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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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2 minutes ago, Lois R said:

Hi Debbie,  yes, hope Sharon is ok too (and you as well!).


Hi Lois, i'm doing well, just this yucky smoke, but that's small potatoes compared to what some are going through....  btw, we got take out yesterday, I had delicious steak nachos, sooo bad for me, but oh they were sooo good & worth it :)

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Hi .Lois,

Yes, it looks like the entire west coast and some western states are dealing with multiple fires. The smoke has made the air in some areas hazardous. That is very scary!

The fire closest to us has now grown close to 200,000 acres in size and only 6% contained. Our air looks bad but not yet hazardous, it is designated unhealthy. Forecasts are showing the possibility of an air flow coming in and sending some of the smoke to the east. (Kat, get ready) but who knows if or when it will actually clear out a bit.


Listening to news, it looks like Portland is really having a hard time and I believe I heard that the fires were approaching the city. LA, also dealing with more than one fire it seems.


Kat is right about CA fire season extending into large fall. The Santa Anas affect southern CA while lighting strikes affect the entire state. Since we don’t have summer rains like sone states (as a rule) there is nothing to keep the lightening from starting fires and then if it’s also windy, well.....


So many have lost their homes and businesses! 2 homes belonging to friends of our DD have now lost their homes. One learned about it when he saw a news reporter standing in his front yard and he recognized some burned items of his in the background! His home was gone. That must have been a real shock.


Debbie, thank you for thinking about me. Thankfully we aren’t affected by the actual fire other than the air quality and we don’t own a vacation home in the Sierras. The communities that are impacted are at least 30 or more miles away. Of course the fire is now the main local news topic and many of us know people who either live in the various communities year round or have vacation property there.


I think that all of us will remember details about 9/11 especially if we knew anyone personally affected. DH’s cousin was in a taxi on his way to a meeting  in one of the Twin Towers. He saw what happened from the back seat of that taxi. DH’s brother’s office was downtown and his story of trying to get back home to CT is pretty much what so many others also tell. Thankfully, we don’t know anyone who died. So very grateful to all who responded and have suffered lasting affects including death. It was touching to watch Joe Biden yesterday comfort a mother who had lost her son In the Twin Towers.


What a shame about that 12 y/o! Yes, parents should be held responsible-thinking the guns were locked up just isn’t good enough. It also sounds like the parents never stressed safety precautions. I think there just might be more to this story.

I wish I had something  interesting and enjoyable to add but just can’t think of anything. No make up today. WillPut some on tomorrow when we Zoom with our family-don’t want them to think I’ve gone off the derp end!

Take care all,


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Kat, I just want to say how fortunate we all are that you started this thread. Who knew then that we would have so many things to discuss and so many reasons to console one another!


Maybe one or more of us will meet on a cruise someday(dressed up and make up on of course). We can only hope......


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1 hour ago, purduemom1 said:

Kat, I just want to say how fortunate we all are that you started this thread. Who knew then that we would have so many things to discuss and so many reasons to console one another!


Maybe one or more of us will meet on a cruise someday(dressed up and make up on of course). We can only hope......


It was my pleasure.  I first thought of it as kind of a spoof.  Everyone always talked about clothes they were taking and and all the makeup/hair products they pack for a cruise.  I was wondering if we were dropping all the "pretense" and going to basics.   I hope we haven't scared anyone away!  

My version of "dressed up" and "make up" may be vastly different on a ship than yours (I'm always the casual old hippie lady!)!!  At least we know we dress alike now here at home!!

As for meeting on a cruise - I need to start a Go Fund me or find a benevolent benefactor I'm afraid...


The sky around here is mostly blue, but I can spot some light brown cirrus clouds in some spots.  So, it depends on the direction of the wind if it is from CA/OR or 30 miles up in the Uintas.  At least we can breathe.  That smoke - burns the eyes, gets in the sinuses, down in the lungs.  Even a healthy person will have problems.  The CA ladies - just do what you can!!


I don't know if I want to jinx any candidate.  I did some work this Spring for a nice gay man...  I may try do write some postcards to get a little busy.   I think at least tonight I'll conentrate on what I can make for dinner.  Maybe some piece of fish and a little bit of salad.  


Lois - how is the weather up there in JAX?   FL is dodging the latest Tropical Storm it appears.  But, you're still hot & humid and raining.  It's those days that you just can't dry out!!!   Ugh. 

Edited by slidergirl
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Hi Kat, it has been raining on and off all day today so yes, it is extremely humid😲.  ....I am guessing it is near

90 (high 80s) and sticky.  My a/c is cooling as usual (thankfully). 

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3 hours ago, Sailor_Sally said:

I live on the border of Sarasota and Bradenton.It is a dark rainy day as the storm passes us . This is becoming an awful storm system . With the fires out west ,all the storms and covid I am ready to bid 2020 adieu .

Sally, I’m with you! 2021 just has to be better......doesn’t it?

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3 hours ago, Sailor_Sally said:

I live on the border of Sarasota and Bradenton.It is a dark rainy day as the storm passes us . This is becoming an awful storm system . With the fires out west ,all the storms and covid I am ready to bid 2020 adieu .

Sally - you're getting that Tropical Storm, right?  Man, the Gulf is not getting a break this year.  I'm fearing what's going to happen with this one when it gets to Louisiana.  I've heard this one isn't go to do as much wind damage, but the rain could be measured in feet!!!  Not good for a low-lying area like New Orleans and the surrounding parishes. 


The smoke haze has shown up again.  Not as bad as last week, but I can definitely see it.  It should be a blue bird day, but it's a bright hazy day.  I just can't believe all the fires still going and still out of control.  And, crews are stretched so thin to cover all the fires so they can't really do the job they usually do to attack a fire.  


OOTD:  In honor of those brave firefighters working their asses off on the West Coast, I wore my Smokey Bear "Resist" Tshirt, with my cammo pants and yellow trail runners.  

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Our local Air Force Reservist fire fighter squadron came back from Oregon yesterday & left for their second trip to CA. These guys & gals take it in the shorts, this is their part-time job. The snow helped us greatly & we haven’t had smoke for past 2 days...all doors & windows open 

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57 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Our local Air Force Reservist fire fighter squadron came back from Oregon yesterday & left for their second trip to CA. These guys & gals take it in the shorts, this is their part-time job. The snow helped us greatly & we haven’t had smoke for past 2 days...all doors & windows open 

Reservists are the backbone of the military!  Our AF Reserve here isn't fire fighters, they are refuelers.  I remember in the Gulf War, my manager was in the Army reserves as part of a MASH unit.  He was activated and only had a couple of days to get his affairs in order.  He was gone for a year.  


Another firefighter friend is getting ready to go with her squad to Oregon.  One just left yesterday.  It's a delicate dance, I would assume, to know if you can spare a squad when you live in the mountains and desert that are prone to fires also.  

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8 hours ago, Sailor_Sally said:

I live on the border of Sarasota and Bradenton.It is a dark rainy day as the storm passes us . This is becoming an awful storm system . With the fires out west ,all the storms and covid I am ready to bid 2020 adieu .

 Sally & Lois,  I don't know much about hurricanes, do they ever change pathways?   Hope both of you stay safe during this,  (& anyone else on this thread who lives near the affected areas as well)    


We had a very nice day, took our paddle board out & our kids & grandkids met us, the air seemed a tiny bit better, but you can just barley make out the sun through the haze,  picked up food from Gelsons on the way home...  & they were having a wine sale, so I picked up some Prosecco :)


Melody, yea for open windows!   Is it still very cold there?  & that's great that the reservists are helping out, I pray they stay safe :)


Kat, that's great your state is sending help too, I know they need all the help they can get...  I understand they are having to use so many resources to try & save people, that they don't have enough to actually fight the fires full on.   


Sharon,  today was supposed to be my 9/11 memorial race, but obviously it was cancelled, they said I get an automatic entry into next years, & hopefully 2021 will be a better year :)  Hope you continue to be safe from the fires.


Got my Corona antibodies test results back:  negative :(


Have a great week everyone :)



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Good morning girls🙂,  Debbie,  good question about hurricanes and the path they travel.  Yes, they can change and

there is what the weather people call a "cone" that reaches outward----it can vary depending on the winds and how

fast the storm is traveling.  It looks like this storm is headed towards the area of New Orleans and the path does not

look like she is going to wabble too much. I am at the Northeast Tip of the state and so no worries about this storm.

(She is quite a bit west of me). 


Every time I look at the weather I feel for you folks out west........looks like your daytime is constantly night time☹️


Oh, I forgot, I am getting my new shower doors today!😃

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We’re back to our normal September 70s during day & 50s at night. The snow (2’) in the mountains greatly helped extinguish most of the fires, but it’s drying out again rapidly. 

all those in Hurricane Sally’s path stay safe

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It was Hurricane Irene changing path that saved us from extreme damage since it went ashore below us instead of being a direct hit . It still passed us as a category 1 . It is another dark and dreary day . A good day to read but I have a Doctor's appt. so I will dress nicely and go . 

I pray that these fires get contained . That would really scare me.

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15 hours ago, cruise kitty said:

 Sally & Lois,  I don't know much about hurricanes, do they ever change pathways?   Hope both of you stay safe during this,  (& anyone else on this thread who lives near the affected areas as well)    


We had a very nice day, took our paddle board out & our kids & grandkids met us, the air seemed a tiny bit better, but you can just barley make out the sun through the haze,  picked up food from Gelsons on the way home...  & they were having a wine sale, so I picked up some Prosecco 🙂


Melody, yea for open windows!   Is it still very cold there?  & that's great that the reservists are helping out, I pray they stay safe 🙂


Kat, that's great your state is sending help too, I know they need all the help they can get...  I understand they are having to use so many resources to try & save people, that they don't have enough to actually fight the fires full on.   


Sharon,  today was supposed to be my 9/11 memorial race, but obviously it was cancelled, they said I get an automatic entry into next years, & hopefully 2021 will be a better year 🙂  Hope you continue to be safe from the fires.


Got my Corona antibodies test results back:  negative 😞


Have a great week everyone 🙂



sucks about the antibody test.  I was in the same boat (notice i worked in a cruising reference).  I can only go by all the issues and symptoms I had and still have (turns out shingles is prevalent among covid people - even one of my girlfriends had it and high glucose levels among diabetes with no change in diet).  I hope you don't get any issues

I was going to say you could do a virtual race, but with all the smoke and ash in the air, probably not a good idea. 

I've been able to open my windows during the day, but I have to remember to close them at night.  Fall in the mountains!


Did you get prepared stuff from Gelsons?  It was always one of my things to do when my LA commute would take me near a Gelsons.  It was either that or Irvine Ranch Farmers Market stores.  


I've got some chores to do today.  The worst is I have to pay extra to the IRS for a blunder I made on my 2018 taxes.  I can't believe I left off something, but it was totally on me.  I must have not saved the file when I did it because I never forgot it before and it's on the same tax form as some interest stuff that I did enter.  Sigh.   Then, off to the post office to retrieve my mail that my carrier took back because my box got too full in 4 days from junk mailers...


Have a good day folks!

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37 minutes ago, slidergirl said:

sucks about the antibody test.  I was in the same boat (notice i worked in a cruising reference).  I can only go by all the issues and symptoms I had and still have (turns out shingles is prevalent among covid people - even one of my girlfriends had it and high glucose levels among diabetes with no change in diet).  I hope you don't get any issues

I was going to say you could do a virtual race, but with all the smoke and ash in the air, probably not a good idea. 

I've been able to open my windows during the day, but I have to remember to close them at night.  Fall in the mountains!


Did you get prepared stuff from Gelsons?  It was always one of my things to do when my LA commute would take me near a Gelsons.  It was either that or Irvine Ranch Farmers Market stores.  


I've got some chores to do today.  The worst is I have to pay extra to the IRS for a blunder I made on my 2018 taxes.  I can't believe I left off something, but it was totally on me.  I must have not saved the file when I did it because I never forgot it before and it's on the same tax form as some interest stuff that I did enter.  Sigh.   Then, off to the post office to retrieve my mail that my carrier took back because my box got too full in 4 days from junk mailers...


Have a good day folks!


Hi Kat, yes we got prepared food from Gelsons, so nice to not have to cook something once in a while.    Bleh about your tax situation....  I would think they would let you defer due to the whole pandemic thing, but knowing the IRS, they probably won't.   Hope your day is nice otherwise :)    I'm going to do step two today for my Limoncello :)

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6 hours ago, cruise kitty said:


Hi Kat, yes we got prepared food from Gelsons, so nice to not have to cook something once in a while.    Bleh about your tax situation....  I would think they would let you defer due to the whole pandemic thing, but knowing the IRS, they probably won't.   Hope your day is nice otherwise 🙂    I'm going to do step two today for my Limoncello 🙂

I just wanted to get it over with.  They accumulate interest daily.  It was a hit, but I have no one to blame but myself for not realizing I missed it.  Oh well.  


You're making limoncello???  Yum!  what vodka are you using for the base?  I've got a bottle of Limoncello in my freezer - I love it ice cold.  


I was all set to make that pizza bowl again tonight, only to discover I forgot to buy the pizza sauce!  So, I sauteed up the mushrooms and the turkey italian sausage (spicy) and added some half&half to it to make a little sauce.  I ate it like that and it was darn good!  I've got enough left for another meal.  



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