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Just back from Divina August 5, 2017 Sailing - Review


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Part 1


Ok, got back yesterday from our trip on the Divina. Some of you have followed/participated in my other thread about the issues I had with MSC US. If you haven't read it you can find that thread here. Thankfully, we didn't encounter any problems at check-in. We arrived about 2:00ish and were on the ship by 2:30 with our cabins ready. Check-in was easy and not crowded by that time.


Here are my thoughts about the whole cruise - Part 1 anyway...


The Ship

I've not been on as many cruises as many people here have been--have been on like 6 or so now--but the ship is absolutely gorgeous. Love the design and the decor. I'd read people complain about navigating around the ship, I didn't find any problems. I like how it is segmented so the ship feels even bigger than it actually us (it's a big ship with 4300ish passengers).


More importantly, the ship is SPOTLESS! They are CONSTANTLY cleaning every area of the ship. Never saw plates/glasses sitting around for very long. Always someone to come along and clean things up. Even in the crew areas--we did the behind the scenes tour--things are absolutely spotless. You could eat off the floors back there. Very impressive and shows the crew cares about the ship.


Another thing was, we did encounter pretty calm seas but the Divina was the smoothest ride I've ever had on a ship. Whatever they're doing for stabilizers works quite well. Although I do like a good roll from time to time. ;)


There are so many things to do on this ship. Many bars, clubs and other activities. I'm not one who likes sea days but there was plenty to keep me occupied. I never made it to the F1 simulator--well, I did make it but they were working on it.


The ship is big but seems to have about 500 people too many on it. I understand the economics of the situation but it does make things a bit more crowded and harder to get an elevator at times. Not a huge complaint but something to think about.


The Cabins

We get two cabins--one for the wife and I and one for the kids--we do a balcony and an interior. We got one of the smaller balcony cabins, which I was slightly surprised at. No couch and barely a desk. Not that the room was tiny but, I still had work to do and a bigger desk would have been nice. But, not a true complaint.


The balcony was nice, two chairs and a small footrest/table. Nothing you don't see on other cruise ships. There was a note about mid-week saying they were cleaning the balconies and to not keep anything on them. Balconies were certainly clean like the rest of the ship.


I'm sure many of you have seen the bathroom photos/videos all over the Internet. They do an interesting thing with the shower. They have glass/plastic doors that open inward for storage to give you more space in the bathroom. This was nice. However, the shower is TINY. I'm a big dude and there isn't much room in there. Again, not a major complaint but it is what it is. I still got clean. :)


The interior cabin was about what you'd expect. Nothing special but nothing wrong either.


The cabin steward was awesome. Not in your face all of the time like some cruises I've been on. They just kept the cabins tidy when we were away.


The Food

I must say, the food was awesome. Whether in the MDR or on the buffet, the food never disappointed. Well, I take that back, had the fillet mignon one night and it was tough, which was surprising. Others at our table had the same complaint. Had no other complaints about the food in the MDR other than that.


The buffet food rivals the buffets in Las Vegas. Maybe not in the sheer number of food items--although they have quite a few on Divina--but certainly with the quality of the food items. In fact, we only ate in the DR for breakfast one day and did the buffet after that because it was so good.


The pizza is some of the best pizza I've had. I'm originally from NJ where you can get some kick-ass pizza so I'm a pizza snob for sure. I had pizza every opportunity I got because it was so good.


I will say, the more popular items on the buffet were sometimes tough to get. They would run out quickly on the most popular items. Problem is, many people tend to just skip the line on the buffet to get what they want. Was a bit annoying at times but that's not really MSC's fault. This tended to be a trend with people being like this. The crazy part is you always hear about how bad Americans are but it was never the Americans who were doing these things (at least not that I saw), it was people from other countries who were rude. Just an observation and no, it didn't ruin even a second of the trip.


I will say they are a bit weak on their desserts. Not that they aren't good or anything but I was a bit surprised they weren't better. Their brownies were kind of dry, still tasted great but a bit dry. I did love the chocolate eclairs. Unforatunately, I only found them one evening. :( I'm ok with that to be quite honest but was a bit surprised the desserts weren't more impressive.


The wait staff everywhere was great. Took about as long as I'd expect in the MDR (1.5-2 hours with a party of 8). So no worries there. But they always took great care of us--even on the buffet. Honestly, the staff on the whole ship was awesome.


Like every MDR I've ever been in, it takes a long time to get any drinks from the bar. Wish the cruise lines would work this out.


We found out they make almost everything from scratch on the ship--even the ice cream. I can tell you, my insides can tell the difference. Usually, after a few days on a cruise, my insides are telling me I'm taking in a bunch of crap. Never once did my body tell me this. I attribute this to the freshness of the food and lack of preservatives, etc.


The buffet area is a bit tougher to find a seat during peak times (as you may have heard) but we always found one after a bit. It's a bit crowded in the walkways but they have as many tables as they can fit there. Mainly, people just stand in the middle of everything taking up space and holding things up. Then again, this also happens when I go to BJ's at home.


On to Part 2...

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Part 3 - Entertainment



The Shows

Personally, I'm not into singing/dancing in shows but I did go do a few shows. The ones I saw were very good. All very talented performers. I do like that they do quite a bit of acrobatics in the shows. I liked the pirate show the best. Other people were saying how great all of the shows were. Also, people we met who were big Royal Caribbean cruisers said the entertainment was better on this ship. I found that interesting.



I'm not a heavy drinker but I hate going to bed early. I like to have fun in the evening after dinner. On other cruises we've been on, things sort of die down anywhere from 10pm - 11pm. Not so with the Divina. The boat is HOPPIN' late into the night. They have a lot of bars/lounges with various things happening all of the time. We went to the Galaxy Disco a few nights--that place is jumping! Was a little surprised to hear so much Latin music, I thought I'd hear a bit more Euro music. Again, not really a complaint, just an observation.


They played movies out by the main pool each night. It's a nice area to enjoy a movie--not that I sat through any movies. They did the White Party out by the main pool. Honestly, I thought that party was going to suck. Man, it was a good time! Lots of music and lots of people. Was a real party.


I only gambled the last night in the casino (won, btw). The casino is a very nice casino. Like the rest of the ship, it's spotless. Lots of newer slot machines (if that's what you're into), a couple of roulette tables and a few card tables. No craps table though (I was bummed as I enjoy craps.).


One thing to note, they do NOT give you free drinks while gambling! I thought this was a bit, well, not good especially since I ordered a drink and they didn't let me know so I paid for it on the room when I could have used a drink ticket. If you're gambling, they really should give you drinks for free.


Sports Bar

When I heard there is a sports bar on Divina, I got excited. I've been complaining for years on the cruises we go on that they don't have a sports bar. With the number of people (mainly men) who are into watching sports, it would make sense to have a place to gather to watch whatever is happening at that time. So we went there the first night on the ship.


First, the food there is included, so that's a good thing. I got a burger, fries and cheese sticks and my wife got a salad. Like the rest of the ship, the food was great.


When I asked about a specific sporting event, I was informed they only have 2 channels there--ESPN and ESPN 2. Huh? This is odd as, well, ESPN is more about sports news and less about showing actual sports. I really wish they'd add some channels to watch real sports there.


They have the bowling game there. We did that one evening. Was fun enough. $8 per person for 5 frames.


Cruise Critic Meet and Greet

I signed us up for the M&G and had a blast there. They really did a nice job welcoming us aboard. There were about 20-30 of us and they gave us champagne, juice and I think a rum drink along with some finger food. The senior staff came to speak with us, which was a great touch. I spoke with the Captain--who is happy to speak with ANYONE and is very visible--who gave me a lot of great information about the ship and MSC. Super-nice guy.


Also spent time speaking with the head chef. Learned he came from RC and finds the proteins to be better on MSC but is fighting for MSC to get fresh veggies rather than frozen. He was very honest about things and was a great chat.


Also spoke with the head of hotel services. Again, great guy.


Oh, they also had a special cake for CC members and they took a group photo and delivered a printed version of it to our cabin.


They really made us feel welcome.


Welcome Back Reception

Thanks to MSC's status match program, my status was upgraded and I got an invite to the Welcome Back Reception. Apparently, they do this and welcome back cruisers who've cruised with MSC previously, They had a band, drinks, food and, again, senior staff to chat with. Again, they did a great job making us feel welcome.


On to Part 3...

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Part 3



Cigar Bar

I was excited about the Cigar Bar. Unfortunately, they don't actually sell cigars in there and it was more of a place for cigarette smokers to go smoke than for cigar smokers to congregate. So I didn't spend any time there. Love the idea though.



Many times, on a cruise, things don't feel terribly-organized. From getting onto the ship to getting off the ship things can get frantic. None of this was the case with MSC. They are extremely-organized getting people on/off the ship. Never once waited in a long line at any of the ports. Made it pleasant compared to other ports I've been to with other cruise lines.


Also liked they had music playing at the port and offered water/wet towels. A nice touch for sure.


Prices for Various Items

Normally, when you have to buy drinks or other things on a ship, the prices tend to be, well, a bit much. I have to say, drinks, gelato, desserts, etc. that you pay extra for are extremely reasonably-priced. I was surprised at this and very happy. We did Fantastica and got 12 drink voucers each. That was more than enough for the drinks we needed. Well-worth the slight increase in price for the cabin.


I checked some of the prices on the items they sell in their shops--they also price match--and their prices were usually dead on with Internet prices. I found that interesting.


Kids Club

We have 2 sons (14 qnd 11). The 14 year old is, well, anti-social (not in a rude way). We traveled with my wife's family and they have 2 adopted sons (16 and 7). The 16 year old loved the teen club. Met some girls, enjoyed the parties they had, etc. He brought our older son to one of the parties. Apparently, a cute girl asked my son to dance and he, well, left. Ugh, gotta teach him a few things.


Our younger son (11) enjoyed the kids he met. I think his club is too wide a range of age (7-11) so he didn't spend as much time in the actual club once he made friends. But they both still enjoyed themselves.



We met some great people (Jenn and Ed and some other people I can't remember the names). We're talking with some of them to get them to come along in June when we sail on the Seaside.


Some people complained about the mixed group of people (from other countries) but I absolutely love that. I love experiencing other people from other cultures. It's refreshing. Other than what I mentioned about people butting in line and standing in the middle of walk areas, the people on the ship were awesome. Even the kids were all polite and not snotty like I've seen. Our younger son met a few kids and we spoke with them. Very respectful kids.



My complaints are extremely-minor. I mentioned some of the items in the buffet tend to run out quickly and are harder to get.


My biggest complaint is, on the first night, they only had 2 people working the customer service desk on the ship. It's the busiest time there (besides the last night) and I waited an hour to get something taken care of. They can have something like 8 or 12 people manning this area, they need to have more people there on busy times like that.


They have a kiosk for adding a credit card to your cabin. I wish they'd advertise this a bit heavier because it's the only way to add a card to your cabin. One of the things we waited to see CS for the first day was this but they can't do it, they sent me to the kiosk.


Would be nice if they'd just include the drink vouchers when you check in rather than having you go to the casino to pick them up later.


Other than that, my major complaint is the HORRIBLE customer service from MSC US. They really need to get this worked out along with the technology issues they continue to have. If I would have had time, I would have canceled this cruise and gone with another line. I know others have done that as well.



Other than the problems with MSC US, we absolutely loved the whole cruise. In fact, the captain and crew made it so enjoyable we booked Seaside for June 16 next year. So, as others have said, once you get past the BS with MSC US, the cruise itself is awesome. We are now fans of MSC.


Thanks to the Captain and crew of Divina for making this a much better trip than I thought it would be. They made 8 customers for MSC (my wife's family also loved it). Now, if MSC US is listening...GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!!!


If anyone has other questions, fire away!

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Great review and thanks for taking the time to share! Our first MSC cruise is also on the Divine, but not until December. Already have booked Seaside for March as well anticipating we'll enjoy the line as you have. I love trying out new-to-me ships and am especially excited to be on the Divina because I'm very visually oriented and by all accounts she's a stunning ship.

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Great review and thanks for taking the time to share! Our first MSC cruise is also on the Divine, but not until December. Already have booked Seaside for March as well anticipating we'll enjoy the line as you have. I love trying out new-to-me ships and am especially excited to be on the Divina because I'm very visually oriented and by all accounts she's a stunning ship.

You won't be disappointed.


Be sure the sign up for the CC Meet and Greet. It's worth going to.


The ship really is stunning.

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Part 3




Cigar Bar

I was excited about the Cigar Bar. Unfortunately, they don't actually sell cigars in there and it was more of a place for cigarette smokers to go smoke than for cigar smokers to congregate. So I didn't spend any time there. Love the idea though.



Many times, on a cruise, things don't feel terribly-organized. From getting onto the ship to getting off the ship things can get frantic. None of this was the case with MSC. They are extremely-organized getting people on/off the ship. Never once waited in a long line at any of the ports. Made it pleasant compared to other ports I've been to with other cruise lines.


Also liked they had music playing at the port and offered water/wet towels. A nice touch for sure.


Prices for Various Items

Normally, when you have to buy drinks or other things on a ship, the prices tend to be, well, a bit much. I have to say, drinks, gelato, desserts, etc. that you pay extra for are extremely reasonably-priced. I was surprised at this and very happy. We did Fantastica and got 12 drink voucers each. That was more than enough for the drinks we needed. Well-worth the slight increase in price for the cabin.


I checked some of the prices on the items they sell in their shops--they also price match--and their prices were usually dead on with Internet prices. I found that interesting.


Kids Club

We have 2 sons (14 qnd 11). The 14 year old is, well, anti-social (not in a rude way). We traveled with my wife's family and they have 2 adopted sons (16 and 7). The 16 year old loved the teen club. Met some girls, enjoyed the parties they had, etc. He brought our older son to one of the parties. Apparently, a cute girl asked my son to dance and he, well, left. Ugh, gotta teach him a few things.


Our younger son (11) enjoyed the kids he met. I think his club is too wide a range of age (7-11) so he didn't spend as much time in the actual club once he made friends. But they both still enjoyed themselves.



We met some great people (Jenn and Ed and some other people I can't remember the names). We're talking with some of them to get them to come along in June when we sail on the Seaside.


Some people complained about the mixed group of people (from other countries) but I absolutely love that. I love experiencing other people from other cultures. It's refreshing. Other than what I mentioned about people butting in line and standing in the middle of walk areas, the people on the ship were awesome. Even the kids were all polite and not snotty like I've seen. Our younger son met a few kids and we spoke with them. Very respectful kids.



My complaints are extremely-minor. I mentioned some of the items in the buffet tend to run out quickly and are harder to get.


My biggest complaint is, on the first night, they only had 2 people working the customer service desk on the ship. It's the busiest time there (besides the last night) and I waited an hour to get something taken care of. They can have something like 8 or 12 people manning this area, they need to have more people there on busy times like that.


They have a kiosk for adding a credit card to your cabin. I wish they'd advertise this a bit heavier because it's the only way to add a card to your cabin. One of the things we waited to see CS for the first day was this but they can't do it, they sent me to the kiosk.


Would be nice if they'd just include the drink vouchers when you check in rather than having you go to the casino to pick them up later.


Other than that, my major complaint is the HORRIBLE customer service from MSC US. They really need to get this worked out along with the technology issues they continue to have. If I would have had time, I would have canceled this cruise and gone with another line. I know others have done that as well.



Other than the problems with MSC US, we absolutely loved the whole cruise. In fact, the captain and crew made it so enjoyable we booked Seaside for June 16 next year. So, as others have said, once you get past the BS with MSC US, the cruise itself is awesome. We are now fans of MSC.


Thanks to the Captain and crew of Divina for making this a much better trip than I thought it would be. They made 8 customers for MSC (my wife's family also loved it). Now, if MSC US is listening...GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!!!


If anyone has other questions, fire away!


Thank you so much for your review. I'm on the next week 😃.


Did the Galaxy disco play any current American music? Also do you have any pictures of your room?

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Thanks so much for your wonderful review.


I'm thinking of booking the Seaside for September, 2018. This would be a cruise "about the ship". Wish it went to different Caribbean ports though.

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Thanks so much for your wonderful review.


I'm thinking of booking the Seaside for September, 2018. This would be a cruise "about the ship". Wish it went to different Caribbean ports though.

I agree, we're a bit disappointed on the ports Seaside is going to but we'll make do. :)

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Oh, wanted to add one more thing about the drinks. For Fantastica, you get 12 drink tickets per person per room. Adults get 12 adult beverages and kids get non-alcoholic tickets. Honestly, unless you're a big drinker, that's a lot of drink tickets. You can always purchase more tickets at any point during the cruise as well if you're running low.


The drink packages, IMO, are expensive unless you plan on drinking a LOT EVERY day. I think you're better off just using tickets rather than the packages.

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Part 3







Cigar Bar


I was excited about the Cigar Bar. Unfortunately, they don't actually sell cigars in there and it was more of a place for cigarette smokers to go smoke than for cigar smokers to congregate. So I didn't spend any time there. Love the idea though.






Many times, on a cruise, things don't feel terribly-organized. From getting onto the ship to getting off the ship things can get frantic. None of this was the case with MSC. They are extremely-organized getting people on/off the ship. Never once waited in a long line at any of the ports. Made it pleasant compared to other ports I've been to with other cruise lines.




Also liked they had music playing at the port and offered water/wet towels. A nice touch for sure.




Prices for Various Items


Normally, when you have to buy drinks or other things on a ship, the prices tend to be, well, a bit much. I have to say, drinks, gelato, desserts, etc. that you pay extra for are extremely reasonably-priced. I was surprised at this and very happy. We did Fantastica and got 12 drink voucers each. That was more than enough for the drinks we needed. Well-worth the slight increase in price for the cabin.




I checked some of the prices on the items they sell in their shops--they also price match--and their prices were usually dead on with Internet prices. I found that interesting.




Kids Club


We have 2 sons (14 qnd 11). The 14 year old is, well, anti-social (not in a rude way). We traveled with my wife's family and they have 2 adopted sons (16 and 7). The 16 year old loved the teen club. Met some girls, enjoyed the parties they had, etc. He brought our older son to one of the parties. Apparently, a cute girl asked my son to dance and he, well, left. Ugh, gotta teach him a few things.




Our younger son (11) enjoyed the kids he met. I think his club is too wide a range of age (7-11) so he didn't spend as much time in the actual club once he made friends. But they both still enjoyed themselves.






We met some great people (Jenn and Ed and some other people I can't remember the names). We're talking with some of them to get them to come along in June when we sail on the Seaside.




Some people complained about the mixed group of people (from other countries) but I absolutely love that. I love experiencing other people from other cultures. It's refreshing. Other than what I mentioned about people butting in line and standing in the middle of walk areas, the people on the ship were awesome. Even the kids were all polite and not snotty like I've seen. Our younger son met a few kids and we spoke with them. Very respectful kids.






My complaints are extremely-minor. I mentioned some of the items in the buffet tend to run out quickly and are harder to get.




My biggest complaint is, on the first night, they only had 2 people working the customer service desk on the ship. It's the busiest time there (besides the last night) and I waited an hour to get something taken care of. They can have something like 8 or 12 people manning this area, they need to have more people there on busy times like that.




They have a kiosk for adding a credit card to your cabin. I wish they'd advertise this a bit heavier because it's the only way to add a card to your cabin. One of the things we waited to see CS for the first day was this but they can't do it, they sent me to the kiosk.




Would be nice if they'd just include the drink vouchers when you check in rather than having you go to the casino to pick them up later.




Other than that, my major complaint is the HORRIBLE customer service from MSC US. They really need to get this worked out along with the technology issues they continue to have. If I would have had time, I would have canceled this cruise and gone with another line. I know others have done that as well.






Other than the problems with MSC US, we absolutely loved the whole cruise. In fact, the captain and crew made it so enjoyable we booked Seaside for June 16 next year. So, as others have said, once you get past the BS with MSC US, the cruise itself is awesome. We are now fans of MSC.




Thanks to the Captain and crew of Divina for making this a much better trip than I thought it would be. They made 8 customers for MSC (my wife's family also loved it). Now, if MSC US is listening...GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!!!




If anyone has other questions, fire away!




To avoid dealing with the website go through a reputable travel agent who will deal with them. I have done his and have not had one problem



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To avoid dealing with the website go through a reputable travel agent who will deal with them. I have done his and have not had one problem



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Ugh, this has been discussed before.


I'm not using a TA. The point is, MSC US needs to get it's act together.

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Do you remember if they played modern American music in the Galaxy disco?

Depends on what you mean by modern music. Most of it seemed to be Latin music with a little bit of, "club," music thrown in. I was a little surprised by this, not really a complaint. The place was still hoppin'!

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Thanks for your review. We are on next week too.

I have to agree with you about the terrible customer service on land. With the exception of these four fantastic CS reps (Diego, Kevin, Tiffany and Scott in Voyager's Club), the rest who I talked to were AWFUL, AWFUL,AWFUL. The others did not know what they were doing,. One rep (claimed her name was Alaina for that day), screamed at me and was very nasty! I asked for info on spa services, and she kept yelling that she was not allowed to touch my reservation because I booked with a TA. Ok hmmm no one is asking you to touch the reservation, just give me some general info on your spa service or transfer me to someone who can please. She was a screamer! She hung up when I asked for the supervisor.

I called back and got Diego on the line, who took care of all my questions. Kudos to Diego, Kevin, Tiffany and Scott! Now I always ask for them first.

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To avoid dealing with the website go through a reputable travel agent who will deal with them. I have done his and have not had one problem



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Even using a TA, it took MSC 6 weeks to set up a group. We had already booked the cabin by calling MSC directly but by the time they finally got us group rates, the port charges had increased. So if they could have had their act together sooner, the price would probably be even cheaper.


Thanks, GadjetRick, for the wonderful review. Our cruise on the Divina isn't until 2019 but your review makes me wish 2019 would get here soon. Besides the pricing, it is the itinerary which is so enticing. Four overnights in several ports we've never been to is awesome. This will be the longest TA we've ever been on. I will continue to follow reviews like your's to glean as much info as I can to make our experience great. It's reviews like your's that make me love CC. Thanks again.



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To avoid dealing with the website go through a reputable travel agent who will deal with them. I have done his and have not had one problem



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I used a very reputable TA. Still had to go through MSC's horrible customer service because there were somethings that even a TA cannot do with them. So using a TA may be helpful in many things, but it does not resolve everything.

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Our cruise on the Divina isn't until 2019 but your review makes me wish 2019 would get here soon. Besides the pricing, it is the itinerary which is so enticing. Four overnights in several ports we've never been to is awesome.


We'll be on that one, too. Like you, I'm gathering as much info as I can about Divina. We've sailed on her twice in the Med. But things are done differently onboard when she homeports in Miami.

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great review. in comparison you can tell I wrote my recap on a cel phone... ha!


missed ya at the M&G and the Welcome Back reception. those were both great events.


I had ZERO issues with international guests. I don't think I had any with "ugly americans" either. I had a couple fellers bump into me since they refused to move an inch towards their side of the walkways, which is normal. I don't get that. I'm 6'2" 230 lbs, why you wanna encroach on my side?

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I will say, the more popular items on the buffet were sometimes tough to get. They would run out quickly on the most popular items. Problem is, many people tend to just skip the line on the buffet to get what they want. Was a bit annoying at times but that's not really MSC's fault. This tended to be a trend with people being like this. The crazy part is you always hear about how bad Americans are but it was never the Americans who were doing these things (at least not that I saw), it was people from other countries who were rude. Just an observation and no, it didn't ruin even a second of the trip.


Can you explain this a little more? I haven't been on Divina, yet, so I don't know how the buffet is set up but cruise ship buffets are usually HUGE so isn't the normal thing not to stand in a line but just to take what you want?


(Example: if they first have pizza and after that hamburgers and someone want a hamburger that person skip the line and pass people in line for pizza and go straight to the hamburgers.)

Edited by sverigecruiser
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Even using a TA, it took MSC 6 weeks to set up a group. We had already booked the cabin by calling MSC directly but by the time they finally got us group rates, the port charges had increased. So if they could have had their act together sooner, the price would probably be even cheaper.


Thanks, GadjetRick, for the wonderful review. Our cruise on the Divina isn't until 2019 but your review makes me wish 2019 would get here soon. Besides the pricing, it is the itinerary which is so enticing. Four overnights in several ports we've never been to is awesome. This will be the longest TA we've ever been on. I will continue to follow reviews like your's to glean as much info as I can to make our experience great. It's reviews like your's that make me love CC. Thanks again.




Thanks for the kind words. Just trying to return the favor of the thousands of people who review things like this every day that I use in my purchasing decisions. :)

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