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Cigar at the Sunset Bar


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Can you smoke a cigar at the sunset bar. If not where


Yes, that is the only place you can smoke a cigar. Technically only on the port side of the sunset bar but in crowded situations back there I have never been told to stop when I could only find a seat on the starboard side.

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Yes, that is the only place you can smoke a cigar. Technically only on the port side of the sunset bar but in crowded situations back there I have never been told to stop when I could only find a seat on the starboard side.


Cigar smoking is only allowed at the Sunset Bar, port side, on the S-Class ships, and at the Oceanview Bar, port side, on the M-Class ships.


Whether someone will say something or not, smoking should only be done in the designated areas of the ship.

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Totally agree with you Wine-O.

Enjoy your cigarette, pipe, or cigar in the designated areas. Pipes and cigars are port side only of the Sunset and Oceanview bars. Smoking elsewhere ruins it for smokers and non-smokers alike and shows a disrespect for both your host (Celebrity), and fellow travellers (me etc).

Cheers, h

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I smoke but I also agree with Wine-o. If anyone reading this thread thinks it is acceptable to smoke away from the designated areas, please think again. It is not fair on those who don't wish to inhale other people's smoke and is disrespectful to them and the staff who may have to deal with arguments and conflict as a result.

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I agree


Cigars are port side only and I love sitting at the sunset area and many times people do wander over and sit on the starboard side or even try to sit at the bar. And yes they are asked to return to the port side - after all it's a $250 fine for smoking in a non smoking area.

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I agree


Cigars are port side only and I love sitting at the sunset area and many times people do wander over and sit on the starboard side or even try to sit at the bar. And yes they are asked to return to the port side - after all it's a $250 fine for smoking in a non smoking area.


Well I feel like Im getting scolded a bit here. I didnt mean to imply that I sometimes smoke a cigar on the starboard side just for a change of scenery. At times and in certain ports it is fairly busy back there. Given that most people that come to sit down or stand there at sailaway come on a first served basis I have on occasion been forced to sit or most of the time stand on the starboard side while many people on the port side were not smoking.


If that offends some of you I'm sorry but on the rare occasion I choose to smoke a cigar I do take great care in making sure that I try to find a spot were the wind is blowing away from others.

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Well I feel like Im getting scolded a bit here. I didnt mean to imply that I sometimes smoke a cigar on the starboard side just for a change of scenery. At times and in certain ports it is fairly busy back there. Given that most people that come to sit down or stand there at sailaway come on a first served basis I have on occasion been forced to sit or most of the time stand on the starboard side while many people on the port side were not smoking.


If that offends some of you I'm sorry but on the rare occasion I choose to smoke a cigar I do take great care in making sure that I try to find a spot were the wind is blowing away from others.

It's not a question of your motivation, but the fact that you choose to ignore the rules. You could simply wait until space was available in the designated area before lighting up.

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I am a totaol non-smoker but Dh loves his cigars.


He follows the rules but it is really a shame Celeb could not have done better for its cigar lovers! When the ship is underway that is a very windy area--and not so pleasant for smoking--esp. if it is raining. A nice cigar bar would have been better where cigar smokers could order a nice upscale drink instead if huddling like pariahs along the grassy area (often smells like liquid plant food to me--worse than cigar smell)!


The old Michaels was a really premier area but has long since been taken away for other purposes several times over! On Some Royal C ships (like Navigator) they have a great cigar bar and on QM 2 it is really luxurious. (and closed off from the rest of us non-smokers!)


Looks like eliminating the cigar bar fits with the new move to rap music on bd..and a focus on places that generate more revenue--like the craft beer bars in Michaels. anyhow it is manageable, better during the day, but do not expect an upscale cigar and brandy experience in the evenings

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I am a totaol non-smoker but Dh loves his cigars.

He follows the rules but it is really a shame Celeb could not have done better for its cigar lovers!


I have to respectfully disagree. The fact that Celebrity has left a concession open for smokers at all while on board is in my opinion a shame. As far as I am concerned Celebrity ought to make their ships entirely smoke free. Smoking in whatever form - cigarettes, pipes, or cigars and no matter where done on the ship can negatively impact others. It is especially problematic in confined areas such as on a cruise ship, but even on deck, port or starboard, depending on wind conditions, it can still be obnoxious to non-smokers, which by the way, based on statistical data constitute approximately 80% of all adults. So explain precisely why should the 20%, or probably much less less of the cruise population, that engages in an unhealthy activity with established, secondary negative impacts on others be accommodated? Celebrity's restrictive smoking policies are one of the top reasons we sail the line. Given that most itineraries include multiple port stops I think smokers could and ought to strictly confine their tobacco use to onshore, but also well away from others there as well.

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As a former smoker (the most obnoxious kind, right? :)), I really hate the smell of any smoke - cigarette or cigar. I am happy to cut quickly through the smoking sections and I am very pleased that there is no indoor smoking or smoking allowed on verandas.


That said, if people want to smoke, I think there should be a safe, pleasant place for them to do so. I have no problem with that! I remember what it was like to really want and enjoy my cigarettes, so I can empathize with the smokers.


However, there is NO excuse for going over to a non-smoking area and smoking there. That is plain rude, and saying there was no room is not, in my opinion, a good enough reason. Plenty of people duck out for a smoke, then go back indoors when they are through, so I find it hard to believe a person can't wait for a few minutes until a spot clears. The person who feels he is being scolded: you're right! You are being scolded. I hope you don't get too defensive, though, and please realize that while you think you were being conscientious, other folks really will be put out by your behavior. Cheers.

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Yes, that is the only place you can smoke a cigar. Technically only on the port side of the sunset bar but in crowded situations back there I have never been told to stop when I could only find a seat on the starboard side.


If I was there then I would tell you to stop!

But the point is that you shouldn't be imposing on anyone! No one should have to be put in the position of having to ask you to not smoke when you are in a non-smoking area. If it is too crowded on the smoking side then either get there earlier, crowd in, or don't smoke. But don't smoke up my space!

Want to know how I really feel about it?


...Looks like eliminating the cigar bar fits with the new move to rap music on bd..and a focus on places that generate more revenue--like the craft beer bars in Michaels. anyhow it is manageable, better during the day, but do not expect an upscale cigar and brandy experience in the evenings


They have not had smoking at Michaels in at least 10 years. The elimination of smoking areas, or should I say the expansion of smoke free areas, is a worldwide trend. Celebrity's change in this direction had nothing to do with increasing revenues other than making the cruise line generally more attractive to the the vast majority of the population since most are non-smokers. In most places in the USA you can not smoke in any bar, restaurant or other public building and even the outdoor smoking areas are limited. This is also true in many other areas of the world and the trend is growing as more and more cities, states and countries eliminate smoking in public areas. Get with the trend and give it up.

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Next time I'll ask someone who isn't/doesn't smoke on the port side to move so I can smoke my cigar. I'm sure that person won't be inconvenienced.


I hear you.

My first time on the Equinox (Napoli, I think), two women sat down at the low, round table on the smoking side. One of them raised a big foot and kicked the ashtray with such force, it up-ended, went over the "curb", and clattered to the floor.


However, I have found that a cigar generally clears the non-smokers out of the smoking area. Were you on a voucher cruise? I found the Sunset Bar to be generally uncrowded between 5 and 7pm, but have wondered if it's more crowded on voucher cruises.

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I have to respectfully disagree. The fact that Celebrity has left a concession open for smokers at all while on board is in my opinion a shame. As far as I am concerned Celebrity ought to make their ships entirely smoke free. Smoking in whatever form - cigarettes, pipes, or cigars and no matter where done on the ship can negatively impact others. It is especially problematic in confined areas such as on a cruise ship, but even on deck, port or starboard, depending on wind conditions, it can still be obnoxious to non-smokers, which by the way, based on statistical data constitute approximately 80% of all adults. So explain precisely why should the 20%, or probably much less less of the cruise population, that engages in an unhealthy activity with established, secondary negative impacts on others be accommodated? Celebrity's restrictive smoking policies are one of the top reasons we sail the line. Given that most itineraries include multiple port stops I think smokers could and ought to strictly confine their tobacco use to onshore, but also well away from others there as well.


Because smokers spend more money on alcohol, and are the majority of gamblers in the casino.

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OK - yes, smoking is unhealthy. So is overeating and drinking alcohol. My DH enjoys the occasional cigar (I don't smoke) and we don't mind being sent to the "leper colony" of the port side of the Sunset Bar on the S class ships. We've met some nice people over the years. I don't know what the percentages are of smokers/nonsmokers, but we both appreciate the efforts of Celebrity to designate smoking areas, so people can choose the areas they would like to frequent. We love that we can be on the balcony with no smoke and in the indoor common areas with no smoke. 10-12 feet or so at the Sunset Bar doesn't seem like too much of an inconvenience to non smokers.

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I am not a spiteful person but you guys are impossible. If one day you find yourself sitting on the non-smoking (starboard) side of the sunset bar I hope you will still be this steadfastly following the rule if the only place available is the center most table of the bar right on the mid line of the ship where the smoking and non-smoking "sections" meet. My guess is you will want the rules to change at that point. My point is that a mindful smoker is probably much more pleasant to be around than someone strictly adheres to the rule....


I agree with Crazy Cruiser. I recall one time sitting at the aft bar on Summit, on the non-smoking side, on an evening when the bar had plenty of empty tables and bar stools. The man next to us light up a cigar. I politely pointed out that we were on the non-smoking side and he replied in a very nasty and aggressive manor that he could smoke any place he wanted to at the aft bar.


I realize that most smokers are much more polite and have good manners. But smoking in a non-smoking area is just bad manners. Trying to justify reasons to smoke in the non-smoking area is just a weak attempt to justify bad manors. Crazy Cruiser said it just right when he pointed out that "No one should have to be put in the position of having to ask you to not smoke when you are in a non-smoking area". While I have occasionally asked a smoker in a non-smoking area to please move or stop I really feel uncomfortable doing so, especially after the episode above. And as far as asking those sitting in a non-smoking area if they mind if you light up: They might mind but not speak up and also even if they do not mind the next person who arrives at the non-smoking area might mind and they shouldn't have to ask you to stop.


As for your last sentence in the quote above - that is just plain silly. I respect that the ship has non-smoking areas. I'm not crazy about it just as smokers probably don't like being limited to certain areas, but I know the rules and areas ahead of time and I can live with that. There have been many times when we've found no room at the aft bar on the non-smoking side and we just leave for another place on board rather than sitting in the non-smoking area as we'd never dream of asking someone not to smoke in their designated area. You also say that "My point is that a mindful smoker is probably much more pleasant to be around than someone strictly adheres to the rule". That makes no sense at all as a mindful smoker DOES adhere to the rules - they are pleasant to be around but a smoker who is NOT mindful and does not think the rules apply to them is not pleasant to be around.


Most smokers I know, like most people in general, have good manners and respect the rights of others. It's the very few that don't think the rules apply to them that give a bad reputation to all of the others.

Edited by Lsimon
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I agree with Crazy Cruiser. I recall one time sitting at the aft bar on Summit, on the non-smoking side, on an evening when the bar had plenty of empty tables and bar stools. The man next to us light up a cigar. I politely pointed out that we were on the non-smoking side and he replied in a very nasty and aggressive manor that he could smoke any place he wanted to at the aft bar.


I realize that most smokers are much more polite and have good manners. But smoking in a non-smoking area is just bad manners. Trying to justify reasons to smoke in the non-smoking area is just a weak attempt to justify bad manors. Crazy Cruiser said it just right when he pointed out that "No one should have to be put in the position of having to ask you to not smoke when you are in a non-smoking area". While I have occasionally asked a smoker in a non-smoking area to please move or stop I really feel uncomfortable doing so, especially after the episode above. And as far as asking those sitting in a non-smoking area if they mind if you light up: They might mind but not speak up and also even if they do not mind the next person who arrives at the non-smoking area might mind and they shouldn't have to ask you to stop.


As for your last sentence in the quote above - that is just plain silly. I respect that the ship has non-smoking areas. I'm not crazy about it just as smokers probably don't like being limited to certain areas, but I know the rules and areas ahead of time and I can live with that. There have been many times when we've found no room at the aft bar on the non-smoking side and we just leave for another place on board rather than sitting in the non-smoking area as we'd never dream of asking someone not to smoke in their designated area. You also say that "My point is that a mindful smoker is probably much more pleasant to be around than someone strictly adheres to the rule". That makes no sense at all as a mindful smoker DOES adhere to the rules - they are pleasant to be around but a smoker who is NOT mindful and does not think the rules apply to them is not pleasant to be around.


Most smokers I know, like most people in general, have good manners and respect the rights of others. It's the very few that don't think the rules apply to them that give a bad reputation to all of the others.


I think this is an issue that I just can't seem to convey via the internet. I hope to meet some of you on a sailing someday so that you could see in person how a person smoking on their side of the sunset bar could be much more bothersome to a very large group of guests at that bar than someone against the railing on the edge of the starboard side sunset bar.


Until then keep on believing that the wind always blows from the starboard side of the ship no matter what other weather conditions are present and that any stray smoke is instantly neutralized at the halfway point of the ship at the sunset bar.


Every action I'm defending is out of the consideration of others/those not smoking on the ship not that I simply choose to smoke wherever I please for the hell of it.

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Smoking areas on the S-class ship Reflection:


Deck 15 (Lawn Club Deck aft) – Port (left)-side only – outside at the Sunset Bar – This is the area where Cigar & Pipe smoking is permitted


Deck 15 (Lawn Club Deck forward/mid-ship) – Starboard (right)-side only – outside at the Mast Bar


Deck 14 (Lido Deck) – Port (left)-side only – outside next to the Pool Bar


Deck 5 ( mid-ship) – Port (left)-side only – outside of the mid-ship elevators

and ( forward) – Port (left)-side only – outside of the forward elevators/Theatre

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Smoking areas on the S-class ship Reflection:


Deck 15 (Lawn Club Deck aft) – Port (left)-side only – outside at the Sunset Bar – This is the area where Cigar & Pipe smoking is permitted


Deck 15 (Lawn Club Deck forward/mid-ship) – Starboard (right)-side only – outside at the Mast Bar


Deck 14 (Lido Deck) – Port (left)-side only – outside next to the Pool Bar


Deck 5 ( mid-ship) – Port (left)-side only – outside of the mid-ship elevators

and ( forward) – Port (left)-side only – outside of the forward elevators/Theatre


Just got off Reflection, and that's pretty much it except for the Deck 14 (Lido Deck) -- Port side - it's not next to the Pool Bar anymore. Too many people complained that it drafted into the Solarium. They moved it back aft on the Pool Deck near the mid-ship elevators, still a covered area. This is a bad idea also as one very windy day every time the sliding doors opened, it drafted all the way into the buffet area. :eek:

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