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What’s the strangest thing you have seen on a Royal Caribbean ship?

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On our very first cruise, which was about 11 years ago, we were on the Explorer of the Seas with a group of about 500 cross-dressers. The first day we saw a couple of men in women's clothing and we thought maybe they were part of the entertainment on the ship. As the day went on we just kept seeing men dressed in ladies clothing!!! In our cabin that night someone had slid a flier under our door explaining that there was a group of cross-dressers on the ship and they wanted everyone to know what they were all about. They wore bikinis, high heels, and formal gowns. I must say for our 1st cruise we were highly entertained:)



About five years ago on a Carnival cruise from Galveston, TX the same thing happened to us. A whole big group of cross-dressers. My five and three year old boys thought that was very funny but could not understand why they dressed that way. I had to keep telling them to stop pointing at them and talking very loud.

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I didn't know anyone was still commenting on this thread. It makes me think though. As an overweight person who is going on a cruise next week, I wonder if my activities will be monitored and viewed as "weird" by someone...and then posted here. I better be careful.


Dont worry about it, who cares! Just because we are in shape doesn't mean we don't do things that make people laugh. I'm sure people laugh at us for being out on the pool deck by 9 every morning.

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On my Nov Nav TA, I had trouble adjusting to the new European time schedule. I would wake up at 3 or 4 am each day, and be wide awake, unable to sleep. The first day I did this, I decided I was "too awake" to stay in the cabin, so I decided to take my Kindle to the cafe promenade. I was relatively awake... I dressed, grabbed my Kindle, and made my way out of the room. But I must have been somewhat asleep too... because as I made my way past the Champagne bar I saw "homeless people." They were sleeping on the "benches" in the Champagne bar. I was surprised that there were homeless people on our cruise!


A bit later the grogginess wore off and I realized they can't be "homeless." Everyone has paid for a cabin. They were just choosing to sleep in the champagne bar!


Every morning I woke up early, and every morning the "bums" were back on those seats. I never did figure out what was going on... were they so drunk they couldn't make it to rooms? Were they all just random guys that were fighting with their wives and needed some place else to sleep?

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My Gram, newly widowed and turning 91, wanted to go on her first cruise. She and I went on a 4 dayer to the Bahamas on Sovereign. At Coco Cay she decided that a CocoLoco was in order at !0:30 am so we had one or two. She sat under the palms but when I checked on her she was gone. Imagine my surprise and relief when I went looking for her and found her emerging from the "woods", barefoot and flushed-faced. She had needed the restroom but couldn't find it. Needless to say, I sat her down, got her some lunch and then I had to find the restroom. Glad I didn't have to tell my dad that his mom was on the next season of Survivor.


Gee I was wondering for a sec how this could be strange or funny

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Maybe not strange but in th Voyager in 2009 I met a 26 year old woman from Bahrein, after 20 mins talking she told me " I give you a good advice, listen: if you find out your boyfriend is gay, don't take him to hospital, it doesn't work" a good anecdote to feel the cultural differences.


This is not strange but funny, on Voyager also I went to the whirlpool next to swimmingpool during the afternoon, a young man asked me How was the nap?? I wondered how did he find out I fell asleep on the chaise longue, I said good... and he told me in my face I had the strip mark of the chair.


And this was not on board the cruise but in my way from Madrid to Miami to take the Allure last summer, there was a fly into the plane... I though this fly is doing a loooong trip.

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I was on the Mariner in 2010 and at one of the ping pong tournaments, not just 1 but 2 players brought there own ping pong paddles. Who does that? Of course, one of them ended up arguing with the organizer about the rules. :confused:


Serious players would want their own reliable and probably quite expensive paddles and most likely want to use the best grade of table tennis balls. The cheapos used on Royal Caribbean, no telling how old they are or how often they have been used. If a ball is out of round, there is no way to calculate how it will bounce.

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Dont worry about it, who cares! Just because we are in shape doesn't mean we don't do things that make people laugh. I'm sure people laugh at us for being out on the pool deck by 9 every morning.


Ya know what it is? if I am honestly doing something funny or strange (ie-wearing my underclothes over my outerclothes, etc.), then I fully expect somebody to look at me as though I were a little "off". But when people tell a story and the major part of the story is that the person is overweight, than I get a little...um..."miffed" I guess you could say. I just think that in some of these cases, the story wouldn't be a story if the perosn was "average-sized". Also, sometimes the way people word things is a bit off-putting. I know I sound a little touchy, and I really don't mean to, it just sometimes bothers me a bit. I think I will go back to my "who cares" policy for next week's cruise.


P.S.- I don't think it's weird to be out on the pool deck by 9 every morning.:D

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Saw a guy get naked for the quest on the Freedom. Pretty gross. I was shocked that they would allow that and no one seemed to care.


Yeah, a guy dropped his pants and was commando for a couple of minutes on Freedom in Oct. Were you on the 16-23 Oct cruise? I can't keep track of who was on that trip. It got a big laugh. It's one of the reasons Quest is for ADULTS.

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In the solarium, a young woman followed many woman around and talked about how she'd like to get rid of her husband.....said she won a lot of money at bingo and was headed on an Australian cruise by herself.


After the third day,she told me she loved me !!HUH??? I sure beat it out of there and never went back ((I am female!!!)

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I didn't know anyone was still commenting on this thread. It makes me think though. As an overweight person who is going on a cruise next week, I wonder if my activities will be monitored and viewed as "weird" by someone...and then posted here. I better be careful.


Well the thing that person thinks is normal you might consider weird. Everyone is different. Overweight (me included) people comment about other big people all the time, just like the pictures you posted. But your probably not going to see these people again so what's it matter. Now if a picture of me were to show up on the board and people comment on it, that might be a different story. But I usually wear enough clothes to cover myself. :D Of course if I was doing something funny then hey go for it.

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Ok curiosity was killing me so I went searching..........thats one of the funniest things Ive ever seen in my life! LOLOLOLOL!!!!! funny gross are you kidding me about sums it up


Im dieing laughing though ROTFL


I found it too! OMG!!!!! I never cried from laughing so hard!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:

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Well the thing that person thinks is normal you might consider weird. Everyone is different. Overweight (me included) people comment about other big people all the time, just like the pictures you posted. But your probably not going to see these people again so what's it matter. Now if a picture of me were to show up on the board and people comment on it, that might be a different story. But I usually wear enough clothes to cover myself. :D Of course if I was doing something funny then hey go for it.


I get that people have different opinions. I'm not complaining about something someone else thought was weird. I'm just saying that when people tell a story here, sometimes there are negative comments about the fact that the person is overweight.


When I posted the pictures, I wasn't saying anything negative about the women. I just thought it was strange to see women of size (my size) with the "you-know-whats" to wear what they wore. I couldn't do it, but they could.


Like I said in my last post, if I am doing something strange/weird, than, by all means, comment on it. If I am doing something completely mundane, and my being overweight is why comments are being made, or the fact that I am overweight is being emphasized in a negative way, than I would rather the comments to be kept to one's self. For example, if I am eating a little more than what a smaller person would, I am OK with "I saw this woman eat a plate piled with food", but not OK with "I saw this 300lb cow wolf-down a load of food". If I'm walking and not paying attention, and I trip and fall, I'm OK with comments on it (because it would be kinda funny). I wouldn't be OK with someone saying "the whole boat shook when she fell" or "there was a pretty big dent when she got up". Basically, my issue is with how people word their stories, and the tone that is implied.


I know, I shouldn't care what others think, and for the most part, I don't, but some things, even minor things, are just plain hurtful. I would like to clarify that I'm not writing this stuff with steam coming from my ears. My blood pressure is completely normal and I'm not seeing red. I'm not planning a "Pro-Overweight Person" rally. I just apparently took too long to make my point, which is this: if you see something that you truly think is strange, then comment, but be respectful. It is possible to get the point across without being hurtful. Now...it's time for me to get into happy mode for my cruise next week.:D

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Back to the OP's point......


A couple of years ago I took a getaway girls cruise. Sailed on the Majesty out of Miami....bout 12 of us from NYC, WIS, Phili, North Jersey, yada yada. Lots of fun & crazy moments (as one of the girls grandmother & mom joined us).


Well...after one of those nutty nights the Majesty pulled into CoCo Cay. I decided to take a break from the girls & switch up the activities & go on a on of the jet ski, private island hop tours.


Now...before you get on the jet ski the group is taken inside a room..views a safety film & a small Q&A afterwards. One of the most important rules (per the safety officer) is that when you fall off the jet ski you should get back on by pulling yourself up on the back of the ski, not the side..or front....the back.. Remember this...


So off we go about 12 of us...About 8 couples sharing and 4 singles. I'm a tad apprenhensive, but pull out following everyone else single file.


Couple minutes into the ride & we're in deep ocean now, I look back & panic as the ship gets smaller & I feel like a can't keep up with the group that's pulling away going faster. I start to panic, & make an executive decision, break off from the group & cut back across the ocean toward the ship & dock in the distance. Not a problem...I got it covered...(I figured). I make the break & gas it ...and suddenly...I swear this jet ski cop comes out out...like he dropped in from the sky and herds me back to the group..barking orders...I fight my instict to kick him or ram him and turn back..now here is the funny part...


I slowly make contact with the group..with the sea cop following...when I realize we are approaching a sand bar..(scheduled stop).. and everyone must slow down & make their pit stop...I pull up next to a couple and low & behold the female passenger falls into the ocean.


The male passenger, (her husband) just kinda looks and urgers her to get back on...I pull to a stop..& observe...she's a big girl, bout a size 16...nice round booty...thick thighs...skimpy bathing suit...female passenger forgets the rules cocks on leg up on the side of the jet ski & back into the water faced first..booty pointed to the sky..dunks back into the water.


I yell at the husband..."get into the water & pull her to the back"!!...no avail..hubby stays on jet ski...gripping the handles....looking scary.....finally the sea cop, dives off his jet ski... plants his hand around ole girls waist...pushes his face into her buns (I swear) and shoves her out of the water & into the back of the jet ski...It was a struggle...with his face planted in her booty the whole time..


Finally we finish the tour...& low & behold later at dinner who do I run into but the couple...Husband looked so sheepish & wife was mortified...I just wiggled my fingers at the wife & gave the husband the raised eyebrow smirk look...yeah...I see ya....

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The fact that you posted the photos is surely negative. One of them could be me and I would be very offended to see them on CC. Just saying.


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How is simply posting a photo negative? If it was a picture of someone playing mini golf, would that be negative? Or a picture of someone outside the arcade...would that be negative? Other people posted photos on this thread too. Are they all negative? I didn't post a photo of the women getting dressed, or doing something that is meant to be private. I posted a photo of them in public by a pool. I made no insulting or derrogatory comments about the women. I said that I understand that not everyone is comfortable with overweight people dressing like that, and that I wouldn't have the courage to leave the cabin. When I am cruising, I understand that I am in public. If someone took a picture of me and posted it here, I wouldn't care unless they also posted some truly insulting and hurtful comments.


You said that you would be offended to see a picture of yourself here on CC. Does that mean that if someone took a picture of their loved ones on the cruise and you happened to be somewhere in the photo, that you would be offended if they posted it?


If someone contacts me and says that they are in one of the photos (or they know someone in the photos) and they would like the pictures removed, than I would absolutely remove them. But, I doubt that would happen. These women seemed very comfortable dressing like that in public. As I said in another post, I give them credit.


Now, before I get flamed any further, let me say that I am offically bowing out of this thread.

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How is simply posting a photo negative? If it was a picture of someone playing mini golf, would that be negative? Or a picture of someone outside the arcade...would that be negative? Other people posted photos on this thread too. Are they all negative? I didn't post a photo of the women getting dressed, or doing something that is meant to be private. I posted a photo of them in public by a pool. I made no insulting or derrogatory comments about the women. I said that I understand that not everyone is comfortable with overweight people dressing like that, and that I wouldn't have the courage to leave the cabin. When I am cruising, I understand that I am in public. If someone took a picture of me and posted it here, I wouldn't care unless they also posted some truly insulting and hurtful comments.


You said that you would be offended to see a picture of yourself here on CC. Does that mean that if someone took a picture of their loved ones on the cruise and you happened to be somewhere in the photo, that you would be offended if they posted it?


If someone contacts me and says that they are in one of the photos (or they know someone in the photos) and they would like the pictures removed, than I would absolutely remove them. But, I doubt that would happen. These women seemed very comfortable dressing like that in public. As I said in another post, I give them credit.


Now, before I get flamed any further, let me say that I am offically bowing out of this thread.


After this I will bow out too - but just remember you posted the photos and made comments on them, in a thread entitled "what's the strangest thing.....". You were making a critical statement just by doing that.

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I've been wondering about that video though .... how did the person taking it know to start the video JUST BEFORE the girl pulled down her pants???


I smell a rat! That could also be why she was lying there so still, which was mentioned previously as a bit unusual.


Thoughts anyone? :confused:




I've only seen two videos (one is 3 minutes, and the other is the last minute of the 3 minute clip). Neither one shows the girl pull her pants down. The 3 minute one shows that she is already in the act. It doesn't look faked and, if it is real, the pool staff need to learn better policing skills or find a new job.

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Back to the OP's point......


A couple of years ago I took a getaway girls cruise. Sailed on the Majesty out of Miami....bout 12 of us from NYC, WIS, Phili, North Jersey, yada yada. Lots of fun & crazy moments (as one of the girls grandmother & mom joined us).


Well...after one of those nutty nights the Majesty pulled into CoCo Cay. I decided to take a break from the girls & switch up the activities & go on a on of the jet ski, private island hop tours.


Now...before you get on the jet ski the group is taken inside a room..views a safety film & a small Q&A afterwards. One of the most important rules (per the safety officer) is that when you fall off the jet ski you should get back on by pulling yourself up on the back of the ski, not the side..or front....the back.. Remember this...


So off we go about 12 of us...About 8 couples sharing and 4 singles. I'm a tad apprenhensive, but pull out following everyone else single file.


Couple minutes into the ride & we're in deep ocean now, I look back & panic as the ship gets smaller & I feel like a can't keep up with the group that's pulling away going faster. I start to panic, & make an executive decision, break off from the group & cut back across the ocean toward the ship & dock in the distance. Not a problem...I got it covered...(I figured). I make the break & gas it ...and suddenly...I swear this jet ski cop comes out out...like he dropped in from the sky and herds me back to the group..barking orders...I fight my instict to kick him or ram him and turn back..now here is the funny part...


I slowly make contact with the group..with the sea cop following...when I realize we are approaching a sand bar..(scheduled stop).. and everyone must slow down & make their pit stop...I pull up next to a couple and low & behold the female passenger falls into the ocean.


The male passenger, (her husband) just kinda looks and urgers her to get back on...I pull to a stop..& observe...she's a big girl, bout a size 16...nice round booty...thick thighs...skimpy bathing suit...female passenger forgets the rules cocks on leg up on the side of the jet ski & back into the water faced first..booty pointed to the sky..dunks back into the water.


I yell at the husband..."get into the water & pull her to the back"!!...no avail..hubby stays on jet ski...gripping the handles....looking scary.....finally the sea cop, dives off his jet ski... plants his hand around ole girls waist...pushes his face into her buns (I swear) and shoves her out of the water & into the back of the jet ski...It was a struggle...with his face planted in her booty the whole time..


Finally we finish the tour...& low & behold later at dinner who do I run into but the couple...Husband looked so sheepish & wife was mortified...I just wiggled my fingers at the wife & gave the husband the raised eyebrow smirk look...yeah...I see ya....


Not that story cracked me up. very funny and well told. Thanks for the laughs.

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On my first cruise with RCC in 2000 there was a lady at the pool with a T back suite on. She had a tatoo on each butt cheek. The one cheek had an eye open and the other cheek had an eye closed. We named her winky cheeks and had a great chuckle every time we saw her.

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