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Boarded Odyssey today. First Seabourn cruise


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We always ask for small bottles of water ahead of the cruise but they are never there so have to ask the stewardess, we have never gone past the first night without small bottles of water. I think you must be correct in assuming top class stewardesses have gone to Encore and you have a very new to seabourn stewardess. I am not in agreement of attacking you as some have done just because you prefer a butler, if that is what you are used to then that is what you expect. I really hope you get better service from your stewardess before you leave the ship. Writing a note has never been a problem for us, if we write it in the morning what we ask for is there before evening and if we write before dinner it is there after dinner. It is a shame that you have experienced poor service on your first Seabourn cruise but believe me that they can and usually do better.

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It's quite possible that the "best" staff have been moved to the new ship Encore and replaced by inexperienced new recruits. But that's no excuse for poor or inadequate training. SB has had plenty of time to make the necessary arrangements after all. On the rare occasions we've had problems with our cabin stewardess we managed to resolve them with a few friendly words and gentle reminders. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

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Stop moaning and go and see the Hotel Manager.

All will be ok



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I don't moan. I am simply reporting my experience as a new sb cruiser

I have appt with her in an hour

I am guessing she's pretty busy listening to other complaints


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We always ask for small bottles of water ahead of the cruise but they are never there so have to ask the stewardess, we have never gone past the first night without small bottles of water. I think you must be correct in assuming top class stewardesses have gone to Encore and you have a very new to seabourn stewardess. I am not in agreement of attacking you as some have done just because you prefer a butler, if that is what you are used to then that is what you expect. I really hope you get better service from your stewardess before you leave the ship. Writing a note has never been a problem for us, if we write it in the morning what we ask for is there before evening and if we write before dinner it is there after dinner. It is a shame that you have experienced poor service on your first Seabourn cruise but believe me that they can and usually do better.




We can live without the butler if we have a good stewardess.



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I don't moan. I am simply reporting my experience as a new sb cruiser

I have appt with her in an hour

I am guessing she's pretty busy listening to other complaints


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Is it Theresa? If so, she will get things sorted quick smart and doesn't stand any nonsense. From anyone.

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Just returned from Seabourn square and it appears many veteran sb cruisers are up in arms about service in general and room stewardesses in particular. One woman with ten plus cruises is threatening to go elsewhere. Plans to write a long letter when she gets home.


There are many many passengers complaining about their stewardesses. Some think all the best ones are on encore Must be a training issue



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Nope. The best one was on Quest last month!

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Ana terrific. I got the sense she has had a few similar conversations


She readily admitted that the effect of encore is the problem. Too many new untrained stewardesses. She did tell us that that are going to handle things differently when ovation is launched so this doesn't happen again


Her office is not far from our suite and she insists on servicing our suite herself We protested but to no avail


Glad we spoke to her. I am sure she will improve these issues going forward



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Lamb shank and dark chocolate soufflé exquisite


One final comment on the stewardess because I think you might laugh (or gasp )


We come back to our suite which is now of course perfection. We get under the covers and I realize there is no longer a crack between the two mattresses which we thought was strange to begin with. Why? Because our first stewardess never put a bottom sheet on the bed. We were sleeping on the mattresses covers. We just thought the sheets were lousy


You cannot make this up



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We were on the Odyssey for 3 weeks in Nov/Dec and have to say that our stewardess was by far the worst we have had in over 300 days.


She was never around in the corridor and I strongly suspect that she spent a lot of time downstairs smoking.


She didn't replenish soap, tissues, laundry bags etc despite me leaving very polite notes for her. I guessed it was her first contract so cut her a lot of slack and didn't complain for over a week.


The final straw came when I asked her how often the sheets were changed, she replied that it was every 3 days but when I pointed out that ours hadn't been changed for 6 days she told me it was because she was too busy!!


A word with Ana resulted in one of the Asst Housekeepers dealing with our suite for the rest of the cruise and of course the cabin looked sharp from then on.


The problem of course is that those passengers who didn't complain, perhaps because they weren't sure what to expect from Seabourn, received poor service and certainly whoever was in our cabin for the crossing would have the same stewardess.


I am not sure that the stewardess is wholly to blame, her work should be checked on a daily basis until she gains the experience necessary to give the service that Seabourn passengers have come to expect and obviously this has not been happening on the Odyssey otherwise there would not be the volume of complaints that the OP refers to.


Apart from the stewardess we had a great cruise. Lots of new serving staff who were all very anxious and willing to please and we had no complaints in that area.

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We were on the Odyssey for 3 weeks in Nov/Dec and have to say that our stewardess was by far the worst we have had in over 300 days.




She was never around in the corridor and I strongly suspect that she spent a lot of time downstairs smoking.




She didn't replenish soap, tissues, laundry bags etc despite me leaving very polite notes for her. I guessed it was her first contract so cut her a lot of slack and didn't complain for over a week.




The final straw came when I asked her how often the sheets were changed, she replied that it was every 3 days but when I pointed out that ours hadn't been changed for 6 days she told me it was because she was too busy!!




A word with Ana resulted in one of the Asst Housekeepers dealing with our suite for the rest of the cruise and of course the cabin looked sharp from then on.




The problem of course is that those passengers who didn't complain, perhaps because they weren't sure what to expect from Seabourn, received poor service and certainly whoever was in our cabin for the crossing would have the same stewardess.




I am not sure that the stewardess is wholly to blame, her work should be checked on a daily basis until she gains the experience necessary to give the service that Seabourn passengers have come to expect and obviously this has not been happening on the Odyssey otherwise there would not be the volume of complaints that the OP refers to.




Apart from the stewardess we had a great cruise. Lots of new serving staff who were all very anxious and willing to please and we had no complaints in that area.



At least you got sheets!!!


It's a serious problem and they need to fix it

Everything else for us has been excellent



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From what you say it seems she is not even trying. One has to feel sorry for the senior housekeeping people who bear the brunt of the situation not of their making, as well as the passengers involved.


Out of about 300 days on Seabourn, we years ago had a hopeless and miserable stewardess, and although we did not complain (did not have time really) after a couple of days she disappeared - we were in Europe and she was European. She was sent home and the housekeeper took over. Otherwise all have been good or excellent.


I doubt this girl will be with Seabourn much longer; she obviously should not have been there in the first place.

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We have been on two Seabourn cruises which are the only two cruises we have ever been on; one was only for 7 days and one for 32 days. We had to cancel one for 28 days because 10 days before we were to leave I stepped off a curb and broke my ankle.

The point of this is to say we are not experienced cruisers but have had two excellent stewardesses. Luck, maybe, I think not. The first one was an old hand and she knew we were the "fish out of water" no pun intended. She knew we were afraid of making some shipboard faux pas. We did not know any of the "rules of Seabourn " such as what to ask for such as the little extras all the old Seabourners or even other luxury ship travelers knew. She schooled us in "Seabournese" and a few of the waiters, and bar men probably could see that first day or so we were new and they went out of their way to make sure we felt like long time sailors. She could have taken total advantage of us because we didn't know what to expect but she did her job like the professional she is.


Before the 32 day cruise , I had found this board so from you people I learned at least a high school diploma or maybe a BS degree--probably the later--taken in the least complimentary way of some people.

Our stewardess on this cruise was brand new this was only her second cruise--same as ours. But she was very willing to learn.

She wanted to know everything we needed.

We did have to leave her notes but they were promptly followed. I think part of that might have been language--we have a deep southern accent and she had a very pronounced Slavic accent. She did so many sweet, little extra things and especially since this involved Christmas. I think it was because she knew that we would be patient if she made a slip up, we would remind her with a note, we would not act as if she had deliberately done it to p__s off.

We were not superior acting. After all, this is not Downton Abby! There are no butlers and ladies maids!

I know this has been long and some of you have not made it through but I think many times the relationship you establish with your stewardess on the first day will set the tone for the trip.

And on that first day it has to be utter chaos. All I can relate to is the first day of school--that goodness that is a memory of almost 20 yrs. ago!


These young men and women do this to make the most to help their families back home. I say give them a break whenever you can. Put yourselves in their shoes for a while. I think most of them give their best effort and those that don't won't last long.



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MillieMeter - it is luck mostly. 99% of the SB stewardesses are lovely and efficient, but as we once found it is possible that a duffer can find their way on board.


We always try to make friends when we meet our stewardesses, and it works. Also, we like most people are aware that that first day is hectic for them, and that not everyone can have their suite done by 10 a.m. Also we are very undemanding, in that we tell our girl when we meet her that we do not use the bath, only the shower, which saves some work, and are pretty tidy around the suite, so it does not take her too long to do it in the morning. I think this may be why we normally find our suite already done for the day by 10 a.m. But naturally some of them will not be finished until 12.30 or so, and one should be prepared to take a turn.


Having now read all of bitbob's problems it does indeed sound as if he has a rogue stewardess, rather than his just being over fussy.


The staff on Seabourn are mostly there because they are young people wanting to see the world, and improve their CV's, rather than earning to help families at home, and there is a difference.

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A few comments on food


We are more impressed each day. Food we now rate excellent. As good as oceania which for us is the standard except for the breads and pastries. Oceania reigns supreme on that score


My wife is surviving on caviar



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Ship being decorated for tonight's New Year's Eve celebration. Gold and black balloons everywhere. Very tasteful and elegant. We are joining 3 other couples for dinner in the Restaurant. . Menus look great -- lobster, soft shelled crab and other good things.



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Ship being decorated for tonight's New Year's Eve celebration. Gold and black balloons everywhere. Very tasteful and elegant. We are joining 3 other couples for dinner in the Restaurant. . Menus look great -- lobster, soft shelled crab and other good things.



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I do hope that you enjoy the celebrations!


This is the first time in several years that I haven't been onboard a SB ship at Chirstmas and New Year, so am living vicariously through those of you who are lucky enough to be onboard.

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A few more observations on food


For us the Thomas Keller fare is the poorest food on the ship. Very disappointing. What are they thinking? We had our first tk dinner at the patio grill. Awful. The tk offerings in the restaurant are not appealing


Of course food is subjective but given that the rest of the food is so good the tk food pales in comparison


My wife has eaten both at per se and French laundry. That's where his food belongs. Not on a ship


The lunch buffets in colonnade have been terrific. No repeats. Each cuisine done well with lots of variety


The quality of the beef has been so good that we are eating more meat than we usually do


Breads and desserts are the weak spots but that helps with weight control





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I have been reading your post with interest because I had a stewardess on the Odyssey a couple of months ago named Suzan who exhibited much of the same traits...she didn't change water glasses (room service had mistakenly taken one , one day & she didn't even notice). There were soiled napkins from the previous guest in our room and she left trash when she cleaned the room etc etc. But I chuckled at her response to your water request-we had at least two fave white wines which she knew and she replaced it one day with something else. When I questioned her, she said they didn't have it as 'they ran out on the ship'.....funny, we just came from the pool and had a couple of glasses I told her which was true. That night, the refrigerator was stocked with both bottles. It was so unusual for a SB ship to have that lapse...but the head of housekeeping did make things better.



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Different stewardess. Same problem


There have been many lapses in service on this cruise. Complaints abound. Many first timers who are saying "never again". We are not among them


This cruise may be a one off. I'm not going to recount the litany of issues. Not enough to send us away unhappy but not so for others



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Just a note that the TK cuisine on the Encore is apparently very good and there does not seem to be any issues.

TK on land restaurants are very different to what he is trying to do on the ships.

I think it makes a difference when each ship will have a dedicated TK restaurant and not just a pop up



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Personally I think it was a big mistake for SB to insert TK's food in the MDR or the Colonnade. He should have been restricted to his Grill which is what he can do best on a ship. Trying to be everything and everywhere only leads to disappointment

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