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Hey Celebrity !!! Loud Music Does NOT Equal Younger Demographic


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On here, but then you have to remember that there are only 1 or 2 percent of Celebrity customers on Cruise Critic. Celebrity would not be a very smart company if they changed anything for 1 or 2 percent of their customers. Just sayin'!


Over the past 4 or 5 years or so I've calculated from Roll Call participation that about 10% of the passenger capacity of any given ship are posting here. There are many that register and only observe and don't post, and others that just lurk or read. I think your 1 or 2 % postulation is way off.


While the root problem and most of the conversation here is centered on the volume I feel the real problem we've seen here is the rude and dismissive way the CD on Reflection treated the CC group recently. This to me is more important for management to address right away, unless of course that is what they are looking for in their ambassadors.


I don't mind volume, but I hate distortion.

Edited by ORV
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If I were in a situation where it was just me that thought it was obnoxious I wouldn't be concerned but when almost everyone there thinks it's too loud, it's too loud. Most of our cruises have been OK but there have been a few where everyone seemed to think it was too loud. It's been fine on the last couple we've been on but recent reports from friends who are cruising now or have recently cruised indicate it has been ridiculously loud.


I'll find out in a couple of weeks.

Edited by Ma Bell
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If I were in a situation where it was just me that thought it was obnoxious I wouldn't be concerned but when almost everyone there thinks it's too loud, it's too loud. Most of our cruises have been OK but there have been a few where everyone seemed to think it was too loud. It's been fine on the last couple we've been on but recent reports from friends who are cruising now or have recently cruised indicate it has been ridiculously loud.


I'll find out in a couple of weeks.

You keep saying almost everyone thinks it is too loud. Does this mean you personally spoke with over 2,000 passengers to come to this conclusion? Or are you just counting those here on cruise critic who are complaining? Because there is a big difference between the two.


So, I guess compromise is out of the question as far as you are concerned.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Ok, have to say something...:cool:

I am a bit annoyed with the comments " If the music is too loud in Martini bar, pool etc., leave, do not go there..." I think the amount of money I pay for cruises I should be able to use all the facilities or should I just expect not to use the pool on my next cruise? And I should expect not to get a great Martini in Martini bar because some people prefer loud music? Really??:rolleyes:

If this is how Celebrity is going to "entertain" their passengers in the future, we are looking for a new cruise line.

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You keep saying almost everyone thinks it is too loud. Does this mean you personally spoke with over 2,000 passengers to come to this conclusion? Or are you just counting those here on cruise critic who are complaining? Because there is a big difference between the two.


So, I guess compromise is out of the question as far as you are concerned.


Do you actually read the post? I'm talking about people who are actually on the ship and in the venue. My last word on the subject.

Edited by Ma Bell
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Over the past 4 or 5 years or so I've calculated from Roll Call participation that about 10% of the passenger capacity of any given ship are posting here. There are many that register and only observe and don't post, and others that just lurk or read. I think your 1 or 2 % postulation is way off.


While the root problem and most of the conversation here is centered on the volume I feel the real problem we've seen here is the rude and dismissive way the CD on Reflection treated the CC group recently. This to me is more important for management to address right away, unless of course that is what they are looking for in their ambassadors.


I don't mind volume, but I hate distortion.

I don't think it is anywhere near 10 percent, but for arguments sake let's say it is - should a company change a policy for 10 percent of their customers and possibly tick off the other 90 percent? And FWIW, not everyone on cruise critic has a problem with the musical genre or loudness - many have responded to other threads about the subject.


Can't speak for the CD on Reflection, but do you think that maybe it is the way the passengers approach him with their complaint about the music/loudness. I know if someone came up to me and said if you don't turn the music down, I'll go to Princess, I'd probbly help them off the ship. If corporate is setting the levels, what would you like him to say - "ok, I'll change it just for you"? The best way IMHO he could address it is to say that the levels are pre-set and I'm sorry but I can not adjust them, but will bring up your concerns to our corporate office.


I also hate distortion, but I don't find it is a problem with the loudness, but the equipment used.

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I'm talking about people who are actually on the ship and in the venue. My last word on the subject.

Hopefully we can cruise together one day and I'll be more than happy to join you in canvassing all those in the bars about the subject. We could either do it together or split up the times, because I know one of us couldn't be in the bars the whole time they are opened if we wanted to ask everyone their opinion to get a true picture.


But for now, I guess we will have to agree to disagree on the subject. That is what is so great, we can all have different opinions and are able to voice them.

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You keep saying almost everyone thinks it is too loud. Does this mean you personally spoke with over 2,000 passengers to come to this conclusion? Or are you just counting those here on cruise critic who are complaining? Because there is a big difference between the two.


So, I guess compromise is out of the question as far as you are concerned.

All of us doesn't feel that we have to add to what already has been said...:rolleyes:

Don't think it will change the strong feelings regarding the subject.

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Over the past 4 or 5 years or so I've calculated from Roll Call participation that about 10% of the passenger capacity of any given ship are posting here. There are many that register and only observe and don't post, and others that just lurk or read. I think your 1 or 2 % postulation is way off.


While the root problem and most of the conversation here is centered on the volume I feel the real problem we've seen here is the rude and dismissive way the CD on Reflection treated the CC group recently. This to me is more important for management to address right away, unless of course that is what they are looking for in their ambassadors.


I don't mind volume, but I hate distortion.


There is no way that Cruise Critics are 10% of the passengers on board Celebrity. Each year Celebrity ships handle millions of passengers and I seriously doubt there are over 100,000 Celebrity fans that use this site. The actual number is probably closer to 1%.

Why Celebrity would actually respond to posters on this board is beyond me, but maybe its because the site is run by a travel agency that's steers passengers to them.

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I don't think it is anywhere near 10 percent, but for arguments sake let's say it is - should a company change a policy for 10 percent of their customers and possibly tick off the other 90 percent? And FWIW, not everyone on cruise critic has a problem with the musical genre or loudness - many have responded to other threads about the subject.


Can't speak for the CD on Reflection, but do you think that maybe it is the way the passengers approach him with their complaint about the music/loudness. I know if someone came up to me and said if you don't turn the music down, I'll go to Princess, I'd probbly help them off the ship. If corporate is setting the levels, what would you like him to say - "ok, I'll change it just for you"? The best way IMHO he could address it is to say that the levels are pre-set and I'm sorry but I can not adjust them, but will bring up your concerns to our corporate office.


I also hate distortion, but I don't find it is a problem with the loudness, but the equipment used.


Would it not be a quite an assumption to think that the other 90% would be okay with it? Don't get me wrong, I like loud, I used to be a sound mixer for rock bands in my younger days. I like it to shake stuff around, I like the bass drum to thump me right in the chest, but there is a time and place for everything. I realize there are those that want all music regulated to muzak level background, and some of that is what we are dealing with here, but if you read the thread there is enough information from diverse types of people to indicate that there is a real problem.


You're right about the distortion being an issue with the equipment, but only when it's being overdriven past it's capability, which I did hear on the pool deck on the portable system while on Constellation last year. It was being driven so hard because the operator cranked the volume too much, so yes, loudness at times can create distortion. On the other hand I've heard many professional sound systems that play clear as a bell at levels of 110-115. In my observation pretty much all of the cruise ships I've been on have had excellent state of the art sound equipment, many times more than what is needed for a given venue.


I think the bottom line is that there is probably an improper volume issue here that is more than just perception by a few. When you have people that say they like AC/DC & Van Halen (not my faves but hey), and they regularly attend rock concerts complaining about it being too loud then it's probably so.

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I think we have a 'vocal minority' here complaining about volume of the music.


As adamant as those that hate the volume are, I'm certain they must be filling in the guest comment cards, that ALL PASSENGERS get, and if there were enough comments about loud music, they would make changes if there were a large enough group complaining.


Also, many are saying it's too loud since they have sensitive hearing, or some other preexisting issue, well sorry, but the entire ship can not be made to suit sound levels for the smallest portion of the passengers needs. Someone with such a condition must be accustomed to adjusting their lifestyle with ear plugs or other similar measures.


I don't understand why ones desire for soft music should trump someone else's desire for a louder more intense beat of the music.


So that said, leave it to the ship staff to be the arbiters to determine what 'vibe' it wants aboard and adjust the volume levels to suit the Corporate direction they are seeking.

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I have brought this up before that loud is bad. Bad? How? Simple, it slowly destroys your hearing without you even being aware of it. It is an insidious process much like the sun and skin cancer. You don't know it's bad until you find out what has happened to your skin. In this case your hearing is slowly being trashed. The next thing you know is that you are looking for hearing aids. They are a lousy and expensive substitute for good hearing.


The worst case of the effects of loud music is tinnitus which is known as the "steel whistle from hell" inside your head. I know because I have tinnitus as a result of listening to music that was too loud. It is a bitter pill to swallow. I wish I had turned it down a long time ago because now I am paying the price. YOU DO NOT WANT TINNITUS!


For all you non believers, just ask any audiologist or ENT doctor or check http://www.ata.org. It is the website for the American Tinnitus Association.


Celebrity, TURN IT DOWN!



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All of us doesn't feel that we have to add to what already has been said...:rolleyes:

Don't think it will change the strong feelings regarding the subject.

That is my point, we don't really know who likes loud music or the type of music played nor do we know who dislikes it, as we only see a few on cruise critic who are pro or con.

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I think we have a 'vocal minority' here complaining about volume of the music.


As adamant as those that hate the volume are, I'm certain they must be filling in the guest comment cards, that ALL PASSENGERS get, and if there were enough comments about loud music, they would make changes if there were a large enough group complaining.


Also, many are saying it's too loud since they have sensitive hearing, or some other preexisting issue, well sorry, but the entire ship can not be made to suit sound levels for the smallest portion of the passengers needs. Someone with such a condition must be accustomed to adjusting their lifestyle with ear plugs or other similar measures.


I don't understand why ones desire for soft music should trump someone else's desire for a louder more intense beat of the music.


So that said, leave it to the ship staff to be the arbiters to determine what 'vibe' it wants aboard and adjust the volume levels to suit the Corporate direction they are seeking.


You're missing the point entirely. The music already is louder and has the intense beat you crave. The issue that everyone is concerned about is that it's gone beyond "louder" into the "loudest" category and has become inappropriate for its setting.


Those of you who don't understand what we're talking about simply have not experienced it and I hope you never do. We sailed on the Summit, Equinox, and Solstice and never had an issue--none--with the loudness of the music. Last week on the Reflection was a horse of different color. I don't know if it was a fluke or not but on our sailing it became instantly clear what all the noise comments were about.

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Would it not be a quite an assumption to think that the other 90% would be okay with it? Don't get me wrong, I like loud, I used to be a sound mixer for rock bands in my younger days. I like it to shake stuff around, I like the bass drum to thump me right in the chest, but there is a time and place for everything. I realize there are those that want all music regulated to muzak level background, and some of that is what we are dealing with here, but if you read the thread there is enough information from diverse types of people to indicate that there is a real problem.


You're right about the distortion being an issue with the equipment, but only when it's being overdriven past it's capability, which I did hear on the pool deck on the portable system while on Constellation last year. It was being driven so hard because the operator cranked the volume too much, so yes, loudness at times can create distortion. On the other hand I've heard many professional sound systems that play clear as a bell at levels of 110-115. In my observation pretty much all of the cruise ships I've been on have had excellent state of the art sound equipment, many times more than what is needed for a given venue.


I think the bottom line is that there is probably an improper volume issue here that is more than just perception by a few. When you have people that say they like AC/DC & Van Halen (not my faves but hey), and they regularly attend rock concerts complaining about it being too loud then it's probably so.

I don't know if it is 90 percent that would be ticked off, just as those that say everyone or almost everyone hates the loud music knows how many really dislike it.

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You're missing the point entirely. The music already is louder and has the intense beat you crave. The issue that everyone is concerned about is that it's gone beyond "louder" into the "loudest" category and has become inappropriate for its setting.


Those of you who don't understand what we're talking about simply have not experienced it and I hope you never do. We sailed on the Summit, Equinox, and Solstice and never had an issue--none--with the loudness of the music. Last week on the Reflection was a horse of different color. I don't know if it was a fluke or not but on our sailing it became instantly clear what all the noise comments were about.

What makes you think we haven't experienced it and don't have a problem with the levels.

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You're missing the point entirely. The music already is louder and has the intense beat you crave. The issue that everyone is concerned about is that it's gone beyond "louder" into the "loudest" category and has become inappropriate for its setting.


Those of you who don't understand what we're talking about simply have not experienced it and I hope you never do. We sailed on the Summit, Equinox, and Solstice and never had an issue--none--with the loudness of the music. Last week on the Reflection was a horse of different color. I don't know if it was a fluke or not but on our sailing it became instantly clear what all the noise comments were about.


Well, I've been on Connie 2x, Eclipse, Reflection and boarding Summit this weekend. I only recall hearing music at Martini Lounge and the pool, and sometimes in the atrium and sometimes outside Michael's. Apparently based on what I read it's also in MDR and specialties too turned up so loud people can't hear table mates, but I don't ever even recall noticing that there was ANY music in these places, so it's clearly not that loud.

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A thought about an on-board survey about the volume levels:


Don't wait until the end of the cruise. If you wait until the end, the tend might be to say "well, THOSE old fogies didn't like it, but maybe the next batch will".


Do the survey about 2-3 days in...and then make the adjustment for THAT cruise right then and there. Lord knows we have enough pieces of paper on our bed every day, can't be much of a hardship to have one more with a quick survey of the volume so people can at least enjoy the remainder of their cruise.

Edited by warmwinds
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Looks like I need to add earplugs to my list of items to pack for my next cruise, but I'm hoping that this will be resolved before then. I'm a musician and performer, and it would stop taking cruises with any cruise line that had excessively loud music being pumped out in enclosed spaces or at the pool.

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What makes you think we haven't experienced it and don't have a problem with the levels.

You posted last month that you'd be Elite on your next cruise, so three or four Celebrity cruises and no S-Class ships? Having an opinion isn't wrong. Picking arguments with others who don't share that opinion and by trying to appear that you have lots of experience is misleading.



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Just because people don't complain, doesn't mean they like it. Unless the problem is really outrageous, I just keep my mouth shut and never use that supplier again, mostly restaraunts. I've been on many Celebrity cruises, none since November, but there is only one place I thought the noise was offensive. We were on the Solstice and they had music in the Atrium. We were on deck nine and we could still hear the music in our cabin which was about five down from the elevator and atrium. Thankfully it ended aroun 11pm. We are on the Silohuettee next moth and we'll revisit the issue.. If it's as bad as many of the posters have written, we have no problem moving on. An unjoyable cruise isn't worth the low price and all the perks they throw at you.

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I wish I could have my time back I spent reading this thread, and also I feel sorry for all those wasting time debating about 2 people who could never be convinced that "too loud" is possible. Those few ( and only a few) that would tell you "too loud" is not possible any place on any ship or likely even a golf course, church, or funeral. They will never concede, and it doesn't matter if they were on the ship in reference or heard the general attitude of the CD. They didn't need to be there to know all those who were are wrong and that it's no big deal.


These are people who will never see any other side, and in my opinion really just like the debate. I won't waste any time with them myself, but I am sympathetic to those who feel Celebrity is making a mistake that is simple to correct.

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Our last cruise (TA) on Equinox sent us more often to our cabin than we would have done voluntarily


We were on this same voyage and really had no complaints about sounds levels at any of the venues. There was a time or two that the sound was a little loud in the theatre, but it certainly was not a deal breaker.


We couldn't use the library or the card room


Really? You could certainly hear the atrium music from these two rooms, but it was not overly intrusive by any means. I kicked back in the library on most days and read my Kindle. The card room seemed well used and we never had to shout, or raise our voices, when playing cards. I used a table there to write my Christmas cards at one point and the space was pretty serene.


the Martini Bar


We enjoyed drinks here just about every evening before dinner and never felt the need to retreat because the music was too loud. Most times we set in one of the more private areas, and not directly at the bar. We certainly were never shouting at each other when making conversation!


Café al Bacio


Again, you're grasping at straws... We were here multiple times during the day and night and were never offended by music volume. About the only time it might have been considered loud was when live music was playing directly in the cafe. And then, only for people setting along the aisle closest to the lifts.


or the bar ( forgot its name) on the guest relations deck.


We set on the couches around the atrium a time or two to listen to the various performers playing there. It was louder then, but not enough to disturb us... besides, we were there to listen to the entertainment. The Passport Bar sits in a position directly opposite Guest Relations and I never had to yell there or ask one of the personnel to repeat themselves because I couldn't hear them.


With the inflated prices for the 2014/2015 itineraries , the hassle with the customer service and the noise level we mentioned it may be time to try Cunard or Azamara.


I think you've hit on something here... perhaps you do need to try another cruise line. We were on the same sailing and did not have the excessive list of complaints you have posted. You went a little overboard complaining about almost every venue on the ship... and that causes you to lose credibility.


Best of luck finding your happy place! :confused:

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You posted last month that you'd be Elite on your next cruise, so three or four Celebrity cruises and no S-Class ships? Having an opinion isn't wrong. Picking arguments with others who don't share that opinion and by trying to appear that you have lots of experience is misleading.



Phil, you need to get your facts straight, I've cruise more than three or four cruises on Celebrity. How many points did it take to be Elite...three or four, maybe for you but not for the rest of us? You have no idea what ships I've cruised on or how many cruises I've been on, but I can assure you it is more than three or four. And yes, my next cruise will make me Elite (thanks to Celebrity for the bonus points). Not picking arguments, like you are, just voicing my opinion and my experience of being in the music industry for over 30+ years. Sorry you don't feel that everyone can voice their opinions and express things they have learned over the years without being attacked.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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