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China Visitors to Australia/NZ Warning?? Style/Manners??


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From the Sydney, Brisbane and other newspapers in their group this morning in an AFP wire story, they have this headline based on comments from a top China official: "'Uncivilised' Chinese tourists harming country's reputation". Here are they key story highlights: "The dire manners and 'uncivilised behaviour' of some Chinese tourists abroad are harming the country's image, said a top official who lamented their poor 'quality and breeding'. Wang Yang, one of China's four vice premiers, singled out for condemnation 'talking loudly in public places, jay-walking, spitting and willfully carving characters on items in scenic zones'. Such 'uncivilised behaviours' were 'often criticised by the media and have damaged the image of Chinese people and caused vicious impact', he said, according to the website of the People's Daily, the ruling Communist Party's mouthpiece. China proclaims itself a 5000-year-old civilisation but at a government meeting Thursday on a new tourism law Wang said: 'The quality and breeding of some tourists are not high yet.' Chinese consumers have become increasingly affluent on the back of its economic boom and foreign holidays are ever more popular, with shopping often a key activity."


Interesting and kind of surprising story, especially since the negative comments and warnings are coming from a top China official. Our early 2014 timing for visiting down under might be good. As the numbers from China increase significantly upward to NZ and Australia, those "culture clashes" could become more significant and jarring. Other experienced travelers down there have shared, in not too subtle words, that the "style differences" are very noticeable and major. It will be interesting to see how these things work out while in these two countries.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Celebrity Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 130,663 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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Interesting and kind of surprising story, especially since the negative comments and warnings are coming from a top China official.
If you've ever seen this type of Chinese tourist in action in the wild, it isn't in the least bit surprising that even the Chinese government is now beginning to be deeply embarrassed by this kind of behaviour.


For obvious reasons, Hong Kong has had to put up with it for a long time now. And it is indeed getting worse.

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I am not the slightest bit biased against people from any country but I have to admit these days I do avoid certain hotels in Australia because of the Chinese tour groups that stay there. Why?


Firstly, noise. They are rude and inconsiderate. Incredibly loud conversations in the hallways right outside other guests rooms, doors slamming as they go in and out of their own and friend's rooms at all times of the day or night. Shouting, loud music. It all adds up to no peace if you have the misfortune to be situated anywhere close to them and I have had too many sleepless nights courtesy of our Chinese "guests".


Total lack of manners. I know its a cultural thing but I really cant cope with sitting amongst people at breakfast who eat very noisily. I tell myself that in their culture, it shows appreciation to eat noisily but it puts me off my food to be surrounded by 50 of them slurping and eating noisily. Pushing and shoving at the buffet. I just stay elsewhere. We also dont talk loudly in restaurants.


Just as we learn to respect others cultures and manners when travelling, they should do so too. Being quiet and respectful to other guests in their hotel and understanding that eating like a pig does NOT show appreciation in a western culture, rather the reverse.


There you have it...as much as I am ashamed of myself for thinking that way but I need my sleep and want to enjoy my breakfast instead of feeling revolted.

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... as much as I am ashamed of myself for thinking that way ...
You shouldn't be, because you've got nothing to be ashamed of there. This isn't racist thinking in any way; it's a perfectly reasonable reaction to poor behaviour.


The fact that it isn't racist thinking is illustrated by the fact that in Hong Kong, it's ethnic Chinese locals who are disgusted by the corresponding antics of the ethnic Chinese tourists.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having been to China, I know what you are talking about. It is a cultural thing and something those in the tourist industry there are very aware of. We took a cruise on the Yangtze where most of the passengers were from China. One time some women pushed me aside to get to the bar where they were serving afternoon tea. They were reprimanded loud and long by the young man tending the bar and then he turned to me and my husband and aplogized in English.

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Appreciate the additional sharing, insights that have been expressed here. Always love learning more about this part of the fascinating world where we have not visited. Lots of Europe, but never, yet, to Australia, NZ, China, etc.


From the Sydney Morning Herald Thursday morning, they have this headline: "What rich Chinese tourists want - and where they're going to get it" with these highlights: "Rich Chinese tourists are likely to own three cars and four watches and their leisure preferences after travelling include reading, tea-tasting, driving and spending time with family. Their favourite hotel chain is the Shangri-La and when they shop – which is often – they clamour for high-end French brands such as Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Chanel, and Cartier. No wonder, then, that France is at the top of their list of preferred overseas luxury destinations. The report says there are 600 billionaires in China and 2.8 million millionaires, measured in US dollars. They are helping drive the top end of the tourist market which last year hit an overall 83 million outbound trips from China. That figure is projected to rise to a staggering 94 million this year, the most travel of any country. This week's report reiterates research released earlier in the year that Australia is slipping down the rankings as a preferred luxury destination for the wealthy Chinese. France, the US, Singapore, Switzerland, the UK and Italy are all ahead of Australia, which has dropped from third to seventh place, falling out of the top three where it had been for three years. Hurun Report chairman Rupert Hoogewerf told Fairfax Media that Australia has done 'amazingly well' for Chinese tourists but it is now being overtaken in the luxury field. 'Ten years ago it was the preferred destination for Chinese tourists, full stop. But what's happened, as other countries have come up (such as the US and Switzerland), Australia has dropped down the list for luxury travel,' said the Shanghai-based Mr Hoogewerf. Tourism Australia Managing Director Andrew McEvoy said 'China is now our fastest growing visitor market, recently having overtaking the UK as our second largest source of international visitors. The Chinese are our highest spending visitor market. We know from our research that the Chinese love to shop and we're certainly not seeing any signs of this appetite, and particularly for luxury goods, waning." "


From this and other stories, France, Europe and California are more attractive locations for this high-end shopping by those in China than being in Australia and NZ. It will be interesting when down under in early 2014 to see how these various demographic impacts with growing China traveler numbers impacting the mix of visitors and shoppers. Personally (and fortunately for my wallet), shopping is not that much my "thing". I like to take pictures of great sights, unique architecture and locations, etc. That's much, much cheaper than too much shopping. Other, including my wife, might view shopping and those types of things differently.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Celebrity Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 132,145 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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Personally i find it quite biased that someone who really doesn't have a huge experience of travel in Australia is posting information from what is now effectively the upscale Daily Mail or trashy magazines


These journals of record seem to love posting anything that might be construed as controversial and they lurve selling their story

If you want the truth tune into toady tonight or a current affair ;)


read the anti indian posts of 2 years ago,


the anti Japanese posts of 3 years ago


the anti american posts which seem to feature during our cruise season (and it isn't always easily nettable)


(FWIW I do not understand why anyone would cruise north of Brisbane after December during our worst maritime period of the year)


dear OP..once you have been down under you might get a true appreciation of our culture and the impact to travellers and the whote tennis shoes in Sydeny still rank very highly on the obnoxious scale


until then...


avoid the trash you see on the net

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From the Sydney Morning Herald Thursday morning, they have this headline: "What rich Chinese tourists want - and where they're going to get it" with these highlights: "Rich Chinese tourists are likely to own three cars and four watches and their leisure preferences after travelling include reading, tea-tasting, driving and spending time with family. Their favourite hotel chain is the Shangri-La and when they shop – which is often – they clamour for high-end French brands such as Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Chanel, and Cartier. No wonder, then, that France is at the top of their list of preferred overseas luxury destinations. The report says there are 600 billionaires in China and 2.8 million millionaires, measured in US dollars. They are helping drive the top end of the tourist market which last year hit an overall 83 million outbound trips from China. That figure is projected to rise to a staggering 94 million this year, the most travel of any country. This week's report reiterates research released earlier in the year that Australia is slipping down the rankings as a preferred luxury destination for the wealthy Chinese. France, the US, Singapore, Switzerland, the UK and Italy are all ahead of Australia, which has dropped from third to seventh place, falling out of the top three where it had been for three years. Hurun Report chairman Rupert Hoogewerf told Fairfax Media that Australia has done 'amazingly well' for Chinese tourists but it is now being overtaken in the luxury field. 'Ten years ago it was the preferred destination for Chinese tourists, full stop. But what's happened, as other countries have come up (such as the US and Switzerland), Australia has dropped down the list for luxury travel,' said the Shanghai-based Mr Hoogewerf. Tourism Australia Managing Director Andrew McEvoy said 'China is now our fastest growing visitor market, recently having overtaking the UK as our second largest source of international visitors. The Chinese are our highest spending visitor market. We know from our research that the Chinese love to shop and we're certainly not seeing any signs of this appetite, and particularly for luxury goods, waning." "


From this and other stories, France, Europe and California are more attractive locations for this high-end shopping by those in China than being in Australia and NZ. It will be interesting when down under in early 2014 to see how these various demographic impacts with growing China traveler numbers impacting the mix of visitors and shoppers. Personally (and fortunately for my wallet), shopping is not that much my "thing". I like to take pictures of great sights, unique architecture and locations, etc. That's much, much cheaper than too much shopping. Other, including my wife, might view shopping and those types of things differently.


Full story at:


We've never been a great shopping destination, so for those that love to shop, especially for brands, it's commonsense for them to head to the European and US markets, depending what brands they are after.

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Personally i find it quite biased that someone who really doesn't have a huge experience of travel in Australia is posting information from what is now effectively the upscale Daily Mail or trashy magazines. These journals of record seem to love posting anything that might be construed as controversial and they lurve selling their story. If you want the truth tune into toady tonight or a current affair ;). read the anti indian posts of 2 years ago, the anti Japanese posts of 3 years ago. the anti american posts which seem to feature during our cruise season (and it isn't always easily nettable). (FWIW I do not understand why anyone would cruise north of Brisbane after December during our worst maritime period of the year). dear OP..once you have been down under you might get a true appreciation of our culture and the impact to travellers and the whote tennis shoes in Sydeny still rank very highly on the obnoxious scale. until then... avoid the trash you see on the net


With all due respect to the personal opinions of Mrs Waldo in Sydney, there are NO rules or restrictions on these boards that an individual must have visited a country or area for one, two or three times PRIOR to any posting, comments, sharing, etc., on questions and issues related to any country or part of the world. I have been very pleased by the positive feed-back and added, helpful information that has come back from my many, different posts. I must know a little on what I am doing or my last two live/blogs would not have gained 132,000+ and nearly 110,000 views for each of them. See below.


Journalistically, I understand a little on media credibility and research standards. Not all news sources are created equally with perfect credibility. Especially these days for many different reasons. I try to be selective, fair and somewhat balanced in sharing and quoting from any such media reports. In our state, I am a regular TV news on-air commentator working with a wide range of media professionals, plus served fourteen years on the Central Ohio library board that was ranked number one in America for part of that period.


Below is a picture of some of the books that I am reading currently and checking from our library in order to be prepared for our trip down under. It has also been interesting to read some of the major newspapers in both of these countries, learn what is happening there, being reported, etc.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Celebrity Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 132,195 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:



For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 109,603 views.




For our upcoming travels “down under”, questions have been raised about how to prepare, research and plan. Below is a picture of the stacks of books I have checked-out from our Columbus library for just Australia and New Zealand. Also have a big stack for Hawaii in connection with our visits there on our stop enroute south and coming back after the cruise. Lots of nice visuals, good maps, details, etc. on the various options in both countries from these various print resources, plus what is on the web and being shared by those on these Cruise Critic boards.:



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With all due respect to the personal opinions of Mrs Waldo in Sydney, there are NO rules or restrictions on these boards that an individual must have visited a country or area for one, two or three times PRIOR to any posting, comments, sharing, etc., on questions and issues related to any country or part of the world. I have been very pleased by the positive feed-back and added, helpful information that has come back from my many, different posts. I must know a little on what I am doing or my last two live/blogs would not have gained 132,000+ and nearly 110,000 views for each of them. See below.


Journalistically, I understand a little on media credibility and research standards. Not all news sources are created equally with perfect credibility. Especially these days for many different reasons. I try to be selective, fair and somewhat balanced in sharing and quoting from any such media reports. In our state, I am a regular TV news on-air commentator working with a wide range of media professionals, plus served fourteen years on the Central Ohio library board that was ranked number one in America for part of that period.


Below is a picture of some of the books that I am reading currently and checking from our library in order to be prepared for our trip down under. It has also been interesting to read some of the major newspapers in both of these countries, learn what is happening there, being reported, etc.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio



For our upcoming travels “down under”, questions have been raised about how to prepare, research and plan. Below is a picture of the stacks of books I have checked-out from our Columbus library for just Australia and New Zealand. Also have a big stack for Hawaii in connection with our visits there on our stop enroute south and coming back after the cruise. Lots of nice visuals, good maps, details, etc. on the various options in both countries from these various print resources, plus what is on the web and being shared by those on these Cruise Critic boards.:




You must have a lot of free time on your hands if you have time to read all of these travel books. I find a lot of the information through the public library is really outdated as far as hotels and restaurants since these travel books are usually 2 or 3 years old, but of course the landscape has not changed.


Whether true or not (we have a friend who moved to Hong Kong over 25 years ago and refuses to go to Kowloon), I am not sure it is appropriate on these boards to post articles negative to one ethnic group. Positive feedback doesn't mean something is appropriate to a specific website (in this case cruise critic). Of course everyone has the option to read or ignore.

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You must have a lot of free time on your hands if you have time to read all of these travel books. I find a lot of the information through the public library is really outdated as far as hotels and restaurants since these travel books are usually 2 or 3 years old, but of course the landscape has not changed. Whether true or not (we have a friend who moved to Hong Kong over 25 years ago and refuses to go to Kowloon (where the cruise terminal is located) I am not sure it is appropriate on these boards to post articles negative to one ethnic group. Of course everyone has the option to read or ignore.


Don't worry, Jade13, I didn't say I was reading ALL of those books. Am primarily using them as reference sources to check when various questions come up. Great point on some of these info items being outdated and at times subjective. My view is that no one travel book is perfect for all needs and interests. Like to check multiple sources.


Agree that "everyone has the option to read or ignore". Good news: Lots of info these days! Bad news: Need to check, verify, balance, etc., these many views and sources.


On the China story, I would not have posted it if it had been "just somebody's opinion" or a personal mouth being "shot off". Coming from a top China government official made a major difference for its serious sourcing, credibility, including through the respected French news wire reporting.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Celebrity Solstice Visual Highlights? From our June 7-19, 2011, Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in France, Italy, Kotor and Dubrovnik, I have pull together a number of wonderful visuals of the Solstice, its features, food, entertainment, options, etc. We are now at 6,874 views for this shorter version of my larger full review of that cruise and all of the port pictures/details. Check these postings and added info at:


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Terry, i enjoy your posts & feel I know you a little from all these miles away. Your posts have created a lot of good interaction on our Aussie/Kiwi boards.

I actually visited Ohio once on business 20 years ago. I work in the rubber industry and visited Akron, as it is the 'Mecca' of the rubber industry,


Enjoy your research & planning & of course your trip :)




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I also enjoy your posts.

I have also travelled to Ohio a couple of times visiting friends in the small town of Haviland near Van Wert. Went on my first roller coaster ride at Cedar Point...ahh, good times. I'm thinking it is time travel over that way again.

Regards Elaine.

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Terry, i enjoy your posts & feel I know you a little from all these miles away. Your posts have created a lot of good interaction on our Aussie/Kiwi boards. I actually visited Ohio once on business 20 years ago. I work in the rubber industry and visited Akron, as it is the 'Mecca' of the rubber industry, Enjoy your research & planning & of course your trip :) Cheers, Neil


Mothballs: I also enjoy your posts. I have also travelled to Ohio a couple of times visiting friends in the small town of Haviland near Van Wert. Went on my first roller coaster ride at Cedar Point...ahh' date=' good times. I'm thinking it is time travel over that way again. Regards Elaine. [/quote']


Appreciate these kind and helpful comments from Neil and Elaine. From both of these Sydney residents and many others, it has been a great learning experience for these interesting areas. More to come!!


Neil mentioned Akron. I have done lots of work in that town and area. It has changed much in the past few decades. They no longer make any tires there, but still have several of the world headquarters for certain companies in the Akron area. Not done much in Van Wert, but have lots of history with wonderful Cedar Point. Remember it well in the 1960's when it was pretty broken down and faded. Now, it's super wonderful!! Lots of great roller coasters and wonderful views there on Lake Erie. Yes, Elaine, head back our way! Happy to provide any help for a U.S. visit.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Celebrity Solstice Visual Highlights? From our June 7-19, 2011, Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in France, Italy, Kotor and Dubrovnik, I have pull together a number of wonderful visuals of the Solstice, its features, food, entertainment, options, etc. We are now at 6,914 views for this shorter version of my larger full review of that cruise and all of the port pictures/details. Check these postings and added info at:


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Thanks for the info, Terry. We are working on a Down-Under cruise for 2014. As for the Chinese article, our son works for a hotel in the Washington, DC area. About two weeks ago he made mention of this exact behavior of these tourists. So it seems to be a trend and reputation. Anyway, we'll keep reading and making some decisions soon.

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Thanks for the info, Terry. We are working on a Down-Under cruise for 2014. As for the Chinese article, our son works for a hotel in the Washington, DC area. About two weeks ago he made mention of this exact behavior of these tourists. So it seems to be a trend and reputation. Anyway, we'll keep reading and making some decisions soon.


Sent you an e-mail yesterday. We are looking forward to our first “down under” visit, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Celebrity Solstice sailing, departing Sydney, going from Australia to Auckland/NZ doing 14 days on this ship we loved in the Med in June 2011. Plus, doing some pre-cruise options for Cairns/Port Douglas, the Rainforest and Great Barrier Reef, then Kangaroo Island near Adelaide before departing from Sidney’s scenic harbor. And, doing the mid-cruise ship over-night trip to and in Queenstown and then stopping in Hawaii on the way home to break up that long, long flight back. We have a nice and super active roll call going at:


Welcome to any who want to join us for this trip and/or travel along via the web as we get prepared for that "adventure".


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Celebrity Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 133,953 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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You might notice that not many Australians have commented here on the behaviour of Chinese tourists. Perhaps because we well know that Aussies and even Americans, when travelling in groups, often display behaviour that is less than perfect! As do many other nationalities. I read that the most popular tourists with the travel industry are the Japanese.

You will notice in Sydney that we have a very large and growing Chinese population. Virtually all our friends have had Chinese or other Asians marry into their families and they are happy that they have done so. We live in an Anglo part of Sydney yet our next door neighbours are of Chinese and Indian backgrounds. The Chinese couple have a daughter married to a man from Bangladesh. My GP and dentist are both Vietnamese.

Chinese migration here dates back to the gold rush days of the mid 1800s.It will be interesting to see whether Sydney strikes you as quite Asian.

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You might notice that not many Australians have commented here on the behaviour of Chinese tourists. Perhaps because we well know that Aussies and even Americans, when travelling in groups, often display behaviour that is less than perfect! As do many other nationalities. I read that the most popular tourists with the travel industry are the Japanese. You will notice in Sydney that we have a very large and growing Chinese population. Virtually all our friends have had Chinese or other Asians marry into their families and they are happy that they have done so. We live in an Anglo part of Sydney yet our next door neighbours are of Chinese and Indian backgrounds. The Chinese couple have a daughter married to a man from Bangladesh. My GP and dentist are both Vietnamese. Chinese migration here dates back to the gold rush days of the mid 1800s. It will be interesting to see whether Sydney strikes you as quite Asian.


Appreciate your added and helpful history and insights on the demographics and population in the Sydney area. Here in Central Ohio, we have a larger than average Asian population. In part, it's because Honda started 30 years ago to manufacture cars nearby in Marysville and through other communities. Most all of the 17,000 employees at these four plants are from Ohio, but over the years lots of their executives and staff have been here. Some living longer in the area, others for shorter periods. Plus, being a metro area of a million-plus people and home to a major, large university, has added to the "diversity" and change. In many of the suburban school districts, the Asian students have performed very, very well as high achievers. As I understand, Auckland has about a third of its populations being Asian and/or Pacific. Will be interesting to see and learn first-hand those factors and impacts when visiting down under. That's part of the fun and learning from such traveling around the world.


THANKS for this added background! Will share on our roll call. Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Celebrity Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 134,081 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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  • 2 weeks later...


(FWIW I do not understand why anyone would cruise north of Brisbane after December during our worst maritime period of the year)



Off topic, but please enlighten me on this. I am planning a "circle" cruise around Australia this coming season. I have done New Zealand twice out of Sidney in January/February.

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Off topic, but please enlighten me on this. I am planning a "circle" cruise around Australia this coming season. I have done New Zealand twice out of Sidney in January/February.


The "top end" of Australia is uncomfortably hot in January-February. Also, that time of the year is often called "The Wet".

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  • 2 months later...

MrsWaldo, what's your problem with tourists wearing "white tennis shoes"? Are they supposed to be a color so as not to offend you? What else would you recommend we wear to walk many miles in our ports of call? Just wondered why that is considered "obnoxious". Doesn't make any sense at all, IMO.

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MrsWaldo, what's your problem with tourists wearing "white tennis shoes"? Are they supposed to be a color so as not to offend you? What else would you recommend we wear to walk many miles in our ports of call? Just wondered why that is considered "obnoxious". Doesn't make any sense at all, IMO.




It's a local attitude which is just as prevalent as the anti-chinese etc. It is NOT my view but it is certainly the view of a minority. it's like saying all French are rude.


In Aus we tend to wear more coloured variety and hence those who behave badly while wearing them (esp on cruise days) add to a stereotypical viewpoint.



If you read the post and what is in response to you will understand that the trash the papers write is the worst offence.


http://www.wikihow.com/Avoid-Looking-Like-an-American-Tourist ;)

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It's a local attitude which is just as prevalent as the anti-chinese etc. It is NOT my view but it is certainly the view of a minority. it's like saying all French are rude.


In Aus we tend to wear more coloured variety and hence those who behave badly while wearing them (esp on cruise days) add to a stereotypical viewpoint.



If you read the post and what is in response to you will understand that the trash the papers write is the worst offence.


http://www.wikihow.com/Avoid-Looking-Like-an-American-Tourist ;)


Yes, MrsWaldo, I did read the post and responses. I agree with the Chinese government official.


I also read the ridiculous wikihow article you posted. Not sure what bigoted person wrote that, but if that is what you believe, I am not surprised at your attitude. You should read the comments to that article. Might surprise you! By the way I am well behaved in public even if I do wear comfortable walking shoes. No throwing the arms around. :rolleyes:


Sorry if it offends you and the rest of the "minority" but I will wear what I please, and am not ashamed of being an American. Have a great day!

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