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pet peeves

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Im not blaming all just some, I hate when people who smoke think the world is their ashtray. Ashes go right on the deck or mostly in the casino all over the place. Ive been glad since they have taken the coin trays away on slot machines for some reason thats always an ashtray. I love seeing the ciggarette witht he ashes almost 3 inches long. Then it falls and opps. I didnt mean to do that.


If looks around stop lights you can see all the ciggarettes throw out the windows there.


Some smokers are very nice its the bad ones that urk me.



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We traveled as a large family for many years on cruises. The last few years, my Dad was very ill and Mom had problems with her knees and hip. We encountered so many people that saw my parents and got off the elevator to make room for them. We would make sure they were safely inside, then we would take the stairs and meet them, always thanking the people who were gracious enough to let them take their place. To add to this, the people getting off were often teenagers. I wanted to add this, since there are so many negative comments about them on some of the Boards. I now have a severe heart condition and although I look healthy, I can no longer walk very far and stairs are not possible. I too used to look at the healthy people getting into the elevators and wonder why they couldn't let my parents go, while they took the stairs. I now feel very foolish because I now know that you can't tell which passengers are healthy and which are not, just be looking at them. Also, some of those passengers sleeping on the deck may looked forward to taking a nap with the breeze blowing across them. My Mom, Dad, Aunt and Uncle spent many hours on the deck napping in a lounge. Every night at dinner, they would be all smiles as they talked to each other about how wonderful it was to nap on the deck. My daughter once asked everyone what their favorite part of a cruise was, and we had all four of them piping up to say it was taking a nap on the lounges, under the shade, by the pool deck. My Mom said, "my favorite bartender watches out for us. As soon as he sees any of us waking up, he comes over to get our drink order." We have the photos of them sleeping the day away, and now those are some of our most favorite memories. I think one of the best things to take on a cruise is patience.


Amazing how your life changes HUH , after my cancer , I have to find shade all of the time now as well and dont handle stairs very well , but you look at me and you think nice healthy 53 year old man lol . But i figure I am still alive and cruising so it can't be all bad.



Those naps in the shade are worth the price of the cruise. :p:D:D

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Having had an unpleasant injury while on a cruise, and needing a wheelchair for the majority of days, I would like to chime in. For the most part, folks were very nice, I arrived walking, but tore an ligament in my knee while on the cruise, and needed the wheelchair the rest of it... people were helpful, but i never expected to be given priority service on an elevator... I would however expect people to more around in the elevator to make room for a scooter or wheelchair. 9 out of 10 times peope were nice and helpful!


YOu cannot judge by folks appearance why they need to take an elevator up or down 1 floor. I was on a cruise w. my friend who was fighting breast cancer. She will now be gone 7 years this month, We did take an elevator up one floor, as to conserve her strength, ( she was receiving chemo) and some jerk made a rude comment when we got off... I could only hope, when the wind blew the next day and my friends wig and hat blew off, he was there to witness it...

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I am so happy when I am on a cruise - not much bothers me. People pay to be there and they should be able to do what ever they want to as long as it does not cause harm or discomfort to others. Handicap people should be first as they are special. No I am not handicaped. I just feel lucky I'm not and feel for those who are. If I had to come up with a pet peve it would be those people who cannot hold their booze.


That last part made me laugh...... on our last cruise the belly flop contest i think he was one of them.

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Having had an unpleasant injury while on a cruise, and needing a wheelchair for the majority of days, I would like to chime in. For the most part, folks were very nice, I arrived walking, but tore an ligament in my knee while on the cruise, and needed the wheelchair the rest of it... people were helpful, but i never expected to be given priority service on an elevator... I would however expect people to more around in the elevator to make room for a scooter or wheelchair. 9 out of 10 times peope were nice and helpful!


YOu cannot judge by folks appearance why they need to take an elevator up or down 1 floor. I was on a cruise w. my friend who was fighting breast cancer. She will now be gone 7 years this month, We did take an elevator up one floor, as to conserve her strength, ( she was receiving chemo) and some jerk made a rude comment when we got off... I could only hope, when the wind blew the next day and my friends wig and hat blew off, he was there to witness it...


You have to take people like that with a grain of salt . I am just glad you got spend some time with her and be there for her. I have been through chemo and god willing hopefulling will never have to go through it again , but there are always people in this world that you will just shake your head at and wonder how do they live with themselves.

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:D:D No none taken that was my point sometimes looks can be so deceiving though. I even have a handicap thing for the car so when we are in those huge parking lots and kind find a place to park sometimes we have to use it , not all of the time , I feel guilty taking those places when there are elderly people that need them worse than I do.


Oh yes, absolutely agree. MIL is very active and is in great shape. She's 62 but looks 52. However, she has a bad knee and can barely bend it now and has a hard time with stairs. You can't tell by watching her walk on flat ground.

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Oh boy, I am going to get flamed on this one..... another elevator one but with a twist :rolleyes:


but my pet peeve is when you have been standing in line for an elevator (patiently) and someone comes up in a scooter at the last minute and rolls over your toes to get in ahead of you :eek:


I'm not sure why they feel they should have "boarding priority" for the elevator because they are in a scooter ? Everyone has a "turn". This has happened to me a couple of times.


My mother in law has mobility issues so I am sensitive to those needs, but I just don't understand this "I get on first" ???? :confused:


If I am waiting for the elevator and someone in a wheelchair or scooter arrives after me, I will always let them go ahead of me. I can take the stairs, they cannot.

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I tore a ligament in my knee and had a surgery to fix it when I was 19. For months after I got off the crutches, stairs were difficult. Now, a few years later and all fixed, I take the stairs unless it's more than 4 stories or so, since I'm so thankful that I'm able-bodied again. Basically what I'm saying is, you can't tell if someones well enough to take stairs by looking at them, but I do harass my boyfriend for taking the elevator because I know he's just being lazy.


Biggest pet peeve? Taking the elevator one floor and then running/ skipping down the hallway when you get off.

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I love cruising and nothing really bothers me except the cruise braggarts. These are the folks that hang out at the pool, bars, public areas and brag to anyone within earshot about all of the cruises they've been on and all the money they've amassed.:eek:


However, a conversation between a cruise braggart and a "one-upper" is something not to be ignored. Very funny indeed:p:p:D

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I have to admit. I am one of those embarkation day table hoggers. We find a table and will probably stay there until we can get into a cabin to drop off our stuff. I don’t want to drag it all over so we find a table and will take turns getting our food. Most of the time we find a table by the pool though but if the first one we find is in the windjammer so be it. I also love to at a table and enjoy a view and read with a drink. My favorite places are out doors if it is not hot.


My pet peeve is not being able to get into a cabin when I check in.


I have no issue with you being a table hog at all whatsoever. You do your thing. Doesn't affect me and my DH one bit because my tush is soakin in the hot tub while we wait for our room. We make sure we wear our bathing suits under our clothes when we board so we can go grab a quick bite, and go directly to the hot tub in the solarium, suitcases on a chair right next to the tub, bartenders serving us drinks. No worries.:cool:

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I always take the stairs and I almost never eat in the WJ, I must be the perfect cruiser ;-)


I'm way too impatient to wait for elevators (plus, I just don't really like riding in them anywhere) so I always take the stairs too. DH and I say it helps us get in some exercise in between stuffing our faces!


Smoking is a pet peeve of mine too!

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1) People who, when I encounter them in the corridors, stare at me with a frown on their face and won't even acknowledge my smile and hello. (I usually say a silent blessing for them, for their burdens must be overwhelming)


2) People who walk side-by-side in the corridors and other aisles and who refuse to tuck one behind the other to pass. My partner and I always tuck, and if the oncoming hall hogs don't, we stop in our tracks. That makes them either run us over, or forces them to tuck. (I try to say a silent blessing for them also, since they have placed themselves at the center of the universe and are now clueless)


3) Chair Hogs. (I say a silent blessing for whomever left me a towel and a paperback to read)


4) Smokers, whose "right" to smoke affects my right to clean air. (I also try to say a silent blessing for them also, since they are well on the way to meeting their maker, and hopefully will not end up in the "smoking" section of the hereafter)


5) Music on-board so loud that it hurts my ears. (I have to say a silent blessing for the sound engineer since there's to much noise for them to hear it anyway)


6) Wheelchairs and scooters parked in the corridors overnight. (I try to say a silent blessing for the people who must use them, and for the people who might fall over them and suffer an injury because of someone else's thoghtlessness)

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I personally think that the cruise lines should dedicate one elevator for handicapped with wheel chairs, scooters and walkers. I hate it when I see people push ahead and leave these people to wait for another elevator.

Table hogs in the WJ is also a pet peeve. I hate walking around with a plate of food looking for a table.

We try to board after the cabins are supposed to be ready so that the crowd has dissipated from WJ on embarkation day.

I don't think anything else bothers me on a cruise because I am on a vacation and really try to go with the flow.

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My pet peeve is a little different. My husband and I have the greatest friends IMHO and we enjoy cruising together. We are a fun group and love life. That said- we laugh, and can sometimes be a little loud :D but we are never disrespectful to others. On our recent cruise we were in the sun on the pool deck hanging out at the bar just so happy to be on vacation and it was warm (we had been having really cold temps for our area) the music was playing and everyone was really enjoying themselves and yes, we were having cocktails. Several people walked by and mentioned that maybe we should slow down on the drinks because we were being too loud. Really? Just my little own pet peeve:)



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Totally agree about the elevators and WJ. One of my pet peeves (that has not been mentioned) are teens running amuck, especially at night, while their parents are busy having their own good time and are nowhere to found.

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1) People who, when I encounter them in the corridors, stare at me with a frown on their face and won't even acknowledge my smile and hello. (I usually say a silent blessing for them, for their burdens must be overwhelming)


2) People who walk side-by-side in the corridors and other aisles and who refuse to tuck one behind the other to pass. My partner and I always tuck, and if the oncoming hall hogs don't, we stop in our tracks. That makes them either run us over, or forces them to tuck. (I try to say a silent blessing for them also, since they have placed themselves at the center of the universe and are now clueless)


3) Chair Hogs. (I say a silent blessing for whomever left me a towel and a paperback to read)


4) Smokers, whose "right" to smoke affects my right to clean air. (I also try to say a silent blessing for them also, since they are well on the way to meeting their maker, and hopefully will not end up in the "smoking" section of the hereafter)


5) Music on-board so loud that it hurts my ears. (I have to say a silent blessing for the sound engineer since there's to much noise for them to hear it anyway)


6) Wheelchairs and scooters parked in the corridors overnight. (I try to say a silent blessing for the people who must use them, and for the people who might fall over them and suffer an injury because of someone else's thoghtlessness)


What a nice post. :)

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I totally agree with whoever mentioned non-eaters just hanging out in the WJ, playing cards, reading, etc., when it is busy and people are walking around carrying their plates looking for a place to sit and eat. It just seems mannerly for those who are finished eating to go somewhere else. If the WJ isn't busy, then that's another story (IMHO).


Other pet peeves? Children and teens unsupervised and running loudly amuck.


The crazy expensive internet/wi-fi on the ship. Really???!

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Each of your pet peeves make sense to me, and I agree wholeheartedly -- with one exception, kids in the hot tubs. Frankly, as long as they -- and I'll add ADULTS to the mix as well -- are acting within the norms of accepted social graces, they can spend the entire cruise in the hot tub.




And loud conversation while sitting in the hot tub, make it LOUD conversations, screaming while trying to get their point to the person on the other side of the tub..


AND especially in the Solarium area where most people try to relax, read a book... Absolutely no consideration for people around them.....I see it more and more every cruise I take.

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Well saying all that I have said , and my dad had both of his legs amputated due to sugar and had a scooter, Some people on scooters how should I put it , try to be a little nicer on them. We were on a cruise and this one woman felt hers was a battering ram , you had best clear out of her way or she would run over you. Not only that meanest woman i have ever seen treated the crew like dirt , she was just nasty. And you guessed I saw her everytime i turned around lol , I kept joking to my wife I was going to throw her scooter overboard:eek::p:D with her on it ........ just kidding....... or am I

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My pet peeve - people telling me my boys are polite & well behaved! I really want to be the mom of one of the hooligans running up the hall after pushing all the elevator buttons of course after they ran over people to get on the elevator first ;):p;)



Seriously I really try not to have peeves while on board, sometimes my family tells me I need to relax. I really hate when people don't use the tongs to take food off the buffet - they use their fingers!

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I want to be in the first group onboard!:D and with that said I may want to skip down the hallway:p cause I'll be sooo happy to be on a cruise. I will try to take the stairs, I won't chair hog ;)but I might be a little loud, I have a hearing problem.:rolleyes:

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