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Cruise Etiquette: What have passengers done onboard your cruise that was rude?

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I try not to get upset about things that are beyond my control but somethings that raise my eyebrows...


Loud obnoxious people who feel they need to share every word they utter with everyone. As if what they have to say is always profound or interesting. Also, if you're trying to make a point get to it. The details only matter if they connect diectly to the point. They best storytellers know how to weave the pertinent details into the story to make it worth listening too.


Body odors and perfumes....we're in a confined space, we're all hot tired and hungry so we don't also need to smell like a donkey's butt or a tart's boudoir. The cabins have showers for a reason and deodorant is cheap.


Selfie sticks...I don't hate them but please be aware of where your swinging them.


Negativity...we all paid for our vacations and waited patiently for them to arrive so we could have a good experience and a relaxing break from work etc. If you're having a bad experience please don't infect those around you with toxicity and complaints. You can spoil your own vacation but you have no right to try to influence someone elses.

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Baby with diaper in adult pool crapped. People on the Plaza expect you to step aside for them while walking towards you. I weigh 215 and don't push, will be polite but don't just try to make me swerve out of your way. Ain't gonna happen with this Redneck Vietnam Vet. People shove in front of wheel chairs getting on the elevators like they have 1st class tickets. There are a lot of rude people aboard ships and it's usually "entitled" American women, not sure to what, who have the least manners followed by teenagers.

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I was in a shop on a Celebrity ship (don't remember which one) when a man started berating the young woman working there. He did not like the selection of items, or the sizes available. She silently took a bit of verbal abuse . It wasn't my business, but I said. "Hey, it is not her fault, she just works here.' He looked at me like he was very angry but did not say anything more before storming out. The young woman looked at me and quietly said

"Thank you." I know the staff can't speak back, but as passengers we certainly don't have to keep silent when we see such things happening.

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Selfie sticks...I don't hate them but please be aware of where your swinging them.


This reminds me of something I encountered on our most recent cruise. A woman had her camera phone set up with voice activation to take photos when she said, "Smile." In Glacier Bay. "Smile. Smile. Smile. Smile... smile... smile..." I was ready to go make her stop smile-ing! It was even worse than all the people who don't bother to shut off the fake-shutter sound effects on their camera/phone. Glacier Bay is a quiet, peaceful place. Have a little respect, people! :eek:

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I have had a few laughs reading this thread. Unfortunately, this one upset me a little. My husband uses a scooter. He has never run someone down(yet). By the way, hope you are never limited in your mobility.


Using your logic. Because your husband has never run someone down that means that no one has ever been run down by a person on a scooter?


Give me a break. My young daughter has almost been run over by scooter idiots multiple times at a casino that we go to. Now before you say anything, there is a lot more to do there inclusive of gambling.

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I was in a shop on a Celebrity ship (don't remember which one) when a man started berating the young woman working there. He did not like the selection of items, or the sizes available. She silently took a bit of verbal abuse . It wasn't my business, but I said. "Hey, it is not her fault, she just works here.' He looked at me like he was very angry but did not say anything more before storming out. The young woman looked at me and quietly said

"Thank you." I know the staff can't speak back, but as passengers we certainly don't have to keep silent when we see such things happening.


Remember the staff in the shops do not work for the cruise line. They are employed by a separate company. Of course that gives no one the right to complain about the selection, etc. in a negative way.

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Using your logic. Because your husband has never run someone down that means that no one has ever been run down by a person on a scooter?


Give me a break. My young daughter has almost been run over by scooter idiots multiple times at a casino that we go to. Now before you say anything, there is a lot more to do there inclusive of gambling.


And I can't count the number of times children and adults have walked into me. Rent a scooter and go to Disneyland. What a lesson you will get. People are walking along and then just - stop. No warning. They just stop in the middle of the traffic flow. Scooters do NOT have breaks. You let go of the gear and then glide to a stop. Then these same people turn around and give YOU the dirty look for hitting them. My favorite is when you are stopped, out of the way and someone walks into you because they weren't looking. Then they get pissed off at you. Wait! I wasn't moving. You walked into ME.


I also can't count the number of times that small children have dashed in front of me when I've almost ran into them. OMG. Hundreds of times. They are kids and they run without looking. Sure, okay. I don't blame them. But, please, please don't blame the scooter driver because your kid ran in front of me. I was once at Disneyland and these three little darlings kept running back and forth across the path. I sat there for about 3 minutes before I politely said something to the parents. These wonderful parents told me that kids will be kids. I told her that maybe she should teach her kids some manners like getting out the way of handicapped people. She swore at me and still didn't tell her kids to let me pass. I just drove through at the point. I heard her calling me names as I left.


How about coming up behind me. I tell people each and every time we are on a slight hill to please not get so close to me. When I stop I will slightly roll back hill. Then I will run over your precious toes. The ones that get caught under my scooter because you were so close to me that you left me not even an inch of space.


Sorry, but please stop blaming every scooter rider for their inconsiderateness. I have many times cleared the way for riders to get through the cruise ship lobby or stores or many locations when there is an event going on. In one situation, not ONE SINGLE PERSON moved out of the way to let the scooter driver through. How long do you think it suitable for them to sit there and wait. Five minutes, 10, 30, an hour. How long? This goes for almost everywhere we have been. Some time stop and take a look at how the scooter rider is being treated. You'll be embarrassed at your comment.

Edited by notentirelynormal
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Basically 90% of people are rude? Maybe a lot are just thoughtless or inconsiderate. I always make room for scooters on a ship and have at times left the lift so they can fit in. This is despite my interactions with the man who frequents my local shopping centre who drives his scooter at breakneck speed, well pretty fast for a crowded area. He has run into me twice and when I have said something to him, his reply is "I'm old and disabled". Well I'm old and just hanging in there. I should now have an aversion to all scooters and their drivers, but I still try to play nice. Lol

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Remember the staff in the shops do not work for the cruise line. They are employed by a separate company. Of course that gives no one the right to complain about the selection, etc. in a negative way.




That is not the case on many lines.

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Sorry, but please stop blaming every scooter rider for their inconsiderateness. I have many times cleared the way for riders to get through the cruise ship lobby or stores or many locations when there is an event going on. In one situation, not ONE SINGLE PERSON moved out of the way to let the scooter driver through. How long do you think it suitable for them to sit there and wait. Five minutes, 10, 30, an hour. How long? This goes for almost everywhere we have been. Some time stop and take a look at how the scooter rider is being treated. You'll be embarrassed at your comment.


Again, did I say that every scooter rider is inconsiderate? No. I said that there are inconsiderate scooter riders. That is true. But as you accurately point out, there are inconsiderate non scooter riders also. But from what you are posting, it seems that every single person who does not ride a scooter is inconsiderate.


What you attempted to do with your post about your husband is to try and prove a rule that no person who rides a scooter is inconsiderate because your husband is not inconsiderate. That is not logical. Following this logic, because you have encountered people who do not ride a scooter who have been inconsiderate therefore all people who do not ride a scooter are inconsiderate. That is also not true. I could use the same logic by saying that since I have never been in the highest level suite on a ship, therefore they do not exist.

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Just like with driving a car, scooter drivers need to leave enough space to stop and anticipate what others might do unexpectedly. They also have to realize that sometimes people can't get out of the way in crowded areas because there is no where for them to go and EVERYONE needs to be patient and NO ONE is more important than the next and entitled to get someplace first or faster. A scooter is no different than a car with a handicap placard. They still need to follow the rules of the road, drive defensively, and wait their turn at intersections and on crowded roads.

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(snip)Some time stop and take a look at how the scooter rider is being treated. You'll be embarrassed at your comment.

I am not embarrassed by my comment. I always post exactly what I am thinking and what I post is always backed by facts. My daughter was standing (not moving ) near the edge of a hallway. She was not moving. This old idiot in a scooter wanting to make it somewhere quickly decided that he had to move faster that the people walking, so he swerved around walking people and forced my standing daughter to jump out of the way.


But the bottom line is: People can be inconsiderate. All people. Those in scooters and those who are not.

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Just like with driving a car, scooter drivers need to leave enough space to stop and anticipate what others might do unexpectedly. They also have to realize that sometimes people can't get out of the way in crowded areas because there is no where for them to go and EVERYONE needs to be patient and NO ONE is more important than the next and entitled to get someplace first or faster. A scooter is no different than a car with a handicap placard. They still need to follow the rules of the road, drive defensively, and wait their turn at intersections and on crowded roads.




Over the years I have been "bumped" into several times, usually from behind, while standing in line by powered scooters.


The worse time was on a formal night when I was standing by the rail on deck 6 watching the water fall being poured down on deck 5. I was hit from behind hard enough to knock me against the rail which I quickly grabbed onto to keep from going over. That driver then made a right turn and knocked down a staff person with a tray of drinks which went flying. Then turned right again and bumped into a lady before heading off down the hall way as fast as the scooter could go.


I went over and checked on the staff person and helped him to his feet. Then I noticed that my left leg was bleeding from a cut on the lower leg. So off to the cabin I went to get my first aid kit.


Even after the above I still will help any scooter driver get into an elevator if I see one waiting to get on and others are walking around them.



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I have enjoyed reading through all the stories. I find I can relate to most of the stories after all the cruises we have taken.


But....at the beginning of our cruise career when we were not sure if we would be cruising again because of family and money. We booked a Valentine's Day (1993) cruise on Princess that was having a renewals of vows.


Myself and my friend (both of us were short) went topside early - nearly an hour - to get a good viewing spot. One of us went and told the DHs where we were so they could join us.


Well time was nearing, Gavin Mcleod and other guests came out to speak and then it happened. A couple from Europe arrived....came up to us and told us we had to move and let them in front because they wanted to take pictures. They had a video camera and tripod so you know it was not just snap some pictures and give us back our spot.


I told them 'no" and next time arrive earlier. They were quite put out. I guess I was just as rude as they were but.....I could not help myself.

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Again, did I say that every scooter rider is inconsiderate? No. I said that there are inconsiderate scooter riders. That is true. But as you accurately point out, there are inconsiderate non scooter riders also. But from what you are posting, it seems that every single person who does not ride a scooter is inconsiderate.


What you attempted to do with your post about your husband is to try and prove a rule that no person who rides a scooter is inconsiderate because your husband is not inconsiderate. That is not logical. Following this logic, because you have encountered people who do not ride a scooter who have been inconsiderate therefore all people who do not ride a scooter are inconsiderate. That is also not true. I could use the same logic by saying that since I have never been in the highest level suite on a ship, therefore they do not exist.


Wow! I never mentioned my husband at all. You have me mixed up with someone else. All I was saying is that sometimes others need to be considerate of scooters too. That it is a two way street. Flip out a little?


Reedl: I'm sorry that happened to your daughter. I have seen and felt scooter riders that think they are owed something and to get the h@ll out of their way. I've been hit by them just like your daughter was. There are many people, however, that think scooters have breaks and can just stop. They can't. They have a breaking system and there is a slight delay in their stopping.

Edited by notentirelynormal
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Just like with driving a car, scooter drivers need to leave enough space to stop and anticipate what others might do unexpectedly. They also have to realize that sometimes people can't get out of the way in crowded areas because there is no where for them to go and EVERYONE needs to be patient and NO ONE is more important than the next and entitled to get someplace first or faster. A scooter is no different than a car with a handicap placard. They still need to follow the rules of the road, drive defensively, and wait their turn at intersections and on crowded roads.


I agree. I have been on both sides. Often I will just pull over to the side and let everyone go by before I even attempt to move.

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Over the years I have been "bumped" into several times, usually from behind, while standing in line by powered scooters.


The worse time was on a formal night when I was standing by the rail on deck 6 watching the water fall being poured down on deck 5. I was hit from behind hard enough to knock me against the rail which I quickly grabbed onto to keep from going over. That driver then made a right turn and knocked down a staff person with a tray of drinks which went flying. Then turned right again and bumped into a lady before heading off down the hall way as fast as the scooter could go.


I went over and checked on the staff person and helped him to his feet. Then I noticed that my left leg was bleeding from a cut on the lower leg. So off to the cabin I went to get my first aid kit.


Even after the above I still will help any scooter driver get into an elevator if I see one waiting to get on and others are walking around them.




That's disgusting. I would have tracked down that person and reported them to security.


I use my scooter on board only to get on and off the ship. It is too enclosed a space. I can sit when I need to to take breaks and I can take extra pain pills but I will not drive it through busy locations.

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I don't know if it was thoughtless, careless or rudeness, but on one cruise on formal night, I was dressed in my long chiffon gown going down the elevator. A man tried to get on with his little boy about 3 in a stroller. We all made room. The kid was holding an open glass of something and of course he spilled it all over me. I yelled and the Dad did nothing. Not the kid's fault, he was too young to handle an open glass while bumping over the elevator door tracks.





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Having MS I require the use of a mobility scooter on board ship. Being that I also use one at home I'm very proficient in the safe operation of such a piece of equipment and go out of my way not to inconvenience others. IMPO the problem more often than not with the scooters on board cruise ships are the first time or sometime users rather than those of us who depend on it for are daily existence


With that said a few years ago as I was exiting out the elevator on my scooter when the woman standing behind me in the elevator yelled and I do mean yelled out "Those people should be banned from cruise ships". I cautiously backed up my scooter and politely replied " Well than I hope for your sake you never find yourself in a position to have to use a mobility scooter as such a ban would apply to you as well " The woman's husband was mortified by his wife's statement.

Edited by xxoocruiser
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Having MS I require the use of a mobility scooter on board ship. Being that I also use one at home I'm very proficient in the safe operation of such a piece of equipment and go out of my way not to inconvenience others. IMPO the problem more often than not with the scooters on board cruise ships are the first time or sometime users rather than those of us who depend on it for are daily existence




With that said a few years ago as I was exiting out the elevator on my scooter when the woman standing behind me in the elevator yelled and I do mean yelled out "Those people should be banned from cruise ships". I cautiously backed up my scooter and politely replied " Well than I hope for your sake you never find yourself in a position to have to use a mobility scooter as such a ban would apply to you as well " The woman's husband was mortified by his wife's statement.



If I see someone in a wheelchair or scooter, I will wait to let them pass. But we've all seen that scooter rider that does the herkey jerkey while staring at the controls and no obvious clue as to where they're going. Sorry, I'm not waiting all day on this person and will go on my way.



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