooms.


Sorry for the OT, but I really am interested. ;)


We had infants next to us on RCCL during one of our cruise. The only reason I knew this was because we had a gang of teenagers who were going up and down our hall ringing our door bells. Each time it set the babies off and they would cry (it was bed time). I really felt sorry for the family as they tried their best to quiet the baby and then the door bell would go off again. I was furious with the teenagers and with RCCL as several of us had called to report on these teens and their response was "kids will be kids". The parents of the infants were very apologic but IMO - had no reason to be. After many calls, RCCL finally put security up on our floor.

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Cruisinchick, no, I did not misunderstand. I asked specifically...both of them....and specifically told them that ALL 8 of us at the table had left the autotips on. They both told me (individually) that they would have to turn them in. I've been on over 45 cruises and I thought I understood the tipping system but I was obviously wrong. (And, when you think about it, how would they know what your cabin number was in order to write it on the envelope?).


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But I have always wanted to ask and didn't want to start a new topic.


What do families do with a crying baby in the middle of the night onboard a ship with the cabin walls so thin? Babys cry, there is no way around it. I just always wanted to know how parents handle this, so as to not disturb other passengers in surrounding staterooms.


Sorry for the OT, but I really am interested. ;)


My girl had trouble sleeping through the night for her first year or so due to teething pain. She would wake up almost every night around 2 am or so (which would make me blurry eyed the next day at work). But by the time we finally took her on a cruise, again at 23 months, she was through with most of her teething.


No problem sleeping through the night on her first cruise.


But for the second one at 3 years of age she was occasionally having what's called "night terrors." Every once in a while she would start screaming. Her eyes would be open, but she was really still asleep. Not every kid goes through this stage, but she had this occur about ten times around this age.


We went on her second cruise and a week in Miami and the Keys post cruise. One night she did start screaming around 3am. So hubby and I took her out for a walk outside, all of us still in pajamas. I don't think any of our neighbors were in their room as this was during a college spring break week. We could see many kids up at this time on the beach. They must have started wrapping up the party as a short time after we got back and were trying to sleep, the next room over got very noisy. The party apparently got moved there (and I imagine many of the kids had gang-booked rooms -- say there would be two or three in that room, but more camped out to save money). We had to call the front desk to complain.


I have been at concerts, recitals, plays in which a baby or toddler should have been removed. There's an unwritten rule that when a child starts crying or being otherwise loud, that a parent needs to remove the child so that others aren't being affected. It's common courtesy. At my daughter's last piano recital, a toddler should have been taken out. He was not enjoying it and the kids, including my girl, had to play with this child loudly fussing. Not fair to the performers. And at her school play in December, one parent obviously didn't understand that her crying baby needed to leave the auditorium. The kids had been rehearsing an average of seven hours a week, some weeks they even had Saturday rehearsals. The play was being videotaped for sale. Definitely not considerate.


This is not to say that kids shouldn't be exposed to the arts at an early age. We took ours to a Blues Clues Live a month before her first cruise, took her to the big production show on the cruise, which she loved. She's been to grownup type of concerts (Diana Krall at age 7, Leon Russell at age 11). I'm doing the publicity for the next school play, emphasizing it's for the whole family (but hoping parents realize that babies aren't in that target audience) so that kids in the community can get a taste of theater.


Cruisinchick, no, I did not misunderstand. I asked specifically...both of them....and specifically told them that ALL 8 of us at the table had left the autotips on. They both told me (individually) that they would have to turn them in. I've been on over 45 cruises and I thought I understood the tipping system but I was obviously wrong. (And, when you think about it, how would they know what your cabin number was in order to write it on the envelope?).



I'm still thinking that he meant he had to turn in the money so they could check against the autotip list -- that is the standard procedure as far as I know. Just because a passenger says they've kept on the tip doesn't mean they haven't or intend to make a trip to the passenger services desk by the last night. If you were at traditional dining, they have your cabin number. Not sure how it works for anytime (does the maitre'd type in your cabin number and what table you're sitting at? Perhaps).


But after the list is checked, that extra tip money you gave is to be returned to the crew member. So again, there wasn't a need to slip him the tip in secret.

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I have been on two cruises now with little kids. One when my son was 3 and my daughter was 6 months, and just last week with my son now 5 and my daughter 2 1/2. Two things to comment about...


1. I found that because I traveled with a 6 month old we didn't get to go to dinner as often as we liked. We made the mistake of doing the assigned seating restaurant and didn't know until the 2nd to the last day that we could switch to anytime dining. Unfortunately we only made it to one dinner (other than the occasional trip to the buffet) because either the baby needed to sleep, or the 3 year old wasn't in the mood to go out. That sucked. Our cruise last week went much better, we made it to most of the dinners but the last few...the kids were just done with cruising!


2. As for crying in the cabins. My 6 month old was a horrible sleeper, yet I never received a complaint or was told that they could hear her cry. On this last cruise, now that she is 2 1/2, I did hear that one neighbor could hear her when she had her afternoon fit just before nap time. Her lungs are much bigger now and she can hit those high notes like you wouldn't believe! I think though there are so many noises on the ship, vibrations, squeakes and creaks that a muffled baby cry doesn't bother most.

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I have been on two cruises now with little kids. One when my son was 3 and my daughter was 6 months, and just last week with my son now 5 and my daughter 2 1/2. Two things to comment about...


1. I found that because I traveled with a 6 month old we didn't get to go to dinner as often as we liked. We made the mistake of doing the assigned seating restaurant and didn't know until the 2nd to the last day that we could switch to anytime dining. Unfortunately we only made it to one dinner (other than the occasional trip to the buffet) because either the baby needed to sleep, or the 3 year old wasn't in the mood to go out. That sucked. Our cruise last week went much better, we made it to most of the dinners but the last few...the kids were just done with cruising!


2. As for crying in the cabins. My 6 month old was a horrible sleeper, yet I never received a complaint or was told that they could hear her cry. On this last cruise, now that she is 2 1/2, I did hear that one neighbor could hear her when she had her afternoon fit just before nap time. Her lungs are much bigger now and she can hit those high notes like you wouldn't believe! I think though there are so many noises on the ship, vibrations, squeakes and creaks that a muffled baby cry doesn't bother most.


I would have to disagree on that one-anyone having a crying fit in the cabin next to mine would bother me, as well as loud drunk people, etc..the cabin walls are very thin.

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I hate the auto tip. It is your money and at the end of the cruise if you feel that the service your received deserves the full tip, then by all means leave it. If it is better...give more; worse...give less. The staff receives a salary, if it is not enough then Princess needs to raise the cruise prices and pay their staff so that these popcorn threads need not exist. With that being said, nobody is forced into working there. They accept the salary and know that tips are dependent on the quality of service (or at least should be). There should be no such thing as an automatic tip. I was a waitress for a long time so I am sympathetic to service personnel, but I made sure my customer was happy and well served because my tip was based on that service...not some automatic payout for just breathing and putting food in front of people. We just got off the Grand Princess and for the first time I reduced my tips. The wait staff in the dinning room were just horrible. I know I will get some snarky responses, but I refused to pay $300.00 for bad service. I filled out "you made a difference cards" on everyone that did a great job, but complained to the Maitrd about the service in the dinning room and the buffet (again first time ever). The service was so poor that we are now going to look for a different cruise line to try out after being very loyal to Princess for a long time. We still love Princess BTW.

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I hate the auto tip. It is your money and at the end of the cruise if you feel that the service your received deserves the full tip, then by all means leave it. If it is better...give more; worse...give less.

It is a discretionary hotel and service charge not an autotip. Since it is discretionary you can do what you want with it. Hating it seems pointless since all you have to do is remove it and tip as you like avoiding the need to spend hours moaning about it.

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I hate the auto tip. It is your money and at the end of the cruise if you feel that the service your received deserves the full tip, then by all means leave it. If it is better...give more; worse...give less. The staff receives a salary, if it is not enough then Princess needs to raise the cruise prices and pay their staff so that these popcorn threads need not exist. With that being said, nobody is forced into working there. They accept the salary and know that tips are dependent on the quality of service (or at least should be). There should be no such thing as an automatic tip. I was a waitress for a long time so I am sympathetic to service personnel, but I made sure my customer was happy and well served because my tip was based on that service...not some automatic payout for just breathing and putting food in front of people. We just got off the Grand Princess and for the first time I reduced my tips. The wait staff in the dinning room were just horrible. I know I will get some snarky responses, but I refused to pay $300.00 for bad service. I filled out "you made a difference cards" on everyone that did a great job, but complained to the Maitrd about the service in the dinning room and the buffet (again first time ever). The service was so poor that we are now going to look for a different cruise line to try out after being very loyal to Princess for a long time. We still love Princess BTW.


Are you saying that your room steward didn't deserve $3.50 a day for what he/she in cleaning your room each day. Also, through out the day, the wait staff didn't do $3.50 worth of work for you?


Even locally, more and more restaurants where I live are attaching an 18% tip automatically to meals. I can't think the last time I tipped just $3.50 per person at a local restaurant for a 4 course meal. Let alone a whole day of eating out.


Waitstaff in the US make far more then waiters on cruise ships and I still tip them well as their hourly rate is extremely minimal.

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I just logged in to CC tonight, and I see there are a lot of posts since my last one! So, I don't think I will be able to respond to everything that was posted! :)


Coral and Mytime: The whole "fire" thing definitely provided some interesting "engagement" stories! We've celebrated a couple anniversaries since then, and I think the stress from the fire prepared us well!


MHMarkL: LOL....I hope your mother doesn't charge interest....you'll be in some big trouble!


To everyone: My wife and I continue to read all of your posts, so thanks for sharing so much information/opinions! No one's opinion is "wrong", and we enjoy reading all your thoughts.


JLDMED: I appreciate your opinion, and I'm sure that cruising with a baby will be a completely different experience than cruising with just the 2 of us. We know that we could do more "adult" things that Princess has to offer if we cruise alone, and I'm sure we would have a great time. However, we know that we will have an even better time with our baby. With such busy jobs + daycare, we already feel like we don't get to spend enough time with our baby, so what better idea than to take a cruise....away from the daily responsibilities and distractions at home (and away from the cell phone!)....with just the 3 of us? We know that our baby will grow up fast, so why not take some time out of our busy schedules to bond as a family? This is our goal.....it doesn't matter to us that our baby will probably not recall anything from the cruise. We feel it will be well worth it for the 3 of us to simply experience something fun and enjoyable together. And, although our baby may not remember it, seeing our baby splash happily for 5 minutes in the clear waters of the Caribbean will be far more valuable to us than spending an entire cruise without baby. So.....that's why we want this to be a family-of-3 vacation! :)


So, this brings me to another question:


To anyone who previously cruised with babies/small children (I know a lot of you posted in this thread already), did you ever feel that you would have had more fun with just your significant other? Or, did you feel that cruising as a family provided a great bonding experience that you could never get during your busy lives at home?



We took our two young grandchildren (5 & 3) on our Ruby cruise last year and we all thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The excitement on their faces at each new experience was not to be missed and we hope to do a repeat cruise holiday in a couple of years time and this time include our new baby grand-daughter :D


Although these are our grandchildren, why on earth would any parent prefer to leave their child at home while they enjoy a holiday. When you have children, you are no longer a couple, but a family, and while they are still so dependent on their parents, I could not imagine leaving a small child at home while I went on vacation.


Everyone on board made such a fuss of our two grandchildren and thoroughly deserved the auto-tips.

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..if it is not enough then Princess needs to raise the cruise prices and pay their staff so that these popcorn threads need not exist....


I'm sure that Princess does things the way they do as part of a well-researched business plan. Cruisers, I'm sure, are more likely to book a cruise that has a lower rate....because, mentally, most of us don't really think about the additional autotips at booking time! :)

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Are you saying that your room steward didn't deserve $3.50 a day for what he/she in cleaning your room each day. Also, through out the day, the wait staff didn't do $3.50 worth of work for you?


Even locally, more and more restaurants where I live are attaching an 18% tip automatically to meals. I can't think the last time I tipped just $3.50 per person at a local restaurant for a 4 course meal. Let alone a whole day of eating out.


Waitstaff in the US make far more then waiters on cruise ships and I still tip them well as their hourly rate is extremely minimal.


Yep, that is exactly what I am saying.

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My 1-1/2 YO DGD learned how to wave, walk up stairs and bond with her cousins. All three kids were made to feel special by the crew. Hugs, high fives and food waiting on the table when they walked into the restaurant. Tips were left on for all kids and more was given. It was well worth the money. The kids eat, someone prepares that, cleans up after that. The baby sleeps, plays and poops and again someone cleans up or around that. Baby stuff takes up room. The cabins looked like bombs went off in them and yet our room steward cleaned around that.


As for having a crying baby in the next cabin, once the sliding door is closed, we could no longer hear it. Babies cry, it happens. As a parent and grandparent I understand that. As long as the parents are trying to control it, it doesn't bother me. That includes removing them if necessary.

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Amazing, people have no problem paying 5-7 dollars for coffee from Starbucks, plus bottle water on a daily basis but complain about paying $10.50 for a tip on a cruise ship.


People are also not complaining about the tip that is automatically added to every single drink you purchase on board the ship.

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So, this brings me to another question:


To anyone who previously cruised with babies/small children (I know a lot of you posted in this thread already), did you ever feel that you would have had more fun with just your significant other? Or, did you feel that cruising as a family provided a great bonding experience that you could never get during your busy lives at home?

Well....ours was a family cruise with a total of 11 members, so leaving the baby was not considered as a possibility as all the other family members who could have watched her were on the ship. The good part about that is the occasional babysitters were built-in, and there was time to go to a show or get a short time alone. On the other hand, being parents meant the vast majority of our time was not our own and was spent on baby-stuff; keeping her clean, fed, safe and occupied.


IMO, it was not much different than being at home, and there was less 'vacation' aspect to it than when we cruised as a couple. Yes, we had gorgeous scenery, and a nice mini-suite, and nobody had to cook, but there was no change of basic routine, no luxuriating on the balcony all morning, and our time schedule was determined by her needs not ours (thank goodness for Anytime Dining!). We DID get some respite in the evenings, but everyone else had their own desires onboard and at port too, so Mom and Dad did 99% of the childcare.


That said, I think it really depends on what you want (or think you want) to accomplish by going on this cruise. It will not be like the romantic cruises you have had in the past, but that does not mean it will necessarily be disappointing. Just be aware that it will be Different than what you have experienced in the past. I honestly don't think the cruise made a difference one way or the other as far as family bonding. That happens regardless of where you are. Yes, cruising as a couple is more 'fun' without the responsibilities of parenthood. But, when you have children your life changes, and your vacations change, too. It is not better, or worse, it is just different.


You can go to the Family Board and read all sorts of advise on how to cope with a baby and get a good idea of what sort of expectations are realistic (or not:) )when cruising with a small child. In the end, the decision has to be up to you and your wife, but as long as you are prepared with realistic expectations you will have a fine time.

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I have not read this whole tread but I went up to the Purser and asked them to remove the 10.50 per day for my child. No questions asked.

If you are on a budget and are buying all the extras (Ultimiate Soda Card is wonderful!!) then tip what you feel is appropriate I gave my room steward extra at the end anyway.

The kids club people get paid!! They are wonderful also!!


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I have not read this whole tread but I went up to the Purser and asked them to remove the 10.50 per day for my child. No questions asked.

If you are on a budget and are buying all the extras (Ultimiate Soda Card is wonderful!!) then tip what you feel is appropriate I gave my room steward extra at the end anyway.

The kids club people get paid!! They are wonderful also!!



Your post doesn't make any sense to me. Why would you be buying "all the extras" if you are on a budget?


Sounds to me like you're saying you spend your money "buying all the extras" and not tipping the hard-working crew and staff.


BTW, money from the "extras" does not go to them.

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Well....ours was a family cruise with a total of 11 members, so leaving the baby was not considered as a possibility as all the other family members who could have watched her were on the ship. The good part about that is the occasional babysitters were built-in, and there was time to go to a show or get a short time alone. On the other hand, being parents meant the vast majority of our time was not our own and was spent on baby-stuff; keeping her clean, fed, safe and occupied.


IMO, it was not much different than being at home, and there was less 'vacation' aspect to it than when we cruised as a couple. Yes, we had gorgeous scenery, and a nice mini-suite, and nobody had to cook, but there was no change of basic routine, no luxuriating on the balcony all morning, and our time schedule was determined by her needs not ours (thank goodness for Anytime Dining!). We DID get some respite in the evenings, but everyone else had their own desires onboard and at port too, so Mom and Dad did 99% of the childcare.


That said, I think it really depends on what you want (or think you want) to accomplish by going on this cruise. It will not be like the romantic cruises you have had in the past, but that does not mean it will necessarily be disappointing. Just be aware that it will be Different than what you have experienced in the past. I honestly don't think the cruise made a difference one way or the other as far as family bonding. That happens regardless of where you are. Yes, cruising as a couple is more 'fun' without the responsibilities of parenthood. But, when you have children your life changes, and your vacations change, too. It is not better, or worse, it is just different.


This post was exactly how it was for me too!! No romance but a lot of fun with the kids. I think once my kids are old enough to go to the kids area more, then we will have more time for special dinners or time alone. Until then though I will continue to enjoy vacations with my little ones! :)

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I have not read this whole tread but I went up to the Purser and asked them to remove the 10.50 per day for my child. No questions asked.

If you are on a budget and are buying all the extras (Ultimiate Soda Card is wonderful!!) then tip what you feel is appropriate I gave my room steward extra at the end anyway.

The kids club people get paid!! They are wonderful also!!



Kris, Do read the thread. There are a few very nice detailed posts that explain how babies get a lot of extra services on board, actually more in some cases than an adult passenger. ;)

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Kris, If you bought the Ultimate Soda Card you paid 15% "tip" as part of the cost. Even on lines that advertise "free infants under 2" the small print says that port fees and taxes are to be paid. It is the cruise fee that is waived for infant. You could argue that a 2year old who is not potty trained (thus can not go in pool or programs) should not be charged like the 4 yo who goes to kid's programs but that is the way it is.


I feel sorry for solo cruisers. We just booked a cruise for 2 in OV for Canada for X$. Our cousin who is traveling with us in her own cabin will have to pay 2X$ + $24 more. Her cost is more than for the 2 of us in a lower category. Now that hurts! Happy for our good price but sorry for her.


Kris I do think that you are not comfortable with taking off the tips because you know that it is not the right thing to do. It does not matter what "someone" from this board says it is just opinion. Perhaps you could do with a plain soda card instead of the Ultimate (or oh my try drinking water! -- from a bottle you brought from home and refill ) and put that money towards the baby's tip. You would be irate if baby was not allowed in your room or in DR because Baby is not a passenger. Grow up and pay the price of having another person in your family -- it only gets more expensive as time goes by. :rolleyes:

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Are you saying that your room steward didn't deserve $3.50 a day for what he/she in cleaning your room each day. Also, through out the day, the wait staff didn't do $3.50 worth of work for you?


Even locally, more and more restaurants where I live are attaching an 18% tip automatically to meals. I can't think the last time I tipped just $3.50 per person at a local restaurant for a 4 course meal. Let alone a whole day of eating out.


Waitstaff in the US make far more then waiters on cruise ships and I still tip them well as their hourly rate is extremely minimal.


Can anyone explain to me what the $800 cruise fare for the baby is actually for? Same with all our cruise fares; what is the large initial charge actually for if not service of any kind? Is it just for the cabin and fuel and all professionals' salaries?


We pay up because that's what you have to do if you want to cruise, but I'm still wondering why we pay SO much more than a land holiday to cruise then still have to pay for services we receive.

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