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Everything posted by SpacemanSpiff

  1. No, my agent wasn't familiar with it when I called (which was the morning it broke; she was going on a cruise herself in a few months, and got excited about it!). but she figured it out really fast. I had calculated what the difference was in cost overall on the cruise before and after -- we had already signed up for the wifi upgrade and one extra set of meals -- because I wanted to make sure there weren't any duplications or unintended removals. We agreed to the penny, so I assume it was ok (and the airfare is still on the bill). As I just noted on another thread, it looks like FASUP is the promo code. All of the other codes (other than the ones I had previously upgraded, which were superseded by the Free At Sea Plus promo) remained .
  2. I have a new one (and two removed) from my upgrade the other day to the Free at Sea Plus. The FASUDP (we had booked a pair of meals in addition to the standard ones) and the WIFIUP (self-explanitory), which were add-ons, and was replaced with FASUP, which I assume is "Free At Sea Upgrade"?
  3. Add me as someone who has the "second flies free" and I didn't have a problem.
  4. Just think of it as "new and improved" which never really meant anything anyway.
  5. I saw about it on fb group. Heck, the person I called wasn't even aware of it yet!
  6. Like ChiefMateJRK, I checked into this (although I had done the math earlier). Our cruise now reflects the 40% off. That being said, two weeks ago I saw a price drop and grabbed it on our existing booking. Then, twice this week, there was an increase. Now, with the increase discount, the new and improved fare is lower -- but still $9pp higher than it was with the lower rate I nabbed two weeks ago. In other words, at least for my cruise, they upped the base price, then increased the discount and it basically come out the same after it's all done. Of course, YMMV.
  7. I just booked the upgrade. The gratuities didn't change.
  8. I haven't either; I used their chat function and said you'd have to call them to have it added on. (And to the OP -- Roll Tide!)
  9. Thanks, -Lew- Actually, that would likely be the room we'd go for (if available). Now to talk the DW into it!
  10. What kind of room was this? I looked on their website, and nothing really indicated a piazza view (the Presidential Suite said it had a balcony, but that was the only one that hinted there was one).
  11. Just pretend you're in a McDonald's and you won't be disappointed with no milkshakes.
  12. I do recognize that NCL is basically acting as a ticket agent, and that once the deed is done, everything is between us pax and the airline involved, and that NCL can't do anything about it. I also know most of the problems are caused on the airline's side rather than caused by the cruise line. That being said, I'm seriously considering s-canning the 2-for-1 airfare and going on my own. Fortunately, our trip isn't until September of next year, so I have time to check out numbers. But, as a sanity check, I've used airfare prices for the same days of the week in September this year as it would be next year, used some points to knock down the fare, and figure the cost of upgrading the seats from likely Basic Economy (re: back-of-the-bus, limited carryon, etc) that I'd likely pay for off of the NCL-purchased tix, and found that the extra cost would be about $100 to go it alone. So... once airfare gets available for next year (late October this year), I'll play the exercise until final payment is due. If I find similar numbers, I might decide that the extra $100 is worth it. But at least I have options available.
  13. To paraphrase Tommy Lee Jones from "Men-In-Black" - "We... have no sense of humor that we are aware of."
  14. Yep, same here, as I learned about 25 years ago crossing the border out of Canada with my then-fiancee (she was Canadian, I am a US citizen). US Border Guy: "You know it's illegal to smuggle an alien, don't you? Me (and not trying to be funny): "I'm not smuggling her, she's right here in the front seat!" US Border Guy: "Please pull over by the building." Five hours later (one of which was in handcuffs), we were finally on our way. 🤔
  15. I know the path/circuit was part of its test mission, but it sure reminds me of those "Family Circus" Sunday strips where the kids wander all over the landscape to end up ten feet away from the starting point.
  16. This begs the question -- assuming one hasn't gone past the "pay by" date, can we contact NCL and tell them to deep-six the airfare plan if I can find one that I prefer to buy on my own (even if it costs a bit more, but I'd have control of main cabin instead of economy, decent flight times, etc)?
  17. A lot of it also depends on the airport you are laying over at. ATL, CLT, and FRA are ones I don't mind waiting in; DFW is kind of meh, and my home port of RIC would just plain stink if you had to lay over there. On the whole, I'd rather go too long on a connection than too short (it seems that everything that originates here either has a four hour layover or a 45 minute layover), but that's my personal preference.
  18. I've already saved $300 due to price drops in our Med cruise next fall on the Viva (I hope). There have been two drops on our interior room, and I grabbed ahold of both. Hey, it's real money!
  19. Yep, looks like a four day trip back to Venice. Good news, I assume.
  20. I sure did. And the fact it hit my email at 3:02 am didn't help ease my concerns.
  21. Perhaps just to test docking maneuvers at a typical dock? EDIT: Someone on another board said they were going into technical dry dock.
  22. Something I always travel with - some blue painters tape. It's a good temporary fix, can cover the door peephole, etc.
  23. Yay! Maybe the Viva will also get finished with minimal delays.
  24. Had someone on FB report that their cruise in June of 2003 (likely the inaugural one) has been cancelled, as has the one following. I haven't seen it officially elsewhere, but all of the June 2023 Viva cruises are no longer on the NCL website.
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