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Concordia customers suing for all of this money, be happy your alive!!!


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But your suing because they put you in danger? That's just greedy and no offense to you but my life is worth more than money. I would just be happy to be alive and compensated for my belongings.


There are so many questions that come to mind when thinking about "just being happy to be alive". This is something that plays out on an individual basis and can't be lumped into one mindset as there are far too many variables involved.


If you had to climb across the ship forming a human chain just to get to a lifeboat slipping several times along the way would you still feel the same? If you were watching the complete panic as it unfolded and fearing that you may not make it off the ship? I can tell you for me personally I'd be reliving the experience over and over for many reasons. We can't judge what others went through on that particular night or how it may be affecting them every day. This isn't a typical blip in ones vacation plans.

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But this time..... Disaster strikes, he still made the choice on his own. Period


Not quite from what has been reported. He (captain) was on the phone with Corporate during the period between impact with the rocks and the order to abandon ship. That is why there are others besides those on ship being officially/legally investigated.

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Why is it that these Costa Concordia customers are attempting to sue the Carnival Corp for all of this money and most of them were not even hurt? Have we as people gotten so greedy that we have to use a misfortune to become rich? I can see if you really were hurt or a loved one was killed or harmed etc... But Really? If you had the money to sail on the ship for heavens sakes and make it off safely, is that not enough? The Captain is going to Jail and your getting your money back from your cruise. Why am I thoroughly disgusted by this greed?


Several years ago a woman sued McDonalds because she spilled HOT coffee on herself and got BURNED. She won something like a kajillion dollars over something that ridiculous. So, the short answer to your question is, yes, people are that greedy. In their defense, the joke called the US Justice system makes it very easy to sue and easier still to win. Don't think it's a joke? Casey Anthony and OJ walked. Case closed.

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Several years ago a woman sued McDonalds because she spilled HOT coffee on herself and got BURNED. She won something like a kajillion dollars over something that ridiculous. So, the short answer to your question is, yes, people are that greedy. In their defense, the joke called the US Justice system makes it very easy to sue and easier still to win. Don't think it's a joke? Casey Anthony and OJ walked. Case closed.


Here's yet another post I love^^^^^^^

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Captain goes to Jail and Cruise line fined.... Period


It's that period that I have a problem with. Costa/CCL should not be able to get away with hanging the captain out to dry (not that he doesn't deserve jail mind you), paying a fine, and going on with business as usual. Not in a case like this. And if I think Costa/CCL should pay big bucks to get their attention, I can think of no one who deserves those bucks more than the poor people who had to experience the tragedy!

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Several years ago a woman sued McDonalds because she spilled HOT coffee on herself and got BURNED. She won something like a kajillion dollars over something that ridiculous. So, the short answer to your question is, yes, people are that greedy. In their defense, the joke called the US Justice system makes it very easy to sue and easier still to win. Don't think it's a joke? Casey Anthony and OJ walked. Case closed.


Corporations are also greedy. In fact, they have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to make this "go away" as cheaply as possible. I really hope that you are not comparing the Costa victims to someone getting burned by hot coffee. All I know is that the "bad guy" here is Costa/Carnival. There is no doubt that they should pay. The only question is how much. If people are willing to accept that lowball $15K offer from Carnival, great for Carnival and it's shareholders. They should be doing cartwheels every time someone accepts that offer.

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Easy to pass judgment on this group from the safety and comfort of your computer screen. You speak of the entire incident as if it were a flight delay. Can you envision the terror of feeling the ship keel to the side and begin to sink? I would imagine most passengers did not know that they would be saved by shallow water. "Be thankful your {sic / you're} alive." And to speak so casually of the dead. "Other than funeral expenses for the dead and compensating for the loss of lives.... What else is their {sic}?" This is the most shameful, embarrassing post I have ever read.

Hitting the like button on this response! :)

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My opinion is that Carnival/Costa's offer is very low considering what many of these passengers went through and the lawsuit numbers are high...there is a number that would be fair to most everyone--but I am not qualified to evaluate all of the things involved to come to that number.


Some people say that the negligence of the line does not merit any compensation...they kept a Captain on staff that allegedly previously took his ship(s) off course. They did not properly prepare the passengers for an evacuation (in the end, no matter what the rules are, everyone who gets on a ship should know the plan for getting off the ship in an emergency before a potential emergency can occur...the muster drill should take place right away).


Have any of you ever been stranded on a boat (or ship) at sea? I spent an hour or two on a boat with no power in the Atlantic...it is no picnic. Multiply that times a whole lot...not a pleasant experience for anyone involved in this incident.


The OP is entitled to an opinion, but courted potential disagreement by posting it here...just as I have.

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But a price tag? They'll still be terrified and trauma ridden regardless. I'm sorry MrPete but I can agree to disagree with you. That's just the un-circumvented lawyer in me.




The lawyer in you would have went to all those victims wakes and sent a floral arrangement with your business card attached to it.




How can you have any kind of Psychological training and discount pain and suffering? . "Oh what more do they want they are getting a free cruise and counseling. Like that is the end all be all.



There are 50 yr old people who lay on a couch week after week for YEARS for $250 a throw (and not just in Woody Allen movies) because Mama never hugged them, or Daddy never called them "princess". God knows what the people who lived thriough the Concordia saw and went through.

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Not quite Jolimont, but some what on the right track...he has no real money so what do you do? I in no way believe that he wanted to kill anyone nor reck the ship lets get that on the table. But what else is there to do with him other than Jail? It's like beating a dead horse

I agree and with the wreck of the Concordia ...trust me the company and stockholders have been hurt.It would be nice to get back to holding the guilty party responsible and not dragging everybody else in.

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You don't understand things clearly do you?


So, you actually believe that when a company hires and employee and that employee is responsible for the welfare and safety of thousands of people week in and week out...that when that employee is in reality an incompentent piece of garbage and kills several people and sinks a zillion ton ship and causes trememdous grief...all due to that employees incompetence...


That the company who hired him should have no responsibility for his actions? Especially in this case..when the company knew and approved of his "route diversion" that caused this accident?


The company knew nothing about Schettino's diversion. Even if he had their approval do do a bow to the island...he strayed way off the path that other ships had taken to do bows. Are you saying that the company approved him driving the ship up on the rocks? REALLLY?? Every company who employes a large number of employees has some bad seeds in the mix and doesn't know it. There was little to nothing in Schettino's past to indicate that he would do this.....one bad review.....possibly bringing a ship into port faster than normal causing a wake.......there are small incidents with cruise ships fairly frequently and I don't believe the captains are fired each time. And...if you can read....you should have seen that I said the company should have LIMITED responsibility......I never said NO responsibility....you did....so get your facts straight. If you have proof that Costa knew Schettino was going to veer way off the normal "Bow" path....post the link so we can all read it....don't just make things up.

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Taking a few associate's level classes in criminal justice or legal studies does not make one a lawyer, nor does having an interest in the law or even getting a high score on the LSAT. None of that gets a person into law school, nor does going to law school inherently qualify one to pass the bar exam and practice law.


Little Miss, your first post said you don't understand. Your subsequent posts are your opinion and you're certainly entitled to have an opinion. But you definitely don't understand the law and although people have attempted to explain the law to you, you still don't understand it.


Clearly, you don't agree with how the law works. Fine. You've drawn a few very strange responses out of the woodwork to vindicate your position ("No matter how you spice it up with sensational statements, the Costa Concordia simply pulled into port, disembarked passengers, and isn't able to leave port yet.").


But you aren't just stating an opinion, you are taunting people. Did I read correctly that you are a clinical therapist? Why are you baiting people in a public forum and minimizing what fellow passengers have gone through?

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Just curious.


Had you been on that ship that night, and accepted the compensation of $14,500, and subsequently found out that your fellow passengers received an amount far exceeding that amount, would you be just as happy?



If you're saying that everyone should wait and try and get the most $$$ possible...then like the OP said....that's nothing but GREED!

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Wow, some of these comments are unbelievable. I guess I'll just continue to agree to disagree, but I will say to Little Miss, I certainly hope you don't tell your clients to suck it up and move on, as you're implying the Concordia survivors should do. Also I hope and pray that you (as well some of the other negative posters) never go through a traumatic event like this. :)

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Corporations are also greedy. In fact, they have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to make this "go away" as cheaply as possible. I really hope that you are not comparing the Costa victims to someone getting burned by hot coffee. All I know is that the "bad guy" here is Costa/Carnival. There is no doubt that they should pay. The only question is how much. If people are willing to accept that lowball $15K offer from Carnival, great for Carnival and it's shareholders. They should be doing cartwheels every time someone accepts that offer.


What you're not grasping is that Carnival has written the contract to be air tight so as to avoid idiotic law suits like the one filed by SURVIVORS of this tragedy. I mean seriously, they are getting 15K PER PERSON for what? Pain and suffering, loss of personal items. That seems fair to me. Now, if there was loss if life, of course there should be more compensation. But the 15K person is for people who walked away. I don't know about you, but DH and I don't sail with 30K worth of goods. Fifteen thousand PER PERSON would be more than enough to compensate us for what was likely the scariest moment in these people's lives. But the fact remains, they lost nothing but personal goods. I hope CCL fights every greedy, ridiculous law suit they get. Give the money these greedy people are asking for to the people who actually deserve it, those who had loss of life (or their survivors). Seriously. It's people like you who've made this country so greedy and litigious, IMHO.

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Several years ago a woman sued McDonalds because she spilled HOT coffee on herself and got BURNED. She won something like a kajillion dollars over something that ridiculous. So, the short answer to your question is, yes, people are that greedy. In their defense, the joke called the US Justice system makes it very easy to sue and easier still to win. Don't think it's a joke? Casey Anthony and OJ walked. Case closed.


But they got oj eventually...he is in jail now serving 30 years fyi....that is good enough considering he will probably die there...too bad he got that decade of freedom though. I believe anthony will be her own worst enemy as well...give it time

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Like cruisersnc said 15000 a slap in the face but 100,000,000 will make me feel a lot better?? Really how?


15000 wont pay the bills if i lose my job due to this traumatization..nor support the families of the dead...all due to corporate and captain incompetence

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But they got oj eventually...he is in jail now serving 30 years fyi....that is good enough considering he will probably die there...too bad he got that decade of freedom though. I believe anthony will be her own worst enemy as well...give it time


Oh you're right, I love the quote from Forrest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does." You are absolutely correct in saying that Casey will screw up again, with people like her and OJ, it's 100% inevitable. My point was that, because our justice system is so completely screwed up, 2 murders walked, and a woman won a kajillion dollars for spilling hot coffee on herself. As a result, we are sending the message that our justice system is a joke and people will sue for ridiculous stuff. The special room in Hell of course, is reserved for the lawyers who talk these people into believing what they are doing is A) right and B) winnable. The lawyer representing the people from the Concordia who lost nothing but personal belongings will no doubt get the Presidential Suite therein :rolleyes:

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15000 wont pay the bills if i lose my job due to this traumatization..nor support the families of the dead...all due to corporate and captain incompetence


Unless you travel with 15K worth of stuff, that would be more than enough to cover your therapy. Edited to say, if you've been reading my posts, this does NOT apply to those who actually lost someone in this accident. This is only for the people who walked away with only loss of personal items.

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Discount off a future cruise? That is a bit laughable. Don't you think? The last thing these victims want is another Concordia cruise. I will never step foot on a Concordia ship and I'm not even a victim.


You mean Costa ship...but we know that....


I wouldnt set foot a a Costa ship even before this massive corporate.and captain fueled purposely orchestrated sinking of the Concordia.......



Even if it were a free cruise

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Unless you travel with 15K worth of stuff, that would be more than enough to cover your therapy. Edited to say, if you've been reading my posts, this does NOT apply to those who actually lost someone in this accident. This is only for the people who walked away with only loss of personal items.


If you scar my emotions due to your incompetence..i.e. as in ptsd....then you took something personal away from me....


I really dont understand all this defending of the ship....and i dont believe in frivolous lawsuits...but i am educated and realistic enough to know this would never be a frivoulous lawsuit

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All these people want to sue Carnival Corp. Okay I can understand their view but just how much are the lawyers going to take of their settlements? This is what bothers me the most. These lawyers are pushing for law suits because they see a large pay out. IMO people need to be careful. I believe they deserve more but leave the lawyers out of it. They did not go thru this horrific act.

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But if you weren't that person injured, and your cruise and money for your belongings were refunded to you, ok as well as the air, what's the complaint? I was scared for a few hours but I got off safely? And let me remind you the ship capsized it didn't sink. Totally different from the titanic...#imjussayin

The ship did not capsize, it rolled over to one side and sank in shallow water. If it had capsized all that would have been visible would have been the bottom of the hull and none of the superstructure of the ship. Think the Poseidon Adventure, that was a capsizing.

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The uninjured passengers have been offered approximately $14,500 each plus a refund of their cruise and travel costs as well as onboard expenses. Some people think that's fair....some think its not.





Personally (with maybe a few exceptions, lost of loved one) I think it is fair.

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