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People keep scoffing about our honeymoon cruise!!


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My fiance and I have never been on a cruise before so we thought it might be a fun and relaxing way to travel. For starters, I don't volunteer the information unless I'm asked because that's just how I am, but when people hear that we're doing a cruise for our honeymoon we get SO MANY negative comments and reactions. I've had comments such as: "Why would you go on a cruise!!???", "That's for old people!", "I would never do that. I can't imagine being moved around like cattle!", "My (insert family member) got seasick the entire time he/she was on a cruise, I would never risk it!", "I wouldn't want to have to eat at the same time with everyone." :rolleyes:


I seriously can't believe how rude people can be! This is our honeymoon for crying out loud and they're just crapping all over it in front of my face! I have to admit that the only people that are being so negative are the ones that have never been on a cruise and are clearly misinformed, based on their ignorant comments. My response at first was more polite but I've gotten sick of it so now I respond with "Well it's a good thing you're not coming on my honeymoon then." That usually shuts people up pretty quickly! :p


I should also point out that there have also been a fair number of people that are genuinely happy for us, which I appreciate, even if cruising isn't for them. :)


Anyone else experience this? How did/do you respond?

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My fiance and I have never been on a cruise before so we thought it might be a fun and relaxing way to travel. For starters, I don't volunteer the information unless I'm asked because that's just how I am, but when people hear that we're doing a cruise for our honeymoon we get SO MANY negative comments and reactions. I've had comments such as: "Why would you go on a cruise!!???", "That's for old people!", "I would never do that. I can't imagine being moved around like cattle!", "My (insert family member) got seasick the entire time he/she was on a cruise, I would never risk it!", "I wouldn't want to have to eat at the same time with everyone." :rolleyes:


I seriously can't believe how rude people can be! This is our honeymoon for crying out loud and they're just crapping all over it in front of my face! I have to admit that the only people that are being so negative are the ones that have never been on a cruise and are clearly misinformed, based on their ignorant comments. My response at first was more polite but I've gotten sick of it so now I respond with "Well it's a good thing you're not coming on my honeymoon then." That usually shuts people up pretty quickly! :p


I should also point out that there have also been a fair number of people that are genuinely happy for us, which I appreciate, even if cruising isn't for them. :)


Anyone else experience this? How did/do you respond?


I'll bet much of it is just jealousy. And like you say people are misinformed. We know people that don't share our love of cruising but that just leaves more cabins for the rest of us!


I hope you have a wonderful honeymoon and enjoy your first cruise to the max! :):)

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I would say.... I'll let you know about (insert complaint) and what we thought when we return. Like you said, they have never cruised so don't know all the choices from dining to doing your own excursions be sure to explore the ship and find your "favorite" bar or lounge area. Have a great honeymoon.

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Unfortunately, there are rude people. Sometimes its hard to ignore them, so I love your comeback line.

I've learned to know which people to talk to about our cruises. Some friends are not interested, so I don't make a big deal about where we've been, or where we're planning to go.

Ignore the negativity. Take a deep breath and smile.

Congratulations on the upcoming wedding.

Have a great cruise.

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Thank-you everyone! I haven't let any of these negative comments change how excited I am to be going.


And in response to a previous post....yes, a few idiots!

Most of the negative comments have been from co-workers actually, as well as a few not so close friends. The people closest to me have been excited for my fiance and I.

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I went on a cruise for my honeymoon just this past September and had a WONDERFUL time. I think the best way to deal with it is just realize that you're talking to uninformed people who are completely ignorant about cruising and thus have absolutely no clue what they're talking about. I would just politely smile and nod, and then, when you get back from your AWESOME honeymoon make sure all of those people who scoffed at your cruise hear what an amazing time you had in as much detail as possible. :D


Best of luck with all the wedding planning and everything, having just gotten married late last year I vividly remember what a busy time it is!

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There was an old joke saying that "Cruises were once for the newlywed or nearly dead." LOL Today...cruises are for everyone. Yes, certain cruise line caters to certain client. Carnival caters to the young and fairly party hardy and Crystal to the older and wealthier and there are lines for everyone in between. The people that are saying these negative things about cruises are either misinformed or jealous. If you want to take a cruises for your honeymoon you picked a wonderful option. They don't call it "The Love Boat" for nothing. Sorry you have to listen to such ignorant comments and yes they are very rude to give their opinions when you won't ask for it. Please ignore them and enjoy your cruise. You won't be disappointed. I started cruising with my parents when I was 19 and have been on over 30+ cruises since then. I have yet to regret taken any of them. Yes, they make a very relaxing and fun way to travel.

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My fiance and I have never been on a cruise before so we thought it might be a fun and relaxing way to travel. For starters, I don't volunteer the information unless I'm asked because that's just how I am, but when people hear that we're doing a cruise for our honeymoon we get SO MANY negative comments and reactions. I've had comments such as: "Why would you go on a cruise!!???", "That's for old people!", "I would never do that. I can't imagine being moved around like cattle!", "My (insert family member) got seasick the entire time he/she was on a cruise, I would never risk it!", "I wouldn't want to have to eat at the same time with everyone." :rolleyes:


I seriously can't believe how rude people can be! This is our honeymoon for crying out loud and they're just crapping all over it in front of my face! I have to admit that the only people that are being so negative are the ones that have never been on a cruise and are clearly misinformed, based on their ignorant comments. My response at first was more polite but I've gotten sick of it so now I respond with "Well it's a good thing you're not coming on my honeymoon then." That usually shuts people up pretty quickly! :p


I should also point out that there have also been a fair number of people that are genuinely happy for us, which I appreciate, even if cruising isn't for them. :)


Anyone else experience this? How did/do you respond?


Why would you go on a cruise?


Well, let's break this down.


You only have to unpack once.

The ship takes you to places you want to visit, which means you don't have to fly to each port.

You have (nearly) endless dining choices, and you don't have to sit with the same people every time, or eat at the same time each day if you don't want to.

All of your entertainment (good or bad :rolleyes:) is included.

We're fortunate enough to not be bothered by motion sickness, so there's no worry about getting seasick.

People of ALL ages go on cruises, not just the elderly.

(And last, but not least). This is our honeymoon. We've been planning for and looking forward to this for some time. We're excited about it and just want to share our excitement. If you're interested, Ill give you our review when we return.


Just maybe that will shut up the nay-sayers.;)

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Our first cruise was also our honeymoon. This fall we will be on our 16th cruise for our 30th Anniversary.

Avoid negative people and their rude and stupid comments.

They are just jealous that you will have a great time, and they will not be there. Which is a good thing for all of us. :D


Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Have a fabulous time on your honeymoon cruise.


btw: try and leave the cabin at least once a day, so the steward can clean up. ;):D

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I think your "then it's a good thing you aren't coming with us" response is a good one (you can say it in a friendly tone of voice or not).


I wouldn't bother trying to justify why you are going there as opposed to ???? where? The Poconos? Niagara Falls??? When people decide to get in your business you can point out all the pros you want - they will still come back and try to shoot them down.


The people who know you and care about you are excited for you. The rest of them don't matter. Don't upset yourself about it. We've met honeymooners on each of our cruises. They look just as thrilled to be there as any of the rest of us. Have a great trip!

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There is a gameshow on most ships called love and marriage(name changes a bit different line to line), anyway it's always a hoot. They select the shortest married couple(you), a couple married 10-15years, and the longest married couple(usually 50 years+) and you have to guess what your partner would answer to a random question. Afterwards everyone gets a bottle of champagne or something for playing.


It's usually funny how varied the responses are, consider signing up. :)

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My fiance and I have never been on a cruise before so we thought it might be a fun and relaxing way to travel. For starters, I don't volunteer the information unless I'm asked because that's just how I am, but when people hear that we're doing a cruise for our honeymoon we get SO MANY negative comments and reactions. I've had comments such as: "Why would you go on a cruise!!???", "That's for old people!", "I would never do that. I can't imagine being moved around like cattle!", "My (insert family member) got seasick the entire time he/she was on a cruise, I would never risk it!", "I wouldn't want to have to eat at the same time with everyone." :rolleyes:


I seriously can't believe how rude people can be! This is our honeymoon for crying out loud and they're just crapping all over it in front of my face! I have to admit that the only people that are being so negative are the ones that have never been on a cruise and are clearly misinformed, based on their ignorant comments. My response at first was more polite but I've gotten sick of it so now I respond with "Well it's a good thing you're not coming on my honeymoon then." That usually shuts people up pretty quickly! :p


I should also point out that there have also been a fair number of people that are genuinely happy for us, which I appreciate, even if cruising isn't for them. :)


Anyone else experience this? How did/do you respond?




We really haven't gotten any negativity but you will have a blast! Our honeymoon cruise was on the Ecstasy in 1992 and it hooked us :)

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People are frustrating. Please enjoy your first-ever cruise and honeymoon! We just got back from our honeymoon cruise a couple months ago and are so glad we chose to cruise to celebrate such an occasion. Ignore the naysayers and have a wonderful time! And congrats on your wedding! :-)

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We just did a cruise for our honeymoon in Dec and we heard alot of the same negative comments, I just smile and say.... I only have to unpack once, and I get to visit 3 different places, not to mention I get to relax. I told one person that a bad day at Sea is better than a good day at work, they were speechless..Well needless to say it was SUNNY, 85 degrees on our cruise and everyone at home was stuck in a snow storm. Sweet Revenge!!!!!! LOL...Go enjoy yourself. They are just jealous. My daughter is 19 and LOVES to cruise. She was mad we left her home in the snow too.

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When someone makes such statements, I would ask "Really? Please tell me what cruise line and ship you have sailed and all about your bad experiences."


Love this!


You'll be amazed at how many other honeymooning couples will be on your sailing. In fact, on some cruise lines, the waiters will serenade tables with "Happy Honeymoon" (my girl was three when our waiter swooped her up during dinner one day to help sing to one couple -- she loved it!), "Happy Anniversary," "Happy Birthday," all to the Happy Birthday song and with the varied accents.:D


In fact, often someone will post on this forum that they're going on a honeymoon cruise and wondering what perks (upgrades, etc.) they'll get, and usually the response is that there will be so many couples celebrating their wedding, so it'll be if your TA decides to send you a gift.


As for the negative remarks, remember that people will fall into the following categories:

1) those who have been on at least one cruise and loved it

2) those who haven't been on a cruise yet and want to try it out one day

3) those who have been on a cruise and it wasn't their cup of tea (or maybe they went on the wrong line/ship/itinerary and won't try another cruise)

4) those who would never ever consider going on a cruise for whatever reason so they feel they need to put down this type of vacation


Personally you couldn't pay me to go on a camping trip and have never done so (did manage a few years of girl scouts as a kid nevertheless w/o any overnights). But that's me. Don't like bugs or rustic outhouses. But I wouldn't tell someone who wants to go on a camping trip the kind of comments that you got. Who am I to tell them they're crazy or that camping is only for ----? Same for the people telling you the nonsense they're giving you.


You'll find people of all ages on a ship from babies to the walker set. And it's fun watching both ends of the age spectrum having fun (our last three cruises included New Years Eve, and I think the majority of the passengers were partying it up and dancing in the atrium -- and that included the Geritol set).


Just about every vacation my hubby and I have done ever since we've met -- at least longer than two day ones -- have involved a cruise with perhaps a land trip, except for our honeymoon in Hawaii. Cruises are a great value (if you price out a luxury hotel -- certainly most people don't honeymoon in a Hotel 6 -- you'll spend as much as you would on a cruise, but then have to add meals too). As others have said, you unpack once, but get to go to different places (but you don't have to leave the ship at all if you are finding other things to do;)) and will feel very pampered. If you have traditional (assigned) dining, your waitstaff will often know your preferences (I love it when my waiter automatically gives me lemon slices for my salad without me saying anything). You can see shows or listen to a piano player in a lounge without having to pay anything extra. You and your new spouse can get dressed all if you want and play James Bond and the femme fatale at the blackjack table. It's not your grandma's cruise.

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First - congratulations and best wishes. You have chosen a great way to start out - and you should disregard any negative comments as being the product of ignorance or jealousy.


My wife and I got married in January of 2008 - the second for each of us following several years widowed/ divorced. We sailed on the Noordam from New York (a forty-five minute drive from home) - a winter sailing from New York to the Caribbean is almost magical.


You unpack once - see a number of different places, having as much, or as little, entertainment as you wish, having good meals well served, experiencing the tranquility (or possibly the power) of the ocean, all combine to make a great way to start life together.

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We went on a cruise for our honeymoon 16yrs ago and loved it! We sailed on Monarch of the Seas out of San Juan. The first night there was a meet and greet for all the newlyweds with wedding cake and a DJ. We were in our mid 20s and there were a lot of young couples.

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