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Who can tell me about seasick patches?


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I don't have a huge problem with motion sickness but I am prone to it, so I'd like to be prepared. Bonine, even the less-drowsy formula, makes me very drowsy so I'd like to avoid that. I used the wrist bands on my last cruise and they seemed to work. I realize that may have just been power of suggestion, and that cruise was only a little rough the first day. I don't know how effective they'd be if the boat is really rocking. I'm a little more worried about the upcoming LA to FLL cruise in March. I don't want to spend my sea days either not feeling well (seasick) or just wanting to take a nap (Bonine). I haven't tried ginger yet.


Those of you who use the patches or who have tried them....any side effects? I'm seeing my doctor this week and thought I'd ask her about them.

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I don't have a huge problem with motion sickness but I am prone to it, so I'd like to be prepared. Bonine, even the less-drowsy formula, makes me very drowsy so I'd like to avoid that. I used the wrist bands on my last cruise and they seemed to work. I realize that may have just been power of suggestion, and that cruise was only a little rough the first day. I don't know how effective they'd be if the boat is really rocking. I'm a little more worried about the upcoming LA to FLL cruise in March. I don't want to spend my sea days either not feeling well (seasick) or just wanting to take a nap (Bonine). I haven't tried ginger yet.


Those of you who use the patches or who have tried them....any side effects? I'm seeing my doctor this week and thought I'd ask her about them.


I do get sea sick and tried the patches on one of my very first cruises and tore them off -- never went back to using them. Not only did I have terrible side effects from them, although didn't get sea sick, you have to get them via a prescription. Instead, I find great relief from the wristbands and ginger tablets.


BTW -- the side effects I had included dry mouth -- no amount of liquids helped that -- but even worse was my eyesight was so negatively affected. I was almost blind -- everything got really blurry. I guess I just over react to medications -- this was just horrible for me.

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I have been on 6 cruises and use the patches every time. The only problem I had (and that was on the last cruise) was drying of my eyes. I assume you are referring to the scopolamine patches. They require a prescription from your physician and they are expensive. They recommend you place them on before the ship sails and change every 3 days. They stay on great in the shower. l haven’t tried anything else but I did have a good experience with the patches and did not experience any drowsiness.

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Some are more prone to side effects of the patch than others. Side effects include the dry mouth and blurry vision mentioned above, as well as dizziness. The ingredient in the patch is scopalomine, which was used in the cold war as "truth serum", so it can be pretty potent.


Some folks who have experienced side effects have tried cutting the patch in half to get half the dose. This will do exactly the opposite, as the drug will bleed out of the cut end of the patch at a faster rate than through the patch. The best method is to place a small Band-Aid at the spot where you wear the patch, and then place the patch half on the bandaid and half on your skin. The bandaid will inhibit absorption into the skin.

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My wife is very prone to all types of motion sickness. She tried the patches which gave her bad side affects (dry mouth, sleepiness & not effective for her) unlike meclizine (generic Bonine). Once in a while meclizine makes her slightly drowsy but she can still drink wine at dinner without a big problem. Bonine affects you more than her but the patches have worse potential side affects which is why a prescription is required.


She suggested trying a 12.5 dosage of meclizine which works for her most of the time instead of the 25.0 dosage. The patches active ingredient in higher dosages have been used as a "truth serum" so be careful about what you say...LOL! :p

Edited by Astro Flyer
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I do get sea sick and tried the patches on one of my very first cruises and tore them off -- never went back to using them. Not only did I have terrible side effects from them, although didn't get sea sick, you have to get them via a prescription. Instead, I find great relief from the wristbands and ginger tablets.


BTW -- the side effects I had included dry mouth -- no amount of liquids helped that -- but even worse was my eyesight was so negatively affected. I was almost blind -- everything got really blurry. I guess I just over react to medications -- this was just horrible for me.


Cruise raider, did your eyesight get back to normal quickly after you removed the patch? Is there a certain brand of ginger you take?


Astroflyer, thanks for the half dose suggestion on the Bonine. I might have to try that if my doctor and I decide against the patches.

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I have used the patch on every cruise with no ill effects, however; I have to take meclizine every night for vertigo so that may make a difference. Meds can cause different reactions in each patient. I just have been very lucky with them & wouldn't cruise without a patch.

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I am very prone to seasickness. I tried the patch but found I had double vision while using it. It lasted about a day after I took it off as I recall. Now I use Bonine. I start taking it before going to bed the night before we leave. I have found that I am not so drowsy during the day, and sleep soundly.

It is an odd thing to love to do something (cruising) that can potentially make you feel so bad (seasickness)!

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I use the patches and I have absolutely no side affects. I usually put it on, on the morning of the cruise. I also only use one patch for a 7 day cruise! Once I get used to being on the water. I rarely put another patch on after the 3 days. I get vertigo and it helps with that. My Mom has used them and she has the side affects everyone else is complaining about.


I've been in some very rough seas on a 35 foot sail boat and used the patch and I was one of the very few on board that did not get sick. I swear by them and I don't find them that expensive. With my insurance, they are $35.00 for 4 patches and if you are on medicare (like my Mom), she got them for $20.00.

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We have a friend who works a few months a year as a physician for HA. At one dinner he entertained the table for about an hour with stories of the patch and some of its weird side effects. The one story that we remember is about an elderly female passenger who was found wondering the corridors late at night sans any clothes! Not only was the poor damsel sleep-walking...but she also suffered from hallucinations once they got her awake. Bottom line is that Scopolamine is very effective at preventing sea sickness....but there can be a nasty cost for some users. You will not find cruise ship physicians giving out this drug onboard. The basic drug of choice is Meclizine Hcl which is marketed in the US over-the-counter as Bonine or Dramamine Less Drowsy (not to be confused with the regular Dramamine). It is also sold as a prescription drug (in the US) under the brand name "Antivert."



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My wife tried a patch last year on our cruise and became nauseous from it. Our brother-in-law who is a Dr had her take it off. I gave her a non-drowsy Dramamine and she did well with that. I have found the secret for me is to stay ahead of the game and I simply took one shortly after boarding before heading out. Once you get the sea sickness it can stick with you awhile so that is why I try to stay ahead of it...I am not one to get seasick easily but darn if I'm going to let it ruin my trip. When sailing in the BVI I also would take along dried ginger pieces which also seemed to help and used less Dramamine.

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Try taking the Bonine (meclazine) at night before bed and you shouldn't have any drowsiness during the day. The only time I used the patch I suffered with the cottony dry mouth and felt out of it in my head. But the worst thing was food tasted terrible! After one day I took it off. If using the patch was the only way I could cruise, I would take land vacations.

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Try taking the Bonine (meclazine) at night before bed and you shouldn't have any drowsiness during the day. The only time I used the patch I suffered with the cottony dry mouth and felt out of it in my head. But the worst thing was food tasted terrible! After one day I took it off. If using the patch was the only way I could cruise, I would take land vacations.

YIKES! :eek: Affecting taste would be a deal breaker for me too. :p


Meclizine is an antihistamine & that's a great suggestion to take it at night. Benadryl (diphenhydramine HCI) is also an antihistamine which some use as a sleep aid.

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My husband used the patch and experienced the same things that others have mentioned - dry mouth, vision problems, etc. I would suggest that if you want to try it you do so at home, prior to the cruise. My husband uses Bonine now, and he does take it at bed time every night, starting with the night before we board. I know it comes in two strengths at our pharmacy, so you might try a lower dose. He takes his at bed time each night, starting the night before we board the ship. Again, I would recommend you try it at home, and don't drive until you know how a lower dose might affect you.


Good luck! And enjoy your cruise.

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Thanks, everyone! Last time I used the Bonine, I still felt drowsy the next day. I just remember that wherever I was on the ship, I just wanted to go to the cabin and crawl into bed! I just looked at the box and it says to take one or two tablets; I can't remember if I took one or two, but if I try them again, I'll start with a half tablet.


I am also interested in hearing from anyone who has had success with ginger?

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I used the 550 mg ginger tablets on my first cruise. I took two tablets the first day and didn't have any problems.


The only other time I felt seasick was on a small tour boat in Florida. I just stared at the horizon and my stomach felt better. The guide on the boat was wearing the sea bands so I figured it would be a rough sail.

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contain "Bella Donna" which causes your eyes to dilate..that's why there are the vision problems!! When I used them I also had terrible nightmares!!


The ship usually hands out green apples and crackers! In addition to the mezlizine. There is NOTHING worse than being sea sick so I hope you find the right answer for you. LuAnn

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I've used the patches for several cruises with no side effects. On our last cruise on the Westerdam earlier this year we had hurricane force/tropical storm winds for several days. We were on Main Deck and we had waves hitting our window. I had no ill effects. Believe me, I will not cruise without the patches ever again.

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I also had a bad reaction to the patch. At that time I did not need glasses to read but with that patch, after a day I could not even read the menu! I asked my dh to read the side effects on the box and lo and behold blurred vision was listed! I could not take it off soon enough! I always take ginger caps on our cruise and they work fine. I also bring 12.5mg meclizine tablets just in case. I'd stick with your wristbands and give the ginger a try imho....

good luck:)

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My husband and I had a different reaction to the patches. We wore them when we first started cruising years ago, and I particularly remember using them on a 17 day cruise. We wore the patches for almost the entire cruise, using a new one every three days even though the accompanying instructions suggested limiting use to only a total of three days and then discontinuing usage.


We were fine during the cruise and had no symptoms of seasickness; however, after we disembarked and no longer used them, we were very dizzy for two or three days and felt "out of it."


I heard that the patches were unavailable for a while and that changes were made to the "formula," but after our experience with them, we switched to Bonine which has served us well on the few occasions that we needed it.

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Bonine which has served us well

My wife uses meclizine (generic Bonine) which costs only pennies per tablet & works well for her. At the ship's gift shop it's about a dollar per tablet but haven't priced them at a store.

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I am very prone to motion sickness....I have to face the way the train is going, make sure I am sitting facing the right way the ship is sailing, etc. The patch I buy is called the "Transderm" patch. I think that is how you spell it. It comes in a yellow box and contains 2 patches that last 3 days. You put it on behind your ear. You get this in your pharmacy, Walmart has it, and is not by prescription. I don't get any side effects from this. I also bring along the non drowsy gravol with ginger tablets just in case. I thought I read that the wrist bands are not for sick stomachs but your motion/balance problems with the horizon and ship moving up and down. Anyhow this patch works very well for me.

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I am very prone to motion sickness....I have to face the way the train is going, make sure I am sitting facing the right way the ship is sailing, etc. The patch I buy is called the "Transderm" patch. I think that is how you spell it. It comes in a yellow box and contains 2 patches that last 3 days. You put it on behind your ear. You get this in your pharmacy, Walmart has it, and is not by prescription. I don't get any side effects from this. I also bring along the non drowsy gravol with ginger tablets just in case. I thought I read that the wrist bands are not for sick stomachs but your motion/balance problems with the horizon and ship moving up and down. Anyhow this patch works very well for me.

Googled "Transderm patch" & only found the "Transderm Scop patch" which is by prescription.




I'm not a healthcare professional however it appears that transdermal patches transmit medication but I wasn't able to find an OTC patch for motion sickness.


Could you provide more info on this type of an OTC patch...thanks.

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I cannot seem to find the ginger tablets. I have seen a recommendation to get the caplets with liquid inside, instead of powder, but all i can find is "ginger gum." Which i got at Walgreens. But i would like to find the caplets. Any suggestions?:confused:

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Googled "Transderm patch" & only found the "Transderm Scop patch" which is by prescription.




I'm not a healthcare professional however it appears that transdermal patches transmit medication but I wasn't able to find an OTC patch for motion sickness.


Could you provide more info on this type of an OTC patch...thanks.


The patch has been available over the counter, IN CANADA, for decades. In the US, it is by prescription only. Note that the poster is from Ontario.

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