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Cabin steward tipping


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3 minutes ago, PartyPlannerLady said:

If you think it is excessive then simply turn down the free drinks and pay for the unlimited bar as well as paying the 20%.  That should make you feel a lot better!

Short of having to be a functioning alcoholic I don’t think the ‘free’ FAS unlimited bar would even be a regular viable choice for me. On my last couple of cruises I barely got the unlimited soda and specialty coffee package. Not sure that I’m even going to get use of the alcohol part of the FAS to make it worth my while, but I can give it my best shot! 🤣 


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with all due respects, you have made your feelings re: tipping perfectly and abundantly clear.


if you dont drink that much, take off the 


drink package and save your self a few $100. i have thought about this in the past, although i havent followed through. i do note with the drink package, on a daily basis, i usually drink more that i normally would. 

if you dont wish to tip any extra, that is entirely up to you. no one will chastise you, or condemn your decision. on the other had no will give you an "attaboy" if  you do tip extra.at the end of the day, it really taint no bodys business but your own.


what i do not understand, (and maybe it's just my interpretation of your posts) is why the undercurrent of hostility permeating your posts.


again, bottom line if you dont want  or feel the need to tip extra ,machs nix

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3 hours ago, Two Wheels Only said:


Sure you can post that but that doesn't make it true. 



Yet, you feel that you can determine when I should stop posting my opinion, right?



If you truly respected my right to post my opinion, it shouldn't matter if you agree with those opinions or if you disagree with those opinions. I've never stated that I "don't need you" to post your opinion even when I disagree. 


Did it ever occur to you that there is a reason why it is so easy to point out what is wrong?



You completely missed my point. I didn't MAKE you respond. You decided entirely on your own to respond. You have that power just like you have that power to decide on how much/little you tip. 



Once again, your example is one for a position that has an expectation of a tip. NCL does not expect people to tip stateroom stewards. There's "no required or recommended tipping" for the position being discussed in this thread. Your deciding to give examples where tips are expected doesn't apply to the subject at hand.

Do people tip their steward? Sure.

Should people tip based on what random forum members tipped? No. 



How have I stopped or not allowed anyone from doing what they think make sense?

I don't have the power to make anyone do or not do what they think is correct. 



What if all of your neighbors were "unreasonable" because they tipped a drastically different amount? Would you change just to match them or would you want them to change just to match you? That's the problem with allowing others to decide what is correct instead of you deciding for yourself what is correct. 



The question being asked isn't for information. It is for opinion (which is fine to ask). If there was a thread asking "What is your favorite movie?" and 99% of people answered with a movie that you didn't like, would you change your opinion based on the gathered information? No, you probably wouldn't. You would have your opinion and they would have theirs. 



What other purpose (other than affirmation) would someone have to ask that question? Is it "I just want to know..." or is it "I just want to know in order to adjust accordingly..."?



No, that's NOT my approach. I can think for myself and decide for myself.

Evidently, some people need the opinions of others to decide. That's on them. 



Actually, the insecure ones worry about what others tip in order to fit in with those amounts.

I WANT people to think for themselves. 


PATRLR takes an opinion like mine, reasonably stated, so now you have gone to battle with him as well.

You seem to feel the need to attack every single phrase I've written - point by point.

Even after I acknowledged that no, you didn't actually force me to respond to that previous post, you decide to criticize the comment again anyway.

You say that you don't have an issue with others posting their opinions. Great. But you seem absolutely compelled to tear apart those opinions, over and over, because you are so certain that they are wrong.

Well, my friend, at best they are no more wrong than yours - at least in this case.

Now, as for my "final challenge" to you, you conveniently did not answer it. The whole purpose of that challenge (analogous situation to our discussion) was to show that their are real situations for which the solicitation of others thoughts or information is a fair expectation. Instead, you jumped right back to what NCL states. Yup, we all know that point. You say I'm operating under an expectation of tipping extra - totally false. I've never stated that; only that someone gather these experiences and draw their own conclusions, rather than operate in the dark and somehow magically find solutions.

Simply because you can write declarative statements to rebuke things I've written does not make your position the wiser one. The reason this thing has continued is that your pride will not allow you to let it go. You feel driven to "debunk" the approach that you simply don't like. My words have not been intended to stifle your right to an opinion, but to try to make you see where mine comes from. Clearly that has failed. 

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7 minutes ago, ChrysFox said:

Hush, kids.  I'm pretty sure the OP ran away screaming a couple pages ago.

I wouldn't doubt it for a second.

His fault for trying to learn about what other folks might think. Crazy fool.

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22 minutes ago, cruiser2015 said:

The reason this thing has continued is that your pride will not allow you to let it go.


It takes at least TWO (no pun intended) for it to continue. Is it your pride that causes you to continue posting or is it only mine?


26 minutes ago, cruiser2015 said:

Instead, you jumped right back to what NCL states


Because that is the subject. If the topic was NBA fouls and someone responded with "...in the NFL, you can...", it wouldn't make sense then, either.


30 minutes ago, cruiser2015 said:

My words have not been intended to stifle your right to an opinion, but to try to make you see where mine comes from.


Your words were "...we really don't need you telling everyone else with another take (including myself and the OP)..." so in what way should that be interpreted?


You can express your opinion a million times and even if I disagree, I wouldn't try to prevent or dissuade you from posting.


You can post what you want. I will do the same. If you don't want to continue having your points refuted, don't post. It's up to you. If you want, refute mine. It doesn't bother me.


44 minutes ago, cruiser2015 said:

Clearly that has failed. 


On that, we can agree.


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8 hours ago, complawyer said:

what i do not understand, (and maybe it's just my interpretation of your posts) is why the undercurrent of hostility permeating your posts.

All caps lock would be hostile. Attempting to convey adamant or strong feelings by italicizing text or using bold text for emphasis are just that - strong feelings. Not hostility.

It seems a lot more people on here advocate extra tipping than not. People do budget very carefully and save very carefully for vacations, and if NCL says tips are included it’s just that, no extra tipping should ever be expected. At all. But when people here trumpet throwing out cash to everyone that smiles their way, is simply doing their job, or is being polite, it becomes an absolute standard. It becomes a ‘keeping up with the Jones’ type of mentality from both the passengers and from the crew. It becomes an expectation.


Mine is an attempt at a point-counterpoint to all of the posts ‘nickel and diming’ my budget $1 here (10-20x a day), 5$ there (for every meal), another $25 or $50 to this person or that person here and there that remembers my name. That snowballs into hundreds and hundreds upon hundreds of extra dollars that I’m spending on something that’s already included.

There’s zero reason anyone should feel impressed by social influencers or by social standards into extra tipping to the point it becomes the new standard. And that’s the point I’m trying to convey.

My apologies if it distressed you. 


Edited by dmwnc1959
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Last year I was on my first cruise after NCL changed the cabin cleaning to once per day per cabin, and after reading here on CruiseCritic that several complained about getting their cabin cleaned late afternoon, I did the following:

I wrote a friendly card to the cabin steward, introducing us (my husband and myself) and stating that I knew that he had to clean a large number of cabins, and if it would be possible to clean our cabin amongst the first one in the day. I then enclosed a $20 dollar note to it.


Result: On a 11 day cruise, our cabin was cleaned before 10.00 AM every day. To me that was totally worth the extra tipping above the standard daily service charge fee. 😊

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14 hours ago, Two Wheels Only said:


^^ I'll also never understand posts that begin like this. ^^


If it's your final post, it's your final post.

If you wish to reply, you will reply.

There's no need to announce that you won't continue to post. 



What is expected on a ship is DIFFERENT than what is expected on land, correct? 


I've already posted what NCL has in the FAQ.....


"Additionally, there is an 20% gratuity and spa service charge added for all spa and salon services, as well as an 20% gratuity and beverage service charge added for all beverage purchases and an 20% gratuity and specialty service charge added to all specialty restaurant dining and entertainment based dining." - NCL


...which is not applicable to land restaurants nor land bars. 


If anyone wants to tip beyond that (I do), that person cannot give a wrong amount if that person gives what that person feels is appropriate. NOBODY on the forum can give that amount for someone else. Forum members can give what THEY gave as an example but that amount should not determine what amount the next person should give. 



Again, there is nothing wrong with forum members giving the amounts that THEY tip. What is wrong is the idea that the person asking should base their amount on those other forum members' answers. The person asking makes the decision no matter what forum members answer therefor the person asking already has the ability to answer their own question of "How much should I tip?" even if the question is phrased as "How much do you guys tip?"



No, people giving examples of what THEY believe is the correct tipping amount have been "around forever". 



Suggestions which are NOT given now. 



Which (again) has nothing to do with how much someone should tip their room steward. Each person can/should/will decide for themselves how much to tip their stateroom steward. No other forum members can/should/will make that decision for the person who asks. The person asking should put their big boy/girl pants on and decide entirely on their own instead of worrying about "...I hope that other forum members think that my amount is ok....."


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1 hour ago, TrumpyNor said:

Last year I was on my first cruise after NCL changed the cabin cleaning to once per day per cabin, and after reading here on CruiseCritic that several complained about getting their cabin cleaned late afternoon, I did the following:

I wrote a friendly card to the cabin steward, introducing us (my husband and myself) and stating that I knew that he had to clean a large number of cabins, and if it would be possible to clean our cabin amongst the first one in the day. I then enclosed a $20 dollar note to it.


Result: On a 11 day cruise, our cabin was cleaned before 10.00 AM every day. To me that was totally worth the extra tipping above the standard daily service charge fee. 😊


You could have accomplished the same thing without the $20.  We do the same thing without forking over the $20 and still maintain friendly interactions with cabin stewards when we see them.  If we need ice or coffee or extra towels for the room we call his extension and they are there waiting for us when we get back to the room. 


All of these services are part of what you are tipping for in the basic DSC.  I do not see any logical reason to tip extra.  None of it is over and above what you would expect in the normal course of your cruise.

Edited by seemoreroyals
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15 hours ago, Two Wheels Only said:

"Additionally, there is an 20% gratuity and spa service charge added for all spa and salon services, as well as an 20% gratuity and beverage service charge added for all beverage purchases and an 20% gratuity and specialty service charge added to all specialty restaurant dining and entertainment based dining." - NCL

Legitimate question here, not even trying to be a Mr. Smarty-pants. I’m just trying to understand NCL’s Daily Service Charge.

If the 20% gratuities surcharge are already added into the beverage packages for the bartenders and in the specialty dining packages for those waitstaff, where is my Daily Service Charge going?


So in my case, is my $500 DSC mainly going to the room steward and staff in the buffet/other complimentary eateries? There’s a real chance on the 25-night cruise I might eat the MDR maybe five or six times. As I had mentioned in another post I expressed my curiosity if I’m paying all the managers and contracted people’s salaries.

Is the DSC basically just a combined old-school tipping policy rolled into one, i.e. for the cabin steward and non-Specialty Dining waitstaff? Inquiring minds want to know. 😁

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24 minutes ago, seemoreroyals said:

You could have accomplished the same thing without the $20.  We do the same thing without forking over the $20 and still maintain friendly interactions with cabin stewards when we see them.  If we need ice or coffee or extra towels for the room we call his extension and they are there waiting for us when we get back to the room. 


All of these services are part of what you are tipping for in the basic DSC.  I do not see any logical reason to tip extra.  None of it is over and above what you would expect in the normal course of your cruise.


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3 minutes ago, dmwnc1959 said:

If the 20% gratuities surcharge are already added into the beverage packages for the bartenders and in the specialty dining packages for those waitstaff, where is my Daily Service Charge going?

I don't know, but I'm guessing kitchen staff (all restaurants and buffet), cleaning staff (not just room stewards), all "behind the scenes" staff...

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1 minute ago, Asawi said:

I don't know, but I'm guessing kitchen staff (all restaurants and buffet), cleaning staff (not just room stewards), all "behind the scenes" staff...

Curious. Is that something I was doing before, is that where my money was going before? Just intrigued. Like 30 years ago when I was cruising and personally tipping the restaurant staff individually (waiter, busboy, Maitre’D), passing off to each of them individually that little white envelope, that money was being divvied up behind the scenes.? And that’s what they’re doing now basically just paying off all the behind-the-scenes staff? No sarcasm intended, but I really didn’t realize I was supplementing everybody’s income. I think I’ve been hoodwinked. 

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28 minutes ago, seemoreroyals said:


You could have accomplished the same thing without the $20.  We do the same thing without forking over the $20 and still maintain friendly interactions with cabin stewards when we see them.  If we need ice or coffee or extra towels for the room we call his extension and they are there waiting for us when we get back to the room. 


All of these services are part of what you are tipping for in the basic DSC.  I do not see any logical reason to tip extra.  None of it is over and above what you would expect in the normal course of your cruise.

Nobody has said that you can't accomplish the same thing without the $20.

As I've said previously, I too include $20 with my introductory note that has my simple requests on it.

I enjoy doing it, it typically improves the response time for my requests and I perceive that it improves my relationship with the steward.

Again, and I've mentioned it before, I know this first $20 is a "bribe" and I'm happy to do it.

It's not illegal. It's not unethical. It makes my family happy. It makes the cabin steward happy!

It's a win, win for all involved!


53 Days until I get to slip my cabin steward a crisp $20 bill!!!!!


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11 minutes ago, bkrickles1 said:

Nobody has said that you can't accomplish the same thing without the $20.

As I've said previously, I too include $20 with my introductory note that has my simple requests on it.

I enjoy doing it, it typically improves the response time for my requests and I perceive that it improves my relationship with the steward.

Again, and I've mentioned it before, I know this first $20 is a "bribe" and I'm happy to do it.

It's not illegal. It's not unethical. It makes my family happy. It makes the cabin steward happy!

It's a win, win for all involved!


53 Days until I get to slip my cabin steward a crisp $20 bill!!!!!



Good for you.  


In the words of the philosopher Sheryl Crow "If it makes you happy it can't be that bad."


For a 7 day cruise for two people you are already paying close to $700 in tips assuming you have drink and specialty dinner package so another $20 not going to break you. 


To me that $20 you chose to throw away up front would be best left in pocket to be divvied out to someone else along the way that provides something exceptional in regards to service during your cruise.  Otherwise keep the $20 and buy yourself a trinklet at one of the ports you visit.

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29 minutes ago, dmwnc1959 said:

Curious. Is that something I was doing before, is that where my money was going before? Just intrigued. Like 30 years ago when I was cruising and personally tipping the restaurant staff individually (waiter, busboy, Maitre’D), passing off to each of them individually that little white envelope, that money was being divvied up behind the scenes.? And that’s what they’re doing now basically just paying off all the behind-the-scenes staff? No sarcasm intended, but I really didn’t realize I was supplementing everybody’s income. I think I’ve been hoodwinked. 

Interesting point - were those envelopes, many years ago, being split up behind the scenes?

I don't know for sure, but if I had to guess, I'd say no. 

As I mentioned in an earlier post here, those envelopes became prepaid charges by the cruise line - for your convenience (it actually was more convenient. Later, that morphed into the current system, which is reportedly split amongst a larger group of workers (behind the scenes folks, who you never encounter). Dishwashers? Cleaners? Not sure if anyone outside of NCL knows for sure.


Are you supplementing the income of those folks - sure.

That's what tips are, generally. That's how (land based) restaurants can pay servers less than the absurdly low (in most places) minimum wage in the U.S. It works as an incentive to such workers to do a good job, as it makes up a large portion of their take home pay.

As for the cruise lines, no doubt it started as an extension of that concept, but has been extended to involve other staff and is said to be distributed in several different ways, including direct compensation and assorted employee benefits like parties or gifts.

Hoodwinked? A bit of a harsh way to put it. Let's put it this way. If some of these workers did not get a piece of the DSC, NCL probably would have to pay them higher salaries to attract staff. To pay these additional wages, they would raise the cruise fare.

I believe the fare plus the DSC & other mandated fees or gratuities (yes, for optional buys) are part of the package delivered to you for your total payment. View it as reasonable - or not and don't buy in.

Ask yourself if the value is there or not and act in your own best interests.

If NCL decides to raise the DSC instead of the cruise fare, what's the diff (other than you could drop the DSC - I'll assume most passengers will not). Adding fees is also a marketing ploy, so that they can advertise a lower cruise price.

Rented a car in the last several years? Many website quote the car cost without taxes & fees until you go farther into the booking. Rent from most airports, and the cost can nearly double.

Welcome to capitalism.

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14 minutes ago, Distinctive-Destinations said:

Tipping up front is ridiculous. Do you tip a waiter when they take your order, and again at the end too?


Most people who do tip, do at the end.

Bad analogy.  You will be served by the steward for seven days.  You'll only interact with the waiter for a few minutes


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Just now, Distinctive-Destinations said:

So how often should you tip?


I tip at the end ONCE, like everything else I ever tip for. 

An example; it's a seven day cruise.  We would give the steward a third on day one, a third on day three, and the remainder on day six.  Nothing on day seven.

Bartenders, waiters, etc, people who we may or may not see again, we tip at the time of service.

Matre'd at beginning and at end.

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10 minutes ago, RocketMan275 said:

An example; it's a seven day cruise.  We would give the steward a third on day one, a third on day three, and the remainder on day six.  Nothing on day seven.

Bartenders, waiters, etc, people who we may or may not see again, we tip at the time of service.

Matre'd at beginning and at end.

That sounds unnecessarily overcomplicated to me, but if that somehow helps you enjoy your cruise, go for it. 

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