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RevNeal Reporting from the Zaandam


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Really appreciate your interesting and informative reports and the beautiful pictures.


We have 38 days to wait until we leave for our next cruise and this sure helps further whetting our already whetted appetites!


Thank you!!!!

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Hello Rev

We plan on coming down to Pt Canaveral to see the Zaandam on the 16th. and return the following week for our first HAL cruise. Thanks for all the good ship information. When do you go through the canal and which deck will you be wearing that green shirt and waving.



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You have a lot of questions posed to you already and this isn't terribly urgent, but ... if you eat in the Pinnacle, could you find out if the Zaandam is one of the ships that has sommelier dinners? I'll be on it on the Nov. 13th cruise and would be interested in that if offered.


Thanks for the reports and photos, they are very interesting and informative.



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Aloha Rev Greg - we are really enjoying ALL of your pictures and the play-by-play of this cruise - we almost feel like we are sailing right there along with you!


Thanks so very much!


One question for you: When 800 or so folks got off in San Diego and 700 or so got on, was everyone required to attend the lifejacket/lifeboat muster? Those snaps of the Statendam were excellent! Mahalo:) /thanks!

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Greg, Again Thanks for posting the Cabo Photos. We will be in Cabo about 6 weeks from tomorrow on the Ryndam. I thought about doing that Delux Coastal Tour. If you recommend it, then I think I will go on line today and book it:)

Now what day is it you are going thru the Locks? I want to make sure I watch. When the Oosterdam went thru heading to Alaska last Spring I watched the whole thing and printed some great pictures.

Thanks for your posts:cool:

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Today is Thursday, October 7, 2004. Where is the Zandaam today?

Keep the pictures coming. Have you heard yet what time you are entering the Canal on Sunday? You guy, the Oosterdam and the Veendam will be going through on Sunday while the Volendam will be going through on Tuesday. I bet the weather is getting warmer each day.


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My Friends, since we ported in Acapulco the wireless network has been down. Actually, the ship was completely off the net for half of the day yesterday. But, we're up and running now. I've got a lot to report on ... I'll post the back-dated stuff first, and get my pictures uploaded, before I give a fast on-line report on the fun last night. :)


Sorry on the delay, but y'all know how things can sometimes happen at sea!!! :D


I've noted several questions in the above ... I'll answer them with several others after I've posted my reports. Be patient today ... this is going to take a while. (And, yes, we're at sea)!



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Day Nine: At Sea


I love days at sea ... the quiet, the relaxation, the activities ... days at sea are among the best reasons for taking a cruise! We had a fun day. I spent a little while on line, posting to this board; I also spent time shopping in some of the kiosks onboard, but was horrified by the malfunctioning AC in the large ones across from the casino. I noticed, however, that by the evening the AC was working again in the shops. I didn’t buy much -- a new “dam ships” cap and t-shirt, as well as a Zaandam coffee cup to add to my collection.


During the afternoon -- after a lovely lunch in the main dining room -- I spent a couple of hours touring the ship, taking photos of most of the main lounges and around the outside of the ship with my still camera and my videocam. We then played snowball jackpot bingo ... we didn’t win, but had a nice time.


Dinner this evening was our first “informal” night. I dressed in a suit and tie, Christopher in slacks, jacket, and black silk shirt. Most of the men abided by at least the minimal code, with many wearing ties or, like me, full suits. I noted some men lacking a jacket but wearing a tie; to my observation, these guys were not approached by anyone or asked to change. However, we were told by some of our table-mates that one older woman, who tried to enter the Dining room ahead of them, was stopped by the staff and asked to return to her cabin and change -- she was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt.


Meals continue to be good ... the best part is often the dessert, though this evening I especially enjoyed the veal and pasta dish. Service was quick, again, and we were finished and headed to the Explorer’s Lounge for chamber music and after-dinner drinks by 9:30 pm.


The show tonight was a performer named “Circus Boy.” He juggled, road what was billed as “the world’s smallest bike,” and did a comedy routine. He was “ok,” but not something to write home about. :D


Following “Circus Boy” was the traditional Filippino Crew Show ... they did a very nice job, indeed. I was proud of one of our favorite drink stewards, who did a good job playing a girl’s role. Funny, too!


After the show Christopher and I went into the Casino where he spent about 45 minutes at the Craps table winning about $250. What a nice way to end the evening. :)



Tenth Day: Zihuatanejo


What a HOT and HUMID day it was. Well ... it wasn’t really “hot,” but the air was so thick you could SEE it float around the mountains across the bay from where we were anchored. We went ashore by tender at about 9:30 am to do some shopping, and found some nice items here ... a mexican blanet and a nice painted laquor box. But, by 10:30 am we were finished shopping, soaked in our own sweat, tired, and dying to get back aboard ship and into the AC. This was just a half-day in port, anyway, so we cut it short and got back aboard, where we showered and got comfy in time for lunch and departure from the harbor. As we left harbor we passed by the Oosterdam as she was entering the harbor, and I got some good photos and a nice video clip of her.


This afternoon at sea was spent playing trivial pursuit, talking with friends, and relaxing. Dinner tonight was casual, and excellent -- I had Coq au vin (yum yum) -- and one of the best, not to mention spicy, chicken and rice soups I’ve had in a long time.


Our entertainment tonight was a british singer named Toni Morrell ... a would-be Liza Minelli who also did a Elvis-in-drag routine. All in all, pretty dreadful.


Afterwards Christopher played craps, again, and did well; then, we went back to our cabin and started doing laundry (we were running out of underwear).


Bellow are a few links of photos taken in Zihuantanejo.













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Day Eleven: Acapulco


Today we docked in Acapulco and Christopher and I took the 2 pm tour of the City and the Cliff Divers. The City tour was nice ... we got to see both “traditional” and the new part of the city, as well as some lovely sights of the bay. We also got to visit the Acapulco Princess Hotel ... a very nice place that I wouldn ‘t mind staying in if I ever visit Acapulco by land. :)


The Cliff divers were very good and I got both still photos and a video clip of their performance.


The weather in Acapulco was hot and muggy, but it wasn't as bad as the day before ... besides, we had an ultramodern Air conditioned bus to ride in. It’s truly a lovely bay, and I got many great photos. Here’s a selection of them!









That evening dinner was kinda blah ... it wasn’t bad, I had the lamb chops and they were good ... however the other choices and courses simply were not that great. Over drinks in the Crows nest we listened as some other passengers complained about the service at their table. Apparently they’re having trouble with a waiter who doesn’t understand English very well and the pacing of their service is very very slow too. It’s sad to hear reports that contradict our own, but I know that such things are true and probably happen on nearly every cruise. I feel sorry for them ... I truly do ... for we’ve found the service on the Zaandam to be excellent.


After dinner the show was a ventriloquist act ... not too shabby, though I liked his routine best when he was using passengers as the dummies. :D





Day Twelve: Santa Cruz Huatulco


It was an excellent day today. After the strong winds and thunderstorms of last night we were a little late getting into port; we didn’t have any excursions planned, and so it didn’t much matter for us. We made a leisurely morning of it ... ate a mild breakfast and then went ashore to roam around for a little bit. Ended up sitting in an open-air chapel and watching as a Celebrity Ship, the Summit, came into the harbor and docked next to the Zaandam. What a BIG ugly ship ... sorry to those of you who like her (and I’m sure she’s a great cruise ship), but I think that, compared to the Zaandam, she’s just a big ugly floating hotel. ;)


Santa Cruz Huatulco is a pleasant little town and port ... not yet really developed, it’s not at all crowded; truly, a nice place to stop for a morning or afternoon port. I wouldn’t suggest staying there all day long ... there’s really not enough, yet, to wanted longer stay. They do have a very nice beach, and they were cooking mounds of mexican food by the time we left.


After a little shopping -- we didn’t buy anything -- we returned to the ship and had a pleasant lunch while we waited for the rest of our fellow passengers to return. At about 1pm we pulled out of the harbor and set sail for Costa Rica. Tomorrow is a sea day!!!!!! Yippie ... after 3 ports in a row it’s good to have a little time to rest!


Tonight we have our third formal night and our Black and White Officers’ Ball ... supposedly we’ll get a chance to dance with the Captain and officers of the ship. I’m curious to see if Captain Timmers can fox trot ... and I promise not to step on his feet. HEHEHEHEHE


Here are some selected phots from Huatulco












And now for a LATE post-script. During the cocktail hour, just before the Black and White Ball, we had a fire aboard the Zaandam. It was on B-Deck, forward, in crew quarters. It was quickly contained, with few problems, but the ship was locked down on emergency fire alarm and everything forward from the Ocean Bar was evacuated. It was FUN! :D I praise God for the excellent crew and fire teams, and for the captain and officers’ prompt, full disclosure of all the details.


No one was injured.


For now ... blessings to all of you!!!!



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Answers to some questions:


Minybear asked:


Could you do me a favor Rev. I have purchased auction art (Fantasica Mickey) while on our Zaandam cruise. I have somehow misplaced or lost our confirmation sheet with phone number to guest services (or where ever) so I can get intouch with someone due to we haven't recieved our auctioned art yet. Could you please go to the auction art desk and get the phone number of the person I can get intouch with? I think she said it would take 6-10 weeks to get in (its been 4 weeks) but I may have mistaken her. Could you please check for me


I’ll do my best .... the art auction guys are busy on this ship, but I’ve been avoiding and/or ignoring them (for the most part). Next time they’re doing an auction I’ll try to get you their number.


Djokolot asked:


You captured several beautiful shots. What type of camera do you use? I am a bit of an amateur photographer myself...so I am naturally, curious. Where was the photo "pcc3.jpeg" taken?


Thank you so much! I use a Olympus 5060 digital camera. The photo pcc3.jpg was taken just outside Vancouver harbor, on our way to Victoria.


BTW, who is master & commander of Zaandam this time around?


The Master of this lovely ship is Werner Timmers. He’s really quite funny ... has excellent and interesting “Reports from the Bridge.” Needs to work on not saying too many “uhs.”


And finally---what has been the highlight on the Pacific Side so far?


The Highlight has been the surprise ... the fairly calm seas, even dispite some thunderstorms. (Thursday update: Ooops, spoke too soon. The ship has been VERY rocky and rolly since we left Huatulco. The screen says "rough seas" and we've got swell warnings .... hold on to hand rails! There are a lot of complaining people aboard today. One old couple is swearing that the ship is broken ... "we've been on a dozen cruises in the Caribbean and it's never been THIS bad!" I looked at the old lady and said "How many cruises have you been on in the Pacific?" "None," she replied. "Then you don't what bad is. This is just fun." She got angry at me and stomped/staggered off in a huff.


Ooooh ... as I'm typing this I'm sitting in the Atrium and the Organ has begun playing. :) LOL .... sounds like circus music.


saltydog28 asked:

Could you find out what is in a wang wang? I really thought someone would have posted that by now. Or maybe I missed it.


This comes from one of the bar menus which I borrowed from the Ocean bar.


Wang-Wang: “Gin, Vodka, Rum, Triple sec, Scotch, Bourbon, Brandy, Orange juice, Pineapple juice.” In other words, it has just about everything in it but the kitchen sink.


This next question is for Christopher.- What is the thread count in the sheets. Are they 100% cotton or a blend? And is there anything else we should know (or not know) about the bedding.


The Thread-count of the bed sheets is 250. While they don’t say it, based upon how they feel he suspects they are 100% Supima Cotton, though they could be Egyptian ... the difference is nearly impossible to tell by touch. Whichever they may be, they are WONDERFUL.


Quendryth asked:

My DH & I are curious as to the age of the man who dressed "down" on formal night. It sure seems he was just trying to buck the system & see if he could get away with it! Kudos to the maitre 'de for his very appropriate tongue lashing![/Quote]


The fellow looks to be in his 50s, though it’s hard to tell.


Santa Fe Jim: On the Sommelier dinner ... yes, they have it. It’s excallent. Do it! :D


Aloha_Jackie: You’re very welcome. They only had the life-boat drill for those who boarded in San diego ... the rest of us didn’t have to attend. Indeed, I took those pictures of the Statendam’s drill while the newly boarded passengers where having theirs aboard the Zaandam.




LAFFNVEGAS: We go through the locks on Sunday ... this next Sunday! :D


Cruising Jake: I have an Olympus 5060 digital camera.

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No one wants a fire aboard ship. Did you remember how to properly put on your life jacket? At least you're in warm waters and not on one of those Antarctic cruises.



The water-tight/fire doors all closed, so no one could get to anywhere while they were fighting it -- well ... not quite ... they did evacuate everyone forward of the Ocean's Bar, but otherwise they told us to stay put, be calm, have another drink, and wait. It would have been very weird, though, if we had had to go to the life boats ... it was formal night! :D 3/4 of the men were in tuxedos, and the other 1/4 were in suits or jackets and ties ... women in dresses or pant suits ... just about everyone looked SHARP.


Oh ... and ... the captain can't dance worth a "dam" ... joke intended. :D



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Greg, Glad your Excitement was quickly contained. I know no one wants anything bad to ever happen but it does give for Excitable conversation:D


Your report and pictures are so wonderful, I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed them especially this morning. I really felt like I was on board the ship with you. The pictures are just great, they actually brought a tear to my eyes when I saw the Oosterdam. I really loved sailing on her last May. Of course I am now getting really excited since it is 30 something days till our next cruise.

Thanks again Greg for what you are doing. I know so many are really enjoying this. I know what you are doing is time consuming as well as costly but you are helping others who suffer from Cruise Addiction to get their Fix:D


BTW I agree that Summit is an UGLY Ship:eek:

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Your reports have been wonderful! It feels almost as if we were cruising with you! :)


I know it is quite a bit of extra work for you - I can honestly say we are all enjoying your travelogue.


Thank you so much for sharing with us - I so look forward to checking this thread each day. :D

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I am so excited reading your reviews. I really wanted to take this cruise next year, but we have reserved the Summit instead because of the very large difference in cost. You're right ... the Summit is HUGE and probably ugly, but I was on her sister, the Millennium, and they are magnificent ships and afford a lovely cruise.

Question: Is that beach in your picture in Huatulco right near the pier?

Thanks again, Greg ... we're loving your wonderful reports from the sea:) .

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Small deltail, Greg, but i was looking at some photos you posted, and the one you list as leaving Victoria, clearly shows the Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver!!!


Just so others aare not looking for a bridge in Victoria!!!!


thanks for the observations and photos...glad the trip is great!

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Thank you Rev.

I am now starting to get excited about my cruise on the Zaandam. Next Saturday as you and Chris leave the ship I will be boarding. Now that I know what you and Chris look like (from your beautiful pictures) I will keep an eye out for you. I cannot thank you enough for your reports and pictures. The fact that you have taken the time to post has meant so much to me as I prepare to leave next week.

All I can say is thank you again.

The very best to you and Chris, God bless you both.

love CanSail

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I have to say that I'm enjoying your trip almost as much as you are, Greg - thanks for taking the time to share! My DW was feeling a "mite poorly" yesterday (nasty cold) so I sent her one of your pictures of Cabo and reminded her we'd be there in a few months. She did perk up!





P.S. Just in case nobody mentioned it, you left from Vancouver, not Victoria! :rolleyes:

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Glad you're having a wonderful cruise. You are truly a gem to post your reports and excellent photos. We just returned from the Prinsendam, and I haven't had a chance yet to get my pix posted anywhere. Lots of catching up to do at work and at home. You'll enjoy Costa Rica.

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OK, Rev - just so ya know. I will be "borrowing" Chris on my Zui cruise next April to play the craps table for me. I just love winners! You may come along if you wish, but only if you promise to take the same great pictures you're taking now! (And pay your own way!) Hey - I spent two weeks in Costa Rica several years ago, and YOU WILL LOVE IT!


"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"...from your Lutheran buddy!

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Been fighting a head cold and feeling a bit miserable...immediately logged on tonight and seached for your reports. Thrilled to find your post and wonderful pictures..I can just feel that wonderful sunshine melting away my cold! Thank yor for taking the time to post your wonderful reports and bring us along on your cruise. I really appreciate it..and I know it can be a lot of work preparing these reports for all of us!


A fire! Wow, that would have been a bit unnerving! You indicated they told you all to stay put and have another drink...did they spring for the bar tab while you were all wondering what was going on? Were you ever informed about what exactly started the fire? I have to say a fire would scare me more than a storm on board a ship..certainly glad to hear the event was quickly contained and everyone is safe!


Thanks again for sharing your trip..will be looking forward to reading your impressions of costa rica and the canal..


Wishing you sunny skies and calm seas for your remaining days on board!!


Peggy Sue

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