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Tipping - New Policy

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The problem I have is that if I do remove them once on board, it will no doubt be viewed as me penalising the staff or RCI whereas in fact it would be a point of order against the T/A. Question is, would the staff on the pursers desk understand and appreciate that..?? I'd obviously carry my booking confirmation to show them the wording on there.


Thoughts anyone..??


It's true that this action would penalize the staff and not the travel agent. I expect you could get the TA to add them now, if you pay the amount for your daughter, but I gather that you're wanting them to pay the without any more money from you, because they led you to believe that all gratuities had been included up front. Maybe you'll be successful with that, but removing the gratuities on board will not do anything about the travel agency. They won't even be aware of it, unless you tell them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just to add further info . . . yes the wow envelopes were left last week in our cabin on the last day, but there was also this new form available if you chose to put your additional WOW grats on your seapass. I liked the idea there was space for comments.


They also explained how the $12 was divided amongst the staff, but for the life of me I don't remember - it seemed to be the usual except for $1.30/day/guest for 'other housekeeping services"



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...but there was also this new form available if you chose to put your additional WOW grats on your seapass....


Interesting; so do you think they are doing away with the WOW cards? That this will be the new and improved way to recognize more than one crew/staff member at a time? The WOW cards did not imply or suggest a monetary gift whereas this new form absolutely does imply that.. hmm...

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Interesting; so do you think they are doing away with the WOW cards? That this will be the new and improved way to recognize more than one crew/staff member at a time? The WOW cards did not imply or suggest a monetary gift whereas this new form absolutely does imply that.. hmm...


There were two WOW envelopes and a WOW card placed in my stateroom on Allure.


The cabin attendent put a smiley on one of the envelopes and my stateroom number. I guess to encourage me. I brought both envelopes and the WOW card home with me if anyone has any questions...:)

Edited by Charles4515
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When MTD is the only option, and RC decides to take it upon itself to collect the percentage of tips it finds fair in advance - any cards or "WOW' requests will find themselves at the bottom of a trash can. Otherwise, it makes no sense for RC to pre-collect tips unless they are just trying to get people to pay for their own expenses after they've already quoted you your costs.

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y'all are making me nervous - I booked with a TA months ago and got the My Time dining choice .. with prepaid tips. Then we all decided (big bunch of us all going on same cruise) that seating could be a problem, so had the dining changed to a late seating option. Now with this new policy - I am hoping everyone has our tip records straight ...


Regardless, we will tip extra for great service .. always have, always will. I worked on a cruise ship eons ago and I KNOW how hard those people work and how little they get paid outside of the tips, and the crazy hours they work.


And some of the people who commented here are correct: if you pull gratuities, someone's career very well could be hurt, no matter whether you gave an excuse or not.

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wonder how is going to affect the TA's that pre-pay the gratuities for their clients, if the TA's will still pre-pay. I wish notification would go out sooner as I had always paid in cash. A 3 night cruise in a suite is $85.50 for 2 people, that's a lot to come up with at the last minute. In the future I'll calculate the amount to bring and pay it on my Seapass the last night of the cruise. We try to not have a lot left on our Seapass to be charged to the credit card.


So what did you do on previous cruises???????????? ????????

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With us the wow cards were a failure to the staff and so was the additional tipping. The staff were far more concerned with the comment cards.The comment cards seems to be what they were concerned with keeping thier jobs.

This is true. Mentioning them by name on the comment card is much more appreciated than the WOW cards.

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I LOVE pre-paying the tips. I put the extra cash directly in the hand of the one giving exceptional service...which is usually the cabin steward, the waiter, the assistant waiter. With the cabin steward it's easy to discreetly make sure they personally get the cash. I don't want the cash I give them to be put in a "pot" that's shared. My pre-paid gratuities are shared and I understand that. I ALWAYS fill out the card, with "glowing" remarks. I didn't understand the importance of this on our first cruise and still feel bad (many years later) that I didn't put my compliments in writing.

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I LOVE pre-paying the tips. I put the extra cash directly in the hand of the one giving exceptional service...which is usually the cabin steward, the waiter, the assistant waiter. With the cabin steward it's easy to discreetly make sure they personally get the cash. I don't want the cash I give them to be put in a "pot" that's shared. My pre-paid gratuities are shared and I understand that. I ALWAYS fill out the card, with "glowing" remarks. I didn't understand the importance of this on our first cruise and still feel bad (many years later) that I didn't put my compliments in writing.


Cabin stewards have to put money into the "pot" based on expected tips. It doesn't matter if you pay them in cash or not.

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When I go to Beaches Resorts-the tip is included in your price and if you try to give money to the employees they will not take it. They have said they can loose their job and really love working at the resorts and do not want to risk it. The only thing not covered under tips is the Butler, if you choose that service and they tell you that right up front. All others, including the concierge are covered.


And the service is excellent.


As a traveller with a special needs child, Beaches has been great - expensive but great. I chose RCI with the hope that they will be as good with him.


Last time, at Beaches Negril, the guy stocking the mini fridge asked what I'd like in it. Had a mini fridge full of Red Stripe for the week. :D

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I don't like the idea of the ship staff having to rely on my good graces to earn a living. I'm not their boss. I've already pre-paid my "tips" and fully consider them a part of the cost of the trip since otherwise the staff won't be adequately compensated. I don't consider them negotiable, and I'm glad RCI is taking steps to mitigate freeloading (naively hoping this normalizes this cost, so everyone plays the same).


The way I look at it, the staff is at work. If there is anything I can do to help them, I will. After all, I'm just on vacation.


If I get exceptional service at a restaurant, I let the manager know. That helps both the server and the manager.


Sure, money is always the right size and color, but I may ask at Guest Services some time when they're not busy what helps the employee the most. Whether it is a comment card, WOW card, letter to the company, etc. If those don't help with performance reviews and promotions, then greenbacks it is.

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I didn't read all the pages of this thread so forgive me if this has already been addressed. I don't mind pre paying grats and I never minded paying cash but what I DO object to is the constant reminders every single day of the waiters to have us give them a favorable review in the comments card. This went on every single night, oftentimes breaking up pleasant chat with our table mates. We were told in no uncertain terms that we MUST give them an excellent rating, that anything else would put their jobs in jeopardy. I felt bad at the pressure RCI is putting on the wait staff but it did impact on our pleasant dining experience. This happened every night on our last 3 RCI cruises.

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I didn't read all the pages of this thread so forgive me if this has already been addressed. I don't mind pre paying grats and I never minded paying cash but what I DO object to is the constant reminders every single day of the waiters to have us give them a favorable review in the comments card. This went on every single night, oftentimes breaking up pleasant chat with our table mates. We were told in no uncertain terms that we MUST give them an excellent rating, that anything else would put their jobs in jeopardy. I felt bad at the pressure RCI is putting on the wait staff but it did impact on our pleasant dining experience. This happened every night on our last 3 RCI cruises.


It seems odd that you were being asked every night to give an excellent rating. I have been on over 10 Royal Caribbean cruises and giving an excellent rating was only mentioned on 2 or 3 of those cruise by the waiters and it was only mentioned once by the waiters those cruises, not multiple times. It is hard to imagine they would do so every night.

Edited by Charles4515
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It seems odd that you were being asked every night to give an excellent rating. I have been on over 10 Royal Caribbean cruises and giving an excellent rating was only mentioned 2 or 3 times by the waiters and it was only mentioned once by the waiters those cruises, not multiple times. It is hard to imagine they would do so every night.


If not every single night then certainly 6 out of the 7 nights on our last 3 RCI cruises. Always during dessert when we were winding down a pleasant meal with pleasant chat. As it got closer and closer to the last night, the requests became more and more insistent. Glad you didn't have the same experience my husband, friends and I had. That's why you can't imagine it. We could have handled 2 or 3 times but 6 or 7 was a bit much. In fact, on our last cruise, the last night my husband joked and said to the waiter, "yes, yes, we know, excellent!" It was a running joke at our 10 top table. We all knew what to expect. The waiter STILL made the same pitch over again :eek:

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It seems odd that you were being asked every night to give an excellent rating. I have been on over 10 Royal Caribbean cruises and giving an excellent rating was only mentioned on 2 or 3 of those cruise by the waiters and it was only mentioned once by the waiters those cruises, not multiple times. It is hard to imagine they would do so every night.


I agree. I think it's BS that someone had waiters mention this to them every single night on three straight cruises. It's not unusual, particularly toward the end of a cruise, for a waiter to say something once about remembering them on the comment cards, if you had excellent service. I've never in 8 cruises had someone tell me that I must give them an excellent rating or else their job would be in jeopardy.

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I agree. I think it's BS that someone had waiters mention this to them every single night on three straight cruises. It's not unusual, particularly toward the end of a cruise, for a waiter to say something once about remembering them on the comment cards, if you had excellent service. I've never in 8 cruises had someone tell me that I must give them an excellent rating or else their job would be in jeopardy.


Is everything YOU don't believe,"BS"? Gee thanks for the warm welcome on this thread. Sure was great chatting and exchanging thoughts, TRUE experiences in a mature, non threatending manner. I won't defend myself further. I see you know better than me. Oh wait, you couldn't. You weren't there!! Happy sails to you.

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I find this thread very revealing and at times appalling.

I am searching for a report I read were the author stated RCI pays it's waiters "$150.00 a week".

This is for an average of 14 hours a day 7 days a week for 10 months at a time. These workers are grateful for the opportunity that working for RCI allows them. They are aware of the onerous working conditions when they sign on.

They work for tips and support their families or are saving for a future family.


We have been paying prepaid gratuities for years and one of my wifes preferred perks is to have prepaid gratuities from our TA just one less hassle.

She then gives extra to those invisible staff she meets on the cruise. I am speaking of pool staff or she will hand a ten dollar bill to the fellow wiping down the stair rails or elevator, or the women cleaning the ladies public washroom.


I always tip our room steward a $20.00 when they introduce themselves at the start of the cruise. It is my belief I am tipping in advance for the exemplary service they will render during the cruise we have always tipped more at the end as well.


I laughed recently reading a thread of CC members lamenting the absence of chocolates on the pillow something stopped years ago.

This springs TA on Navigator we took on 2 cartons of chocolate bars form Costco. We left 4 or 5 chocolate bars on the bed before we went to dinner every few nights for our steward to hand out to his co workers. When we saw Solomon every morning was Faaaantastic!

We had an amazing cruise and met many wonderful people some were cruisers but even more were ship staff.


I am amazed by those who cruise and are supposedly living the life style but are offended when confronted with the issue of tips.

They state they want to pay the tips in cash, but for every person that says that I bet there are 10 who use it as an excuse to dodge it.

You just have to look at the empty seats last cruise night.

They suggest the tips be included in the fare and then complain about the cost of fares.


You have people posting on this thread that they are concerned they might have to pay for 2 nights of tips for nights they will not be on board or worse they missed a night at the MDR and ate at the Specialty restaurant or the buffet and don't want to pay the evening MDR tip!


So we might spend an extra couple of hundred in gratuities when we cruise. That is our choice.

So little can bring so much to others but if such a small amount means so much to your financial bottom line I feel for you.

If you skimp on tips and do it because that is just your nature then man up to it as I am not really interested in how you justify it to yourself or others.

Edited by baldercash
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With us the wow cards were a failure to the staff and so was the additional tipping. The staff were far more concerned with the comment cards.The comment cards seems to be what they were concerned with keeping thier jobs.


On our may April Navigator TA cruise, most of the staff, waiters and such did not seem so concerned about surveys or even the WOW cards.

When we asked for their full names they said it did not matter when we filled out the cards as management would know who they were.

When we said we needed the info as we were sending a letter to the Head office and wanted the full name correct their demeanor totally changed as that they said had an impact on their careers.

They said letters were read publicly at staff meeting and posted for staff to read.

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When we said we needed the info as we were sending a letter to the Head office and wanted the full name correct their demeanor totally changed as that they said had an impact on their careers.

They said letters were read publicly at staff meeting and posted for staff to read.


this is good to know - We cruise often and have met some wonderful staff on cruises. I am going to keep this advice in mind and make sure I write a letter or two when I run across a great RCL employee on our next adventure. I am assuming I can get the address from someone onboard.


We have sent emails in the past, and really never heard back, so I was not sure anyone took them seriously.

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Is everything YOU don't believe,"BS"? Gee thanks for the warm welcome on this thread. Sure was great chatting and exchanging thoughts, TRUE experiences in a mature, non threatending manner. I won't defend myself further. I see you know better than me. Oh wait, you couldn't. You weren't there!! Happy sails to you.


No. I just gave my impression, based on the fact that nothing remotely close to that has happened in all my cruises, nor have I seen it mentioned on this site before, so I find it highly unlikely that it really happened that way for you on three consecutive cruises.


I could be wrong, but that's what I think - that you were either making it up or exaggerating. These things happen. I don't believe everything I read on the internet, and when something sounds way out of line with what others have experienced, it casts doubt. It was nothing personal. Sorry to upset you.

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I just got off my 5th Majesty cruise and had by far the worst service I've ever had. I don't know if it has to do with pre-paid tips, but I was really surprised. I didn't eat in the MDR at all--most of my meals were in the WJ. Not one waiter came up to my table other than to clear my plates when I was done eating. No one offered to get me drinks or anything. My cabin steward was the worst I've had on all my 10 RC cruises, and most of the crew looked bored. Why should I have to "tip" for "exceptional" service when they didn't do anything exceptional? I'm not anti-tipping--I have always given more than the suggested amount and feel that good service should be rewarded--but I don't feel like I should have to tip a head waiter that I never saw, or waiters that paid no attention to me. I'd like to tip the people that deserve it. If they know they're already going to get tips, there's no incentive for them to do anything other than show up.

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We just got off a cruise on Enchantment of the Seas last week. This was the first cruise we had taken since the inception of mandatory prepaid gratuities. We found that all the service was as good, if not better, than before. I lost one of my small diamond stud earrings in our stateroom and our room attendant actually moved furniture and found it for me. The wait staff in the dining room were all very efficient and pleasant. A couple of WOW envelopes were left in our stateroom but no one on the ship even mentioned them.

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I just got off my 5th Majesty cruise and had by far the worst service I've ever had. I don't know if it has to do with pre-paid tips, but I was really surprised. I didn't eat in the MDR at all--most of my meals were in the WJ. Not one waiter came up to my table other than to clear my plates when I was done eating. No one offered to get me drinks or anything. My cabin steward was the worst I've had on all my 10 RC cruises, and most of the crew looked bored. Why should I have to "tip" for "exceptional" service when they didn't do anything exceptional? I'm not anti-tipping--I have always given more than the suggested amount and feel that good service should be rewarded--but I don't feel like I should have to tip a head waiter that I never saw, or waiters that paid no attention to me. I'd like to tip the people that deserve it. If they know they're already going to get tips, there's no incentive for them to do anything other than show up.


Ouch...this post is gonna get Flamed, not justifiably, but it will. I agree with your comments and think the same way. I know it's not the popular position to take, but I'm glad you brought it up, it needs to be said. Just get ready to get torched. :eek:

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