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Does anyone else feel bad for some of the workers?


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I think the number of rude/obnoxious passengers is exceeded by those of us who treat the crew with the respect they deserve. It is a tough job they have chosen. I feel sorry for the rude/obnoxious people their lives must just be miserable in order for them to treat others that way. I cringe when I hear someone refer to their room steward as their "cabin boy" :mad:. I would love to say something to them, but it would just be a waste of my time.
Some should remember the crews job is do their best to "serve" and are not "servants". When you typed about wanting to comment to rude passenger, I couldn't but think of what Molly Brown may have said in the Titanic movie.. If I am irked that much by a rude person, I like to speak with my DH loud enough for them to overhear my opinion of what they said or did...

someimtes I realize that political correctness did not always exist, and my elders often use ethnic terms once so commonplace that are no longer acceptable.

Guess it is like stewardess vs flight attendant

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Some should remember the crews job is do their best to "serve" and are not "servants". When you typed about wanting to comment to rude passenger, I couldn't but think of what Molly Brown may have said in the Titanic movie.. If I am irked that much by a rude person, I like to speak with my DH loud enough for them to overhear my opinion of what they said or did...

someimtes I realize that political correctness did not always exist, and my elders often use ethnic terms once so commonplace that are no longer acceptable.

Guess it is like stewardess vs flight attendant


I am not entirely sure that the majority of the crew have the depth of understanding of the English language to understand the nuances. It is how you treat them- with respect or as lessor forms of life- that makes the difference. But I tend to find that people who are rude to the staff aren't very polite to anyone- ever tried fighting your way onto an elevator with some of those who are unpleasant to the staff?

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Very funny but also terrible manners from a child who should not be scolding an adult. Even if she deserved it. If my child had done that I would have been mortified.


In the mind of a small child , who has obviously been sent to bed without dessert because he was not nice, he figures if its grounds for punishment for him, it should be grounds for punishment for the old bag poking people with a cane.

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I don't like rude people...in fact, i cant stand them...however....

if anyone is unhappy with their job, they can always move on to something else.


btw, if i witness meanies, bullies, rudies (my ds-6 calls them) i don't have a problem speaking up or saying i'm sorry for the others' bad behavior.


but yep, it's a tough industry (customer service) and if you can't handle the heat, better stay out of the kitchen. no that that's an excuse for it.

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In the mind of a small child , who has obviously been sent to bed without dessert because he was not nice, he figures if its grounds for punishment for him, it should be grounds for punishment for the old bag poking people with a cane.


Children should simply not chastise adults. Whatever they may think. I certainly understand how a child might think that but a child capable of working that out is old enough to have learned that they do not scold adult. It is simply not their place.

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i remember a few years ago we were flying into miami and our plane was delayed so we missed our connecting flight in philly.So we go to the customer service desk to wait in line for a new flight with everyone else . after about 90 min of waiting it was our turn . we politely asked the woman at the desk if she could get us on a flight to miami as we were to board a cruise by 4 pm. she said i'm sorry we have no more flights for miami today. to make a long story shorter . they put us up in a hotel in philly that night flew us 1st class to jamacia the next morning to wait for our ship and paid for everything while we were there. the wonderful lady at the desk said to us "you two are the first people not to come up here screaming at me . thank you " oh and it was our honeymoon cruise:D


I had something similar happen a few years ago. Three days of rain had left tons of flight delays all over the east coast. We were flying out the night before our cruise and sure enough, delayed. We knew we would miss our connection. Waited in line and listened to people berate the agents over the weather. When they told me there were no flights available that would get us there in time for the cruise the next day, I was heartbroken. She asked us to think about booking flights to meet our ship in Cozumel three days later. I went back and talked to my DH, cried a bit, got myself together and went back up to the desk.


I don't know what happened when I got up there, but they tried and tried and could find no flights anywhere that would work, even to alternate airports. The lady asked me to wait a minute longer and someone who looked like a supervisor came up. They went to the back of the counter and there was much whispering behind hands and pointing to the computer. She came back, typed a few things in, and told us we were now confirmed on a 6am flight the next morning that if all went well, would have us in Florida by 10am in plenty of time to make the cruise. I can't prove it, but to this day I suspect they bumped someone to get us on those flights.

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Children should simply not chastise adults. Whatever they may think. I certainly understand how a child might think that but a child capable of working that out is old enough to have learned that they do not scold adult. It is simply not their place.


Why not? I'm going to be "that guy". In this case, the disagreement was between two children. Some people leave the same way they came in. Actually, I'm not sure a young child would act that way.


The kid was just saying what everyone else was thinking it and probably handled it better than an adult would.

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Why not? I'm going to be "that guy". In this case, the disagreement was between two children. Some people leave the same way they came in. Actually, I'm not sure a young child would act that way.


The kid was just saying what everyone else was thinking it and probably handled it better than an adult would.


Perhaps old fashioned manners. Just simply not done. Not in my world anyway.

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Perhaps old fashioned manners. Just simply not done. Not in my world anyway.


Yeah, I agree, everyone should just stand there and let an octogenarian child abuse the staff. ;) Looks like if the kid didn't speak up, that's exactly what would have happened.

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Children should simply not chastise adults. Whatever they may think. I certainly understand how a child might think that but a child capable of working that out is old enough to have learned that they do not scold adult. It is simply not their place.


Even tho I think the old lady deserved to be taken down a peg or two and yes it was hard not to laugh. But at the same time I also would have scolded my child for talking to an adult that way. And looking at the parents faces I'm sure the little boy was going to get a talking to when they went back to their cabin. But yet there was that little part of me that wanted to tell the little boy, good job!. :rolleyes:

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It is their choice to work on a cruise ship and the income they make is much more than they could earn in their home countries so I do not fell sorry for them. Even hospital professionals are often treated with little respect by some people. It's an entitled attitude that some people express when they have the opportunity.

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Why not? I'm going to be "that guy". In this case, The kid was just saying what everyone else was thinking it and probably handled it better than an adult would.


Even tho I think the old lady deserved to be taken down a peg or two and yes it was hard not to laugh. But at the same time I also would have scolded my child for talking to an adult that way. And looking at the parents faces I'm sure the little boy was going to get a talking to when they went back to their cabin. But yet there was that little part of me that wanted to tell the little boy, good job!. :rolleyes:


That old fart had it coming. I hate when the elderly think they can do whatever because of their age. I would not dare to disrespect my elders, but please! Can't we all have respect for one another, regardless of age, rank, or size of bank account?

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Perhaps old fashioned manners. Just simply not done. Not in my world anyway.


And that is why the pedophiles had a field day and got away with it for so many years . How dare a child make such a horrible accusation about such a fine upstanding adult. PLEASE.

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And that is why the pedophiles had a field day and got away with it for so many years . How dare a child make such a horrible accusation about such a fine upstanding adult. PLEASE.


nah...that is not what waldos is saying....the way I read it is that the kid felt he had the right and/or authority..because he is the only one with manners in his mind... to go over to the old person and correct them. when in fact, the kid had no place at all in this situation...but felt he was qualified/authorized...and dare I say it...better than most....and was perfectly justified in telling the old person that they were wrong and rude.


It was an adult's place..if at all...to set the woman straight about her attitude...



Personally...I don't think anyone needed to say a word to her....she and everyone involved knew she was being crotchety....


a simple rolling of the eyes to the waiter..by the adult witnesses ...would have been enough to let the waiter know that everyone felt his pain...



That kid is going to be dealing with bullies at school...that is for sure.....as they will sniff him out...

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nah...that is not what waldos is saying....the way I read it is that the kid felt he had the right and/or authority..because he is the only one with manners in his mind... to go over to the old person and correct them. when in fact, the kid had no place at all in this situation...but felt he was qualified/authorized...and dare I say it...better than most....and was perfectly justified in telling the old person that they were wrong and rude.


It was an adult's place..if at all...to set the woman straight about her attitude...



Personally...I don't think anyone needed to say a word to her....she and everyone involved knew she was being crotchety....


a simple rolling of the eyes to the waiter..by the adult witnesses ...would have been enough to let the waiter know that everyone felt his pain...



That kid is going to be dealing with bullies at school...that is for sure.....as they will sniff him out...


I don't think a child that young thought it that far through. He has obviously been taught the consequences of being mean by his parents (going to bed with no dessert). and in his mind being mean is being mean now matter how old you are) and as a matter of fact he is right.


So just let the old lady be a nasty old thing??????? Sorry no.


She has probably lived her whole life that way and never had someone tell her "knock it off" , "Shut up" , "NO" "Don't Do that" or "You're not nice"

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Anybody who works in the service industry will have to put up with this....anybody. You can work in a grocery store, the mall, walmart and you will encounter the rudest of the rude. I have worked in customer service and people are simply not nice...that is probably why I work with a rescue league (volunteer) to help the animals...I much prefer animals to people anymore.


However, those who work in the service industry completely expect this...and it isn't every single person who is rude...but many, many of them. You don't take it personally though - at least I never did. And one other thing - you can get rude people working in the service industry as well...that's no fun either!

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Anybody who works in the service industry will have to put up with this....anybody. You can work in a grocery store, the mall, walmart and you will encounter the rudest of the rude. I have worked in customer service and people are simply not nice...that is probably why I work with a rescue league (volunteer) to help the animals...I much prefer animals to people anymore.


However, those who work in the service industry completely expect this...and it isn't every single person who is rude...but many, many of them. You don't take it personally though - at least I never did.



Oh my heart will go out to an animal long before half of the dopes I have to deal with every day for the past 27 years at work.

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i'm a bit confounded. these individuals chose this profession, can quit any time, and we are supposed to feel bad for them.


i guess no, not for them, sewer workers, or even teachers. i am still thinking before someone hires you, you apply for that job. and when you choose to move on, you quit, and look for another one.


I agree with you to a point. However, some people are doing a job because it may be the only job they can get, most of these folks are from other countries where jobs may be hard to come by. It's similar to living in a very rural area - you take what you can get.


I don't feel bad for them though, because yes - they did 'choose' to do the job even though it may have been the one opportunity they had. But as far as just working something and moving on - easier said than done especially in this day and age.

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And that is why the pedophiles had a field day and got away with it for so many years . How dare a child make such a horrible accusation about such a fine upstanding adult. PLEASE.


There is a world of difference in these two situations.

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I don't think a child that young thought it that far through. He has obviously been taught the consequences of being mean by his parents (going to bed with no dessert). and in his mind being mean is being mean now matter how old you are) and as a matter of fact he is right.


So just let the old lady be a nasty old thing??????? Sorry no.


She has probably lived her whole life that way and never had someone tell her "knock it off" , "Shut up" , "NO" "Don't Do that" or "You're not nice"


you are corrrect..that kid didn't and couldn't think it thru...but obviously he felt that he had the right to but in where he had no place.....and as I said prior...I don't even think adults had a right to but in either....


seriously...why should anyone have gotten involved? At most..a simple.."Ok, now..let's stop this nonsense and let the waiter do his job" would have been more than appropriate.


There is a time and place for interference.....and unless the waiter was screaming for help...then why should anyone in the general vicinity be anything more than plain old mortified at the old woman's actions?



Again...if he were screaming for help...OK..of course get involved...but in this case...since the adults knew that it wasn't their place to get involved...as there was no need to get involved....that kid's parents should have kept him at his own table...and that kid...regardless of age...should have kept his mouth shut....as he was not involved/hurt/being molested...he was just a snotty little kid...who felt he had a right to get involved...when he wasn't part of the scenario one bit.


It doesn't take a genius to realize that this kid is just a 6yo version of what his father/mother must be like.


Finally...of course the old woman should not have acted out either...but we can't control her personality.....and as we have all realized by now...anyone can cruise....and this old woman may be one of those very reasons that we should be very diligent with how much freedom we give young kids on a ship....


I would hate to see her reaction if a 10 yo got on the elevator before her.....this is the kind of person who would think nothing of hitting the kid with her cane....and for the parents that actually post that it is ok for another pax to reprimand their kids...would you really want this woman near your kid?

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you are corrrect..that kid didn't and couldn't think it thru...but obviously he felt that he had the right to but in where he had no place.....and as I said prior...I don't even think adults had a right to but in either....


seriously...why should anyone have gotten involved? At most..a simple.."Ok, now..let's stop this nonsense and let the waiter do his job" would have been more than appropriate.


There is a time and place for interference.....and unless the waiter was screaming for help...then why should anyone in the general vicinity be anything more than plain old mortified at the old woman's actions?



Again...if he were screaming for help...OK..of course get involved...but in this case...since the adults knew that it wasn't their place to get involved...as there was no need to get involved....that kid's parents should have kept him at his own table...and that kid...regardless of age...should have kept his mouth shut....as he was not involved/hurt/being molested...he was just a snotty little kid...who felt he had a right to get involved...when he wasn't part of the scenario one bit.


It doesn't take a genius to realize that this kid is just a 6yo version of what his father/mother must be like.


Finally...of course the old woman should not have acted out either...but we can't control her personality.....and as we have all realized by now...anyone can cruise....and this old woman may be one of those very reasons that we should be very diligent with how much freedom we give young kids on a ship....


I would hate to see her reaction if a 10 yo got on the elevator before her.....this is the kind of person who would think nothing of hitting the kid with her cane....and for the parents that actually post that it is ok for another pax to reprimand their kids...would you really want this woman near your kid?



What really bothers me about seeing someone mistreat any service worker is they have the upper hand , and they know it. They can bully all they want and the poor worker has to grin and bear it if they want to keep their job.


I have it on good authority (my 82 yr old mother) that a lot little old ladies especially get away with murder . They can yell and insult and poke with the cane all they want , but if the young strapping waiter opens a mouth he is the disrespectful A-hole. "How rude" "What if that was his grandmother" "I can't believe they would hire such a person"


I can't stand a bully no matter who it is

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What really bothers me about seeing someone mistreat any service worker is they have the upper hand , and they know it. They can bully all they want and the poor worker has to grin and bear it if they want to keep their job.


I have it on good authority (my 82 yr old mother) that a lot little old ladies especially get away with murder . They can yell and insult and poke with the cane all they want , but if the young strapping waiter opens a mouth he is the disrespectful A-hole. "How rude" "What if that was his grandmother" "I can't believe they would hire such a person"


I can't stand a bully no matter who it is


we agree the old lady was a bully..no doubt..and probably losing it as well.....however, as adults we know to expect that from others and/or the elderly at times..because we are adults....and sometimes we argue with others in public and sometimes we don't....because we have years of experience behind us.....


and as a parent you also know that there are many kinds of kids out there......and you are most likely especially aware of the irritating ones who are just little replicas of their parents.....


IMHO..that is this kid.....and while the old lady was obnoxious...the post did mention something about those around her just staying silent...as probably that was a smart move...but the kid....honestly...just as irritating as the old lady....and had no place saying anything to her...


as I posted before...the old lady is a major reason to not let kids loose on the ship...no telling what she would do if a kid mouthed off to her.....and face it..in that woman's state of mind....she would think that kid mouthed off to her.....regardless of whatever his point was in telling her she was wrong.

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Hey like one poster said, most of us are just looking to get along. There are miserable cretans out there, and I've learned that those that are rotten in their 20-50's don't turn into fine wine as they get older.


But really, the miserable out there - yah - they try to spread 'the wealth', but just imagine! They have to live in that skull 24/7! That's almost funny!:D

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