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Problem with Cabin Steward


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During our 25+ cruises we've generally had excellent room stewards - a couple that weren't great but only one was a total loser. Forgot to clean our bathroom one night - cleaned the cabin but not the bathroom - we returned to find a pile of dirty towels in the floor.


We only complained that night and someone brought us towels but evidently others complained because he was replaced.


The replacement told us he had left the ship.


Sounds like he threw in the towel. Good. ;)

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This was terrible service. I wouldn't have been as nice as you were. We have been lucky with our stewards, but we did have a bad waiter in the MDR once. We had a couple with us that had never cruised before. Here we had hyped up how great the MDR was and the service was terrible. Not as in he was slow, but as in he was rude and never brought us anything we requested. I gave him the benefit for 2 nights and then spoke to the maitre'd. He moved us to a new table with a much better waiter. I am not unrealistic in my expectations, but I refuse to be treated badly. It sounds like being a cabin steward is not the ideal occupation for this guy.

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Not defending him at all...I think you were right to complain.


But...it sounds like he is "very structured" and cannot veer from "the rules". I think this is common among people from the former Soviet Union (and certain personality types).


I don't think this is the right job for him....


Just by his size I would have been intimated by him...but...that's something he can't help. (I'm short...I am always intimidated by tall people.)

Those were pretty much my thoughts too.

When I was working in the medical field, we had employees of a specific descent and you could pluck out the specific nationality just by the tone of the voice. It was their culture and it was not abnormal to them to be so blunt and bossy.

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I would have been very upset if a steward came into my cabin with me alone and shut the door. That to me is totally unacceptable. I think you did the right thing however I believe I would have removed the tips that went to him and I would have had another talk with the hotel manager before I left.

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We have been on 3 cruises and had 1 great, 1 so-so and 1 bad steward. The last cruise was the worst, missed the room one night totally, still breakfast dishes with leftover food at 5PM, no bed turndown that night either, saw him only once, 7 nights 3 towel animals, rarely vacuumed, since the wife scrap books we notice, if he did it was done poorly. That same cruise we did the MDR 3 times (one for breakfast), the waiter knew no English and could only say "Wad you wan" and point at menu. Twice on the ship we sat aghast at staff yelling at each other angrily.


We don't think this is the norm these days, but that last cruise was odd, we think something went down with the staff and management prior to sailing, as VERY few smiles were seen on the crew all week?

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I can totally understand your point. I do think this guy had a problem with following the rules too closely, however coming into the room with your wife alone and closing the door is probably a big no-no...interesting for a rule follower!


When we sailed the Freedom, we had a super steward and supervisor. We were friendly with both and spoke and joked daily. About halfway through, we were docked in Grand Cayman. The family went out, but I stayed in the cabin because of...um...my IBS had been acting up. That morning, the supervisor and I talked, and it was agreed that I would go out on the balcony (with the curtains drawn) and stay there until our steward was done with the room. Then the supervisor would let me know he was gone. Totally comfortable situation, and I appreciated it. The fact that it was discussed and set up though, makes me think they're not supposed to be in the room alone with a passenger of the opposite sex. You were right to report it.

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I don't think you are wrong at all with any of your requests or expectations. And I can assure you my husband would have raised holy hell if a steward, especially a large male, entered our room with just me in there and closed the door. I would have been scared out of my mind having been raped in the past (not on a cruise ship) and my husband is super protective of me because of his knowledge of my past.

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He left me a note saying ... please do not leave me notes.:eek::eek:


I'm sorry, but that just cracks me up. I'm sure I too would have been upset at the time, but now it just seems funny. :)


Wow, if a steward came into my cabin when I was alone and he shut the door :eek: heads would roll. That is totally not cool. I don't want to feel unsafe on a cruise - especially with someone who has access to my cabin-at any time.

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So on my last cruise, I was not thrilled at all with our cabin steward. On every cruise I have been on, they have been great and tirelessly work behind the scenes to make things enjoyable.


What I want to know is if my expectations are unrealistic? Here is what transpired (sorry it is long) --


We met the guy right off. He was from the Ukraine, very tall - about 6" 5' and very friendly, but very loud (woke us up being "friendly" with guests almost every morning) Would have talked to him about that.


- First full day we leave the cabin. When we come back he tells us he did not clean our cabin because we did not put out the Crusin' sign and we must have it out for him to clean Understandable because he doesn't know if you're in there but would have told him next time to knock and if no one responds to just go in because maybe we forget sometimes.


- That night we had some wine from our carry on bottles and left the room with the glasses. He chastised us telling us that if we took them we would not get any more as he does not have replacements. Would have "put him in his place" and ask that he not talk to us this way because the next time we would report him.


- Next day we go back to the room and there are only three pool towels (4 in the room). We ask for another and he tells us he only replaces towels in the evening and we will have to get one from the towel hut. Would have called desk services and reported him instantly and would have gone directly there to report it again and have a towel delivered immediately even if not by him.


- We had no robes in the cabin. When we asked him about it he argued we did. We had no room service menu, when we asked about it he argued we did. Report him again ....and then again...immediately


- When we asked about replacement breakfast menus, he told us it was our fault because we were hanging our robes on the hook where he leaves them and he could not tell we were out. Yet another report...hmmmm..I think guest services and his supervisor would be getting the message.


- Third day we come back from Dinner and have NO pool towels in the room. The hut is closed and the kids want to swim. Young daughter starts to cry and says "I dont like him at all!!" Yet another call and visit.


So at this point I have had it and go talk to the service desk. They get me some towels and are a little dumbfounded by what is going on and say they will speak to him. The Hotel Manager also comes by and talks to us. This should have been done several times by now and I must say you have the patience of a saint.


- Next day my wife is in the room and he knocks and comes in AND closes the door behind him. He proceeds to tell her how it is not his fault that he has rules and they are out of towels, etc - but she is VERY uncomfortable with this guy in the room with the door closed by herself! BIG problem here, at this point I would have reported him to security and would have prayed that I didn't see him before they did because I probably would have been arrested for k---ing his a--.


- Later when I am there he comes in again and closes the door and tells me all the same thing. I am friendly, tell him I disagree, but shake his hand and tel him I appreciate him coming by (at this point I just wanted him to leave).

Hopefully this wouldn't have been necessary becuase after many many complaints he would have been removed but if he did confront me refer to my last answer... there would have been a BIG problem in that little cabin.


So - was I wrong in my expectations from any of this? I have always taken the glasses out of the room. I have always had replacement towels. I have always had plenty of menus. I have NEVER been 'reprimanded' by a cabin steward.


By the way - I didnt dock his tip. I know he has a hard job.


Please don't take this the wrong way because i do understand you had you're family with you but there is a time and a place for everything and it seems to me that you let this guy run over you without and consequences. You should have made the authorities aware of this early in the game and it would have taken care of itself. I'm sorry for what you went through but next time get his a-- straight early and don't let his size intimidate you because "the bigger they are the harder they fall.":cool:

Edited by richraven
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Thanks all for the replies - glad my expectations are on.....bout to set sail again in just over a week so hopefully I will have a much better steward.


I am normally pretty vocal but I was just not going to allow him to ruin my trip by getting all hot about it. My wife and I did make snotty comments about it all week to each other in disbelief so that was not good - but we ended up making jokes about it. I normally love my cabin steward, but if he makes himself the center of attention that is a problem.


I will say it was offset by the fact we had a great waiter who even said to us - "Is everything on your cruise going well? Not just in the dining room but is there anything else anywhere I can help you with?" That really stuck with me and I made sure to recognize him as well.


As far as the stereotype - I am NOT PC and I am NOT going to stereotype all eastern block folks - but I do have a couple of Ukrainians friends and I do have to say most of them have very strong personalities which is one of the reasons I didnt bust his chops harder. I think he truly did think he was doing what he was supposed to do so I dont think there was no mal-intent on his part.


I do have to confess - and I know this is probably bad - but on the last two days we started making a game out of it. We started collecting the wine glasses from the cleaning carts as we walked buy and we had like 8-10 in the room at one time. Not sure if he got the message, but we sure laughed about it.

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Those were pretty much my thoughts too.

When I was working in the medical field, we had employees of a specific descent and you could pluck out the specific nationality just by the tone of the voice. It was their culture and it was not abnormal to them to be so blunt and bossy.


I taught ESL to adults at a college (have an M.S. in Ed. TESOL- which had a linguistic component involving cultural communication.)


Not to be judgmental but I agree with you part of the "problem" might have been differences in communication preferences.

I also suspect the steward has personality issues, as well.


OP- I would not have adjusted the auto tips and I'm glad to hear that you didn't compromise your own standards of behavior, either.




P.S. I've only had 22 stewards who disappointed. One I tipped $20 when I got on board. Never did that again.

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I do have to confess - and I know this is probably bad - but on the last two days we started making a game out of it. We started collecting the wine glasses from the cleaning carts as we walked buy and we had like 8-10 in the room at one time. Not sure if he got the message, but we sure laughed about it.


Hahahaha!!! that's the best part :) I'm glad you could make some light of the situation!!

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I taught ESL to adults at a college (have an M.S. in Ed. TESOL- which had a linguistic component involving cultural communication.)


Not to be judgmental but I agree with you part of the "problem" might have been differences in communication preferences.

I also suspect the steward has personality issues, as well.


OP- I would not have adjusted the auto tips and I'm glad to hear that you didn't compromise your own standards of behavior, either.




P.S. I've only had 22 stewards who disappointed. One I tipped $20 when I got on board. Never did that again.

OOOOPS!! 2 stewards, not 22!!

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It sounds to me like he was power trippin'. It reminds me of the "no soup for you!" episodes of Seinfeld!


LOL..the soup nazzi!


I understand they have rules to follow or they might get in trouble, but he should have gone above and beyond... if you couldn't find the robes, then he should have come in to show you where they were (and seeing there were none, he could then bring you some right then and there). Same with the towels..should have come to your room right then and there to bring them. Maybe he was new and just didn't know the routine?


Anyways, like others say..you did right thing and you handled correctly.

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I understand your issues, his attitude was something to consider. While we understand that staff on the ship are worldwide and their culture differences may not be what we are used to this certainly was outside of the norm. While you did not reduce the tip, I think I would have, especially when he approached your wife. Mess with me that’s find, but you approach my wife different ballgame. I believe you should write a letter to Carnival and express your concerns.


On our cruise last week on the Sensation met our room attendant he told us about him doing the room twice a day and all of that. I took a soft side cooler and asked the room attendant if he would put ice in it. That evening there was no ice in it or in the ice bucket, saw him in the hall and asked him about ice, he stated that he tried to fill the cooler but it was full. Well the cooler was not full, as a matter of face the ice he brought me I put in the cooler.


He never put ice in the cooler at anytime. He would bring ice in the bucket and leave it, but never put it in the cooler and the cooler was on the desk in the tray that holds the ice bucket. Not a big deal, I just poured the ice in the cooler from the bucket, just thought it was odd that he never did or make an effort to. I didn’t reduce tips or anything just caulked it up as one of those things. My wife did mention that he was not as friendly as previous attendants. He would barely speak when we saw him in the hallway. Actually got more responses from other staff in the hallway than him, again no big deal.

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To those that said they would not have reduced the tips because they go to so many people... that is incorrect. If you go to guest services they can remove/reduce the portion for the room steward. They have a formula for what percentages go to which department. You can also increase tips to one category (say your dinning waiter) but normally if I want to add tips I just do it with cash and in person because that way i KNOW where it went.


And I like the others agree that you were not being unreasonable in your requests nor in your actions. After he was in my cabin alone with my wife I would have been on the phone to guest services and DEMANDING to speak with the hotel manager. He/she needs to know that it took place.

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To those that said they would not have reduced the tips because they go to so many people... that is incorrect. If you go to guest services they can remove/reduce the portion for the room steward. They have a formula for what percentages go to which department. You can also increase tips to one category (say your dinning waiter) but normally if I want to add tips I just do it with cash and in person because that way i KNOW where it went.


And I like the others agree that you were not being unreasonable in your requests nor in your actions. After he was in my cabin alone with my wife I would have been on the phone to guest services and DEMANDING to speak with the hotel manager. He/she needs to know that it took place.


I didn't know you could remove the tips for one employee only.

This is definitely a situation that calls for it!!



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I do have to confess - and I know this is probably bad - but on the last two days we started making a game out of it. We started collecting the wine glasses from the cleaning carts as we walked buy and we had like 8-10 in the room at one time. Not sure if he got the message, but we sure laughed about it.


OMG that's bad but very funny. I think my wife and I would have done the same (though I hope we would not). Man it's not easy being an adult when the child in us wants to make mischief. :p

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