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Maasdam: on the way, then "live from".


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Loving your report as we just got off Maasdam on Saturday as you were boarding. I'm sorry to see we took all the great weather as we had an absolute fantastic week of sun (bar Syndey which was overcast and cool) but we did have the hurricane in Boston on 4th of July beforehand!


We did dress up both formal nights but love your more low-key week too - will have to try it sometime in the future!!

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Moriah...your positive attitude really shines through....... even with the unfortunate Montreal taxi experience. You obviously refused to let yourself get bogged down by his very rude and self-centered attitude. A terrible way to be greeted by one of the first people you meet in Montreal. Continued happy trails to you.

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Wednesday, cont. Sailing away from Sydney. Weather!


At around 4:30 the Captain made an announcement. We were experiencing high winds (I don’t remember the wind velocity but he said the Maasdam was not built to “push against” winds so strong) and our sail-away from Sydney was delayed until the wind died down a bit. The temperature was mild (about 80 F) but it was humid and the sky was perfectly blue. I went out to the aft pool area to enjoy the beautiful weather – the wind wasn’t so strong that it was a deterrent to being outside. In fact it made the humidity more bearable. I also went to the Lido pool area and was surprised they still had the roof over the pool open so that area was quite windy. The backs of unoccupied chairs were blown forward, and as I sat at a table to have an iced tea, and put my sunglasses on the table. In seconds my glasses had blown off the table and skidded quite a ways away, retrieved (unbroken, whew!) for me by a nice guest who noticed them land at his feet. We did push out from the Sydney dock after a very short delay, and I went back to the cabin to get ready for the Thermal Suite. While in the cabin I keep the TV on channel 44 (the bow cam) and I happened to notice that people – they looked like guests, not crew – were walking around on the bow! Wow! Can you do that? I love being out there – didn’t think it was possible on Maasdam! I have the BEST memories of being on the bow of Oosterdam and Westerdam in Alaska as we cruised past glaciers and some of the most breathtaking vistas EVER… anyway, I went up to 7 to the desk to ask if there was indeed access to the bow and I was told that yes, I could go all the way forward on deck 6, through the wooden doors, and up the stairs, and at the top of the stairs, if the door was open, I was “welcome to step out on the bow”. YAY!

Sure enough, it was open, and there were several other people out there. The weather was absolutely GLORIOUS and there is nothing like standing at the very front of a ship sailing through the sea, blue sky and cotton clouds… aaaahhhhhh, what fun it all is!!!! It was breezy, still, but pleasant because the breeze kept me cool. I was so surprised that so few people were out there! I guess it’s a well-kept secret.. although anyone looking at the bow cam like I did can see guests wandering out there. Apparently there had been access for every one of our sail-aways, but this was the first time I noticed. They don’t announce it. They just quietly keep the doors open. Awesome!


So after hanging out on the bow for a while, I finally did get to the thermal suite and this time it was quiet, serene and spa-like! I usually grab a glass of mint-water from the “relaxation room” on the way to the thermal suite, but today that area was not serviced – there were lots and lots of used glasses but not a clean one in sight,... oh well. Also, the toilet in the dressing room was out of order. Hmm… Maasdam is having toilet issues… I went to the Lido pool area to get a glass of water and use the restroom, right around the corner. Back to the cabin to shower and change for dinner.


Now the weather CHANGED! So quickly!! Suddenly we were in deep fog! From clear blue sky to thick fog in literally seconds! Maasdam sounded her fog horn at regular intervals. There was absolutely NOTHING to be seen from the windows at the Lido pool – just plain gray gray gray. Also, the sea became a little choppier and there was some movement… I imagine people who are prone to sea-sickness were having a hard time of it. I have never had that problem, luckily. I prepared myself my usual big salad, and after that had a steak. In my “real life” I don’t eat meat every day, much less three times a day! I just haven’t been able to resist the bacon for breakfast, burger for lunch, and steak for dinner!!! I don’t seem to have gained any weight though.. probably because I’m sticking pretty closely to the low carb regimen – no desserts or bread and very little fruit – and not feeling deprived at all (did I mention bacon, burgers, and steaks? How could I feel deprived?? )


So as we sailed through the thick fog I went to Explorations to see Caryl for my decaf extra shot Americano, and hung out there talking to some very nice guests I met while looking at the “view” (of plain white cloud LOL). Maasdam continued to blow her fog horn regularly as we sailed onward…


So Caryl happened to notice that I still have about $20 left on my $50 drink card. I had to laugh. When does THAT ever happen? Made me realize yet again how different this solo cruise is from all my previous cruises with SO and/or family and/or friends. I’ve consumed absolutely no alcohol on this cruise. Not that I am normally a big drinker – I’m not – but on previous cruises we would have cocktails before dinner, and maybe something with dinner – SO usually orders wine, and I don’t like wine so I’d usually have another cocktail to keep him company. And with friends there is usually a fair amount of some kind of drinking… although nobody ever get’s “drunk” in my crowd, I now realize we spend quite a bit of money on alcohol, which I have not spent on this cruise because all alone it just doesn’t occur to me to order a drink. So I guess that means I’m a “social” drinker? Anyway, I realize now how quickly the alcohol adds up a person’s onboard account… Hmmm… maybe this calls for another spa treatment to celebrate my “savings”? J All in all this has been a very inexpensive cruise – even considering solo supplement of 100% on the cabin itself. No shore excursions, very little shopping, the aforementioned alcohol abstinence, and having booked an inside cabin… all made it very inexpensive as cruises go. On my next cruise (Oosterdam in September with my 83 year old Mom) we’ll be in a Neptune Suite and I’m sure we’ll be having a couple of drinks a piece (Mom likes happy hour – makes her feel she’s being gifted with something LOL – and the “Neptune Girls” – the wonderful concierges – are always awesome – that’s the way to go when I cruise with my Mom), but my point here is that I have lacked for absolutely nothing on this cruise in my inside cabin – a cruise is a cruise, and I now know for sure I can be happy in ANY cabin (and probably any HAL ship!), and alone or with friends and family, and have a fantastic time.


Writing this at 6:30 AM on Thursday, as we continue to sail toward Halifax, the ship is moving - not just forward, but back and forth! A lot of movement can be felt even here in my midship cabin. I am probably located in the most stable part of the ship, and yet, it’s really rolling! I happen to love it, but as I said before, if anyone has a weak stomach, they won’t be having breakfast today! I went up on deck as usual at around 5:30, hoping to catch the sunrise… but… although I trust the sun was indeed rising J there was nothing to see – fog still just as thick. As I walked across the Lido pool area from the spa side to the restaurant, I heard the fog horn and JUMPED – for some reason at that time of morning in that desolate part of the ship – the horn sounded especially close and LOUD! The Lido pool had waves you could surf on – it was rocking back and forth so violently that it spilled over each side on to the deck chair area. A little more of this and the pool will be empty! There was literally nobody out and about. I actually tried to go outside on deck six but could not manage to open the door! The winds were that strong! I am pretty strong, but those doors made it clear they were NOT to be opened this morning! Not that there would be anything to see on deck, I just wanted the “fresh” air… hmmmm… I guess it’s not that fresh when you are sailing through a cloud? So anyway, back to the cabin to meet my breakfast, which again came at 5:50, delivered by the wonderful EKA. I’ve had Eka deliver now three days in a row. He is such a delight. He’s trying to teach me to say “Bon Appétit” in the Indonesian language… I ‘m not doing very well…


So right now, I’ll post this and then brave the rocking hallways and stairways and get myself up to 8 for some good coffee! (I wish Explorations opened earlier… but then Caryl’s job would be that much more grueling, so I’m good with 7 J)


Good morning!

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I don’t know how they do it, but somehow we docked at Halifax in dense fog. I apparently hadn’t glanced at the TV (still on channel 44 – the bow cam) for about 20 minutes, and when I did, Maasdam was already up against the dock and there were buildings visible instead of the plain white of the fog.


The fog lifted over the next hour or so, replaced by steady pouring rain. At around 9:30 I ventured up to Explorations for my coffee. It had been a lazy morning in the cabin. Caryl fixed my coffee and I took it to the chairs across from the Mix bar on the starboard side, because the dock was on the port side and the Explorations windows were right up against a cement wall that went all the up past deck 8. On the other side there was a charming view of an island and an old lighthouse, in the rain…

Jeremy the CD announced that it was 70 degrees F. in Halifax and it was expected to be rainy all day. I was sorry for all the guests who had shore excursions to Peggy’s Cove, and etc… not a day to see anything or go anywhere. A day for hot chocolate and jammies! J Anyway, I went ashore to the terminal building to use the free wifi and ended up staying there (in the big Adirondack chairs they have sprinkled around inside the cruise center) until around 1 PM, talking to a friend on Skype, working, etc. Back on board I went to the Lido and made myself a big salad for lunch.. decided to forgo my usual Dive In burger. Sort of felt a cold coming on and not much appetite. Very unlike me… hmmm. After lunch back to (I’m sure you’ve guessed, and then yawned…) the thermal suite! I just read, soaked, read, relaxed, and soaked some more until around 4:00. Bingo was at 4:30 for the $25,000 jackpot… took a quick shower and got to the showroom just as they started selling the cards… did not win the jackpot or any other prize, but I still enjoy bingo (don’t ask me why).

Back to Explorations for coffee (again, I see you yawning)… reading and relaxing as we sail toward Bar Harbor (didn’t notice our sail-away – it was rainy and windy – so not much partying on deck for this sail-away).. the ship swayed a LOT.. lots of movement. Hal Cats could not play, and the pools were splashing their contents onto the decks. Took a detour through deck 11 on the way back to the cabin and the lido pool again had became a “wave pool”, lots of kids in it (finally I see kids!) having a blast, as the water whips up and down… nobody in the lounge chairs by the pool for obvious reasons LOL.


It’s formal night again, and as I made my way back to the cabin I expected to see a lot of gorgeous people.. but for some reason this formal night is hardly noticeable. I wonder if the weather has put people off the mood? Also, it would be impossible to walk with high heels the way the ship is swaying! For whatever reason, I do not stand out in my casual attire tonight… I’ll be going up to the Lido for casual dinner soon. Of course I don’t pass the MDR on my way – maybe I’m just not in the right place to see the beautiful people! I hope the movement of the ship doesn’t spoil their festive dinner…


I can’t believe it’s already Thursday evening! Only one more full day! Time really does fly when you are having fun…


Notes and Things I’ve Learned (in no particular order)


1. I enjoy my own company. I am just as happy getting lost in a book as anything. When with others, there just isn’t that opportunity to do that as much. There always seems to be a time limit to every “segment” of “relaxation”. There is always meeting so and so for dinner or drinks or a shore excursion, or whatever, at such and such time, in such and such place. Even if I do go off on my own, or just curl up and read, when there are others cruising with me there is always that “next activity” or “plan” looming. NOT that these are bad things! Please don’t get me wrong! It’s all wonderful when cruising with others and doing all of those things! But this is a different kind of complete relaxation that just isn’t possible where there is even one other person to consider. And I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it. In fact, I wish I were better at it. Even with just myself, I caught myself making little plans for myself – maybe because everything being too open ended was uncomfortable? For instance, while lounging in the spa, I tell myself, “at 4 I’ll go the cabin and take a shower”. WHY?? When I caught myself doing this, making little deadlines for myself, I really tried to relax and release the need for this type of thing, and I was surprised at how difficult it was! And I have a pretty laid back life, as people go.. my kids are all grown, I delegate a lot of the tasks for my business, my SO is not demanding or controlling at all. So where did all this rigidity that I didn’t even know I had - come from?? Anyway, it’s just interesting. I think it’s a really great thing to get to know myself and what I actually prefer, when REALLY left to my own devices! Where do I go when there REALLY is no plan or anyone even suggesting activities or dining venues or ANYTHING. Again.. so interesting… I found out all I wanted to do was be in the spa, curl up and read, and eat meaty things in casual places!!! Meet the new me~! I like her!


2. Any cabin will do (for me). And I mean that. However, I think, when push comes to shove, I would not choose an inside cabin again unless the savings were considerable over an ocean view of some kind. Although, please understand, I lacked for nothing and the cabin was more than wonderful, and I would never recommend not cruising over cruising in an inside stateroom. Still, my first choice would be a room where I could open the curtains and see the state of the weather, the water… there were enough times when I missed being able to do that to have solidified that opinion. This is no way put a damper on my cruise. As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been in every category, the most frequent being the Neptune Suite (used to be called Deluxe Veranda) and there were very very few moments this cruise where I missed anything at all about that experience. Cruising with my kids, Mom, or SO, however, would be a different story. With the “gang”, having the Neptune Lounge is really a plus, for various reasons. For a solo cruise, for me, it’s just not necessary.


3. Internet is too expensive on HAL. Honestly, if there was one single thing that gave me ANY stress on this cruise it was the price of minutes online. Even with this being a port intensive cruise with free wifi readily available while in port, I have the kind of business that needs more constant monitoring – not to sit in front of the screen for hours - but I need to be in touch easily and frequently, and the internet on the ship is just prohibitive to be able to really do what I would have liked, which would have put me in a more relaxed state at times. In 2014 internet should be a given, and since it’s really not expensive for HAL to set up the service and maintain it (I have this information from the “experts” LOL, but who knows, maybe some of you have a different opinion, that’s fine), I feel that should be passed on to guests. I didn’t plan to, but I ended up just buying hundreds and hundreds of dollars of access in order to feel relaxed about keeping in touch with work (and doing some work when necessary). I finally just talked myself down from the irritation and said “it is what it is, just buy the minutes you need and relax. In the end it can be written off and really isn’t THAT much in the scheme of things.” It’s more the principle of the thing - that being that it doesn’t HAVE to be that expensive – that bothers me. Okay, enough of a rant about that I think! And please, I don’t want this thread to be about that. This is just my observation and my need and desire and if you disagree I respect your view.


4. HAL has the BEST crew EVER! Obviously I’m not an authority, and I’m sure all the lines have wonderful staff, but the crew from Indonesia and the Philippines on HAL are, to my mind, exceptionally hard-working, FRIENDLY, and authentically well-meaning people. They will always go the extra mile, they will always greet you (usually by name) and they will always make you feel as if your comfort and happiness is of paramount importance. This is something to be deeply appreciated. And I do. I can’t make a personal connection with many crew members on each cruise, but the ones that I did make a connection with I will try to find tomorrow and hit them with some cash. (I think I might have mentioned that I got my tipping behavior from my wonderful and generous SO, and now I can’t not do it myself).


5. Maasdam is a beautiful ship. She may be pushing 20 (or is it past 20 already?) but she is still, in my opinion, in great shape and taken care of lovingly by HAL and by the crew I just talked about. There is always someone polishing or washing something, and I also make a point to thank them when I pass by. There are some things about the décor that are not what I would have picked, but taste is personal, and the ship cannot please everyone all the time! Love love love the Maasdam and can’t wait to sail her again – hopefully I’ll have the chance before HAL divests itself of her (I understand she’s sold as of late 2015?) I love the size of this ship. My most recent cruise before this one was on the Celebrity Reflection, about twice the size of Maasdam I believe, and while I of course that is one gorgeous vessel and I had a fabulous time, I longed for the Holland America Vistas and the S class ships … there is just something about these ships!!!


Tomorrow we drop anchor off Bar Harbor, ME. Good bye Canada, it’s been great! The ship is still rocking and rolling as I type this… still no visibility and we are booming our fog horn as we sail south… I have to admit – I actually love this. I like actually feeling like I’m on a ship, and not just in a hotel somewhere LOL. So bring on the weather and the rough water! (as long as nobody is in danger it’s all good).


I’ll try to post again after Bar Harbor tomorrow.

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Really enjoying your posts and your perspectives. Your internet remarks really hit home. Like you my husband must stay in contact with our business when we cruise and HAL certainly makes it expensive and inconvenient! Others will say that we should just "unplug" but that is not an option so I really identify with your viewpoint but don't hold out much hope that it will be resolved anytime in the near future.

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I love your "live from".


I've done 3 solo cruises and am impressed how easily you did your first. Each of mine has gotten easier and I am not sure I'd want to cruise with anyone again.


Thanks for taking the time to let us know about your cruise.

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Friday: Bar Harbor


Beautiful day! Ideal conditions for tendering, as well as for any shore excursions to Acadia National Park that I’m sure many people took. As usual, I was up on deck early as the sun came up and we approached land. Did a few laps around deck 6 and then up to the Sky Deck to get a 360 view. It was breezy and cool. Just the way I like it. And sunrise was beautiful. Back to the cabin before 6 to meet my breakfast. Eka delivered it for the 4th (or 5th?) day in a row. Such a friendly face first thing in the AM! Bacon was crisp and today I ordered coffee – simply because Explorations Café only opens at 7 … and it really wasn’t too bad today! And that turned out to be a good thing since I found out a little later that Explorations was closed! Passport control/customs took place there when we anchored off Maine. The line formed at Explorations going back through the casino. I saw that a fairly long line had formed and decided to wait a while, assuming most of those people were those with shore excursions who needed to be on the first tenders. I finally went through the line around 8:30.. The line moves quickly, they really just glance at your passport and then give you a ticket showing that you’ve cleared. Then to the Showroom to pick up a tender ticket, and I was in the tender by around 9:30. It’s a 10 minute ride to the dock at Bar Harbor. I brought my briefcase/computer bag with the intention of finding an internet café and doing some work, but could not resist a walk around town first because the weather was absolutely delightful and I just love Bar Harbor. Yes, it’s incredibly “touristy” during the summer, but unlike some places where that really bothers me, in Bar Harbor the charm of the place is still there even when you are walking past endless jewelry and souvenir shops obviously only open for cruisers… it’s still just the cutest place. My favorite shop is “A Little Mad”. When Patrick and his wife first opened that shop (about a year ago?) I thought it was so adorable – a little different than your usual. I was happy to see that they are thriving and doing well, and the inventory is even more adorable than last time I stopped in! I also like the family owned Rock Shop – the site of my purchase of a wonderful piece of amethyst in a silver setting that I got for my Mom for mother’s day last time I was in Bar Harbor… there was quite a crowd gathered in the little shop today…

This was my first time in Bar Harbor that I’ve needed to be online for a couple of hours, and I found the Internet Café on Cottage street (right next to the shops I just mentioned!) and ordered some mint tea and had a very nice place to work. Before going back to the ship I spent some time on the lawn overlooking the gorgeous view – all the boats bobbing in the water, the islands, just beautiful… then back to the tender and I was back on board around 1 PM. Lunch was a salad in the Lido. Then, up to the spa for my last sojourn in the thermal suite. I was on one of the thermal lounges as we started to sail away. Aaaahhhhhh.

Another salad for dinner… feeling a little off.. that cold that started to come on the other day was slowly creeping up on me and turning into an actual illness.. hmmmm

Took my books back to the library, and stopped by the Explorations – still a few dollars left on my beverage card, so I had Caryl add some Baileys to my coffee… yum.

The rest of the evening is a bit of a blur of packing and feeling annoyed at feeling so “flu-y”… I had intended to go outside for sunset, but was instead in bed by 8:30 and fell asleep with TV on. (discovered this at 2 AM LOL)


So… Saturday (today) I again intended to be on deck for sunrise, but just wasn’t feeling like getting out of bed… so I stayed there until breakfast arrived at 6… Said my good-byes to Eka… drank the room service coffee (is it me or is it improving? LOL)

You might remember that I packed very lightly for this cruise. I am actually really impressed with myself at how well it worked out! I took a carry-on size suitcase, and my computer/briefcase and that’s IT! I did absolutely no laundry, nor did I send out any laundry, and I when I packed to leave the ship I had clean clothes! Wow! I have “overpacked” by one pair of shorts, one pair of jeans, and a few t-shirts and a couple of “nicer” tops! I actually could have packed even lighter and been fine! Keep in mind that I brought absolutely no formal clothing, but it seems even that would have fit in if I really tried! My original thought was that if I wanted to “dress for dinner” even on a non-formal day, my one pair of nice black pants and a couple of nicer tops would work for that. As it turned out, I never did go to the Pinnacle grill OR EVEN THE MDR!!! I just never felt like it – partly because it felt strange to go there alone but that was not the real reason – it was more because I was just floooowwwing with my time and couldn’t be bothered. It was so much easier to go into the Lido restaurant, and simply grab what I wanted. Anyway, what I packed was perfect, I did not lack for anything, and did not need to do any laundry. I believe I posted my packing list for that on another thread, but if anyone’s interested I can put it here too. My solo-cruise-no-formal-carry-on-only-packing-list. ☺


The only things I had leaving the ship that I did not have at embarkation were:

1. A set of salt scrubs given by the spa as a gift for signing up for the thermal suite

2. A jar of Elemis Marine Face Cream

3. Petrified wood bolo tie purchased in Sydney for SO


All of the above fit into the tote bag that HAL always gives you on the first evening. I put my computer bag over the handle of the suitcase and even had a free hand for the tote. No problem!


A couple more notes. I wasn’t going to belabor this because I don’t believe in focusing on things that go “wrong”, but I believe I mentioned that the toilet in my cabin malfunctioned at one point. Well, the truth is, that continued to happen and for part of each of 3 days I did not have a workable toilet. The positive part is that each time it happened, I reported it to the front office or my steward and it was taken care of within a few hours. I was really happy that it always worked at night since it would have been depressing to have to leave the cabin in the middle of the night in search of a public bathroom! Anyway, as said, this was annoying of course, but always taken care of quickly and with a smile. The reason I bring this up now, is that on the last evening, I received a letter from guest services telling me that I received a $200 credit on my onboard account, as their way of apologizing for the inconvenience. I thought this was very nice, and caused me to leave with an even better feeling about the way HAL treats their guests. (I already had a good feeling. They had always been nothing but gracious, but I also have to say, I never got angry or visibly annoyed. I realize that these things can happen, and because they always jumped to fix it as quickly as they could, I figured, I could not ask for more) Anyway, the $200 credit was a very nice gesture and much appreciated. I hope they can fix whatever the plumbing problem is – my understanding was that I was far from the only one affected!


So.. on the last morning as I did my last minute packing and took a shower, the TV suddenly went off, and then the bathroom lights went out. Hmmmm. I called the front office to let them know. They offered me another room to use, which I thought was a little silly since I was going to be getting off the ship in just a few minutes, but they said they could not call whomever it was they would need to call because they were preparing the ship for arrival. Okay, I said, don’t worry about it… I’m basically all packed and can use the bathroom with the door open since it’s just me here! LOL… I was starting to affectionately feel badly for my poor cabin with all its little quirky problems! Then I tried to use the make-up mirror since I could not put on make-up in the dark bathroom, and it fell off onto the desk! At this point, feeling a little sick, and these strange malfunctions happening, I started to just laugh. I said (out loud to nobody) – I guess it’s time to go!! So… off I went up the gangway, and good-bye Maasdam!!


So that’s about it. I’m sure there are things I left out, but the main thing I wanted this journal for was to come back in the future and see my progress at learning to RELAX and this solo journey really did help with that, and taught me a lot.

I’ll be doing it again. That’s for sure!

Great to see SO and go from one kind of pampering to another (he says “feed a cold”, so off we went to a Mexican restaurant LOL… and after an excellent Margarita I did feel a little better!)

Thanks for following my cruise, everyone. If anybody has questions about Maasdam or anything else about this trip, I’ll be glad to do my best to answer.

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Hi Moriah,

I leave this Wednesday for Montreal. I am staying at the Queen Elizabeth and depart as you did on Saturday. I enjoyed your thread and found it very helpful. I too am traveling solo and am not sure about my table as I was placed on a waiting list for 1st sitting. Is there a Mexican option to the burgers at lunch? I am curious that when you say "cold" , will a sweater and windbreaker suffice? You also mention a spa. I was on the Vendaam and don't recall such a room. When you mention the "pool" there, is there enough room for a crowd? Are the jets different from a hot tub? Is the spa only for those who sign up to join?

As it is late , I shall re-read your posts tomorrow. Thanks again


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Thank you so very much Moriah for sharing your cruise with us. It's been a great prelude for me as we will once again get to be on Maasdam late this year, and perhaps for the last time. She was our first HAL ship and always a delight.


I always wear an eyeshade, even in an inside cabin, funny thing about that! Do hope you recover quickly! Blessings, m--

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Enjoyed your review! We loved the Maasdam last April and booked another cruise on her next year. Hope we don't have the bathroom problems you did! We were in a verandah suite and fortunately didn't have any of those problems. Sorry you got sick, but it still sounds like you had a great cruise!

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Hi Moriah,

I leave this Wednesday for Montreal. I am staying at the Queen Elizabeth and depart as you did on Saturday. I enjoyed your thread and found it very helpful. I too am traveling solo and am not sure about my table as I was placed on a waiting list for 1st sitting. Is there a Mexican option to the burgers at lunch? I am curious that when you say "cold" , will a sweater and windbreaker suffice? You also mention a spa. I was on the Vendaam and don't recall such a room. When you mention the "pool" there, is there enough room for a crowd? Are the jets different from a hot tub? Is the spa only for those who sign up to join?

As it is late , I shall re-read your posts tomorrow. Thanks again



Tom, that's great that you have a couple of days to explore Montreal before you board Maasdam. Apparently you are on a waiting list for fixed seating in the Main Dining Room? Did you choose a particular size table? There are advantages and disadvantages to fixed seating. Of course, you will be eating at the same time each day, and with the same table-mates (assuming you are not assigned a table for "one", which I think will be very unlikely - tables for 2 are very rare - more likely you'll be meeting some folks who will share you table each night, and obviously, you'll either love them... or not..) Sometimes you can make lifelong friends after sharing dinners with them for a week. Other times it can be tedious - don't forget that dinner in the MDR is a time-consuming activity no matter what - allow about 2 hours from your seating time until you are out... I've had cruises with friends where even that wasn't enough because we were still laughing and talking when the waiters had to shoo us out, and others where it was ho-hum, wish we could just eat and get out... at this point after so many cruises we usually choose the Pinnacle Grill when we want to have the sit-down and order from the menu experience, but the MDR can be excellent too. If you are assigned as seating and you discover it's not to your liking, you can try having it changed, or you can obviously just do what I did and have your dinners at the Lido Buffet (same food as the MDR, but cafeteria style serving and seating). Sorry if you already know all this...


Yes, the Mexican buffet is still there. It's right in front of the Dive In Burger window. And of course there are myriad other things for lunch inside the Lido restaurant on the buffet.


"Cold" was never bitter cold like Alaska, and on the chilliest day I was fine with a warm hoodie and a windbreaker. (I am up quite early - it always warmed up considerably as the day went on)


Yes, Veendam has the Thermal Suite in the spa as well. From what I understand the ones on Maasdam and Veendam are similar to one another but I've never sailed on Veendam. It has 5 heated ceramic lounge chairs, and one hydro-pool (mineral hot-tub). On Maasdam the hydro-pool is right inside the thermal suite, whereas on the Vista class ships, there is a much larger hydro-pool in a separate room. Those pools are fabulous, but I actually really liked being able to "hop" from pool to chair in the thermal suite on Maasdam. The one on Maasdam is the size of a smallish hot-tub, so no, no room for a "crowd", but there is never a crowd in the thermal suite anyway, since they sell a limited number of passes. The jets are only different in that they are perhaps gentler. If you sign up on the first day of sailing, they will be selling a limited number of all-week passes to the Thermal Suite for $99. I am very happy that I decided to do that. But if you think you'll only want to try it once, it's $40 for a day pass to the suite. Yes, the thermal suite is only available to those who pay for the passes, so it's never crowded.


Hope this helped - let me know if you have more questions.

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Thanks, Moriah, for all the information.My concern is about spa. Is there a steam room or a sauna included. This pool is too small to be a thalasotherpy pool with varying jet locations. I am thinking of the QM2 , which has a large warm pool with sauna and steam rooms. Does this resemble in any way what is on the Maasdam. Also, if I don't buy the week, and have a spa treatment, am I entitled to use of this area?

The soda card/ Does it still cost $25 for $50 worth of soda? I am a new 3 star mariner,isn't there a reduced price on specialty coffees? Also, the Pinnacle?


There is very little action on the Roll call. I mentioned that I could meet anyone interested at a bar after muster Can you suggest a good one for sail away?

Thanks again for your information.



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Thanks, Moriah, for all the information.My concern is about spa. Is there a steam room or a sauna included. This pool is too small to be a thalasotherpy pool with varying jet locations. I am thinking of the QM2 , which has a large warm pool with sauna and steam rooms. Does this resemble in any way what is on the Maasdam. Also, if I don't buy the week, and have a spa treatment, am I entitled to use of this area?

The soda card/ Does it still cost $25 for $50 worth of soda? I am a new 3 star mariner,isn't there a reduced price on specialty coffees? Also, the Pinnacle?


There is very little action on the Roll call. I mentioned that I could meet anyone interested at a bar after muster Can you suggest a good one for sail away?

Thanks again for your information.





Yes -- you get 25% off anything you buy in the Explorations Café and 25% off Pinnacle dinners and Le Cirque.

Keep in mind that the soda card is only for fountain sodas -- about 6 ounces in a pour.

On the Maasdam the thermo pool is nothing but a small whirlpool. And No -- you do not get to use the whirlpool if you have a spa treatment.

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