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A Snooze-Fest of a review of the Carnival Celebration (with some pics) 11/5-11/12


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Hello CC world and welcome to another review that LICH-ERALLY nobody asked for. We recently got off a 7-day cruise on the Carnival Celebration and I figured I would share a brief-ish (I can tend to get wordy so that's being real optimistic here) review, and some pics. My last review I did got to like 5 pages so clearly, I can’t let my enormous fan club down. In reality I just like re-living vacation and going back and reading these. Maybe something will help someone too. As the If you have questions, ask away. As the title indicates, this was definitely a snoozy cruise…we did a LOT of relaxing so this may also be a record for the most boring review of all time. We're off to an excellent start already, really killing it over here. 


About us/this cruise:

Cruise was taken by me and my husband, henceforth referred to as D. I will continue to be referred to as “me” and “I” (creativity is my passion). We are in our early 40’s (wow first time I wrote that in a review, gross!!! JK better over the hill than buried under it), childfree, and live in Minneapolis. This was cruise #8, #6 on Carnival. We are not loyal but tend to enjoy Carnival. We are degenerate gamblers so we got this cruise on the cheap via casino offer. Originally booked in an interior on deck 10. Upgrade peddler called about a week before we sailed offering to upgrade us to a balcony for $300. SOLD. Cruise left out of Miami and our ports were Amber Cove, San Juan, and St. Thomas. Not our first time in any of them.



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Flew to Fort Lauderdale on 11/3, we went this route as it was significantly cheaper to fly/stay in FLL vs Miami. Flight uneventful, landed around 11am at the very tiny terminal 2 which I love, and picked up a rental at the airport (easy process). Stayed at the Courtyard in Plantation, they let us check in at noon, score.  Hotel was fine-good location. Largely populated by a group of kids that I am assuming based on age/gender were members of some kind of dance/cheerleading team. Surprisingly didn’t her a ton of noise. I was leery as some recent reviews mentioned an ant problem…I did not see any ants. Must have went marchin. I'll see myself out for that. Great location-tons of stuff close by.


Napped for the afternoon, went to Tiajuana Flats for dinner, it was fine. I like the hot sauce bar but I think it got smaller which is lame. Saturday we went to Starbucks and then spent the day at the Hollywood Hard Rock. Casino/property is beautiful but we did not win much. Oh well. Just went to Publix and picked up some sandwiches for dinner and called it a night pretty early (told you this review is gonna be snoozy).



Tijana Flats eats. Quesadilla was fine. Queso was good. D's steak bowl was OKKKKK.



Courtyard Plantation pool. Never saw a single person in it and it was warm. Do kids not do hotel pools anymore? I loved those as a kid.


Big Casino winnings baby!!!! 


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EMBARKATION/DAY 1 (by far the most we did any day of this trip!)


We had a check-in time of 11:30-12 for the cruise. Woke up around 9, hit Dunkin in Davie for breakfast, let me tell you this is the fanciest Dunkin of all time. There is a Dunkin themed bike you can buy for $700. There is also a conference room you can rent out? Like full on conference room with a board room table etc. Imagine your boss tells you to come meet him at the Dunkin, you think you’re gonna get some delicious munchkins, then you get pulled into the Dunkin conference room and get fired. That would be really terrible.


Anyway, make our way to the MIA airport to drop off the rental. Grab a cab outside, get to the port for $44 including tip. Uber/Lyft would have been roughly $23 pre-tip, but D gets weird about Ubers thinking somehow these jalopys the cab drivers have are safer. I love that man but sometime the logic is questionable.  I just roll with it at this point. Picking your battles is the secret to marriage. There’s your free advice for the day.


Arrive around 11:45, give bags to the porter. We are on the ship QUICK. Literally did not stand in a single line for more than 3 minutes the entire time. We did have to get sniffed by the drug dogs, I was not a huge fan of that as it made me feel like a felon and also I really wanted to pet that dog and couldn’t so that was like a bummer to start the trip. Deemed appropriately drug free we are let on the ship. Go to muster outside the dining room it takes 3 seconds. Head to Golden Jubliee for a couple drinks (we did have Cheers, paid for not free from the cruis-ino). D has a smoked Manhatten and I have a Vesper. Both good and bartenders are adorable.


Go off in search of some food, end up at Guy’s Pig and Anchor on deck 8 (the outside BBQ is open, the smokehouse inside is not). It is DEAD. Literally nobody is there. Workers are super sweet. D gets some chicken (good), sausage (ok), greens (ok) and mac and cheese (good in a “this reminds me of my 5th grade cafeteria” type of way). I get pulled pork (good), coleslaw (grossssss tastes like legit nothing), bread (also gross which like I am whatever the polar opposite of keto is so if I dislike bread it’s gotta be really bad), and mac and cheese. Cruise director Lee announces rooms are ready so we go check it out. D needs a new lanyard so we also swing by Pixels on our way up and pick up our oh so snazzy elite gold level pins. I lost mine within 48 hours. Once again killing it over here.


BBQ Action


Very exclusive gifts


Miami sure is pretty!!!! 

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Head into our room, we had room 11208 for this cruise which is a balcony in the VERY front of the ship which was different. Some overall thoughts on the room: balcony is INCREDIBLY windy while at sea most of the time. If you are sitting down it’s fine but don’t plan on standing on your balcony for long or your cheeks (facial...mostly) will be flappin in the breeze. It’s partially shaded which I enjoyed. It is above a crew smoking area and occasionally you’d get a waft of smoke. Didn’t bother me but if you’re very sensitive to smoke I would avoid it. Overall 7.5/10 room. Hung out in the room for a bit, met room attendant Bayou who was an absolute sweetheart. He did not ask when we wanted service and just said he’d take care of it while we were out of the room. We are not picky with this so fine by me. Our only request was an extra blanket and he said he’d see what he could do. 


Up to sail away run by Lee which was widely attended and a good time. Back to the room to change for dinner, suitcases have arrived! MDR for dinner around 6. I had tomato soup (good), Indian Vegetarian (decent, a lot smaller than it used to be though) and some melting cake with a side of peanut butter. Dinner service was quick, we were in and out in about an hour. D want to stop by the shops so he looks around and ends up buying a backpack, and I check out the “preview” thing that’s going on at the Center Stage. As far as I can tell, they sit on stools and sing some songs from upcoming shows. Ok then.


Hit the casino for a bit, D wins, I do not, my liver is winning via the casino bar. Head over to the theater for Color My World. This is a SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZE. The singers are decent, some of the effects are cool but I was falling asleep. Idk what it was, but shows were not hittin on this cruise. Theater was also the most empty I have EVER seen it and that includes that time on the Vista when we had the world’s worst singers front and center. Back to the cruis-ino for a bit, then we head back into the theater for the 11:30 comedy show. This is way past my bedtime. Comedian #1 I do not remember his name (#killingit) and was ok, he spent most of the show trying to hook 2 people up? Second comedian was Doug Williams, who I know as the man who got absolutely WRECKED during the roast of Jamie Foxx back in the day. Glad to see he’s still doing his thing I guess. He was somewhat funny. Total runtime for the show between the 2 was about 45 minutes. I have worked up quite the appetite sitting there so we head to Miami slice for some pizza. I have cheese, D has pepperoni, both are readily available and you just grab a plate, you just have to wait if you want a specialty one. Call it a night and finally hit the hay around 1:30am and I AM SLEEPY. Bayou has officially delivered on the extra blanket request. COME THRU BAYOU!!!! 



Lee and the fun squad are getting it poppin



Adios America! That section down below is the crew smoking area, for ref.







Previewing the shows for the week, that black box is part of the glass barrier that man is not in witness protection



The world pre-color. Coldplay and a mockery of Prince perks us right up apparently....



Drun-chies pizza at 1am is always a good idea on a cruise. 

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Up and at ‘em around 9am, seas are not too bad and the sun is out! We had signed up for a Pasta Master class at Carnival Kitchen and had to report down there on deck 6 by 10:55 am. Skipped breakfast and made it down there on time where Chef Michael lead us though making noodles and a pasta dish. Overall this was fun, easy even for someone who does not cook AT ALL (aka me), and noodle dish was tasty! Total class was about an hour and I think we paid $30/person for it pre-cruise. Worth it to us and we’d do it again.


We spent the rest of the day just hanging around reading, napping, and playing some cards. Went to ChiBang for dinner around 7, it was an hour wait when we checked in via the app and it took the full hour. This was NOT GOOD. D got nachos (meh), steak ranchero (not good), and the chocolate c-bang (it was fine). I got the spring rolls (good), mapo tofu (didn’t taste bad but it was cold. Like cold cold, not lukewarm), and c-bang (fine). Service was incredibly slow and servers seemed to be losing their frigging minds despite the restaurant being ½ empty. I sit around for 10 minutes after our plates were cleared thinking I need to sign for my drink. Nobody ever came back so we left, I figured they know where I am if they want to come arrest me. We also encounter a woman full on picking out a wedgie in the entrance. Like full on, not even trying to hide it, hand up her dress PICKIN. Immediately douse myself in hand sanitizer and decide ChiBang is none of my business for the rest of the cruise. 3/10 would not recommend.


Nice day at sea! 



Bout to get our noodle on, pray I dont burn down this ship because based on my cooking experience that's a real possibility.



Success and the ship is still floatin! 

Edited by HolySpearit
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Been here a million times (and by that I mean like 4), we're coming back here next year, and D is not a big pool/beach person... so we gonna chill on the ship today. Go to Emeril’s for breakfast. We share some beignets (good!!), D gets shrimp and grits (GOOD!), I get a cappuccino (good, included with cheers) and the breakfast po-boy without the sausage as I am rather phobic of encased meats (get your mind elsewhere!!!). I think our total came to about $25 with tax (since we’re in port already) and tip. Overall REALLY good and worth it for sure. 10/10 would recommend Emerils for some tasty breakfast. 


Standard nap/read/play cards afternoon until we have reservations at Bonsai Teppenyaki that evening. This is D’s favorite thing to do ever. I could take it or leave it but he’s rather adorable when he gets as excited as a 5 year old over the egg that looks like a snake. So Teppenyaki’ing we go. The famous Dave from Philly aka the Philippines is our chef and he does a standard job. Sake-tini’s are delicious and make it far more exciting. I have chicken (good), D has steak (good), I freaking love that drink they give you in the dessert bento box and wish I could have a gallon of it. Overall 8/10, experience took about an hour and a half and we’ll do it again.


Head down to Center Stage for the Circus show. This was also not the best show. It involved the story of some man run off to join the circus I guess. I hate the sightlines in here. See pic below, I spent a large amount of the show looking at this man’s dangling legs despite being somewhat close to the stage. Thrilling. Not many roaming drink waiters eitehr but admittedly we were not there super early. Also there were giant clown paintings in the show. PASS. Hit the cruisino. This is an elite cruise, we are not elite. Slot machines on the smoking side are in very short supply. Non smoking side is slightly better. Continued to get BODIED by these slots and called it a night around 11 or so 


Amber Cove, she cute too.


Sideways dessert box






Unmatched sightlines in here and stunning vistas of this man's dangling legs. 

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We didn’t get into port until 11 today so we woke up around 9. Made our first and only trip to the buffet for some breakfast. Ya’ll buffet SUCCCKSSS on this ship. Seriously only ½ of it was open, there was ZERO of the cake situation there is on other ships (seriously, “dessert” every day was cookies, jello, and 2 bar/cake bar type things. Dats it. Every day), and overall selection was extremely limited. We are not really buffet people but this one was exceptionally bad.


Got off the ship around noon, plan was to just walk around and that’s what we did. Wandered the streets of Old San Juan for about 2.5 hours, it’s very cute and I never felt unsafe, Royal ship was in with us so lots of people around. It was HOT, close to 90 and humid. Just popped into stores to look around for a blast of a/c when we needed to. Side note: there is some signs up about bird flu and not to pet the birds. People ignored this and were petting the pigeons and letting them land on them. G-R-O-S-S. Some people in our group on the other site that shall not be named felt it was not announced enough. Idk I saw the signs and in my opinion you gotta take some responsibility for yourself and be aware of things but…….either way, gross. Birds are also on the “none of my business” list. We did not get sick.


Back on the ship around 2:30-3, hung out for the rest of the afternoon, it started to rain late afternoon. Went to Cucina for dinner, very short wait. I had arancini (good), Penne Pomodoro (basic, but good), a side of broccoli (I legit hate broccoli idk what I was thinking other than one too many drinks that afternoon had me thinking I needed a vegetable) and the apple crostata (decent). D had the meatball (decent), chicken parm (good), crispy potatoes (good), and no dessert (lame). Service here was quick but also seemed frazzled. I asked for coffee with dessert, I did not get it. They did actually bring me my receipt to sign for our drinks in a timely matter, and my food was hot though so vast improvement over ChiBang. Overall 7/10. Came out and some lady is having an absolute HISSY FIT at the hostess about how she is not waiting any longer for a table. Or what, you’re gonna demand a refund of your $0 you paid for this dinner? You’re gonna sit there on the floor til somebody brings you a meatball? Chill out lady. People were rude on this cruise and I felt bad for the staff. Stopped by the arcade to play some games for a bit (it was very dead, not many kids on this cruise), walked around a bit, then went back to the room to relax and go to sleep since we had an early morning excursion tomorrow.


Makin friends in San Juan



Breathtaking FedEx views



Apple Crostata



I would not suggest following those directions.



Lido is pretty at night 


Edited by HolySpearit
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St. Thomas


Up and at ‘em early in St. Thomas. We had purchased the Magan’s Bay and Skyride excursion via Carnival and had to meet on the pier at 7:30. We head up to Lido at 7. I stop by Shaq’s for a bacon egg and cheese biscuit (biscuit sucks but the eggs/cheese/bacon were fine), D just grabs some fruit from the still terrible buffet. Wolf that down and we are off the ship by about 7:20. Hop in a somewhat long line and are rather quickly lead to Alvin and his Love Chariot who will be our chauffer for the day. We drive up to Drake’s Seat and take a quick break for selfies or a smoke I guess based on what most people did. Beautiful up there.


Over to Meagan’s Bay. We arrive by about 8:15, beach is VERY uncrowded. Warm out but not sunny which is ok, I am very casper-esque and am not trying to get any more wrinkly than I already am now that my age starts with a 4. We spend 2 hours at the beach, in and out of the water, we stop by the beach bar for some waters. Alvin has us all rounded up by about 10:30am (he only had to go track one person down, time and Alvin wait for nobody apparently). He takes us on a small tour of the island and we see some sights and seriously I love it here so much. It’s my favorite Caribbean island. We got married here, I’d love to buy property here once we retire but I assume it’s not cheap. We’ll see.


We get to the sky rider and leave Alvin and his love chariot behind with a tip. Nice guy. Good thing about this excursion is when you get to the sky ride, you enter at the top which 1) saves you from a large part of the line 2) prevents you from having to walk up a bunch of stairs. SCORE. Up we go in the skyglider. I do not love heights and it was terrifying. They’re so swing-y and it always looks like you’re about to crash into the one in front of you. Have a much-needed banana daquiri at the top, D has a bushwhacker. Roughly $15/each, they do take credit cards. Walk around a bit for some views and back down we go. Honestly going up was scarier than down.


It is getting rather warm out (86 and humid again) so we just do some quick walking around the port, pick up a couple souvenirs, and head back to the ship. It’s about 1pm by then, we’re only in port til 3 today. Overall this excursion was overpriced for sure (I think we paid $60/person) and you could DIY it MUCHHH cheaper. But I am very lazy and will pay for convenience. I am also an anxious mess and like the reassurance I won’t get left behind. So to me it was worth it. Getting to skip the stair climb at the Sky Glider also was the move. Would recommend this excursion but realize you’re gonna overpay for what it is.



Drake's Seat Views



Alvin and his Love Chariot



Glad we did this once but I will never do this again. 



I paid $15 each for these (pre tax/tip), Paradise Point swears she Vegas 



Legend is in port with us



I swear this is the prettiest place. I love it so much. Even the clouds look better like they're extra 3D or something. St. Thomas is my happy place straight up and if the world was ever ending this is where I would immediately head to spend my last hours. 



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1 hour ago, HolySpearit said:

St. Thomas


Up and at ‘em early in St. Thomas. We had purchased the Magan’s Bay and Skyride excursion via Carnival and had to meet on the pier at 7:30. We head up to Lido at 7. I stop by Shaq’s for a bacon egg and cheese biscuit (biscuit sucks but the eggs/cheese/bacon were fine), D just grabs some fruit from the still terrible buffet. Wolf that down and we are off the ship by about 7:20. Hop in a somewhat long line and are rather quickly lead to Alvin and his Love Chariot who will be our chauffer for the day. We drive up to Drake’s Seat and take a quick break for selfies or a smoke I guess based on what most people did. Beautiful up there.


Over to Meagan’s Bay. We arrive by about 8:15, beach is VERY uncrowded. Warm out but not sunny which is ok, I am very casper-esque and am not trying to get any more wrinkly than I already am now that my age starts with a 4. We spend 2 hours at the beach, in and out of the water, we stop by the beach bar for some waters. Alvin has us all rounded up by about 10:30am (he only had to go track one person down, time and Alvin wait for nobody apparently). He takes us on a small tour of the island and we see some sights and seriously I love it here so much. It’s my favorite Caribbean island. We got married here, I’d love to buy property here once we retire but I assume it’s not cheap. We’ll see.


We get to the sky rider and leave Alvin and his love chariot behind with a tip. Nice guy. Good thing about this excursion is when you get to the sky ride, you enter at the top which 1) saves you from a large part of the line 2) prevents you from having to walk up a bunch of stairs. SCORE. Up we go in the skyglider. I do not love heights and it was terrifying. They’re so swing-y and it always looks like you’re about to crash into the one in front of you. Have a much-needed banana daquiri at the top, D has a bushwhacker. Roughly $15/each, they do take credit cards. Walk around a bit for some views and back down we go. Honestly going up was scarier than down.


It is getting rather warm out (86 and humid again) so we just do some quick walking around the port, pick up a couple souvenirs, and head back to the ship. It’s about 1pm by then, we’re only in port til 3 today. Overall this excursion was overpriced for sure (I think we paid $60/person) and you could DIY it MUCHHH cheaper. But I am very lazy and will pay for convenience. I am also an anxious mess and like the reassurance I won’t get left behind. So to me it was worth it. Getting to skip the stair climb at the Sky Glider also was the move. Would recommend this excursion but realize you’re gonna overpay for what it is.



Drake's Seat Views



Alvin and his Love Chariot



Glad we did this once but I will never do this again. 



I paid $15 each for these (pre tax/tip), Paradise Point swears she Vegas 



Legend is in port with us



I swear this is the prettiest place. I love it so much. Even the clouds look better like they're extra 3D or something. St. Thomas is my happy place straight up and if the world was ever ending this is where I would immediately head to spend my last hours. 



I'm loving it! Very entertaining. Thanks so much! (I have a B2B on her starting 12/3).

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1 hour ago, HolySpearit said:

St. Thomas


Up and at ‘em early in St. Thomas. We had purchased the Magan’s Bay and Skyride excursion via Carnival and had to meet on the pier at 7:30. We head up to Lido at 7. I stop by Shaq’s for a bacon egg and cheese biscuit (biscuit sucks but the eggs/cheese/bacon were fine), D just grabs some fruit from the still terrible buffet. Wolf that down and we are off the ship by about 7:20. Hop in a somewhat long line and are rather quickly lead to Alvin and his Love Chariot who will be our chauffer for the day. We drive up to Drake’s Seat and take a quick break for selfies or a smoke I guess based on what most people did. Beautiful up there.


Over to Meagan’s Bay. We arrive by about 8:15, beach is VERY uncrowded. Warm out but not sunny which is ok, I am very casper-esque and am not trying to get any more wrinkly than I already am now that my age starts with a 4. We spend 2 hours at the beach, in and out of the water, we stop by the beach bar for some waters. Alvin has us all rounded up by about 10:30am (he only had to go track one person down, time and Alvin wait for nobody apparently). He takes us on a small tour of the island and we see some sights and seriously I love it here so much. It’s my favorite Caribbean island. We got married here, I’d love to buy property here once we retire but I assume it’s not cheap. We’ll see.


We get to the sky rider and leave Alvin and his love chariot behind with a tip. Nice guy. Good thing about this excursion is when you get to the sky ride, you enter at the top which 1) saves you from a large part of the line 2) prevents you from having to walk up a bunch of stairs. SCORE. Up we go in the skyglider. I do not love heights and it was terrifying. They’re so swing-y and it always looks like you’re about to crash into the one in front of you. Have a much-needed banana daquiri at the top, D has a bushwhacker. Roughly $15/each, they do take credit cards. Walk around a bit for some views and back down we go. Honestly going up was scarier than down.


It is getting rather warm out (86 and humid again) so we just do some quick walking around the port, pick up a couple souvenirs, and head back to the ship. It’s about 1pm by then, we’re only in port til 3 today. Overall this excursion was overpriced for sure (I think we paid $60/person) and you could DIY it MUCHHH cheaper. But I am very lazy and will pay for convenience. I am also an anxious mess and like the reassurance I won’t get left behind. So to me it was worth it. Getting to skip the stair climb at the Sky Glider also was the move. Would recommend this excursion but realize you’re gonna overpay for what it is.



Drake's Seat Views



Alvin and his Love Chariot



Glad we did this once but I will never do this again. 



I paid $15 each for these (pre tax/tip), Paradise Point swears she Vegas 



Legend is in port with us



I swear this is the prettiest place. I love it so much. Even the clouds look better like they're extra 3D or something. St. Thomas is my happy place straight up and if the world was ever ending this is where I would immediately head to spend my last hours. 



Hey, I clicked the "following" button soon after I saw your first post!  I'm reading, too 😉!  I'm enjoying your descriptions and humor. St. Thomas is also a favorite of mine. Gotta have a Bushwacker every time, but they're cheaper at the bars in Havensight Mall! Or better yet...I have the original St. Thomas recipe, and we make our own.  They're a staple for our trips to the beach.

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1 hour ago, HolySpearit said:

St. Thomas


Up and at ‘em early in St. Thomas. We had purchased the Magan’s Bay and Skyride excursion via Carnival and had to meet on the pier at 7:30. We head up to Lido at 7. I stop by Shaq’s for a bacon egg and cheese biscuit (biscuit sucks but the eggs/cheese/bacon were fine), D just grabs some fruit from the still terrible buffet. Wolf that down and we are off the ship by about 7:20. Hop in a somewhat long line and are rather quickly lead to Alvin and his Love Chariot who will be our chauffer for the day. We drive up to Drake’s Seat and take a quick break for selfies or a smoke I guess based on what most people did. Beautiful up there.


Over to Meagan’s Bay. We arrive by about 8:15, beach is VERY uncrowded. Warm out but not sunny which is ok, I am very casper-esque and am not trying to get any more wrinkly than I already am now that my age starts with a 4. We spend 2 hours at the beach, in and out of the water, we stop by the beach bar for some waters. Alvin has us all rounded up by about 10:30am (he only had to go track one person down, time and Alvin wait for nobody apparently). He takes us on a small tour of the island and we see some sights and seriously I love it here so much. It’s my favorite Caribbean island. We got married here, I’d love to buy property here once we retire but I assume it’s not cheap. We’ll see.


We get to the sky rider and leave Alvin and his love chariot behind with a tip. Nice guy. Good thing about this excursion is when you get to the sky ride, you enter at the top which 1) saves you from a large part of the line 2) prevents you from having to walk up a bunch of stairs. SCORE. Up we go in the skyglider. I do not love heights and it was terrifying. They’re so swing-y and it always looks like you’re about to crash into the one in front of you. Have a much-needed banana daquiri at the top, D has a bushwhacker. Roughly $15/each, they do take credit cards. Walk around a bit for some views and back down we go. Honestly going up was scarier than down.


It is getting rather warm out (86 and humid again) so we just do some quick walking around the port, pick up a couple souvenirs, and head back to the ship. It’s about 1pm by then, we’re only in port til 3 today. Overall this excursion was overpriced for sure (I think we paid $60/person) and you could DIY it MUCHHH cheaper. But I am very lazy and will pay for convenience. I am also an anxious mess and like the reassurance I won’t get left behind. So to me it was worth it. Getting to skip the stair climb at the Sky Glider also was the move. Would recommend this excursion but realize you’re gonna overpay for what it is.



Drake's Seat Views



Alvin and his Love Chariot



Glad we did this once but I will never do this again. 



I paid $15 each for these (pre tax/tip), Paradise Point swears she Vegas 



Legend is in port with us



I swear this is the prettiest place. I love it so much. Even the clouds look better like they're extra 3D or something. St. Thomas is my happy place straight up and if the world was ever ending this is where I would immediately head to spend my last hours. 



Taking the skylift up is our favorite thing to do on St Thomas.  We get Bushwhackers and find a table near the railing and just sit and enjoy the scenery. So beautiful.

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17 hours ago, HolySpearit said:



Head into our room, we had room 11208 for this cruise which is a balcony in the VERY front of the ship which was different. Some overall thoughts on the room: balcony is INCREDIBLY windy while at sea most of the time. If you are sitting down it’s fine but don’t plan on standing on your balcony for long or your cheeks (facial...mostly) will be flappin in the breeze. It’s partially shaded which I enjoyed. It is above a crew smoking area and occasionally you’d get a waft of smoke. Didn’t bother me but if you’re very sensitive to smoke I would avoid it. Overall 7.5/10 room. Hung out in the room for a bit, met room attendant Bayou who was an absolute sweetheart. He did not ask when we wanted service and just said he’d take care of it while we were out of the room. We are not picky with this so fine by me. Our only request was an extra blanket and he said he’d see what he could do. 


Up to sail away run by Lee which was widely attended and a good time. Back to the room to change for dinner, suitcases have arrived! MDR for dinner around 6. I had tomato soup (good), Indian Vegetarian (decent, a lot smaller than it used to be though) and some melting cake with a side of peanut butter. Dinner service was quick, we were in and out in about an hour. D want to stop by the shops so he looks around and ends up buying a backpack, and I check out the “preview” thing that’s going on at the Center Stage. As far as I can tell, they sit on stools and sing some songs from upcoming shows. Ok then.


Hit the casino for a bit, D wins, I do not, my liver is winning via the casino bar. Head over to the theater for Color My World. This is a SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZE. The singers are decent, some of the effects are cool but I was falling asleep. Idk what it was, but shows were not hittin on this cruise. Theater was also the most empty I have EVER seen it and that includes that time on the Vista when we had the world’s worst singers front and center. Back to the cruis-ino for a bit, then we head back into the theater for the 11:30 comedy show. This is way past my bedtime. Comedian #1 I do not remember his name (#killingit) and was ok, he spent most of the show trying to hook 2 people up? Second comedian was Doug Williams, who I know as the man who got absolutely WRECKED during the roast of Jamie Foxx back in the day. Glad to see he’s still doing his thing I guess. He was somewhat funny. Total runtime for the show between the 2 was about 45 minutes. I have worked up quite the appetite sitting there so we head to Miami slice for some pizza. I have cheese, D has pepperoni, both are readily available and you just grab a plate, you just have to wait if you want a specialty one. Call it a night and finally hit the hay around 1:30am and I AM SLEEPY. Bayou has officially delivered on the extra blanket request. COME THRU BAYOU!!!! 



Lee and the fun squad are getting it poppin



Adios America! That section down below is the crew smoking area, for ref.







Previewing the shows for the week, that black box is part of the glass barrier that man is not in witness protection



The world pre-color. Coldplay and a mockery of Prince perks us right up apparently....



Drun-chies pizza at 1am is always a good idea on a cruise. 

I was reading along, smiling and enjoying the review. Then you used the phrase “a mockery of Prince,” at which point I cackled and nearly spit my coffee out. 

It was clearly time to tell you that I love your snarky writing style. Go forth and continue to serve the good folks and occasional trolls of CC. 

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I’m LOVING your review!


I head out on the Celebration this SUNDAY and I’m so excited!  Fellow degenerate (and wordy!) gambler here—heading out on an Ultra!  Will do a LIVE thread which I’m going to start sometime today if you want to re-live your vacation again!  

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4 hours ago, ItsADryHumor said:

I was reading along, smiling and enjoying the review. Then you used the phrase “a mockery of Prince,” at which point I cackled and nearly spit my coffee out. 

It was clearly time to tell you that I love your snarky writing style. Go forth and continue to serve the good folks and occasional trolls of CC. 

We take our Prince very seriously here in Minnesota. Not sure why every cruise has decided they need to attempt purple rain at least once a cruise since he died, but I want a word with whoever made that call. I just wanna talk. 

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