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Carnival Cruise Etiquette 101


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Treat others as you want to be treated-do unto others as they would do unto you


It all got thrown out the window years ago.


Now it's treat me as if i were emperor, and the heck with you. Not every one, and not everywhere, but most of us "older" folk see it more and more every day. They used to say that the generation of the 80's was the "me generation," but it really is the current generation. I deal with the public everyday in person and on the phone, and the younger the person the less ability they have to connect with another human. Ever see a young couple out on a date, she's on her phone, he's on his-how do they really know why they went out with each other?:o


I digress-you asked for helpful hints-Read the signs before action. Hot tubs say no children-(at least they used to)

Unfortunalety there is no sign for not using your hands when reaching for food-use tongs......


Really you shouldn't generalize like that. It is rather offensive.


On our Glory cruise an elderly gentleman was behind me in the buffet line. His first words when he walked up by me were "My your a tall one aren't you?" Next he pointed to the spoons on top of the buffet and said "I could use one of those spoons for my cereal?" I thought ok he might have trouble reaching them so I handed him a spoon. There was no "please" and no "thank you". As we went down the buffet he demanded a few more items...again no "please" or "thank yous". I got tired of being his unappreciated servant after multiple requests like this and took myself off away from where he was. This was an elderly gentleman who was rude and was only thinking of himself. If he'd had been polite about it, I would have continued to help him.


Later on that same cruise DH was in line at the grill. A middle-aged man cut in front of him to grab a hot dog and fries. In the process he threw a hot dog down on DH's plate with his hands. There was no excuse me. No I'm sorry. This was a middle-aged man who was rude and was only thinking of himself.


On our Freedom Cruise, I found a table with 2 chairs outside on the Lido deck as I finished getting my food and was waiting for DD to finish getting hers and come out to join me. After I had taken my seat, a teenaged girl came running up and grabbed the other chair at my table and pulled it over to the table where her friends were at. She did not ask if the chair was available, she just took it. I gave her the "look" and told her thanks for taking my daughters chair who was just walking up with her food. She just shrugged and blew me off. This was a teenage girl who was rude and only thinking of herself.


FWIW those are the only instances where we were personally accousted by rude people out of all our cruises.


Rude and selfish people come in all ages. Who do you think taught these young people you are talking about to be so rude and selfish....they learn by example. I have 2 teenage kids who have been complimented for the attitude and behavior their whole life by teachers, coaches, and even strangers. DD was voted kindest in her class in 8th grade by all of her classmates. When she was in middle school, she often asked if she could walk over to DGGM apartment after school so she could visit with her. This visit often included a game of scramble or cards with some snacks. Not all teenagers are rude and selfish....the good ones learn by example too.


There are teens out there who only take the stairs, who say please, thank you, and exuse me, who wait their turn in line, and who think of others before themselves. I know...I have 2 of them.

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OK, so you weren't kidding. Wow.


Yes, of course we all should follow simple rules of respecting others: waiting our turn, letting people off the elevator before getting on, etc.


But some of your etiquette mandates are just silly. You don't want to hear other people's conversations. You really expect people to stop talking in elevators? Why stop there? Why not expect them to stop talking while next to you in line at the buffet, while sitting next to you in the theater waiting for the show to start, while waiting for a tender (oh, wait... you said that). OK, I agree that I don't want to hear somebody telling his companion all about his hemorrhoids, but you can't seriously expect people to just stop talking whenever they are in proximity to you.


Pick up their dominoes -- abandoning a game in progress -- because you can't find a seat? Isn't this a public space? There are etiquette rules about what you may or may not do when seated on the lido deck?


Share their wine? So if I'm at an table of 8 and want to share a bottle of wine with my hubby, I guess I have to actually buy 4 bottles so each couple can share equally with us? Are you kidding? One bottle shared amongst 8 will give each of us little more than a taste. I don't have the budget to pay for your drinks at dinner. Sorry.


Please and thank you and not saving seats or cutting in line and all that -- we agree on basic rules of civil society and being polite. But when your "rules of etiquette" extend to expecting to have my table, my wine, and my silence, then you have moved beyond etiquette to something much less noble, in my opinion.


Don't some of the OP's etiquette rules sound like she is the one being selfish...Don't talk on the elevator, I don't want to hear you. Give up your table so I can have a seat. If your going to by a bottle of wine vs a glass, you better be giving some of it to me. That's not etiquette...That's selfishness.

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I dislike when people use elevators to go up or down only 1 floor (perfectly healthy and young people).


My wife and I vow to always take the stairs, but there are times you need to use the elevator when needing to go up or down 8 levels. So when i see people going up or down 1 floor, I want to explode


Lucky Z, they may be like me on one of my cruises. I had a soft-tissue accident from tripping in a hole at my DS's baseball game and I could barely walk. However, I wasn't about to cancel our cruise because of a bad back. So, I was one of those people that had to use an elevator to go up or down only 1 floor. You wouldn't know it to look at me that I was in excruciating pain. So, please think of me next time you get ticked off and have a little patience, you can't always judge a book by its cover.;)

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Don't some of the OP's etiquette rules sound like she is the one being selfish...Don't talk on the elevator, I don't want to hear you. Give up your table so I can have a seat. If your going to by a bottle of wine vs a glass, you better be giving some of it to me. That's not etiquette...That's selfishness.


LOL! It sure does.

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Don't some of the OP's etiquette rules sound like she is the one being selfish...Don't talk on the elevator, I don't want to hear you. Give up your table so I can have a seat. If your going to by a bottle of wine vs a glass, you better be giving some of it to me. That's not etiquette...That's selfishness.




imagine everyone walking onto a ship looking for "their" rules to be followed.

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I am very tolerant of other people's behavior and I try very hard to make sure I do not inadvertently insult someone. However, the wine issue gets me.


If I was at home and was out with family or friends in a nice restaurant, I would gladly buy a bottle of wine for the "table." Heck, I would probably buy two. I might offer an appetizer or something to share. I might order a glass of wine just for me. We are all adults and we can take care of our needs.


On a cruise, I am seated with strangers that I may get to know or not. If I purchase a bottle of wine for my consumption, it is for my consumption. I might have a glass a night out of my bottle... My choice. I do not feel compelled socially to share this bottle with others, nor do I feel I am being rude by not sharing it. It is a different situation entirely. If, on the last night of the cruise, we have really enjoyed ourselves and life is grand sort of thing, I might want to purchase a bottle of wine for the table. That is also a choice. No obligation.


Bottom line, when I am in a forced-choice seating situation, I do not feel compelled to share a bottle of wine I have to purchase. I can do so if I want to. There is no social rule that says I have to do so.

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Don't some of the OP's etiquette rules sound like she is the one being selfish...Don't talk on the elevator, I don't want to hear you. Give up your table so I can have a seat. If your going to by a bottle of wine vs a glass, you better be giving some of it to me. That's not etiquette...That's selfishness.




Thats exactly how it sounded to me .



"I don't like this , so you shouldn't do it "


"I do like that , so be a thoughtful and respectful person and do that for me won't you"

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Many of these "I'm going to do what I want, I only care about me" comments remind me of the foundations of Satanism:


"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"- Aleister Crowley


Nice twist,,,,well done

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Actually this was not tongue in cheek. The thread was not meant to cause drama, how could discussing etiquette cause drama with sane adults. For people who think my threads are drama causing, why not just skip them instead of making comments that are not related to what is being discussed. I skip over alot of threads that don't interest me. Most of the suggestions are excellent.


I can see the point to some degree about not sharing wine, but a cake that has been ordered, wouldn't that be ok, particularly since you can't eat it all and most likely won't eat it later due to the desserts onboard?


Common courtesy I agree with, stop talkin' in an elevator not going to happen, it's a public place of course, but we did order an anniversay cake on our cruise, it feeds 10 people and we had 4 at the table, of course we shared and still had plenty to carry back to the room!

We also shared a bottle of champagne DH won on board for running to the hot tub (first one in) during morning news, he probably broke a rule there for running on deck...lol, it's ok though he hadn't had a chance to drink his bloody mary's!;)

Happy Sailing,

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Don't some of the OP's etiquette rules sound like she is the one being selfish...Don't talk on the elevator, I don't want to hear you. Give up your table so I can have a seat. If your going to by a bottle of wine vs a glass, you better be giving some of it to me. That's not etiquette...That's selfishness.


There's 2 ways to read everything, it seems. I read the OP's points as you should be mindful of others around you. Or rather, just don't be a jerk about things.


Just to add my own etiquette .02, how about keeping quiet during the muster drill? The last cruise I was on, a group of women were just being obnoxious. They were texting, whispering, and had the nerve to tell everyone else to shush. They were the last to arrive, and we started late to begin with. The other girls I cruised with were inexperienced cruisers. They couldn't pay attention to what was being said.

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The really sad thing, is that the majority of these suggestions may simply be "common sense." However, if everyone used common sense, these types of threads wouldn't be here time and time again.


As a bumper sticker that I once saw reads: "The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity." Sometimes I tend to think that the hydrogen level may be dangerously low.

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This deal about not going up one floor on an elevator,,,,I though ALL elevators were filled with kids riding them and stopping at every floor anyhow. I am tired already. I will be on deck 2 of the Splendor,,I have one heck of a climb to get to burgers and fries.

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This deal about not going up one floor on an elevator,,,,I though ALL elevators were filled with kids riding them and stopping at every floor anyhow. I am tired already. I will be on deck 2 of the Splendor,,I have one heck of a climb to get to burgers and fries.


Wondering if fireman's poles should be installed....then there would be a quick way back to the lower decks!

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I've been cruising for 25 years and whatever happened to just LOVING BEING AT SEA AND RELAXING! People take the first day and unwind from all your stress! Be kind to fellow passengers and curtious! Remember it is that long awaited vacation you have been dreaming of!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is how it was when I first started cruising and it still should be. None of this petty nit picking!

There are bigger ships now but remember were all here for the same reason relax , enjoy, and meet people. Sail On!

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I so agree with point #1!!! It is not fair for grouchy people whining and complaining to bring down a wonderful time that others are having. I try to keep in a cheerful mood in lines for tenders, etc.


There was one day where where we had an AMAZING day in Grand Cayman. Rode a catamaran out to snorkel and stingray city, beautiful, clear day. Beautiful ride back and then there was an issue w/the bus and people were just complaining and their 6 yo old boy yells, this is the worst day EVER! I was just so upset that the crew on the boat heard it and that their horrible attitudes rubbed off on their kid, who'd just been laughing and playing in the water and having a great time. I tried my best to ignore them and really just wanted to tell them to shut up!

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Most of these rules are okay, but I am wondering if the OP is as considerate of others? Do they stop their activity and give up their table for someone else? Why should someone be expected to do so? And I have this picture of a sad OP waiting for someone else to order wine and share it, so they don't have to buy any. I just don't get the vibe that they are the outgoing share everything type. That said, it would be very nice indeed if people would just apply the Golden Rule everywhere, not just on cruises.

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Most of these rules are okay, but I am wondering if the OP is as considerate of others? Do they stop their activity and give up their table for someone else? Why should someone be expected to do so? And I have this picture of a sad OP waiting for someone else to order wine and share it, so they don't have to buy any. I just don't get the vibe that they are the outgoing share everything type. That said, it would be very nice indeed if people would just apply the Golden Rule everywhere, not just on cruises.


I believe that the op's comment referred to people who take up tables in the buffet to read a book, play cards, etc.

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how would you know they were healthy? my knee acts up at times and i cannot use stairs, and you would never know it.


My husband is 38, and broke his hip in a car accident years ago. He can't walk too far without being in pain (we don't go to the zoo!). He would be one of those taking the stairs that people wonder why. you really can't tell unless you look closely that anything is wrong with him.

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