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Anybody cruise right after acdf surgery?

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So, after months and months of thinking my pain was lupus, I found out I need to get anterior cervical discectomy and fusion for decompression for C5-C6 & C6-C7 herniated discs which also have bone spurs that are protruding into my spinal cord....I realize my cruise is coming up in 8 weeks, and surgery will probably be two weeks from now which gives me six weeks recooperation....curious, has anybody else had surgery weeks before their cruise and how did it go? I only be sitting and eating....sitting and drinking....and sitting and gambling, so I really think it be a very good therapy for me, of course my doctor claims the worse will be over the first six weeks but I just not sure? :confused:

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DH had surgery Sept. 8 and was in intensive care for 10 days and then in rehab. We sailed to Cuba on Empress Oct. 16. His doctors thought it was great therapy. He even got off ship and went out to dinner and a show in Havana. Let your body be your guide.

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Not to be negative but do you have insurance that will cover this (ie: it was taken out before it was diagnosed or you have specifically paid for cover?)


Lets say you fall down. What could happen? Who will pay for the medical evac?

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I had 3 level c4 - c7 acdf in March of 2015. I was out of work, on short term disability for ten weeks so from that stand point, disability ins would not have permitted the travel. However, physically I could have cruised as you describe. No lifting, use porters, no iFly or Flowrider. But sitting, eating, drinking, gambling I could have handled.

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Thank you so much for all the good and positive comments, it sure helps!!


Chrisb74- I always have GeoBlue which is Blue Cross/Shiled International when traveling internationally, and yes, it does cover pre-existing conditions Zero deducible and up to 1 million dollars with nothing to pay out of pocket.


Greenmomma- Thank you for mentioning about your surgery, I don't know anybody who had it so I can't ask the so many questions I have about what happens after the surgery, I only know the details what my surgeon told me. I am so glad and assuming correctly the surgery did help you and worked. I will use porters as I realize its not allowed that soon to even roll luggage but I may bring my brace, I won't need it for after the first three weeks, but just in case I need to keep my head still for whatever reason I will have it with me.

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I had two artificial disc placed at c5-7 and a fusion at l5-s1 back in oct 2014 and was on a cruise six weeks later. I highly recommend you research artificial disc vs fusion. I have two mobi-c in neck. They are so much better than fuse.



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I may have to have this surgery in about one month. The Dr. said to try one more epidural first. Have to say I am somewhat terrified at the prospect. Have a cruise on the Anthem planned for July and figured I'd be fine to go by then. To those who have had it how did the surgery go? Was it as bad as it seems? Thanks.

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Greenmomma- Thank you for mentioning about your surgery, I don't know anybody who had it so I can't ask the so many questions I have about what happens after the surgery, I only know the details what my surgeon told me. I am so glad and assuming correctly the surgery did help you and worked. I will use porters as I realize its not allowed that soon to even roll luggage but I may bring my brace, I won't need it for after the first three weeks, but just in case I need to keep my head still for whatever reason I will have it with me.


You're welcome. I'll answer anything you like. I didn't have a neck brace post surgery. I did have to wear a bone stimulator for a few months post surgery and did have physical therapy. You'll be just fine. Relax and enjoy the cruise. You'll have a very good excuse to be waited on hand and foot!

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I may have to have this surgery in about one month. The Dr. said to try one more epidural first. Have to say I am somewhat terrified at the prospect. Have a cruise on the Anthem planned for July and figured I'd be fine to go by then. To those who have had it how did the surgery go? Was it as bad as it seems? Thanks.


Not bad at all and helped me tremendously. You'll be good to go by July.

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So, after months and months of thinking my pain was lupus, I found out I need to get anterior cervical discectomy and fusion for decompression for C5-C6 & C6-C7 herniated discs which also have bone spurs that are protruding into my spinal cord....I realize my cruise is coming up in 8 weeks, and surgery will probably be two weeks from now which gives me six weeks recooperation....curious, has anybody else had surgery weeks before their cruise and how did it go? I only be sitting and eating....sitting and drinking....and sitting and gambling, so I really think it be a very good therapy for me, of course my doctor claims the worse will be over the first six weeks but I just not sure? :confused:

Everyone responds different to surgery. Age, Smoker/Not as say takes double recovery as a smoker or if older patient. I had your surgery, Was C5/6 Fusion with C4/5 C6/7 bulging. Wore the hard neck brace for 6 weeks, the older or smoker patients had it on for 8-10 weeks. At time was in US ARMY, 38 yrs old and after 8 weeks would been able to cruise but wouldn't have lifted heavy items or overdue it at anything. Did do a cruise 4 months after surgery, before returning to Full Duty Status. Walking was fine for me, sitting long periods hurt a bit though laying out alleviated that. Otherwise had no issues at the time...

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Again I truly appreciate your comments, encouragement and telling me of your experiences and telling me to go.


Colorado Babe- Yes, know about the artificial one but there are no long term studies and there is risk of recalls so I believe this is why my surgeon prefers the older method (not saying its the right one everybody is different, we just have to trust our surgeons, but I did get three surgeons opinions and they all agree so maybe my situation may be different than yours was but so glad your doing good!!!


Steven- Three surgicans have told me the injections will be temporary, once you stop everything all comes back. Remember the longer you have it the more damage you can get and eventually it be irreversible the damage..... I already lost the use of three toes on left foot and three fingers on left hand (fortunately my forefinger and thumb are fine so I am able to function and type here and use my hands with these two fingers) and I lost one finger on the right side not mentioning all the pain in neck down shoulder, forearms and back and now I am getting headaches so its time before the damage gets irreversible, in fact, I have so much nerve damage nobody knows whether its the certain types of nerves that over time can heal like within a year or its nerves that will not heal...but what I am trying to say, fix your problem now and yes, by July comes you be all over it and healed for the cruise. I am bad right now plus even if I wanted to hold it off until after my cruise I have my usual two week vacation in July in Aruba which is more important to me as we go with family together every year and I want to be healed by then, so I must get the surgery now. I do have to say, make sure you get a second and third opinion, its a very serious surgery.....you be fine and you be all healed for your cruise, so take care of yourself!


Eileen- Wow, did you have one level or two? Wow good for you and good to hear your news!


Greenmomma- I wonder why I have to have the neck brace and you didn't? I THINK he said I could sleep without it, I go friday to him as he wants to answer more questions of mine, I guess wearing it just as a precaution....I do have a question, did you have noice problems and swallowing problems and if so, how long did that last, so would you say by week 4 the worse should be over?


OneCruiser- Your so right.....I have fibromyalgia as well as a couple other autoimmune disorders so my concern is that my body will reject the fusion but I have to give it a try. Never been a smoker, read if you smoke after surgery that isn't good outcome...the surgeon wants me to get up and walk every 20 minutes, I have no idea if I be up to that, I deal with fibromyalgia pain also and I am currently off my anti-inflammatory medication (because I cannot have it two weeks before the surgery and three months after!!!!) and I feeling all the fibro pains too ugh! Surgeons instructions is not to lift anything over 10 pounds after the first month, you be sure I times that by three months!! LOL. Thank you for telling me your story and glad your all good!!

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Again I truly appreciate your comments, encouragement and telling me of your experiences and telling me to go.


Colorado Babe- Yes, know about the artificial one but there are no long term studies and there is risk of recalls so I believe this is why my surgeon prefers the older method (not saying its the right one everybody is different, we just have to trust our surgeons, but I did get three surgeons opinions and they all agree so maybe my situation may be different than yours was but so glad your doing good!!!


Steven- Three surgicans have told me the injections will be temporary, once you stop everything all comes back. Remember the longer you have it the more damage you can get and eventually it be irreversible the damage..... I already lost the use of three toes on left foot and three fingers on left hand (fortunately my forefinger and thumb are fine so I am able to function and type here and use my hands with these two fingers) and I lost one finger on the right side not mentioning all the pain in neck down shoulder, forearms and back and now I am getting headaches so its time before the damage gets irreversible, in fact, I have so much nerve damage nobody knows whether its the certain types of nerves that over time can heal like within a year or its nerves that will not heal...but what I am trying to say, fix your problem now and yes, by July comes you be all over it and healed for the cruise. I am bad right now plus even if I wanted to hold it off until after my cruise I have my usual two week vacation in July in Aruba which is more important to me as we go with family together every year and I want to be healed by then, so I must get the surgery now. I do have to say, make sure you get a second and third opinion, its a very serious surgery.....you be fine and you be all healed for your cruise, so take care of yourself!


Eileen- Wow, did you have one level or two? Wow good for you and good to hear your news!


Greenmomma- I wonder why I have to have the neck brace and you didn't? I THINK he said I could sleep without it, I go friday to him as he wants to answer more questions of mine, I guess wearing it just as a precaution....I do have a question, did you have noice problems and swallowing problems and if so, how long did that last, so would you say by week 4 the worse should be over?


OneCruiser- Your so right.....I have fibromyalgia as well as a couple other autoimmune disorders so my concern is that my body will reject the fusion but I have to give it a try. Never been a smoker, read if you smoke after surgery that isn't good outcome...the surgeon wants me to get up and walk every 20 minutes, I have no idea if I be up to that, I deal with fibromyalgia pain also and I am currently off my anti-inflammatory medication (because I cannot have it two weeks before the surgery and three months after!!!!) and I feeling all the fibro pains too ugh! Surgeons instructions is not to lift anything over 10 pounds after the first month, you be sure I times that by three months!! LOL. Thank you for telling me your story and glad your all good!!


With regard to the brace, I just think each surgeon has their own opinion. I was given one at the hospital but when the surgeon saw it he said I didn't need it. My voice was a little husky for a while but not terrible. I sounded pretty sexy for a whike. There was some sore throat, difficulty swallowing for a few weeks. After all, they move your esophagus out of the way. It wasn't terrible. I did lose about ten pounds. The surgeon laughed and said it's common. I thanked him. Lol.

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Cruisegirl6, while I don't have any experience with the surgery you will be having, I just wanted to say that I hope your surgery goes well, that it gives you the results that you are looking for, and that you are able to cruise as planned.


Please come back if you can and let us know how your surgery and your cruise went. :D

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As a Physical Therapist, I would recommend you postpone your cruise. I hope you have travel insurance!! I have seen the good, bad and ugly post surgery and you do just not know how it will go. The surgery can still go great but you can have prolonged pain, reduced ROM, etc. Why push it. I wish you all the best with your surgery and recovery!!



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I had the same type surgery and with six weeks recuperation, you should be just fine to travel. We had a trip to Las Vegas planned before finding out I had to have surgery. But my surgeon said it was fine to go.You will feel lousy for the first two weeks, but then it gets better from there out. I traveled to Vegas at five weeks postop.... wore my soft neck collar on the plane and when we did sightseeing. I would tucker out after about two hours of sightseeing, but been able to rest a lot and sit around the pool. I was allowed to go back to work at six weeks postop to a desk job with restrictions on lifting, etc. I would still put my collar on sometimes when my neck would get tired. I had a lumbar surgery the year before and cruised about six weeks postop. Just took it easy. Used shuttles when I could at the ports. And otherwise had no problems at all. It was a great way to recuperate!



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Perfect match- Thank you so much...nmany many thanks, and I will come back.


Travelingmomonthego- I know, the surgery can go bad, I can develop other problems or it won't fix most of the problems, but I have to have confidence in my surgeon...I went for three surgical opinions, my neurologist and primary both recommended this surgeon and speaks of him like God of neurosurgery lol so with this, I have to be optimistic. Yes, I have GeoBlue insurance just in case something happens, I never travel internationally without it. I cannot postpone this cruise, would you believe this is the first cruise where we didn't get the cruise insurance, but then again, we gave our father in law this cruise (he has been a widow for over 40 years and is 79 and still spunky and fun) and we would love alot of money if we don't go, besides, he is looking forward to it and I can't disappoint him, although he did tell me to cancel, I just can't....I also need something to look forward to. Worse case I rent a scooter and thank you so very much for your advice...yes, I know your right but hoping for the best. ;)


Boprn- Hello...my surgeon said just that, in six weeks I be fine that most people heal 4-6 weeks....and I am so grateful you telling me your story (sorry you had to go through that) because its giving me hope and confidence, glad to hear your surgeries and that you were fine for your trips, I also, am looking forward to the same, many thanks! I feeling good, much better now.


Everybody I truly appreciate all your kindness and your thoughts, you all helping me a great deal.

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Greenmomma thank you so much! I think that is what I most afraid of, them moving all my "tubes".....but would you say week four or five you were ok with that part? I been trying to loose 10 pounds!!!! I think I got my answer how lol hahahaha

No issues with my "tubes" by week four or five. I am confident that you will be able to do this. Use common sense, don't overdo. You will have limited range of motion but, I still do nearly three years later. As far as pain goes, the pain from the surgery was far less and shoet lived vs the pain pre surgery.

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Great to hear pain was less than pre surgery and the fact your "tubes" were fine by week 4/5, I think I be ok, many thanks and yes, I will bring the brace with me just in case. You have no idea how much you and the others have helped me.

Good luck with the surgery and enjoy the cruise. Let us know how you make out.

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