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is pink slime used in guy's burgers?


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This isn't anything new. It isn't particularly desirable to a lot of people, but the information about the processed beef scraps (and chicken paste) has been available if people wanted to know.


I think it is silly to blame a media blitz for inflaming the issue. The media plays to ratings and if people don't jump on it the story dies quickly. People just need to do the research and decide for themselves what they want to eat.


As for raising and butchering our own animals... not everyone has that option. We buy beef and pork from a buddy that raises them (much cheaper than store bought), but for chickens, I'm left to the grocery store options.


Just to throw another log on the fire, people eat canned fish every day and never think about what goes into those cans. I worked the slime lines in salmon factories in Alaska, and what is graded as 1st rate canned salmon I wouldn't feed to my cat. I expect the manufacturing process isn't any different for other kinds of fish (like tuna). I had a boss once that had managed a factory line in a pepsi bottling operation and he wouldn't touch any kind of soda because of what he saw in that job. :D


By the way... they call it the "slime line" for a reason.

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How many of you have actually participated in the slaughter/processing of your meat, whether that be a deer, chicken, pig, cow, etc.?


I was fortunate to grow up on a farm where we did raise our own livestock for our own consumption, slaughtered the animals ourselves and processed them on-site (didn't send them out to a slaughterhouse to do so), and anyone who has done this will tell you, there are parts of an animal which you just don't use-- either it's a piece too full of fat or connective tissue, a spot that got contaminated with feces, etc., etc.


My parents still live on a farm and raise 90% of their own meat; DH and I help out at butchering time and get to take a lot of that meat for our own use. We DO still buy meat from the grocery store however, and if I have the choice to not buy meat with "pink slime" as an additive, you can be darned sure that will be my choice-- it's derived from scraps which are SCRAPS for a reason. If you saw those scraps, you wouldn't want that "meat" anywhere near your plate in any form it might get reprocessed into.


As for people being put out of work because of it... sorry, but that's not a valid argument for continuing to use the stuff. If somebody in Montana has a great big opium-poppy farm for manufacturing heroin and they employ 300 people, should they be allowed to stay in business just because they have employees? I think not. I don't fault the employees for working there-- a job is a job, and props to the people with jobs as undesirable as this must be-- but it's not a good-enough reason to continue using the stuff in our food.


No ammonia required. Factory meat processing is what causes the need for added chemicals.. we need to prevent against ecoli because feces contamination occurs in factory meat 'feed the masses' type processing.

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That's really depressing because I'd like to see our society not have to struggle so much. I feel we have traveled far from really enjoying the richness of life itself.


Life is about struggle, there's no way to change that. I've known families who didn't have two cents to their name who were as happy as could be and I've known families with more money than Carter has liver pills who couldn't be more miserable.

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If somebody in Montana has a great big opium-poppy farm for manufacturing heroin and they employ 300 people, should they be allowed to stay in business just because they have employees?


Of course it doesn't matter that their business is illegal, whereas the food processors aren't in an illegal business, right?;)

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That's really depressing because I'd like to see our society not have to struggle so much. I feel we have traveled far from really enjoying the richness of life itself.


I'm thinking that living in Northern California probably helped with your priorities just a little bit. ;) Imagine growing your own food and having crop shares if you lived amongst the vacants in Baltimore. I live less than 10 miles away from places where people have virtually no choices. It's difficult to watch.


If someone were to tell me that I could pay a dollar more a pound so that everyone could have slime free meat, I'd be on board. I do see how a lot of people who really couldn't afford it would be impacted, though.

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Of course it doesn't matter that their business is illegal, whereas the food processors aren't in an illegal business, right?;)


sorry sparks...this is a first. I have never disagreed with you before, but I also feel that people losing jobs over this isn't reason to continue to make pink slime. The tobacco industry took a hit when people woke up and while I feel sorry for people who lose jobs in circumstances like this, it isn't an excuse to manufacture stuff that is unhealthy.....there are manufacturing jobs up the wazoo and not enough technically able people to fill them. My Dh works for a HUGE food manufacturer and I can tell you this is the truth...tons of jobs, not enough people willing or able to fill them.


Lots of young people out there with degrees and nowhere near as many out there with technical skills or a willingness to work on a production line.

And even if that wasn't the case, it is STILL not a good reason to eat pink slime.

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How many of you have actually participated in the slaughter/processing of your meat, whether that be a deer, chicken, pig, cow, etc.?


I was fortunate to grow up on a farm where we did raise our own livestock for our own consumption, slaughtered the animals ourselves and processed them on-site (didn't send them out to a slaughterhouse to do so), and anyone who has done this will tell you, there are parts of an animal which you just don't use-- either it's a piece too full of fat or connective tissue, a spot that got contaminated with feces, etc., etc.


My parents still live on a farm and raise 90% of their own meat; DH and I help out at butchering time and get to take a lot of that meat for our own use. We DO still buy meat from the grocery store however, and if I have the choice to not buy meat with "pink slime" as an additive, you can be darned sure that will be my choice-- it's derived from scraps which are SCRAPS for a reason. If you saw those scraps, you wouldn't want that "meat" anywhere near your plate in any form it might get reprocessed into.


As for people being put out of work because of it... sorry, but that's not a valid argument for continuing to use the stuff. If somebody in Montana has a great big opium-poppy farm for manufacturing heroin and they employ 300 people, should they be allowed to stay in business just because they have employees? I think not. I don't fault the employees for working there-- a job is a job, and props to the people with jobs as undesirable as this must be-- but it's not a good-enough reason to continue using the stuff in our food.


I either kill or assist with probably half the meat we eat. Get/kill a couple dozen chickens from my parents every year, buy half a cow and half a pig from my buddy who raises them grass fed. I usually at least help with the skinning, butchering processes if not the actual 'deed'. 5 of the last 6 seasons I have been lucky enough to shoot a deer, which I field dress myself and make burger/sausage/etc. which usually ends up being between 30-60lbs of finished meat depending on the deer. Add in partridge, wild turkey, rabbit, trout, salmon, sea bass and it fills the freezer pretty quick! I'm a firm believer in knowing where your food is coming from. I don't want to get into an arugment about hunting, but even though much of the country gets their meat from the store, if you don't have the stones to put the animal down, maybe you shouldn't be eating the meat:rolleyes:


We are also lucky enough to be in a place where you can get a non-commercial (you can't sell them) lobster license to have 5 traps during the summer, whick nets us a dozen or so Bugs a week during the season. Natures bounty man!


I agree with you that there are some scraps/silver skin/etc that are just good for nothing, but I find the majority of large animals are edible. We always eat liver, heart, kidneys. I'm sure some people will think that's gross, but really they're delicous.

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My dog eats healthier than most people:



yes, it is costly...but I make it a priority. I lost my last dog to cancer. I wanted to take NO risks this time around.

I no longer use chemicals on my lawn and I watch what I clean with.


If I do this for my dog, I am certainly going to do this for the people in my family.

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If I ever need heart surgery I would be delighted to know that someone has the "stones" to do the surgery.....I would never be able to watch a quadruple by-pass though. We all have our strong points. Blood and guts isn't mine.


You're eating the flesh or an animal that you yourself could not kill, so in essence you are paying someone else to do the dirty work you couldn't. Again, I'm not trying to come down on you, and you are in the VAST majority in this country (these days). I just, personally, have a problem with that. It's about respecting the animal. If I couldn't kill it, I don't think I deserve to be eating it.....Again, just my opinion.

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sorry sparks...this is a first. I have never disagreed with you before, but I also feel that people losing jobs over this isn't reason to continue to make pink slime. The tobacco industry took a hit when people woke up and while I feel sorry for people who lose jobs in circumstances like this, it isn't an excuse to manufacture stuff that is unhealthy.....there are manufacturing jobs up the wazoo and not enough technically able people to fill them. My Dh works for a HUGE food manufacturer and I can tell you this is the truth...tons of jobs, not enough people willing or able to fill them.


Lots of young people out there with degrees and nowhere near as many out there with technical skills or a willingness to work on a production line.

And even if that wasn't the case, it is STILL not a good reason to eat pink slime.


If someone, somewhere could actually show that pink slime is a health hazard we'd be in perfect agreement, but nothing that I've read supports that. Just because it's gross doesn't mean that an entire industry needs to suffer.

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You are so totally incorrect. My husband and I just got finished with a two year time period only bringing in $1400 a month, from which we continued to pay our $500 mortgage. We grow much of our own fruits and veggies, we crop swap with neighbors and we take in all of our protein from organic sources.




Where in Northern California can you have a $500 mortgage. Not in the bay area

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You're eating the flesh or an animal that you yourself could not kill, so in essence you are paying someone else to do the dirty work you couldn't. Again, I'm not trying to come down on you, and you are in the VAST majority in this country (these days). I just, personally, have a problem with that. It's about respecting the animal. If I couldn't kill it, I don't think I deserve to be eating it.....Again, just my opinion.


Actually, what we were discussing was the butchering of the animal when I made the comment that you quoted. I don't know whether I could kill the animal or not, I do know that I couldn't cut it up.

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You're eating the flesh or an animal that you yourself could not kill, so in essence you are paying someone else to do the dirty work you couldn't. Again, I'm not trying to come down on you, and you are in the VAST majority in this country (these days). I just, personally, have a problem with that. It's about respecting the animal. If I couldn't kill it, I don't think I deserve to be eating it.....Again, just my opinion.


disagree. i'm sure man has been eating "meat" since before he had a conscience.

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You're eating the flesh or an animal that you yourself could not kill, so in essence you are paying someone else to do the dirty work you couldn't. Again, I'm not trying to come down on you, and you are in the VAST majority in this country (these days). I just, personally, have a problem with that. It's about respecting the animal. If I couldn't kill it, I don't think I deserve to be eating it.....Again, just my opinion.



I actually agree with you in theory....but I honestly can't kill anything. Maybe that means I don't deserve to eat it...but I just can't. I can't even toss a lobster in a pot...I also pick up spiders with tissues and place them outside.

But I love meat...so I depend on others to kill it for me.


If it came down to having to kill in order to eat, I'd definitely become a vegetarian.

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If someone, somewhere could actually show that pink slime is a health hazard we'd be in perfect agreement, but nothing that I've read supports that. Just because it's gross doesn't mean that an entire industry needs to suffer.


LOL...Still disagree with you. Even if it's just gross and I decide that it's too gross for me, am I supposed to eat it just so someone doesn't lose a job???

No..someone's job is not my responsibility...if it is, we should all stop sending email and texts and go back to snail mail so the US postal service can survive.

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I actually agree with you in theory....but I honestly can't kill anything. Maybe that means I don't deserve to eat it...but I just can't. I can't even toss a lobster in a pot...I also pick up spiders with tissues and place them outside.

But I love meat...so I depend on others to kill it for me.


If it came down to having to kill in order to eat, I'd definitely become a vegetarian.


At least you wouldn't have to worry about the prey outrunning you;).

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Take a look on ANY label in your cupboard with a list of 40 things you have no idea what they are, ground coffee 5% unknown (bugs, bug poop, etc), cheese that you don't have to refrigerate, bottled water filled from a rusty tap in a farmers field. Unless you live off the land - kill and raise your own food you are at the mercy of the food production industry. I have lived for almost 60 years ingesting this STUFF and still healthy.


I agree. I think most of it is scare tactics.


Reminds me of the coke/ Pepsi issue going on where they will have to label their bottles as causing cancer if they don't change the formula for the Carmel coloring. What people don't read is that to duplicate the study where it caused tumors you would have to drink 1000 cans of soda per day. :eek: If you are drinking 1000 cans of soda each day I'm thinking cancer is the least of your concerns.

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LOL...Still disagree with you. Even if it's just gross and I decide that it's too gross for me, am I supposed to eat it just so someone doesn't lose a job???

No..someone's job is not my responsibility...if it is, we should all stop sending email and texts and go back to snail mail so the US postal service can survive.


Oh golly, I'm not suggesting that you have to eat it in order for them to keep their job:eek:. I'm saying they shouldn't be forced out of business. Let them fill their niche in the market, as long as it's not a health hazard.

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