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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Huge hugs and tears, Roz. I don't even know what to say or do. I am so glad you have Ms. Brenny and Master Horty to share your world. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. cruiser_nancy@hotmail.com. Love you, Sweet Lady.



Thanks Love, your words are so comforting.


I'm not going to bed until I'm exhausted because then my mind doesn't wander so much. I don't want to take anything for sleep, I don't want to rely on meds to help me sleep. I know I'll find my rhythm eventually.


If I were on a cruise ship floating along on the sea sleep would come much easier.....I never sleep so well as I do onboard a cruise!!!! :) ;) I should have a doctor put it on a prescription pad.

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Cindy, I've been thinking about you and hoping that you and John were untouched.....but, I'm afraid that what maniac's like these two brother's leave behind are shattered nerves and fear.


Tonight my wonderful dogs are my company.....Brenda is snoring away and Horton is taking refuge on my bed. Thank goodness he sleeps with me and fills my lonely bed with his long, lanky legs and big body and head. He's definitely a comfort to me now. I find myself feeling for him in the middle of the night, when I suddenly become fearful!


I know this is a process......it's so tough. I can't wait to go back to work on Monday. I could stay out more but I need to be kept busy.


Cindy, it's awful.....I look for Morey at every turn.....I miss him so.........


I think getting back to work is a great thing. The sooner you get back to some kind of normal life, it will help the healing process. Besides, we miss you being here, and reading all the great things you say. Those dogs will keep you going and will be the biggest comforts of all. I can't even imagine what you are going through, I would be lost without John and even though I know I would go on with my life, it would never be the same. I went through a really tough divorce and it actually still affects me today. I remember how scared I was to have to raise a 5yr old by myself, and to live alone. When he would go with his dad on the weekends, I would cry the whole time, but I had my chocolate lab with me and what a big help he was. He was the most comforting thing in my life. Those dogs will keep you going, and they are great to tell your troubles to! :D

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Those Labs are just what the dogtor ordered! I miss Reno so much. Jezzy Lou knows when I am upset and she will get up in the chair with me, climb right up on my chest and look at me with those oh so cute yellow eyes. The only difference is she has that scared look, for me. Reno would just sit and listen and cock his head and put it in my lap.

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Roz - I think going back to work is good for all the reasons you yourself think. Of course you will never not miss your wonderful Morey and you will always look for him, want to hear his voice, or say to yourself I must remember to tell Morey that! This is a huge emotional change in your life and I can't imagine what you are going through right now, and many things will be different.


You have your cyber pals for support - so big hugs and big hugs to those big snoring lumps too!! ;):) Our chocolate boy could snore for Scotland!

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I think getting back to work is a great thing. The sooner you get back to some kind of normal life, it will help the healing process. Besides, we miss you being here, and reading all the great things you say. Those dogs will keep you going and will be the biggest comforts of all. I can't even imagine what you are going through, I would be lost without John and even though I know I would go on with my life, it would never be the same. I went through a really tough divorce and it actually still affects me today. I remember how scared I was to have to raise a 5yr old by myself, and to live alone. When he would go with his dad on the weekends, I would cry the whole time, but I had my chocolate lab with me and what a big help he was. He was the most comforting thing in my life. Those dogs will keep you going, and they are great to tell your troubles to! :D


Thanks Cindy.......Geeezzz, I can't stop crying today. My kids have been wonderful with their phone calls and loving support. They have their own families to care for and can't be here with me every minute.


You know what makes me smile? The amazingly wonderful cruising pictures that we've taken over the years and are hanging in our hallway. He was such a handsome man in his formal duds! I'm so grateful now that I bought those pictures of us, they're great to look at and share with my visitors.

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Those Labs are just what the dogtor ordered! I miss Reno so much. Jezzy Lou knows when I am upset and she will get up in the chair with me, climb right up on my chest and look at me with those oh so cute yellow eyes. The only difference is she has that scared look, for me. Reno would just sit and listen and cock his head and put it in my lap.


I feel so lucky to have both my wonderful dogs right now! Brenda being with me at her age is a true blessing!

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Roz - I think going back to work is good for all the reasons you yourself think. Of course you will never not miss your wonderful Morey and you will always look for him, want to hear his voice, or say to yourself I must remember to tell Morey that! This is a huge emotional change in your life and I can't imagine what you are going through right now, and many things will be different.


You have your cyber pals for support - so big hugs and big hugs to those big snoring lumps too!! ;):) Our chocolate boy could snore for Scotland!


You are so right about missing his voice. And, I loved to share everyday with him.......it will be hard coming home tomorrow!

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You are so right about missing his voice. And, I loved to share everyday with him.......it will be hard coming home tomorrow!

You'll have to tell Miss Brenda about your day... I'm sure she's a great listener.


Going to work really helped me when my dad passed. And I'm sure you work with a great bunch of coworkers that will understand if you have to close your door once in a while to have a cry.


Just take it one day at a time.

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Good Morning Everyone------just thinking of you.


Roz-- one day at a time. work is so good for you to get back too. I know going home will not be easy but you have your fur babies to help you get through the night and I am sure Morey is looking over you. I send hugs, kisses and tears.

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I took my guide dog on a Celebrity cruise to the Caribbean -- took her off the ship in San Juan P.R. and it was so hot on her paws that we ducked inside -- a bar -- smile. Did not take her off the ship on st. Kitts or St. Martin -- there were a lot of loose dogs. I just returned from a cruise without taking a dog -- I am between -- and it was fine either way -- your dog will get a lot of attention on the Disney cruise if you take him. The box they used o n Celebrity was spruce mulch -- be prepraed to go check it out first thing because it is not always set up right away. Also ask for a garbage can nearby so you can clean up.


Roz, I am so very very sad for your loss of Morey and you and your family are in our prayers. Go on the next cruise in his memory.


I am sorry to hear about your loss -Thinking of you ~Jen
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My dearest Roz: I know I have posted this before, but read it this morning and thought of you.


May today there be peace within. May you trust that

you are exactly where you were meant to be. May you

not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith

in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you

have received, and pass on the love that has been given

to you. May you be content with yourself just the way

you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones and

allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and

love. It is there for each and every one of us.

Author unknown


Hugs and tears.

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You'll have to tell Miss Brenda about your day... I'm sure she's a great listener.


Going to work really helped me when my dad passed. And I'm sure you work with a great bunch of coworkers that will understand if you have to close your door once in a while to have a cry.


Just take it one day at a time.


That's exactly what Horton and I did.......we were greeted by Brenda at the door. She was so excited and happy to see us. She's such a sweetie. Her and Horty romped around each other for a good 10 minutes before she came over to greet me. They're such good friends.


I am so lucky to have really great co-workers, they've been so wonderful and patient with me. I consider 98% of them, my dearest friends.


I'm going to start going to a bereavement group this Thursday. I'll see how it goes, I look forward to meeting some folks who have experienced some of the same and hopefully make some more new friends.


Thank you for being who you are. I love your friendship.

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Good Morning Everyone------just thinking of you.


Roz-- one day at a time. work is so good for you to get back too. I know going home will not be easy but you have your fur babies to help you get through the night and I am sure Morey is looking over you. I send hugs, kisses and tears.


Thank you Trudle. It was a different sort of day but so busy and full of phone calls and registering more men for the golf tournament. Len Goodman from Dancing With The Stars signed up today and that was fun. It's such great diversion from my life right now....I'm grateful for my job.


I had my moments of tearfulness but I don't expect those to go away too soon. It's okay Morey was so worth it!

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I took my guide dog on a Celebrity cruise to the Caribbean -- took her off the ship in San Juan P.R. and it was so hot on her paws that we ducked inside -- a bar -- smile. Did not take her off the ship on st. Kitts or St. Martin -- there were a lot of loose dogs. I just returned from a cruise without taking a dog -- I am between -- and it was fine either way -- your dog will get a lot of attention on the Disney cruise if you take him. The box they used o n Celebrity was spruce mulch -- be prepraed to go check it out first thing because it is not always set up right away. Also ask for a garbage can nearby so you can clean up.


Roz, I am so very very sad for your loss of Morey and you and your family are in our prayers. Go on the next cruise in his memory.



Thank you, Mary. I don't quite have my comfort zone for the upcoming cruise just yet......Hopefully, I can do it!

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My dearest Roz: I know I have posted this before, but read it this morning and thought of you.


May today there be peace within. May you trust that

you are exactly where you were meant to be. May you

not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith

in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you

have received, and pass on the love that has been given

to you. May you be content with yourself just the way

you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones and

allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and

love. It is there for each and every one of us.

Author unknown


Hugs and tears.


Awwww! So lovely, thank you Nancy.

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Hi Roz,


Again I am so sorry for your loss, I am glad you have a support system, but if there is something you need I am in Corona. We had been talking on the Roll Call for the cruise you missed, I was the person without a cabin assignment. Well we ended up getting your cabin. At first I was very concerned because I had not heard about what had happened, and I knew you had a problem with them wanting them to switch rooms, so I waited to unpack in case it was a mistake.

The room ended up being very nice for us as I had plenty of room for my walker and more importantly my DH wasn't feeling up to doing much so he had a comfortable place to sit and relax. After talking to the Captain's Circle woman I found out they did not have a cabin for me, and unless someone else cancelled Friday night they would have called me at home and said please come a different week. I was very grateful to have a cabin because we were so tense about waiting for the results of my DH's PET scan and cruising helps us handle the stress. I hope that knowing the cabin went to good use might make you feel a little better.

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Hi Roz,


Again I am so sorry for your loss, I am glad you have a support system, but if there is something you need I am in Corona. We had been talking on the Roll Call for the cruise you missed, I was the person without a cabin assignment. Well we ended up getting your cabin. At first I was very concerned because I had not heard about what had happened, and I knew you had a problem with them wanting them to switch rooms, so I waited to unpack in case it was a mistake.

The room ended up being very nice for us as I had plenty of room for my walker and more importantly my DH wasn't feeling up to doing much so he had a comfortable place to sit and relax. After talking to the Captain's Circle woman I found out they did not have a cabin for me, and unless someone else cancelled Friday night they would have called me at home and said please come a different week. I was very grateful to have a cabin because we were so tense about waiting for the results of my DH's PET scan and cruising helps us handle the stress. I hope that knowing the cabin went to good use might make you feel a little better.


Wow, I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed the cabin. It was Morey's very favorite. There's lots of room for relaxation and lots of space for a wheelchair or walker.


Of course it makes me feel better to know that someone else enjoyed the cruise and I hope that it served its purpose by de-stressing you and DH.


I take great joy in others pleasure!

I guess this negates the chance that Princess can convince me that the ship was not full and they lost money, for our cabin cruised empty! :cool:

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I wish i had some magic words to make you feel better unfortunately the don't exist, but i do want to know that i look several times a day to see how you are progressing and if maybe there is something i can do. I guess i just want you to know that you have a lot of cyber friends who love you.


Sending you a lots of love and comfort,


Barbara, David, and Bella

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Nancy, Beautiful poem. thanks for sharing it.


Roz, Always in my thoughts and prayers. Glad you are back to work. I know how busy it is for the golf tourney. Thats just what you need. Love ya!


Tonight we will be at the Red Sox game for "disability awareness night". I'm not sure what will happen, I think we might go out on the field. As far as I know there will be a few CCI dogs there. Very nervous going into the city, since I am a country girl and I am not comfortable in city settings. Now it will be worse for me.

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so sorry to hear about your loss. Sending nothing but hugs and prayers your way!!!!


Thank you so much for your lovely hugs and prayers-Can't get too much of those.

Morey was born in Detroit and took me back to his hometown a few years ago...we had so much fun.

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I wish i had some magic words to make you feel better unfortunately the don't exist' date=' but i do want to know that i look several times a day to see how you are progressing and if maybe there is something i can do. I guess i just want you to know that you have a lot of cyber friends who love you.


Sending you a lots of love and comfort,


Barbara, David, and Bella[/quote']


Barbara, thank you so much.

Today, when I left Brenda, I turned on the T.V. [since Morey was a big T.V. watcher] and Brenda was his buddy for so long, I'm sure the silence must be deafening to her. I know it is to me! I hope she likes the channel I turned to. Maybe it will keep her company.

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Barbara, thank you so much.

Today, when I left Brenda, I turned on the T.V. [since Morey was a big T.V. watcher] and Brenda was his buddy for so long, I'm sure the silence must be deafening to her. I know it is to me! I hope she likes the channel I turned to. Maybe it will keep her company.


I did tbis for Valentine and now for Bella. I put on the shopping channels because it is constant talking.

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Nancy, Beautiful poem. thanks for sharing it.


Roz, Always in my thoughts and prayers. Glad you are back to work. I know how busy it is for the golf tourney. Thats just what you need. Love ya!


Tonight we will be at the Red Sox game for "disability awareness night". I'm not sure what will happen, I think we might go out on the field. As far as I know there will be a few CCI dogs there. Very nervous going into the city, since I am a country girl and I am not comfortable in city settings. Now it will be worse for me.


You know, my Morey felt the same way you do about the city versus country thing. He was a country boy at heart.....Me, I love the hustle, bustle of Times Square but stick me on a front porch in a swing watching the birds fly by and I'm a happy woman too!!!!!


Cindy, as you've probably read on our blog the cabin I was to use on my March 30th cruise was used by "poolreader" who wrote and told us how much they loved it.

I want to write a letter to Alan Buchelow[sp?], the Chairman of The Board of Princess Cruiselines but I don't have his direct address, do you happen to know it? Or, if anyone else reading this has it would you be so kind to share it.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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You know, my Morey felt the same way you do about the city versus country thing. He was a country boy at heart.....Me, I love the hustle, bustle of Times Square but stick me on a front porch in a swing watching the birds fly by and I'm a happy woman too!!!!!


Cindy, as you've probably read on our blog the cabin I was to use on my March 30th cruise was used by "poolreader" who wrote and told us how much they loved it.


I want to write a letter to Alan Buchelow[sp?], the Chairman of The Board of Princess Cruiselines but I don't have his direct address, do you happen to know it? Or, if anyone else reading this has it would you be so kind to share it.


I thought some family members went on that cruise :confused: I'm confused.


Thats nice they enjoyed your cabin.

Edited by rangeley
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