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Doable in 8 hours?


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Hello! I am hoping that the seasoned cruisers can give me feedback if the following itinerary I have planned for our Athens tour is doable or too hectic. This is the itinerary I am requesting from our guide for our walking tour but I am not sure if I am asking for the impossible. Here is my list with an estimate of the allotted combined walking/visiting/picture-taking time (but NOT arranged in chronological order) to see if they fit in 8 hours. I have not been to Athens so not sure if my time estimates are reasonable. Thank a million in advance for your input.

Acropolis 2.00 hours

Temple of Zeus 0.50

Temple of Hephestus 0.50

Theater of Dionysus 0.50

Changing of Guards 1.00

Panathenaic Stadium 0.50

Plaka Shopping 1.00

Acropolis Museum 1.50

Lunch 0.50

Total 8.00 hours

Edited by katerina711
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You have a hectic day planned with some things that will have to be timed perfectly (changing of the guard). We actually just happened upon the changing of the guard at the right time. I wouldn't miss any of the other activities for that one, but that's just me. The new Acropolis museum is unbelievable and was our favorite place we visited in Athens. We did Athens last year with a private driver, which helped in saving time getting from one place to another. I would allow some flexibility and pick out the "must sees." If you miss something, it means you are enjoying what you are seeing at the moment instead of tearing yourself away from one spot to rush head long to the next. Give yourself a bit of flexibility. If you miss something on this trip, it just means you might want to return one day.

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The Acropolis is fairly bare-boned, and unless you are held up by a long line to get through the Propylea access, you probably do not need much more than an hour. Additionally, while the Plaka is a quaint area - where there are a lot of tavernas for an atmospheric lunch, you have to ask yourself if you need to spend much time shopping - an hour and a half is a lot of time to split between the two activities.

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It also depends on your stamina with the heat & humidity ;)


I would combine the Plaka visit with lunch


Is this a port stop or are your there before or after the cruise?

I would choose the hightlights for you then if you have time do the other things on your list



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Assuming you are all quite mobile and in excellent health, this is doable. That said you are not allowing nearly enough time at the museum, we spent over four hours there and still felt like we rushed through it. If you hit the guards right, you only need 15 minutes or so. You will be able to get photos with them, but do NOT touch them or screw around. Pay attention to the rules and it will be an enjoyable experience.

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If you are going in July/August, be aware that the heat can be unbearable. if you want to race around, this is doable. We are in good shape and I would not do it. Also, if you are going to Istanbul, I'd suggest that the Grand Bazaar is way more fun and interesting than the Plaka and shopping is really fun there.The Plaka seemed to have one store after another selling the same stuff to tourists. How much olive oil soap do you need????:D

Edited by Donder1
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It's always good to overplan knowing that you might not get to see and do everything.

Choose what is most important to see and if you have time then see the rest.

We could spend all day in almost any museum of decent size.

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Wow, thanks a million for the responses! Sounds like we should cut some time from Acropolis and Plaka and use the extra time for the Museum or as margin for any overage at other sites. We have a few kids in our group so had to break the ruins/museum emphasis :-). I really appreciate all your input!

Edited by katerina711
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Hello! I am hoping that the seasoned cruisers can give me feedback if the following itinerary I have planned for our Athens tour is doable or too hectic. This is the itinerary I am requesting from our guide for our walking tour but I am not sure if I am asking for the impossible. Here is my list with an estimate of the allotted combined walking/visiting/picture-taking time (but NOT arranged in chronological order) to see if they fit in 8 hours. I have not been to Athens so not sure if my time estimates are reasonable. Thank a million in advance for your input.

Acropolis 2.00 hours

Temple of Zeus 0.50

Temple of Hephestus 0.50

Theater of Dionysus 0.50

Changing of Guards 1.00

Panathenaic Stadium 0.50

Plaka Shopping 1.00

Acropolis Museum 1.50

Lunch 0.50

Total 8.00 hours


When I visit a city for the first time, I like to try to get a sense of the place, even if it means just wandering around or stopping in a local pub (or in this case taverna). I pick one or 2 interesting places and spend some time there instead of trying to see everything.


You are going to spend your day in Athens running from place to place and in the end you will have lots of impressions but no sense of place. Allowing 1/2 hour for lunch is crazy - where are you going to eat in Athens in 1/2 hour - McDs.


Imagine visiting Washington DC for one day and trying to see the White House, all the Mall monuments, 2 of the Smithsonian museums (1/2 hour each), the Capitol building, etc. That is what you have planned.


Your plans may be doable but IMHO, you are bonkers to try to see all that stuff.


Two other things. I do not see any time for getting from place to place. Are you planning to use a Star Trek transporter or what if you are delayed because of traffic or maybe a demonstration. Also, I do not allowed for bathroom breaks. Say 3 toiler breaks at 10 minutes each - this totally messes up your schedule.


I also note that you have kids in the group. Have they bought into this foot race plan?



Edited by donaldsc
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...you can do it. Perhaps just one important advice.


Visit the Acropolis early, preferably getting there when it opens in the morning. It will still be relatively empty. Try to avoid the hoards of tourist and the busloads of cruise passengers that will eventually pack the site. If you are into photography, visiting early also gives you an opportunity to have photos without the massive crowds in the background.:)

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Do you have the guide for 8 hours only? Either way, you need to plan time for the transportation to and from the ship and as someone mentioned to each location.


Add in also, the time it takes to load people in and out of the car. I know I can spend 5 minutes just getting my 9 YO and 6 YO grand kids in the car by the time we put the stuff we are carrying and do up the seat belts. If there are people with stamina problems that needs to be considered time wise too. I know that my mom can walk for a long time but it needs to be at a slow pace.

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Consider splitting your group for some venues.


Our group of 8 started our day in Rome at the coliseum. After an hour, our driver took the senior 4 to the Vatican, where they spent 2.5 hours in the museum and chapel. While they were inside, the driver came back for the rest of us, who had had enough time to climb all over the place -- it would have been to strenuous for the seniors.


We had lunch 'together' -- we fanned out near the Spanish Steps and each person brought back something to share, and we ripped, dipped and munched. Spent the afternoon visiting venues that didn't require a lot of time.


When you hire a driver for the day, don't assume that you have to stick together. Just be clear when you book the tour, so that your driver knows the plan -- they often have a route that squeezes in all the must-sees, but don't allow for much time to enjoy any of them.

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Thank you to everyone for your valuable feedback! I am tweaking our schedule to identify the must see and the optionals. We are targeting to do as much as we can to get a "taste of Athens". We will have to come back someday to "savor Athens". It may have to wait for a loooong time coz we are all the way from the west coast of the US and the airfare to Greece is super expensive. I envy the eastcoasters who are able to hop over to Europe more readily.


Some of my takeaways are to start with the Acropolis and get there early (we are planning to be there at 8 a.m.), cutout shopping and lessen time at the Acropolis, allocate add'l time to the museum, plan for the heat, maximize use of the driver, expect that not everything will go according to plan so be willing to be flexible in the moment by cutting out optionals when needed, and order a transporter from the Star Trek suppliers :-) .


Thanks agains and onwards to more cruising!

Edited by katerina711
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What time does your ship dock, and how early can you disembark. 8:00 am seems like it might be aggressive.


Ship docks in Piraeus port at 6 am to 6 pm. We are planning to have the minivan pick us up between 7:15 and 7:30.


How long is the usual driving time at that time of the day?


The van drops us off at Athens at around 8 am and picks us up from Athens around 4 pm. The guide will be with us during that time for an 8-hr walking tour which I outlined above.


Do you think there is time to drive by the Panathenaic Stadium on the way back to the port and still be at the ship by 5 pm? A group member is requesting that stop. I had it in my original plan but it got cut out because supposedly out of the way so I was secretly hoping that we can talk the driver into swinging by for pictures. Is that along the way and easy to stop by?


PS: thank you for the packing tips! I tend to bring too much!

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Ship docks in Piraeus port at 6 am to 6 pm. We are planning to have the minivan pick us up between 7:15 and 7:30.


How long is the usual driving time at that time of the day?


The van drops us off at Athens at around 8 am and picks us up from Athens around 4 pm. The guide will be with us during that time for an 8-hr walking tour which I outlined above.


Do you think there is time to drive by the Panathenaic Stadium on the way back to the port and still be at the ship by 5 pm? A group member is requesting that stop. I had it in my original plan but it got cut out because supposedly out of the way so I was secretly hoping that we can talk the driver into swinging by for pictures. Is that along the way and easy to stop by?


PS: thank you for the packing tips! I tend to bring too much!


If the ship departs at 6:00 PM, you have to be back at 5:30 at the latest and that is cutting it way to close. I would plan to be back on the ship at 5:00 at the latest just in case there are any delays getting back. Just remember - you are not on a ship tour so the ship will happily depart w/o you if you are late. Stuff sometimes happens which is why we get to an airport way earlier than we have to. The same logic applies to ships. I remember on one flight out of Amsterdam, our cab got stuck in traffic and then got a flat tire. We made it not with much time to spare.


You do not want to be a star on a YouTube video showing you running down the dock as the ship pulls away to the hooting and laughing of the people on the balconies watching you miss the ship.



Edited by donaldsc
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No need to rush. Cut out one or two events. Take in the sights. Slow down a bit so you can enjoy Athens. Either enjoy a leisurely lunch, or just skip it and eat later. You can always get fast food at home, so enjoy the local cuisine if you have the opportunity, or if not, just skip it an enjoy the culture.

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Ship docks in Piraeus port at 6 am to 6 pm. We are planning to have the minivan pick us up between 7:15 and 7:30.




How long is the usual driving time at that time of the day?




The van drops us off at Athens at around 8 am and picks us up from Athens around 4 pm. The guide will be with us during that time for an 8-hr walking tour which I outlined above.




Do you think there is time to drive by the Panathenaic Stadium on the way back to the port and still be at the ship by 5 pm? A group member is requesting that stop. I had it in my original plan but it got cut out because supposedly out of the way so I was secretly hoping that we can talk the driver into swinging by for pictures. Is that along the way and easy to stop by?




PS: thank you for the packing tips! I tend to bring too much!



Just because the ship docks then, it doesn't mean it will be cleared and you'll be able to get off then. We finished our cruise in Piraeus and they were none too speedy getting us off and cleared. Additionally those with ships shore excursions are usually let off first, so you could have a wait.


Like the other poster, I think you are cutting the return very tight, and not accounting for traffic or breakdown.


I would definitely have a back up plan.


In my opinion, "swinging by for pictures" is going to add 10-15 minutes, not including the extra travel time. By the time the driver finds a place to stop, you all pile out, take your photos and then get back in, it's going to take more than a minute or two. Given your already too tight schedule, I wouldn't even consider it.

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No need to rush. Cut out one or two events. Take in the sights. Slow down a bit so you can enjoy Athens. Either enjoy a leisurely lunch, or just skip it and eat later. You can always get fast food at home, so enjoy the local cuisine if you have the opportunity, or if not, just skip it an enjoy the culture.



Agreed. There are a few Greek bakeries near the Acropolis where you could get a snack which you could eat while you walk to hold you over. I'll try to find the address if the one we stopped at and post it for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks again to everyone for the input. We might have to resort to those bakeries to tie us over during our packed "taste of Athens" tour.


I am still surprised that cruises stop for only 1 day in Athens. Should be at least a 1 1/2 day port stop like Istanbul. I wouldn't mind paying a little bit more for the extra time in Athens since we have come soooo far. I'll have to check which cruise companies do have a longer stop for future visits (unfortunately, in the very distant future since our bucket list is long).

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...you can do it. Perhaps just one important advice.


Visit the Acropolis early, preferably getting there when it opens in the morning. It will still be relatively empty. Try to avoid the hoards of tourist and the busloads of cruise passengers that will eventually pack the site. If you are into photography, visiting early also gives you an opportunity to have photos without the massive crowds in the background.:)


When do the crowds die down? Our ship only docks at 12:00, and I am rying to determine the best time to visit the Acropolis.

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