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Farewell to the Martini Bar


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It sounds like X is really, really conflicted about what to do.


My advice?


Wait til we boomers die off THEN woo the young'uns.

I think it might be the boomers that like this, I know I do and I'm just at the beginning of the boomers.


I wondering if hearing aids are the issue. I know that a friend has an issue with background noise/music with his hearing aid. He is always yelling that everything is too loud, when it isn't.

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I wondering if hearing aids are the issue. I know that a friend has an issue with background noise/music with his hearing aid. He is always yelling that everything is too loud, when it isn't.


Oh boy are you asking to get hammered with that comment!!!! :eek: I don't wear a hearing aid, neither does DH. Think we are more than a decade away from that, at least I hope so!! ....Just hate really loud music, always have....if it's loud like that when I am on board I won't be drinking martinis....no big deal for me but it would most definitely NOT appeal if it was blasting so loud you can't hear the people you are with talking!! That's not fun....BUT there will be other places to go if the martini bar is as loud as some are saying!!!

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NLH, I was being tongue-in-cheek about my Boomer comment.


For whatever reason you seem to always side with the loud music lovers. Good for you.


Have you ever BEEN on a cruise where the music was so loud there was no escaping it?


I think people, whatever their age, should have a choice of quiet venues and loud venues.


It seems that on many S-class sailings this is not a choice.


I'm starting to think it is not a Miami problem or a too-sensitive oldster problem.


I'm beginning to think it is really poorly designed S-class ships.


I will avoid them at all costs. You can choose them every time.


Everyone is happy.

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AWESOME! I hope they have loud and modern music on the summit cruise in March. So glad celebrity is doing things to attract the young, professional, and hip crowd!



I always thought speaking to folks in a a normal tone of voice would be

much more enjoyable:rolleyes:....Guess I am not young, professional

or hip....WHAT?:confused:

Edited by Lois R
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NLH, I was being tongue-in-cheek about my Boomer comment.


For whatever reason you seem to always side with the loud music lovers. Good for you.


Have you ever BEEN on a cruise where the music was so loud there was no escaping it?


I think people, whatever their age, should have a choice of quiet venues and loud venues.


It seems that on many S-class sailings this is not a choice.


I'm starting to think it is not a Miami problem or a too-sensitive oldster problem.


I'm beginning to think it is really poorly designed S-class ships.


I will avoid them at all costs. You can choose them every time.


Everyone is happy.

Hey, what can I say, I love music, it has been my live since I was 19. Just as I always side with the loud music, there are some on here that only side with the quiet music...what is the difference.


I've been on cruises where the music was loud, but never had an issue. I've listen to folks complain on some of the cruises about the loud music, but never had an issue with it. Like I said, one day at the pool a woman was complaining so loud about the loud music, you couldn't even hear the music. I voice my opinions based on my experiences, just like others do, so why would you ask if I've ever been on a loud cruise. I would never be so disingenuous to ask someone who thinks the music is too loud if they have ever been on a cruise with loud music. This is not a contest and no one's opinion is right or wrong, just different.


I totally agree with you, there should be some quiet venues and some with loud music (which BTW there are some that are quiet and some that are loud already), but it seems as though some are only happy if all bars are only quiet. I, however, believe that there can be compromise.


As a matter of fact, 2 out of my 3 Celebrity cruises that I have booked are on S-Class ships and I'm sure I will enjoy the music again on an S-Class ship.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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"has been my live (life?) since I was 19"...


Didja ever think that MAYBE, just maybe, You are the one that is slightly deaf so what is loud music to many of us does not appear that way to you? My father was a bartender for his whole life with loud music - deaf as a post in later years. Had to shout (and be shouted to) to hear anything. Had the tv on so loud it was unbelievable.


Hmmm, whaddya think?

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If its all about Loud Music…


With S Class where this is a material issue, Celebrity has a huge problem due to the lack of use/interest in Quasar. So much so that the Martini Bar and Molecular have been targeted to be the 'club venue' in Quasar's place due to its lack of intimate and embracing design (ping pong tabels/gold by the inch tables) and its continued lack of occupancy in Quasar.


I constantly think spring breakers in Mexico or Miami Beach when I hear from the hipsters who love the loud techno and boom boom music.


The hardly ever used Quasar venue could easily be updated with cool entry doors and furnishings to accomodate the Club Crowd and the Martini Bar could easily remain the pre and post dinner venue for the Intimate and more Sophisticated Crowd.


There are cetainly solutions. Change the decor and the atmoshpere in Quasar, add Bottle Service, and few other goodies and see how it works out.

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Post above made it in as I was typing mine....seems we are on the same wavelength almost 100 %



Oddly..on our first Silho cruise they had a great DJ that played in the main entertainment floor club.(Quasar)..hardly anyone went in there...it had a great atmosphere, nice bar, DJ booth and even a sep smaller party room that could've been a great VIP lounge.....instead of promoting it...esp to the young and hip, X just let it sit there....they turned that same area into a Conference center on the Reflection design...thus eliminatiing a great space,


And , on that cruise, btw, the Martini Bar was very popular every night with balanced music..which did not blare thru the entire atrium


on our second Silho cruise the following season, we were greeted by the blaring rap DJ and drum banging,,.as we boarded...everyone fled the area.to get away from it..thankfully the aft bar was not involved with the loudness campaign...nor the ensemble lounge where they had good jazz!


the upstairs club , entertainment level club and any other closed venue would be better for the loud stuff....and the so called young and hip...X should re- think placement and maybe

resolve the issue...Rename Quasar suitable for the drum banger crowd,..

Edited by hcat
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"has been my live (life?) since I was 19"...


Didja ever think that MAYBE, just maybe, You are the one that is slightly deaf so what is loud music to many of us does not appear that way to you? My father was a bartender for his whole life with loud music - deaf as a post in later years. Had to shout (and be shouted to) to hear anything. Had the tv on so loud it was unbelievable.


Hmmm, whaddya think?

Thank you for pointing out my typo, of course, I meant life.


I've had my hearing checked yearly since I was in my thirties and have perfect hearing, my last check-up was in March 2014 at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale.


Any other questions?


For those that suggest making Quasar the loud/hip venue, I would suggest making it the quiet venue, as Martinis bars are very, very in for the boomers and younger generation, the Martini bar would generate more revenue leaving it as it is now.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Certainly agree that the martini bar should be upbeat but given the ship's design, when the music is as loud as it sounds from all the posting passengers on this thread, it indicates a problem to me.


There have been no posters yet who thought the music was at a decent level and the rest of us don't have a pony in the race, as we can't determine the level and how it impacted us. I respect those posters who were on this cruise for giving their opinions about what they, not we, experienced since it's obvious that there's those who are passionate about loud music who always take one side.


Three cruises on X within the last 18 months and ZERO issues with music in any bar. Never once had an issue with being able to carry on a conversation. Actually we kept joking about how loud the music was and how our eardrums had burst from all of the so called loud music. LOL......:rolleyes:

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Glad to hear it

I'm a boomer but dislike the boom boom drum!

suffered with it for a week .....that was enough!

in fairness have not heard the DJ with sax player that seems also not very popular.,


no problem with a quieter live music or better DJ mix venue elsewhere, but unfortunately it is the location and acoustics of the open area. The sound travel/reverberates and kills the entire atrium...including the library, Cafe Baccio, the place with the hanging baskets for coffee and reading, card area , upscale stores, etc,,,


A prior poster nailed it...the design makes that use a bad choice!


hoping Reflection is OK...

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Three cruises on X within the last 18 months and ZERO issues with music in any bar. Never once had an issue with being able to carry on a conversation. Actually we kept joking about how loud the music was and how our eardrums had burst from all of the so called loud music. LOL......:rolleyes:
Sorry, you must have never been on a cruise with loud music. LOL! Just saying, because that is what some keep saying to me. LOL! Edited by NLH Arizona
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Didn't mean to "point out" your typo, but didn't want to quote you incorrectly, either.


I have also never been on an X cruise that has the loud music issue, but I do believe it exists on some sailings and some ships. You seem to always imply that most people who complain about it are imagining it.


I hope that we both continue to be as lucky as we have been to date.


At what age did you start getting annual hearing tests? I'm 63 and have never had one (well, not counting grammar-to-high-school). I'd go get one if I "thought" there was a problem, or if a doctor ever thought there was. Not yet so far.

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It's unfortunate that there seem to be some people who are intent on dismissing the experience of people who have been there. Just because one cruise that they may have been on wasn't loud, does that mean it's not possible that the music on a different cruise was obnoxiously loud for others?


I've personally been on a lot of Celebrity cruises and while almost all of them have music in the Martini Mar that ranges from normal levels to loud, there have been a couple that I've been on that no one could dispute as being much too loud. When someone with excellent hearing can't hear the person who's in their space and directly next to them and the waiter can't hear well enough to take your order, it's just too loud. It's not a matter of opinion or whether someone likes a certain kind of music, it's just too loud.


It seems that some people who have very little experience on board Celebrity ships are intent on telling everyone how things are when they really don't know.

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For those that suggest making Quasar the loud/hip venue, I would suggest making it the quiet venue, as Martinis bars are very, very in for the boomers and younger generation, the Martini bar would generate more revenue leaving it as it is now.


Where are the Martini Bars that are for boomers only on land or on other ships that you refer to?

I'm very interested in knowing if you can share the information to support the claims you have just made so that I can better understand what you are trying to persuade with an open mind.

Edited by MizDemeanor
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Didn't mean to "point out" your typo, but didn't want to quote you incorrectly, either.


I have also never been on an X cruise that has the loud music issue, but I do believe it exists on some sailings and some ships. You seem to always imply that most people who complain about it are imagining it.


I hope that we both continue to be as lucky as we have been to date.


At what age did you start getting annual hearing tests? I'm 63 and have never had one (well, not counting grammar-to-high-school). I'd go get one if I "thought" there was a problem, or if a doctor ever thought there was. Not yet so far.

I think you misunderstood my post. I have been on cruises with loud music, but it was not an issue to me. I'm not saying that someone that feels that it is too loud is wrong (like some tell me my opinion is wrong), I respect their opinion, but that is all it is, an opinion and opinions differ and people need to realize that not everyone likes and dislikes the same things.


I started in my thirties, because we hired a new VP and he had been in the industry many years and was hard of hearing and I wanted to correct any issues before they became a big issue, if there was a problem. Found out later that his hearing loss was due to an incident in the army. After the first time, my doctor ordered the test every year, because of the number of concerts I was required to attend a year, and each time I moved, I asked for the test and just kept doing it every year. I'm lucky, at 65 and no hearing loss at all. Thanks for being concerned about my hearing.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Some think the food on X is good while others think just the opposite. Some think the entertainment is good while others think the opposite. Some think the music is too loud while some think the opposite. It's unfortunate that a thread can only be about the music being too loud. There are some who have no issue with the volume of the music but it seems that some want to dismiss those opinions. ;)

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Where are the Martini Bars that are for boomers only on land or on other ships that you refer to?

I'm very interested in knowing if you can share the information to support the claims you have just made so that I can better understand what you are trying to persuade with an open mind.

I don't believe I said that there are Martini Bars that are for boomers only on land. What I said was "Martinis bars are very, very in for the boomers and younger generation, the Martini bar would generate more revenue leaving it as it is now". Please show me where I said there were Martini Bars that are for boomers only on land and I will be more than happy to apologize to you. Edited by NLH Arizona
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I have been on cruises with loud music, but it was not an issue to me. .


You know, please share with us all the cruises you have been on with what you consider loud music.


We've been on over 50, on 7 different lines and the only time we've ever noticed an issue was on S Class Celebrity ships (and that only twice in the last 6 sailings). But never volume even remotely like that on Carnival, NCL, Costa or RCCL (and probably goes without saying on Oceania, Ponant and HAL).

Edited by ECCruise
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Also, this so called boomer label...


According to the Census Bureau. Born starting in 1926.


Are you 'boomers' sure about that label? You might be older than me. :D

Not quite sure where you got your information from. Those born between 1926 and 1945 are called the silent generation. Baby boomers, well: Baby boomers are people born during the demographic Post–World War II baby boom between the years 1946 and 1964. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the term "baby boomer" is also used in a cultural context.


I don't know or care who is older, I just know that I'm a baby boomer.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Hearing loss is cumulative. Those who like or don't mind the kind of loud music that does indeed occur on this cruise line are probably already at an age related loss of hearing.


Hearing loss or decibel related hearing loss/injury is not hip or cool or preferred.


iPad typo.


You are older than I am. Repeating this message.

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