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Choice Air-good idea?


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I do not book through the cruise line. I book through a TA. The problem with the Choice Air tickets was highlighted in the post before yours. You loose the ability to make last minute changes.


Your savings will not seem all that great if something goes wrong and you can't change the ticket or have it endorsed.


In addition, I usually will purchase upgraded tickets, including first class, which was very helpful when on the way home I went west and my luggage went northeast.


You can make last minute change, for a fee. How is first class tickets any help when your luggage is sent to the wrong destination?? According to some first hand reports above, they saw no difference in the way they were treated by having Choice Air tickets.

When going to Europe I always go a few days early to build in some leeway incase there is problems. If that's not enough time, I'm sure they'll be some people who booked through the airline who'll be in the same boat I'm in as there are never enough seats available at short notice. Going home, no big deal if I'm late getting there. In the meantime I have enjoyed the $10,000 to $15,000 I've saved by using them. Free money as I've had 0 problems in the previous five transatlantics.

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You can make last minute change, for a fee. How is first class tickets any help when your luggage is sent to the wrong destination?? According to some first hand reports above, they saw no difference in the way they were treated by having Choice Air tickets.

When going to Europe I always go a few days early to build in some leeway incase there is problems. If that's not enough time, I'm sure they'll be some people who booked through the airline who'll be in the same boat I'm in as there are never enough seats available at short notice. Going home, no big deal if I'm late getting there. In the meantime I have enjoyed the $10,000 to $15,000 I've saved by using them. Free money as I've had 0 problems in the previous five transatlantics.


As to the luggage issue, the airline told the coach passengers they would have to wait, she had to take me first. While I felt bad for those that had to wait, I was glad I didn't have to wait. It took the person much longer than I felt it should have to take my report, given the American knew where I was and where my luggage was. I'm sure the coach passengers were not happy about how long it took (I wasn't).


I am surprised the airlines were a accommodating as they were, because those are highly restricted tickets, and that is why I will not buy them. I don't use a TA for booking airfare because they don't receive a commission for that work. I lose no control over my cruise booking because I tell the TA what I want and she knows I will follow up and demand (yes demand) verification of every transaction. On the flip side, she gets a very good commission out of it.


At any rate, just because something went well for someone else don't mean I'll get the same treatment. I once got a free upgrade when I asked if the upgrade was available. I was told yes and I pulled out my wallet. The gate agent said I could have it for free. Is this something that is offered to everyone - no. So there is no reason for me to expect that a highly restricted ticket will treated as well as a less restricted ticket if things go wrong.


I've had all my airline issues on the way home also. That doesn't mean the next airline issue will also be on the way home. I buy insurance for my car, my home, and my travel. Never had to make a travel related claim. Does that mean I should stop buying insurance? Just because you had no problems doesn't mean I will not. Have you won the lottery yet? Lots of people have. That doesn't mean you or I will. The past may be a predictor of the future, but it is no guarantee of the future.

Edited by Cuizer2
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I am surprised the airlines were a accommodating as they were, because those are highly restricted tickets, and that is why I will not buy them.


Another misconception about Choice Air. Some tickets are highly restricted and some are not. My flights to Europe on Air Canada were bought through Choice Air and were identical to tickets I would have bought from the airline directly (I have a friend at Air Canada who confirmed it). When I missed my connection in Frankfurt I was offered multiple options on multiple airlines to make it to my destination.

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Another misconception about Choice Air. Some tickets are highly restricted and some are not. My flights to Europe on Air Canada were bought through Choice Air and were identical to tickets I would have bought from the airline directly (I have a friend at Air Canada who confirmed it). When I missed my connection in Frankfurt I was offered multiple options on multiple airlines to make it to my destination.


There is no way of knowing what I am going to get until I get it. I have been able to get very good prices on one way tickets, so it is not something I am going to worry about at this time.

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I don't like the control one gives up when booking Choice Air, so I would not do it.


It seems that people who have had bad experiences had simply let some booking clerk select a flight for them and then never followed up. It is understandable why they might say "never again". Of course, that would be comparable to a person who had driven his car into a tree - and, because of the bad experience, deciding to not drive any more.

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It seems that people who have had bad experiences had simply let some booking clerk select a flight for them and then never followed up. It is understandable why they might say "never again". Of course, that would be comparable to a person who had driven his car into a tree - and, because of the bad experience, deciding to not drive any more.


I haven't had any bad experiences flying, because I book what I want. I did fly on frequent flyer miles once (because I could get a first class ticket for only 12,500 more points then the coach ticket costs, but I had to accept the American's choice of flights). I was a little nervous regarding the short connect time in Dallas on the way to Ft. Lauderdale.


I became a little less nervous when I saw the plane at the gate ready to go on time. Became more nervous when the flight was delayed by a mechanical issue. Became even more nervous when the plane started doing "S" curves because of weather at the airport (this was done to delay around arrival in Dallas). Became real worried when I asked the stewardess if my luggage would make the connecting flight and she said she wasn't sure I would make the connecting flight.


Naturally when landing in Dallas the connecting flight was located as far away as possible from the gate I was at (and still be in Dallas). Arrived at the connecting flight and asked about my luggage. Was told that if I made it my luggage would also. I knew that was not correct (people move through airports after than luggage does). The door hit me in the back side as they closed the door. Then we sat for a while (weather delay). Was happy about that (it increased the chances that my luggage would make the flight).


Arrived in Ft. Lauderdale and my luggage was the third one off.


However, on the way home my luggage went to NY while I went to Los Angeles.


Next cruise, same departure port. This time I paid for the first class seats and took an earlier flight out of LAX. Landed in Dallas with enough time to enjoy the fine airport cuisine.


Moral of the story, choose one's own flights.

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It seems that people who have had bad experiences had simply let some booking clerk select a flight for them and then never followed up. It is understandable why they might say "never again". Of course, that would be comparable to a person who had driven his car into a tree - and, because of the bad experience, deciding to not drive any more.


If said car was a deeply discounted car that saved the buyer thousands, but alas lacked certain safety features I could see said person opting to never agin drive deeply discounted cars! :p


Of course the person who drove the deeply discounted car five times without an accident would proclaim that the car has windows, a horn and ignition and therefore is exactly the same as the new car their neighbor paid thousands more for. :cool:

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If said car was a deeply discounted car that saved the buyer thousands, but alas lacked certain safety features I could see said person opting to never agin drive deeply discounted cars! :p


Of course the person who drove the deeply discounted car five times without an accident would proclaim that the car has windows, a horn and ignition and therefore is exactly the same as the new car their neighbor paid thousands more for. :cool:


Try considering the possibility that the "deeply discounted" car to which you refer was in fact, for all practical purposes,midentical to the car for which his neighbor carelessly paid too much.

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Try considering the possibility that the "deeply discounted" car to which you refer was in fact, for all practical purposes,midentical to the car for which his neighbor carelessly paid too much.


And the trustworthy salesperson who sold the "deeply discounted" car assured the buyer that they would proactively work with their cab partners to transport the driver to their destination when feasible should through no fault of their own the "deeply discounted" car were to fall apart whilst being operated.

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And the trustworthy salesperson who sold the "deeply discounted" car assured the buyer that they would proactively work with their cab partners to transport the driver to their destination when feasible should through no fault of their own the "deeply discounted" car were to fall apart whilst being operated.


We are not talking about the sales person, we are talking about the thing you buy, be it car or air passage.


You go ahead and keep paying premium prices for things you can get at reduced prices (because cruise lines want to subsidize their product) if that eases you paranoia.

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We are not talking about the sales person, we are talking about the thing you buy, be it car or air passage.


You go ahead and keep paying premium prices for things you can get at reduced prices (because cruise lines want to subsidize their product) if that eases you paranoia.


You obviously didn't read any of my posts; I said I use Choice Air when it saves me lots of money, but when doing so take extra precautions (such as ensuring I have lots of wiggle room) - since Choice Air's deeply discounted tickets often carry more than the usual restrictions when plans go awry. Do not fool yourself into thinking the cruise lines are subsidizing their product with Choice Air - they are making money on it; it is a profit center! Keep drinking that Kool Aid. I am far from paranoid, I weigh the pros and cons and make informed decisions; I do not buy into marketing gimmicks and blindly make purchases without realizing what I am buying.

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You obviously didn't read any of my posts; I said I use Choice Air when it saves me lots of money, but when doing so take extra precautions (such as ensuring I have lots of wiggle room) - since Choice Air's deeply discounted tickets often carry more than the usual restrictions when plans go awry. Do not fool yourself into thinking the cruise lines are subsidizing their product with Choice Air - they are making money on it; it is a profit center! Keep drinking that Kool Aid. I am far from paranoid, I weigh the pros and cons and make informed decisions; I do not buy into marketing gimmicks and blindly make purchases without realizing what I am buying.


I have drank the Kool aid

used googleflights.ca

AMS to YYZ May 6 2015

KLM $3528 dirct, same flight Choice Air $496

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I have drank the Kool aid

used googleflights.ca

AMS to YYZ May 6 2015

KLM $3528 dirct, same flight Choice Air $496


You obviously do not understand!! Yes, you saved a few bucks, but THIS could happen, or THAT could happen, and then SOMETHING ELSE could happen, and poof! You will be in deep kimshee!! Who cares if you saved a measly $3000??? Don't you know the risk you are taking???

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I have drank the Kool aid

used googleflights.ca

AMS to YYZ May 6 2015

KLM $3528 dirct, same flight Choice Air $496




Does everyone only buy one-way flights in the States as it appears they're the ones that are continually quoted on this thread? Whenever I look at CA prices flying from this side of the pond, not one-way as we don't cruise TAs, the majority are far more expensive than booking with the airlines direct :confused:.

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You obviously do not understand!! Yes, you saved a few bucks, but THIS could happen, or THAT could happen, and then SOMETHING ELSE could happen, and poof! You will be in deep kimshee!! Who cares if you saved a measly $3000??? Don't you know the risk you are taking???


Every thing you do in life is a risk. You just weigh the risks versus rewards and go from there. You take one of the biggest risk every time you go out in your car. I'm sure the risk of an accident or death is a much higher risk than losing a couple of bucks, or delaying your vacation. There are even risks when you grossly over pay by booking through the airlines. Personally, I'm a glass half full guy and see it as a no brainer.

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you obviously do not understand!! Yes, you saved a few bucks, but this could happen, or that could happen, and then something else could happen, and poof! You will be in deep kimshee!! Who cares if you saved a measly $3000??? Don't you know the risk you are taking???



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On a Transatlantic with Choice air, does anyone know how far you can extend your flight before or after the cruise? We have family in Europe(Munich) we would want to spend time before or after the cruise. Thank you.


The most we have done so far is 8 days pre cruise but your best bet is to either phone CA or play around on the website with the dates you are looking for.

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The most we have done so far is 8 days pre cruise but your best bet is to either phone CA or play around on the website with the dates you are looking for.


Thank you. Your experience is helpful. Yes, I will definitely call if we decide to cruise over one way.

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On a Transatlantic with Choice air, does anyone know how far you can extend your flight before or after the cruise? We have family in Europe(Munich) we would want to spend time before or after the cruise. Thank you.


I would enter your wanted flight(s) and see if you can book for an extended pre or post cruise. Or call Choice Air and inquire.

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You obviously do not understand!! Yes, you saved a few bucks, but THIS could happen, or THAT could happen, and then SOMETHING ELSE could happen, and poof! You will be in deep kimshee!! Who cares if you saved a measly $3000??? Don't you know the risk you are taking???


I am sorry , I will do better next time and pay the full rate

Just think of the points I am not getting by not paying $3500 rate :(

I am paying $1024 taxes and grads included for a 14 night cruise in a 1b, so I should over 3x that for 8 hour flight

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We just booked transatlantic flights from Fayetteville, AR to London in July. The cost round trip is 1216.80 ea. The day before the cost was 1565 ea. so it pays to keep a watch on prices. I am also sorry I cheated the airlines out of $2000 to 3000. We have used choice air the past 2 years to go to Europe with very good results.

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On a Transatlantic with Choice air, does anyone know how far you can extend your flight before or after the cruise? We have family in Europe(Munich) we would want to spend time before or after the cruise. Thank you.


Yes. you can set your schedule anyway you want. For example, on our upcoming bxbxb, we will arrive in Fort Lauderdale 3 days prior to sail date. We will stay 6 days in Rome post cruise.



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