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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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10 minutes ago, Anita Latte said:

We really enjoyed watching Amazing Race! I had never gotten into it before and DH and I started watching it...IDK earlier this year? We made our way through all 29 seasons that are offered with Prime on Amazon. There are a couple more seasons out there but I'm not interested in paying to watch it...


We just finished watching Season 7 of Alone. That's our other reality tv fave...

We really like Alone too.  

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Hi Pat, I have 2 friends who live in your area..........met them on a cruise many years ago!


Hope your remodel turns out to be everything you want it to be.  My doors will probably be here week after next.


I have never seen the Amazing Race or Survivor.  They just don't interest me.  I like old cop shows........SVU........

I have probably seen al of them multiple times.......and I mean multiple LOL


Hi Debbie and Sherri and whoever else I missed.



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56 minutes ago, Lois R said:

Hi Pat, I have 2 friends who live in your area..........met them on a cruise many years ago!


Hope your remodel turns out to be everything you want it to be.  My doors will probably be here week after next.


I have never seen the Amazing Race or Survivor.  They just don't interest me.  I like old cop shows........SVU........

I have probably seen al of them multiple times.......and I mean multiple LOL


Hi Debbie and Sherri and whoever else I missed.



Thanks, Lois -- that's about when our shower door should be here, too.

Where do your friends live?

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2 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

Thanks, Lois -- that's about when our shower door should be here, too.

Where do your friends live?

I forgot the name..........I know there is an Island around there...right? 

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4 minutes ago, Lois R said:

I forgot the name..........I know there is an Island around there...right? 

LOL -- there are several -- off the top of my head -- Bainbridge, Vashon, San Juan (multiple islands ), Mercer Island.


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Wow, lots of activity since I posted earlier. Let’s see how good my memory is. Debbie, making Limoncello-nice. That reminds me of our family trip to The Abruzzo region of Italy where my dad was born. That region is mostly untouched by tourists so very delightful with small towns lining both sides of the. Autostrade. We were exploring one of them and stopped for pizza at a small restaurant. After eating, the owner brought us a selection of digestives and that was my first time trying Limincello! Thanks for triggering a very happy memory. BTW, the gov announced new guidelines today and it looks like salons can reopen on Monday no matter what stage (now colors) each county is in. Well, unless the county says no.

Pat, sounds like your remodel is progressing nicely. Have you begun to shop for new towels and accessories? OMG, islands in Washington state-yes so many. Love the San Juan Islands. So much fun cruising thru on the ferry from Sidney to Bainbridge with an overnight on Friday Harbor-beautiful!

TV-well, HGTV, especially Good Bones. Love seeing the 2 Chicks redo those homes in downtown Indianapolis.  Also watch mutually agreed upon movies for later discussion during our family Zoom get togethers. Just finished all 5 episodes of When They See Us. Lots to think about with that one.

Melody, I looked at the masks and I really like one set in particular. The description says to wear them over a medical mask or use a filter. I wonder how well they fit over the typical medical mask and if they completely cover it. Maybe cut one up ( the medical mask) and use it as the filter?

Wishing everyone a good weekend-well as good as it can be under the circumstances! It does sound that some have more options than others but no matter, just take care.








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1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

LOL -- there are several -- off the top of my head -- Bainbridge, Vashon, San Juan (multiple islands ), Mercer Island.


I will have to ask my friend which one.

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Oh, I got a new Tshirt today.  An outdoor equipment company is where I got it (well, I had it sent).  I had received a cool daypack from the company as part of a promotion.  This is the big logo on the front of the Tshirt:



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More random replies:

I liked the first original Amazing Races, much more having to arrange your own travel and pay for it.  It seems now that it's largely paid for and they just pick up tickets.   Now, my "in" on The Amazing Race Canada.  The "host" is one of my Canadian skeleton "kids", Jon Montgomery.  I used to call him "Farmer John" because he used Carhart overalls as his warmups.  A few years ago, they had a special edition with teams supporting different charities.  Another one of my Canadian skeleton kids was on a team with one of her barrel racing friends.  They didn't win, but got a long way through it.  


Survivor - never liked it.  I don't know why.  Maybe too much sniping and lying and conniving.  Kind of Real Housewives 😉


My dog liked SVU, also,  It seemed when he was a live, USA Network rotated through NCIS, Law & Order and SVU.  


Real Housewives of Salt Lake City is supposed to be on this Fall.  I know they had most of it done before we got shut down for COVID.  I believe only 1 woman is actually from Park City.  Fortunately, in my running around the greater Salt Lake City area, I never ran into filming.  My friends down in the OC (I grew up for awhile in Newport Beach) say sometimes they are going to a restaurant, see the signs about filming and by entering you consent to allow them to use your image.  They'd turn around and go someplace else!  


Dinner of the night:  I think chicken tacos made with the jicama wraps.  I've got chicken, cabbage, cheese, salsa.  Not in the mood for a salad again tonight.   The jicama is about the size of street taco "shells",  or a spring roll.  They are decently pliable - didn't have one crack on me.  You don't have to do anything to them - just open the pack, take them out and put stuff on them!  Oh, I got some plucots, too.  I do like them.  And, TJ's had fresh figs, too.  I usually just buy 3 because they seem to go bad too fast for me to eat more.  

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I like plucots but I have not found them here yet. I had a large fig tree in Texas, we had to put an electric fence around it to keep the raccoons out so we could get figs.  I like to split them, fill with goat cheese and wrap in pre-cooked bacon.  Then just microwave for a few seconds to warm them up.  I also made a ginger fig preserve.  That was good on biscuits or I would make a sauce with horseradish and the preserves to put on shrimp and rice.  I have 2 small trees I planted when we moved so I hope next year to get figs again.


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Sharon, on my Chicos masks. I’m cheap. I slide a flat coffee filter in. They have the medical grade filters on Amazon for $15-17  tho, may give a pack a try. i like  the way the fit (no nosepiece)

Kat, love the T-shirt!  Our big golden preferred Animal Planet...I don’t think we’ve turned it on since we lost her. 

Kelsie, mmm fig preserves. Now I’m craving a fig with goat cheese wrapped in bacon (& it’s 7 am!!!)  Melody

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7 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Sharon, on my Chicos masks. I’m cheap. I slide a flat coffee filter in. They have the medical grade filters on Amazon for $15-17  tho, may give a pack a try. i like  the way the fit (no nosepiece)

Kat, love the T-shirt!  Our big golden preferred Animal Planet...I don’t think we’ve turned it on since we lost her. 

Kelsie, mmm fig preserves. Now I’m craving a fig with goat cheese wrapped in bacon (& it’s 7 am!!!)  Melody

Hi Melody, I must have missed the first post........Chico's has masks? I had no idea!  

I just looked at their website and can see them.......too bad it says not available at my local store. I have masks I am

using now but was thinking about getting some new ones. 

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13 minutes ago, Lois R said:

Hi Melody, I must have missed the first post........Chico's has masks? I had no idea!  

I just looked at their website and can see them.......too bad it says not available at my local store. I have masks I am

using now but was thinking about getting some new ones. 

Lois, they’re only available on line. I’m very pleased with them, very silky not hot  You can go to tge store & they’ll order for you (free shipping). Of course, while there you’ll probably buy something, the new things are really lovely

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Happy weekend to all!  We are facing a gray and drizzly day here as what's left of the hurricane makes its way north and eastward. 


A couple of weeks ago we had new neighbors move in on one side of us -- we are gradually getting to know them through packages being misdirected to our house, lol.  And now our good neighbors on the other side have just told us they're selling and moving. Gee, was it something I did????  


I'm regretting having missed red wine day earlier -- can I have a do-over?


Not sure if I have mentioned before how much I love arugula. My son says I'm addicted to it. I just got some lovely arugula and have been trying to replicate the simple salad I love so much in Italy. The trick is in the dressing, getting the right parts of olive oil, lemon juice and fresh ground pepper.  I had that last night with some pasta tossed with a few veggies.


I find very little to watch on regular TV. I also used to really love The Amazing Race but as someone else said, I feel like a lot of the challenging obstacles related to the travel have been removed in favor of cheap stunts in the locales themselves (very stereotypical).  HGTV is good background if I'm surfing on my laptop, or else I look for good history documentaries on Smithsonian (NOT war-related) or nature shows on Nat Geo.


Ever since I ordered my mask from Wolford I have pretty much stuck with it. I had a hard time finding a mask initially that wasn't uncomfortable or made it difficult to breathe...  Some of the newer ones I wonder how good a job they do if people wear them without putting the filters in...


Things are still bad COVID wise here.  We haven't heard definitely yet but it looks like our company will keep our site closed at least through October.  Even short trips are pretty much out of the question for reasonably risk-averse people due to the entire state having high rates.  I've got zero travel planned until May of next year (on Hurtigruten -- which, when I booked it I thought would be very safe, oh the irony!).



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43 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Lois, they’re only available on line. I’m very pleased with them, very silky not hot  You can go to tge store & they’ll order for you (free shipping). Of course, while there you’ll probably buy something, the new things are really lovely

Hi,  I always walk to the clearance racks first.......LOL🙂 but that is a good idea. 

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Cruisemom:  You have a waiver to have that "National Red Wine Day" drink whenver you can!!!    I'm also getting to know my new neighbors and their sweet dog ("Indy") because the delivery guys keep dropping off their packages at my house.  1133 vs 1135...

I'm an arugula lover, also.  Arugula with a lemony dressing - heaven.  I also found a good "toast' recipe from TJ's:  some avocado hummus (really yummy) or just avocodo on the bread, then stack arugula, shredded mozz, some blue cheese crumbles, pecans and diced apricot on top.  Broil until mozz is melted.  Heaven on a piece of Tuscan White!!!


Waiting to hear if the county extends the mask mandate until the end of the year (It's supposed to end soon).  Already, the ski areas are going to require masks all the time except when physically skiing/riding.  Lift lines, on the lift (the are going to restrict who can be on which lift - 4  max on a 6-pack), in the plazas, restaurants, rest rooms, parking lots.  And, everyone has to make a reservation to ski/ride in advance to limit the number of people per day.  Everyone working at the resorts must also wear masks.  Should be interesting.  I may buy some more masks just to have options.   FASHION TIP: coffee filters are one of the recommended filters to put in your mask.  You can take those "cone" ones and cut it to fit inside, using either one side or both.  Just be aware that it does cut down on breathability (from personal trial).   I can't remember if it was here or not, but Sanctuary Clothing also has some cool neutral-color/pattern masks.  


Decided to try something new last night - HGTV.  Not too bad!  Except that I get pissed off that I don't have the money to do all the cool things to renovate/upgrade my little house.  The Lottery House program was weird - you win $4 million in the lottery, but you only want to spend $150,000 on a house.  All the houses that people picked were rather pedestrian - I was expecting more instead of a tract home, I guess.  This morning it's Women Power morning - Good Bone and another one with a female contracter that I cannot remember the name.  Again, I'm getting jealous and pissed off at the same time, this time more because it's a WOMAN doing it all!!!   


I'm getting out of the house this afternoon, but just moving into my car "bubble."  Still Red Flag Warning through the 31st, so warm, dry, and a little wind.  I'm going to scout out some close by camping spots to maybe go to next week.  You have to reserve  a specific site in advance, so I'm going to cruise the campgrounds to mark down numbers of sites that look good, then come back and reserve.  I'd reserve up there, but, alas, cell service is severely lacking up in the mountains.  


Dinner tonight is going to be, surprise, an arugula salad with lemon dressing, topped with a burrata drizzled with basalmic glaze. I still have some chicken pieces, so I may add them.   


OOTD: my LLAMA Tshirt and my Athleta cammo shorts.  Trusty trail runners with neon green Wright Socks.  I wanted to do a bandana on my head, but then I forgot about having to play with a mask if I end up going in somewhere.  So, it's going to be anothr baseball hat.



Edited by slidergirl
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I was looking on line for masks and instead of ordering from Chico's I saw that Nordstrom's sells them by the pack

as well.  So I decided to see what they offer.  I got a 3 pack for 25.00.  Cotton, 3 different colors and they fit well.

One is Lavender, one green and one black.  The store is less than a 5 minute drive away.  I looked at some other

stuff but didn't buy anything.



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21 hours ago, purduemom1 said:


Pat, sounds like your remodel is progressing nicely. Have you begun to shop for new towels and accessories? OMG, islands in Washington state-yes so many. Love the San Juan Islands. So much fun cruising thru on the ferry from Sidney to Bainbridge with an overnight on Friday Harbor-beautiful!


No to accessory/towel shopping.....the towels we had in another bathroom will work in here & the only accessories I want are new towel bars but have to wait until we get the shower door installed so I know the clearance & I think I want an over-the-toilet storage rack/cupboard of some kind.







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2 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:


Forgot to mention that your llama t-shirt is great!

Thanks.  The company is called Cotopaxi.  Their "mascot" is the llama.  They make very interesting bags, packs, outerwear, sleeping bags.  If you want a bag or pack that will stand out on the baggage carousel, it's the place to go!  I won one of their bags - a nice lightweight 25L pack in a rainbow of color patches.  Good size to shove a bunch of miscellaneous stuff in to take camping.  

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15 minutes ago, Keksie said:

On HGTV we really like Renovation Island.  When/if we ever get to travel again I told my husband I want to go there first.  We have a plane voucher we need to use before December 2021 and I really hope we can use it.

That was on last night.   I guess it was the last 3 episodes of the season/series.  The "get enough looking good" for the wedding party soft opening and the first day waiting for arrivals.  It was a really interesting "behind the scenes" of a hotel.  I did recognize some of those "quick & dirty" things done for the wedding...   


Oh - on masks:  I just saw the message from our county that we ARE going to continue the mandatory mask ordinance until January 6, 2021.  When we have big weeks after that (President's Week, Sundance), they may put it in effect for those.  So, I think I'm going to buy some more.  What I found today: it's no fun when you're wearing a mask and you're in a store and your nose suddenly starts to drip!!!!!    This was at the State Store.  I had to pick up a bottle of red.  Only had 10 people in front of me this time to get in the door.  

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