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Millie 3//6/2005 - I Was Given A Tongue Lashing By a CHAIR HOG!!!


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I'm going to post this again, although last time I said something like this on a chair hog thread it was removed. I know that there are web hosts, and they must really hate what I have to say. ANyway, I hate true chair hogs too, but to me a chair hog is someone who comes up at 6 am, saved 8 chairs - comes back up again around 10 with 1 other person, and sits trying to save the 8 chair for hours, and maybe someone else joins them for 10 minutes. Some of you however seem to feel that people do not have the right to get up from their chair for any amount of time. I may have to go to the ladies room, maybe I have a massage scheduled, or I may want to go down to the dining room for lunch. Does this mean that you should remove my things from a chair because you slept until noon and want a chair? That is what sounds more like Carnival. For the most part, people on Celebrity are civilized enough not to remove items from people's chairs. Personal posessions are not towels, but there are usally enough chairs to go around as long as you don't expect a chair right on top of the pool. On my recent cruise on the Millie I did have an interesting experience with chair hogs, but I will wait to make sure that this post remains before I say more.

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If you go swimming or to the ladies room, of course it's still your chair. If you go away for a meal, you might want to tell the people next to you that you will be gone for a bit (bite?). If you go for a massage, that would probably depend on the length. My personal "law" is, if someone isn't swimming, they get half an hour and I'll give up the chair within that time. Otherwise, I think I would try some of the above delightful responses. Nancy

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OK, I'm ready to jump in and add my two cents to this topic!:p


Here we go: When you purchase a ticket for the cruise it is for the use of the ship, as well as your cabin and meals. It is NOT your exclusive ticket to use/abuse the amenities aboard. If buy a ticket on the subway and try to save seats, well let's just say it wouldn't be pretty. If you tried to save pool chairs all day at a hotel in Las Vegas, you'd probably have to search the dessert for your things. If you tried to hold an empty table at a restaurant (without a reservation) you'd be eating on the sidewalk, so what makes you think you have the right to bahave ANY differently on a cruise? I have no patience for people that assume they are the center of the universe or act that way and will have no problem what so ever telling them as much. Good manners, should be the first thing we pack for vacation.

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Excuse me, but I may have missed the post where someone said, "people do not have the right to get up from their chair for any amount of time"


If I had seen that, my response would have probably been, "If thats the case, by the time the person left their chair for good, it would really be a messy/foul chair, not suitable for anyone to sit in" :eek:


Most posts I have read here are only referring to the people that are NOT in the chairs for long periods of times and expect them to magically be waiting for their return because they "saved" it. That is very Rude and Inconsiderate, and thus the name "Chair Hog".


Me thinks that maybe thou protests too much! :)

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Robin, I would say I agree with Nancy. I think the 30 minute rule is appropriate. But to say that someone who sleeps until noon doesn't have a right to a chair that has a towel in it (because you got up at 6 AM to save it), I believe is wrong. So what if someone wants to sleep until noon? Should this cruiser be punished?


I am having a hard time understanding the psyche of the chair hogs. I saw a group of 7 chairs (on Princess) with towels on them NEVER occupied during the day. I mean never. We were at the pool early...no one ever came. Then while we were out there, the same thing. Even after we got cleaned up, went to lunch, etc., through late afternoon...NO ONE EVER CAME! What kind of trip do people get out of getting up early to save somethi9ng that they are not going to use? Weird.

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I seem to recall a post in a previous thread on this subject by someone also posting here. The OP stated in the previous thread that while they in no way condoned chair hogs, there was nothing wrong in saving a chair while they went to the dining room for lunch, followed by a message. Considering you cannot go in the dining room in pool wear, this entails a trip to the cabin to change, then to the dining room for lunch, then to the the spa and change for the massage, then back into swim wear and return to the pool. I cannot imagine this all could be accomplished in less than 2 1/2 hours.


I have never seen a post taking the position that walking over to the grill to bring back a burger, or using the restroom should result in the loss of your chair. But when chairs are in short supply at a peak demand time, absences of an hour or more are simply rude.


My response to that previous post was that I thought some posters who did not know they were chair hogs, were finding out otherwise.

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Here's a thought... pool chairs are remarkably like dining room chairs during dinner. There aren't enough of them for each person to have their very own. So you have to "use it only when you are using it"...


This doesn't seem to be such a hard idea to grasp.


Wouldn't it be an interesting concept to have "even hour" people and "odd hour" people... You could swim, or go get your lunch or massage during your "off hour"... Ha ha.. way to hard to actually implement...



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My gripe is not with someone who leaves their chair (meaning 1 or 2 chairs) for a meal, etc. it is with those who are ONLY 1 or 2 people and feel that they not only have to save their 1 or 2 chairs, but that they have to save the entire area surrounding these chairs!! Why does a party of 2 feel compelled to save 4 chairs and a party of 4 save 8 chairs. That is my definition of a chair hog. Again, can't the cruiselines find some way of marking chairs, one per person? As I have stated before, if someone wants to set their alarm and get up at 6am, be my guest, save your prime spot, there are plenty others for me, but if you are 2 people don't save an entire row of chairs (eg) in the shade and another few chairs in the sun!!


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I can't believe I'm jumping in here. Here are my thoughts on the subject....


Why can't the cruise lines just enforce their own rules. It is clearly posted that you can't save chairs (has Celebrity changed that policy recently?). They have pool attendants who know whether a chair has been vacant all morning with just a towel and a book. If the policy is to remove those things after a published amount of time when the chair isn't occupied, remove the things. It's a pretty simple concept to me. The problem is when you have rules and you refuse to enforce them.


On the flip side, if we all just used a chair for the period of time we actually wanted to be by the pool and didn't try to save it all day, there wouldn't be a problem. If people removed their things when they went to the dining room or for a massage or to bingo or trivia (let's say they are going to be gone an hour or more) and then took a chair later when they returned, the normal turnover of chairs would probably be sufficient to handle the demand. The challenge is there because too many people think they can place a towel out at 6:00 AM and hold the chair all day, even if they aren't going to spend half the day in the chair.


Whew....I've never chimed in on a chair hog thread before. Bottom line for us when it gets that crazy around the pool, we find something else to do. It's just not worth dealing with the situation. ;) Being frustrated on a cruise just isn't for me.

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quote by Host Anne:

"Being frustrated on a cruise just isn't for me"


Yeaaaa!!!!! Me either. I am one of those weird people, I would rather sit up on the top deck near a bar. I have no patience to "lay out" on a regular basis.


But there was the day, I forget which, we were in port so lots of chairs were available. I found one and fell asleep. Heard some footsteps and it is good they woke me up. It was 6 strolling Mariachis and if I hadn't heard those feet, the music would have blown me right out of the chair:eek: they were standing not 2 feet away! They had been playing up on stage and I didn't know they were going to move around the pool!!!!

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Lois, Welcome back! I'm sure you have another great cruise!


I usually ignore the chair hog threads and just deal with it while on board. My biggest gripe and it has happened on every cruise with traditional seating is our tablemates requesting that I save chairs for them when I go up early. I save dh's since he sleeps late but I have been known to give it away if it takes him too long to get up. We have had a few table mates that we actually insulted and quite sulky when I attempted to explain that I was not now or ever going to become a chair hog!

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Robinsilver I have to agree with the others...I think its safe to abide by the 20-30 minute rule. A swim, a bathroom trip, a run to your room for a forgotten item..OK. Lunch or a massage? Thats too long. At that point it would be polite to give up your chair and find another when you return.


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Lois, Welcome back! I'm sure you have another great cruise!


I usually ignore the chair hog threads and just deal with it while on board. My biggest gripe and it has happened on every cruise with traditional seating is our tablemates requesting that I save chairs for them when I go up early. I save dh's since he sleeps late but I have been known to give it away if it takes him too long to get up. We have had a few table mates that we actually insulted and quite sulky when I attempted to explain that I was not now or ever going to become a chair hog!


Good for you Donna I don't save seats for tablemates either! On my last cruise I watched a woman hold 6 choice seats in the theater. She told everyone (including an old couple that could hardly walk down the steps) that they were taken and not one person challenged her. The show started and she was still telling late comers that the seats were saved. Her people never showed and the seats remained empty for the entire show. Now if I had not been seated and she had pulled that with me I would have just sat down. I know that my DH would probably have been a little embarrassed but this seat saving, whether it be pool chairs or theater is rediculous!


I echo Donna's sentiment, Welcome home Lois!

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This is a really amusing thread -- I love everyone's stories and witty comebacks. We should all be so clever!


Reminds me of people who talk during movies -- like the lady in front of me who talked the entire way through "Million Dollar Baby" -- I mean -- it's only a tearjerking, award winning movie with a performance off a lifetime by a twice-Oscar winning actress. Why not make comments to your husband the whole way through? I would much rather hear the talking lady than Hilary Swank or Morgan Freeman, right? I tried everything to get this woman to be quiet, and found some success with the "chair push" -- every time she talked, I used my foot to push her chair.


anyway...back to chair hogs...


I'd like to know where it's written that chair saving is not allowed and attendants have the right to remove belongings after thirty minutes? This would be a handy thing to laminate before I go on the Constellation this Saturday. If someone gives me a hard time, I could simply whip out my laminated card and hand it to them.



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I'd like to know where it's written that chair saving is not allowed

On our recent Horizon cruise it was printed every day in the "Celebrity Today!"


Deck Chairs

We request that guests do not reserve deck chairs as all deck chairs are on a first come, first served basis. If you leave and anticipate returning in a short while, you can leave your personal belongings on or near the chari. However, if your time away fron the chair exceeds a reasonable time, for your protection, the Pool Attendant will gather your belongings and store them for you in a safe place until such time as you return.

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Thank you so much for that quote, I am now laminating it as we speak, come to think of it I may print a bathing suit T- shirt cover-up with that on it to wear by the pool!:p


I'd like to know where it's written that chair saving is not allowed

On our recent Horizon cruise it was printed every day in the "Celebrity Today!"

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:p By inventing something that changes color one hour after being exposed to daylight and changing back after being in the dark 6 hours. Then he/she could sell it to cruise chips to provide one to each passenger. When these are taken from their dark storage places and put on a chair, they are one color, let's say red. This means the chair is reserved. After one hour they turn green, making this chair available to anyone and the device can be removed and deposited in a dedicated area. The person who placed the device would then have to get a replacement device. This will allow reserving a chair for up to 60 minutes, which in most situations is reasonable, only allow for reserving chairs with this device, and making a little inconvenience for leaving the chair too long. This wouldn't solve all the chair hog problems but it would help considerably. So are there any entrepeneurs out available?

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Not a bad idea, but it would have to be a ship rule that everyone who left a chair could only use this one item to save a chair, otherwise they would just use something else. How about this: A chair back cover, say a off-white or light beige, but instead of it turning colors, it would gradually change into a big fat dark Pink hog, with the words CHAIR HOG in big letters. And I would have it start changing at 30 min. and within 10 minutes it would be very visable! :D

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It's Heather (from the adults only cruise last June on the Century). I haven't been back to the boards in a while. How are you guys? We are planning to take another cruise in June or July of next year.


As far as the chair hogs...I just about threw someone over the rails for getting in my face about saving a chair. My DH had just went to the bathroom and this very rude dude came up to me just ranting and raving. After I got in his face and told him exactly what was going on...he left, but still called me every name in the book. I told him to have a nice day as he left, which really pissed him off. That is the only problem I've had in our 6 cruises. Never really has been an issue.

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I have been on many cruises and have never sat down by the pool. I am just programed now to know that all the chairs are reserved and go up a flight to the deck overlooking the pool. There are always chairs there and I get the same experience.


It's not worth the hassle while on a nice vacation getting into shouting or shoving matches.


Besides the people that go down at 6 am and put all their belongings on 8 chairs and are rude are not the people I want to sit by for 8 hours on my vacation.


The people sitting on the higher (non luminary) decks are the kind of people I like be-friending on a cruise. In fact, we can sit back and observe the pool deck (in vogue) cruisers and laugh at some of them.


I admit tho, It would be fun to put on a Pool Butlers uniform for a day and really enforce the chair rules, stop watch in hand. I think most of us would be very effective at this!!



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Hey Gail,


Christine and I were on the 3/15/2005 sailing. I didn't see it, but the buzz on the ship was that two people got into a bit of a tiff over a chair. I heard security had to "escorted them away". To where, I have no idea.


We docked next to the Zenith in San Juan. I saw three people by the pool and one in it. LOL



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:eek: Tuggars, No, Tom didn't get tired. The tees and towels just stopped showing up. By the way, no one ever saw who they belonged to because these people never showed up. I'm guessing it was the Pool Butlers just messing with our minds. :D


By the way, we were on the Horizon for 21 days and the two things I mentioned were actually the only times I ever saw chair hogging but then again I miss alot. Now here is the Biggie

I was sitting at one of the tables at the back talking with a friend. I happened to look down and obviously someone had been sitting in my chair clipping their toenails. Seeing that was worse than any chairhog I've seen. :eek:

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