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Getting ready for Hawaii Time Zone, help!


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Has anyone recently been to Hawaii from the East Coast?


So what is the best way to get ready for the huge "time zone" difference between Virginia and Hawaii???


I am having a hard time wrapping my brain around this. LOL!

Does anyone have any suggestions about preparing ourselves [body and mind] for the time difference? :confused:

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We do the three hours (Mountain) and our friends do four hours (Central) all the time. Not so hard to do going East to West. Just try to sleep a little on the plane, drink lots of water, and when you arrive in Hawaii, just go to bed at a reasonable hour, and you should adjust really easily!


It just gets fun while we are there in January. Hard to get used to football games in the morning, or very early afternoon.



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Has anyone recently been to Hawaii from the East Coast?


So what is the best way to get ready for the huge "time zone" difference between Virginia and Hawaii???


I am having a hard time wrapping my brain around this. LOL!

Does anyone have any suggestions about preparing ourselves [body and mind] for the time difference? :confused:

I don't have an answer for you, but could have used one myself. We just came back to NJ Sunday night. Arriving in Honolulu 2 weeks ago, the only problem we had was for the first few days we were waking up between 2:00 and 3:00 AM, but it didn't put a crimp in our day, and actually gave us more time to revel and marvel at being in Hawaii. Walking on the beach at 3:00 in the morning is an amazing experience. By the fifth day we'd transitioned to waking up between 6:00 and 7:00 AM, so everything was good.


Being back home for the last few days, however, has been maddening. We're tired during the day and can't sleep at night. It's torture. I can't wait for the weekend so I can have the opportunity for my body to readjust.

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i have found that the easiest or hardest way depending on how you look at it is to try and power through that first day and stay up until the time you would normally go to sleep in your normal time zone and then get up at the same time you usually get up. This works for us and we are adjusted within one day

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The best thing is to live (eat, sleep, etc.) in the time zone in which you are currently in, i.e., don't go to bed when you are tired (or normally would be sleeping) instead go to bed when the time zone clock says it is time to sleep. It will take some getting use to but it works for me. Good luck

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The best thing is to live (eat, sleep, etc.) in the time zone in which you are currently in...


To me this means that when you get on the plane, change your watch to the time of your destination and start acting like it's that time. From west to east, do the same plus take melatonin, the natural sleep hormone available at any drug store to help you reset your body clock. It seems to help me get adjusted fairly:confused: soon.

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THANK YOU all so very much for the quick and useful responses!!

I think setting my watch (for visual reminding) to Hawaii's Time Zone is a terrific idea!


Adventures Ahead: I've heard of " melatonin " but have never tried it or know of anyone who has. I wonder if it's available in the States over the counter as in Canada.

Stupid question, but can you have a Mai Tai while taking it, lol?


Onomatopeia: Did you write a review on your cruise? Any little secrets on the ship since you just returned?

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Onomatopeia: Did you write a review on your cruise? Any little secrets on the ship since you just returned?

I'm in the process of writing my review now. It's long. I actually have lots of tips from my 2 weeks in Hawaii, mostly on how to save money. My wife and I are quite active, so some of my recommendations won't be for everyone, but I'll give you one that I posted in a different thread two days ago.


As you probably know, the cruise lines, including NCL, offer excursions for a price. This is not new; everyone does it. Here is just one example of where my wife and I saved money on an excursion:


My wife and I almost booked the "Lahaina on your own" excursion through NCL. After checking out the price NCL charged for a couple ($60), we both agreed it was ridiculous.


Anyway, during breakfast that morning, our waitress overheard our conversation and gave us what turned out to be a great tip: There are free shuttles at the pier that will take you to the Queen Ka'ahumanu shopping center, which is approximately a 10 minute ride. When you arrive at the shopping center, make a beeline straight through the mall until you reach Macy's. Go through Macy's and out the back door to the city bus stop. Every few minutes one of the local public transportation buses will arrive. Take the #20 bus, which will take you to Lahaina. And get this, the bus ride costs $2! That's right. Two bucks, as opposed to the $60 NCL charges.


One caveat to consider before taking my advice: The #20 is a city bus and, as such, makes many stops along the way to Lahaina to pick up and drop off commuters. But if you can deal with taking a little longer to get to Lahaina than the Polynesian/NCL tour buses, you will save a lot of money. Another advantage to taking the #20 bus to Lahaina is your time is truly your own. You can stay in Lahaina as long or short as you want. When you're done, just walk over to the bus stop and catch the next #20 bus that comes along back to Queen Ka'ahumanu shopping center in Kahului, and wait for the next shuttle back to the pier.


This was not the only great deal we found during our trip. In fact, we saved so much money managing most of our activities ourselves that we are absolutely shocked that NCL gets away with charging what they do for their excursions.

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I've heard of " melatonin " but have never tried it or know of anyone who has. I wonder if it's available in the States over the counter as in Canada. Stupid question, but can you have a Mai Tai while taking it, lol?


Yes, it's available over the counter in both Canada and the US. You take one at night for five nights in a row. I gave the rest of mine away to a friend (so can't read the fine print) but google has mixed reviews on whether or not you can take it with alcohol. It may depend on if you're taking other medications. I usually don't drink daily after vacation so it's not been an issue for me. Since it's a natural hormone, it makes sense that you wouldn't want to mess too much with Mother Nature or it may not have the desired effect. Taken as directed, for west to east travel, it may help. People need to consult with their pharmacist.


I, too, am relying on a gradual re-entry to east-coast time with the four sea days and an overnight in LA before flying home.


We sail April 25 so, now, we hurry up and wait!:)

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Our pediatrician recommended melatonin for our kids when I asked about safe medicines to take for the time change in Hawaii. While it didn't work that well for them, I took it and it worked great. You can buy it in several different dosage amounts, 1mg, 3 mg or 5mg. The 3mg worked for me and I have continued to use it on nights occasionally since the trip. I had a few drinks throughout the trip and had no issues. I would call your dr and see what they say about using it but I would recommend it. The time adjustment coming home was much harder and took us almost 10 days to get back to normal.

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Hi Langleyfld- First off are you from No. Va? We are in Great Falls. We flew over to HNL last Feb. to board the POA for the week long cruise. We had a very early flight out of IAD, and minimal lay over at LAX (but that's okay as we met friends there who were also getting on the POA with us). I just kept setting my watch according to which time zone we entered. We got to HNL around 6 or so. We were a little tired - but checked into the hotel. Should tell you we arrived on Wednesday before the cruise left on Saturday. While we were unpacking the guys went out walking around Waikiki. Of course we got up very early every day-while it was still dark out! But that was okay because we got to all the places we wanted to go before the crowds set in. I actually felt the jet lag alot more once we returned home-it took me a couple of days to recoup. But don't worry about it, you'll have a great time- and you'll find out there are not enough hours in the day while your visiting the islands!

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Normally we go the other way doing Europe each summer but I have a plan in place for Hawaii (going Jan for my 50th bday)


When we go to Europe is it six hours ahead of us so for a week before we start to take melatonin at three pm. We also use a herbal product called "no jet lag" when we are flying. When we arrive in Europe we try to stay in the sun as much as possible even though it is about 2am our time and we adust quickly.. Comming home is actually much easier as you are flying during the day.


Now as far as Hawaii goes we are leaving at 7am and getting into HNL at almost 7pm.. so my plan is to do the opposite.. Take meletonin mid afternoon the week before. We will sleep at the airport hotel the night before (with free parking for the ten days we will be gone) and take the no jet lag on the first part of the flight. We have already planned for two nights pre cruise one will be just to crash. But it always is the same the sooner you can get in the sun an adjust your body clock the better you will be.

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I found the Melatonin at Walmart and tried it! I wanted to try it ahead of time to see how it affected me before the trip. It worked well, as far as putting me to sleep. I slept better than I have in weeks. And that was 1mg! I will definitely pack this item and will let ya'll know how well it works going E to W and return too.

Thanks so much for the information and advice on it. It will definitely make our vacation more enjoyable I think. We'll be on the go!

KimS...we live just south of Richmond, VA. We also arrive ont he Wed. before the cruise. I feel we'll be okay witht he time schedule by cruise, lol!

Adventuresahead...I know you can't wait for your trip to Hawaii. We planned this last Oct. so we've been waiting a year and its almost here now. I want to pack so bad, lol!

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Since melatonin isn't recommended for east to west travel, I don't think I'd want to try it. I think it's easier to make yourself stay up later when traveling west but more difficult to try to get to sleep when traveling east when you're not sleepy. Regardless, I'm interested in hearing about how it may have worked for others with east to west jet lag.

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We flew from Va. to Maui....took me 2 full days to adjust....kept waking up at 4:30 am...and there is NOTHING to do that early!!!


Coming home didn't bother me nearly as much as the trip there!


Do plan to do any early morning trips (like to the top of a volcano!) on your 1st or 2nd day...it will be MUCH easier!!!

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I live in Hawaii.


When we visit family in New Jersey and Massachusetts, we always take the plane back to Hawaii during the daylight hours. You fly through all the time zones during the daytime and arrive in Hawaii the same day but in the evening.


We feel the jet lag if we catch a night flight from the East Coast.


On the other hand, we get terribly jet lag flying from Hawaii to the East Coast no matter whether we fly during the day or overnight!

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The best thing is to live (eat, sleep, etc.) in the time zone in which you are currently in, i.e., don't go to bed when you are tired (or normally would be sleeping) instead go to bed when the time zone clock says it is time to sleep. It will take some getting use to but it works for me. Good luck



I totally agree. It's hard to do, but the best way to get it over with. We went through the same thing when we lost 10-11 hours between Phoenix, AZ and Rome.

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I, too, am from Virginia...the mountains of Southwest Virginia. We are about three hours from Charlotte NC (where we have to drive to for our flights). We are booked on the POA in September 2012. I love to read these boards, WOW! what I have learned. I think our flight (looking at flights now) would arrive in Honolulu about 3:00 p.m., leaving Charlotte around 7:30 with about a two hour layover in Denver. We are arriving on Thursday and I am looking at a tour on Friday. No plans for Saturday except to go to the ship. Now, we are thinking of tours every day...that concerns me as we are not "spring chickens", just a little shy of 70 and DH does have some health concerns. We have cruised Alaska five times and did tours in all the ports...but then on a 7 day cruise you are only off the ship three days....in Hawaii, off the ship all 7 days!

We spent a week in Honolulu about ten years ago, and was advised to stay awake that first day until our regular bedtime. We did quite a few tours that week even though I was in between chemo treatments. Adjusting back to Eastern time was a little hard as I was working at that time and did not have the time to spend the extra day in Charlotte.:eek:

On the Alaska cruises, we always arrived back in Charlotte around midnight and stayed over that night and drive home the next day. This time we will arrive in the early afternoon, however, we still plan to stay over that afternoon and night and drive home the next day. Something we can do now to help us adjust now that we are retired.:)

My biggest concern is that I might be too ambitious in planning something every day...even though some are not a full days activity.

Looking forward to your review when you return.:o

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Countrygirl: We have neighbors from Galax and Bristol area of VA. Its beautiful out there! We've been many times as my DH plays likes to play the fiddle at festivals.


We have excursions booked each day on the cruise, though some are only 3 hr. tours, lol, get it? Some with the cruise line and some with private tour companies.

We will be in Waikiki 3 days prior and have rented a car for that time period.

My DH just turned 60 and recently retired as well; though has picked up a part time job to combat his boredom, lol, thank goodness!

I am just about packed, except last minute folding of clothes and other items. Looking forward to this trip.

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  • 1 month later...

Aw I grew up in Radford, VA. I've lived in New York, Los Angeles and now Chicago but I still love going home when I can. I was actually back for my 10 year high school reunion in October and the changing leaves were so beautiful. Definitely didn't get that in southern California.

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Coming from New York, it took us only 2 days to fully adjust to the 6 hour time change. We try to stay awake as long as possible upon arriving, although after a 17 hour trip its very difficult. Our first trip flying home we split our trip up and had an overnight layover in LAX and flew home the next day to slowly adjust back. Our second trip to Hawaii we left at 1:00 pm and arrived New York 8:00 am the next morning (2:00am Hawaii time). I found that this was much better then dragging the trip out an extra day in LAX which made us even more exhausted. I will agree with the other post though, its 10x's harder coming back then getting there.

Enjoy the islands, Aloha!

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