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Help with complaint ?


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I must either have misread the contract or it has changed since Sept '09.

6. Cancellation, Deviation or Substitution by Carrier

Carrier may for any reason at any time and without prior notice, cancel, advance, postpone or deviate from any scheduled sailing, port of call, destination lodging or activity. Carrier shall not be liable for any claim whatsoever by Passenger, including but not limited to loss, compensation or refund, by reason of such cancellation, postponement, substitution, or deviation.


I see nothing in there that mentions weather, I'm not a lawyer, but it seems they have everything pretty well covered:)


The other issue of a power failure seems to have been more of a momentary inconvenience. We were on the Crown Princess in Sept of the first year it sailed and experienced a power outage while dining at the first seating. I don't really remember how long it lasted, it was back on by the time we were finished eating. Only post this to point out that power outages can occur even on the new ships:D

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We did not take a glacier trip as all our excursions were prebooked and prepaid, we could not cancel. .....



Just for the future....had you asked to change your excursion so that you could see the glaciers, I would bet one hundred dollars that Celebrity would have honored your request, as I'm sure it did for others. In this case, they would have waived the no-cancellation clause because of the the issues with the ship.


Its unfortunate that this one cruise would make you throw away the entire line. You will surely miss out on some great cruises for that once in a blue moon aberration. For me...I like to get up and try again. Two strikes...well, bye bye.;)

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Would we sail again, 100% for sure, would it be on Celebrity, maybe but I think our next trip will be another cruise line....
Disneyhotmama, just a "heads-up" about other cruise lines -- "stuff" happens there too! DH and I are new to X, but have been sailing RC for nearly a decade. This is what happened to us last year:


We love RC's Radiance Class ships. So, imagine our delight when we snagged the coveted corner aft cabin 1100 (Junior Suite) for our Halloween cruise, last year. Well, this was before the plumbing issues on Radiance were being widely discussed on the RC boards, so we were quite surprised that there was NO hot water in our wonderful cabin! After a COLD shower, followed by several calls to the front desk, and many visits from the plumber, we finally managed to get some hot water out of the shower -- but still nothing in the sink. Quite by accident, DH discovered that we could only get hot water in the sink by simultaneously running the hot water in the shower -- after that, neither one of us needed to visit the spa's steam room for the entire cruise! :eek:


To their absolute credit, everyone on the staff, from the plumber (who we were on a first-name basis with by the end of the cruise), to the manager at Guest relations, and especially our wonderful room steward, did their absolute best to help us resolve the situation.


Bottom line -- we loved our first X cruise (Solstice), and definitely look forward to more.

Will we sail RC again? Absolutely! Would we sail Radiance? Yes!

Why? Because (IMHO) a bad day at sea beats a good day on land! :D

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Would we sail again, 100% for sure, would it be on Celebrity, maybe but I think our next trip will be another cruise line....

Thinking that these kinds of things don't happen on all cruiselines is more than a little naïve but good luck in finding the perfect ship.

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here is the info - They did, without asking, credit all cabins an OBC of 200.00, 250.00 for suites.


while at dinner just after 6pm there was a complete power outage - This lasted for over 2 hours. Nothing done after the power was restored over 2 hours later and we ended up leaving the port 2+ hours late too.


These two MAJOR issues in my opinion were not acceptable and I feel part of our vacation was ruined...


I'd be grateful to receive that generous shipboard credit. (I've never received $1 on 20+ cruises and, certainly, there have been some bumps like yours along the way) Next time, perhaps you could consider getting the kids their own cabin and then when the problems happen they could get their own shipboard credit instead of having to share yours. Or, you could go alone and then it would be $200 pp.


Did you get to finish dinner when the power went out? If not, now THAT would be a real disaster! :)


Surely the ship had hand sanitizer EVERYWHERE? (Wouldn't that take of the horribly unsanitary conditions?)


If you think these two things are MAJOR, I'd hate to be with you when something truly serious, dangerous, life-threatening etc happened. I bet you would not have handled the Chilean earthquake very well!


I'm sorry to sound unsympathetic but I don't see that you have a case to get anything more and feel you were LUCKY to get what you did.

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If you think these two things are MAJOR, I'd hate to be with you when something truly serious, dangerous, life-threatening etc happened. I bet you would not have handled the Chilean earthquake very well!


I'm sorry to sound unsympathetic but I don't see that you have a case to get anything more and feel you were LUCKY to get what you did.


Boy some of you are really unsympathetic in your answers back.. I was looking for advice prior to writing a letter, or if a letter needed writing. Since the majority feels we were properly compensated I will leave it at that however I will write to express my opinions on the good service we received and mention the names of those employees who went above and beyond and then mention the bumps in the road too...


And FYI I live in So. CA and have been through many earthquakes including the 1971 and 1994 ones.. major damage and living conditions for days included no power etc.. I can survive however when I am paying top dollar for vacation I don't expect these things to happen....

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The OP asked the group's advice as to if a letter needed writing. Most of the posters said no. Sorry the answer wasn't what you wanted. Most of the posters expressed sympathy. Nobody expects things to happen, nobody likes to have bumps in the road. But as one poster said, a bad day on a cruise still beats a good day at work for most of us.

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Disneyhotmama, allow me to express my dissenting opinion. I think you should write the letter. Your original post was a balanced recitation of why you were disappointed and why you were unsatisfied with X's response. If you take a similar balanced approach in a letter (not an email) to Mr. Fain or Mr. Hanrahan, you might get something. As others have pointed out, however, you are not entitled to anything under the contract so don't expect too much. There is a difference between what someone is legally obligated to do (which is nothing in this case) and what they might be willing to do. At the very least you will let X know that a nice OBC still doesn't make up for missing what most on that cruise were probably expecting to be the highlight.


Your balanced tone, which might get you somewhere, can be contrasted with the meanspirited and nasty tone taken by some of those that responded to you. There was a post the other day from one of the moderators regarding civil treatment of other posters. I would be willing to bet that many of the people who posted some of the harsher comments here would be unwilling to stand in front of you and read them to you face to face.

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I would write, provided your letter is highlighting process improvements that can be made (ie better communication or contingency measures) and not a plea to get something. It should be easy to build this into the letter you write complimenting staff as a final "One area where perhaps excellence was not achieved was......)

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All I can say is to document everything and write a letter to the President.




Don't you think this is just a tad over-the-top? I mean....doesn't the president have larger concerns to worry about? What, with the goings on in Iraq, Afghanistan, and oil gushing into the gulf, I hardly think he would even consider getting involved in something like this.

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Don't you think this is just a tad over-the-top? I mean....doesn't the president have larger concerns to worry about? What, with the goings on in Iraq, Afghanistan, and oil gushing into the gulf, I hardly think he would even consider getting involved in something like this.


Ha, ha, ha - really funny. I obviously meant the President of Celebrity Cruise Lines. So sorry if I needed to clarify that for you.

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I personally think it's important that a Cruise company or any company for that matter gets honest feedback from their customers.


Be it good or bad.


The OP's statement is nicely balanced and points out exactly what they thought of their cruising experience. At no point was she asking for compensation. She just wants her opinions known.


I was on the same cruise and have some of the same concerns and kudos.


If they don't know what was wrong, they can't fix it.


The too bad so sad attitude never accomplishes anything.

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Don't you think this is just a tad over-the-top? I mean....doesn't the president have larger concerns to worry about? What, with the goings on in Iraq, Afghanistan, and oil gushing into the gulf, I hardly think he would even consider getting involved in something like this.
Now that's funny.:D
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You do not say how often you have cruised but having cruised before you likely know that often things do not go as they should. That being said If you feel that things happened that left you unsatisfied or concerned for any reason do write the letter.

State clearly what you were concerned with. Two electrical drops are not common and perhaps they should be jacked up on their maintenance procedures and/or at the least procedures regarding plumbing etc. during possible failures. How would a pax know if things went right wrongly or indifferent ? Tell them you want to know and to make sure upper management knows.

You can mention the good stuff too but your concerns are your concerns they don't need to be fluffed up as long as you are fair.

My personal experience with the Infinity varies from the

absolutely grreat, to the "Depths of despair" '03 Panama Cruise with an ending in Acapulco.

My concerns have always been addressed, some verbal some in writting and almost always to my satisfaction.


Let them know how you feel.

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Just curious, if one prepaid for shore excursions through the cruising line and for some reason the port had to be canceled. Will the cruise line refund you the money?


Yes, if you book through the cruiseline and then after you board the ship

they cancel on you? The refund will be going back to your "on board account".

That has happened to me more than a few times.

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Just curious, if one prepaid for shore excursions through the cruising line and for some reason the port had to be canceled. Will the cruise line refund you the money?


Had that situation when the ship could not dock due to high seas.. Received a complete refund without requesting it. When an excursion was cut short due to debarkation problems received a 20% refund. Very fair.

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Don't you think this is just a tad over-the-top? I mean....doesn't the president have larger concerns to worry about? What, with the goings on in Iraq, Afghanistan, and oil gushing into the gulf, I hardly think he would even consider getting involved in something like this.


Maybe the president can fix this situation!

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I know this won't help you now, but I have learned that if I have a problem going on on the ship its best to try to resolve it while still on the cruise. Once you get home you seem to get the same form letter that they send to everybody that has a concern. Celebrity did call me twice after my Panama Canal cruise last Oct.



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We have been on many cruises. I don't think that any went as planned. Missed ports of call, storms, a case or two of the pods, norovirus (personally), and so on. Those sort of things are simply the nature of the beast. Yet, we had a fantastic time on each cruise, regardless of the unexpected.


I agree with others who feel the compensation offered by Celebrity was generous.


I am curious why the OP didn't simply take the shuttle to the Mendenhall glacier in Juneau or even a helicopter landing.


Some folks seem to roll with the punches easier than others and the same circumstance that would be a minor glitch to some would be a major deal to others. I am not faultiing anyone, but if one is not flexible, then perhaps travel in general and cruising in particular may not be right for them.


Ship happens.


Happy sails to you


OOOEEE :D:D Bob and Phyl


Wow hope your never on my cruise. In all my cruises only 1 did we have any type of issue. I can't believe you have one every cruise.

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Wow hope your never on my cruise. In all my cruises only 1 did we have any type of issue. I can't believe you have one every cruise.


Bob and Phyllis are 2 of my closest friends. I hope they ARE on some

of my cruises:):D:)

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OP, when a situation is personal, sometimes we read too much into responses....most of the posts acknowledge this was an issue, but most agree the compensation was adequate and recommended you not send a complaint or ask for more. Being a non-player, I read through this thread and agree with Ma Bell that this has been a pretty evenhanded thread..... most responses may not be what you were looking for, but you asked and the posters provided their opinon.


It's good to write about the postives, but in truth, the corporation (and the President...at least the Celebrity president!) is quite aware of incidents on their ships such as missing ports and not providing the full venue. So writing to let him/them know is not really needed. Power outages are not really major issues by the way.


Some of the responses may appear to have a bit of an edge because most people write complaint letters to get compensation of some type. The writer insists that isn't the case, but......Kind of like when people say they are going to sue some company over an issue they want fixed or want the public to know about: the company then offers them money with the stipulation to keep quiet and most do so. Turns out it was about money, not some 'issue'. Nohting 'gets fixed' and no one is informed, but someone got a bundle of money. So that is why you may see some negative responses.


My advice is not to write any letter. You are suggesting your letter is to say nice things about the crew, but you then say you'll mention the 'bumps'. No difference in writing a straight complaint letter. The majority have said it isn't appropriate and isn't needed. But you need to do as you wish.....which then begs the question of why ask us. Just do what you think is best and quit asking us strangers.



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Denny01 -- Love reading your posts! Your are often the "voice of reason" in an otherwise chaotic thread. I must respectfully disagree, however, that it would do no good for the OP to write a thoughtful, balanced letter to X, detailing the issues that arose during her cruise. Especially if the OP can cite specific instances where a particular crew member went "above and beyond" to help rectify some of the problems -- I think that would be a letter well worth sending. But, I agree that all the OP will probably get for her efforts is a standard "Thank you for sailing X, sorry you had problems -- hope you sail again with us soon" type of reply. But hopefully, writing the letter will make the OP feel better. :cool:

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