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New Years on the MS Ryndam


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Thanks Krazy Kruizers and a Happy New Year to all


I actually got up a little before 5 today. I had planned to go online first thing this morning but it ‘t wasn’t working so I started my 3-mile walk about 5:30. It started out very dark and as the time for sunrise arose there was absolutely nothing to see. I have been to both Belize and Honduras (Roatan) before but the tiny patch of coast between them that is Guatemala has so far eluded me.


Santo Tomas seems to be a couple of miles up a somewhat sheltered inlet. It’s basically on the end of a commercial port but unlike most such ports there is a visitor center only about 100 meters from the ship. On the opposite side of the ship there is a navy base although there were no boats there larger than about 100 feet long. We pulled up to the dock a little after 8.


My tour today was Quirigua Archaeological Ruins. We boarded a modern coach with guide Dario and driver Edward for a 90-minute drive to the site. As Mayan sites go this was pretty small. The site has 2 areas, a large square and a smaller acropolis. The square was mostly flat open land with a number of intricately carved sandstone monuments, most columns roughly 25 feet tall with the others flat stone carvings perhaps 5 feet tall. The scale of the place reminded me somewhat of Stonehenge, but the area is quite well documented with a specific 8th century date for each piece. Each of the monuments was protected by an open pavilion with a thatched roof. The plaza also had an alter where contemporary Mayan ceremonies are held. From the Plaza we reached the Acropolis on a short trail through the jungle. The Acropolis had a temple and a palace separated by a wide field with seating for several hundred people. Access to the Acropolis would have been restricted to the rulers chosen people while the Plaza was a public venue. We spent about 90 minutes at the ruins before returning by the same route we came.








According to Dario most of our journey was on the Pan American Highway. It was a very decent 2 lane highway. Most of the country was agricultural with bananas, coffee, and coconuts being major crops. The highway was mostly lined with trees making photography difficult. We returned to the ship about 2:15 for a late lunch.


The visitor center was mostly devoted to souvenir stalls but there were also a snack bar, some internet terminals, and a stage where native dances were performed. As I was heading to the visitor center after lunch I got pretty well soaked by a sudden rain storm.


Both of this cruises formal nights are on port days. Everyone was dressed very nice this evening, and large ice sculptures at the dining entrance proclaimed 2015. We were serenaded through dinner by the steel drum. People apparently did not want to hang around here after dark as we started moving precisely at the all aboard time of 6:30.


The evening show was a 9:30 presentation of Call My Bluff, also known as the Liars Club. Panelists were the shopping ambassador, culinary arts center hostess, and comedian Rich Aronovitch. I dozed through most of it, saw most of the truth tellers revealed, but was not awake enough to remember them. After the show I fell asleep again, waking up about 12:02. I went up to the Lido deck and it was quite crowded and debris on the floor indicated there had been quite a party. I stayed in the Lido and was in bed for good about 12:40.






Today’s parting shot is best wishes for a happy, healthy, and fruitful 2015.



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Thanks Krazy Kruizers and a Happy New Year to all


I actually got up a little before 5 today. I had planned to go online first thing this morning but it ‘t wasn’t working so I started my 3-mile walk about 5:30. It started out very dark and as SNIP


Roy, the links for your last posting return an error message:


404 — File not found.


I rechecked all of the previous links and they are still valid.



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Thanks, all. Leon, I'll have to check the links later, but all of the photos and extras are available at http://getawaysfrom21044.wordpress.com (unless a post got lost in the mail, I'll check on that too later.


I went up to the Lido for coffee soon after 5 and there was still quite of evidence on the floor of an awesome New Years Eve party. Out on the Lower Promenade Deck it was considerably lighter out than yesterday and a real sunrise materialized. I think my 3-mile walk concluded just as the crew was preparing to close the deck and lower the tenders. We dropped anchor about 8, about a mile from the town. Founded in 1525, Trujillo is a brand new port; my understanding is that a dock is planned but I did not see direct evidence of it. The site of the port was once a railroad terminal, and there are some interesting benches making use of former railroad wheels.




I had an easy tour today, “Historical Trujillo”. We tendered over about 10AM and boarded a couple of very cramped minibuses for our tour of the town. For a time in the early 20th century it was the capitol of Honduras, and our guide pointed out several former embassies which are now used for other purposes. The town square sits about 250 feet above the ocean, and we got out for a short walk around it. There was a fort we did not enter, and quite an old Catholic Church, along with a small park. The town is quite small, I would guess a population of under 5,000. The tour was just over an hour, ending about 11:30. I did a little bit of walking, climbing up a combination of nice stairs, rugged trails, and cobblestone streets to get to the town square. The fort was begun by the Spanish in 1525 and in moderate condition, once defending against pirates and slave traders. After exploring the fort a bit I returned to the Ryndam for lunch and laundry, taking a light lunch supplemented by goodies from afternoon tea.







Captain Timmers came on the PA about 3:45 and we hoisted the anchor almost precisely on time at 4. We should be docking in Costa Maya about 6. Sunset is still just a little before dinner time, but today not as lively as was sunrise.


We had the usual 7 of us at table 64. One of our members had a mishap not severe on the tender platform and was down in the medical center. She reported that while she was waiting another cruiser came in because he had hit his head on the ceiling of a taxi. I can believe it.


The evening entertainment was the magic and comedy of Jeff Peterson and his dog Indy I stopped by the piano bar for a while on the way back from the show. Jeff is pretty good.


As today’s parting shot I hear complaints from Caribbean cruisers about the lack of new ports and when they do develop they are not very good. For me Trujillo kind of fell into the not very good category although just calling it not very good would be a big mistake. Those looking for a beach experience should be quite satisfied. The beaches immediately beside the pier are really not bad, and some very nice resorts are nearby. Infrastructure is still pretty weak whether looking for history or just a good road to a resort, but this is a port with a lot of potential. As current ports get more crowded I think that’s a very welcome sign.



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Roy, the links for your last posting return an error message:


404 — File not found.


I rechecked all of the previous links and they are still valid.




The first 3 photos are from the Quirigua Archaeological Ruins:








This was at the entrance to the Rotterdam Dining Room:




Aftermath of the party in the Lido Pool area:




I saw a small error in my report. I mentioned staying in the Lido, it should have said “stayed in the Lido for a snack before returning to my cabin.


From today (Friday), I was heading up to the Lido after the sailaway from Costa Maya when trvlcrzy and luvtwotrvl came up to introduce themselves. It was not the David I met the day of the Meet and Greet who probably thought I meant “Do you love to travel”. Luvtrwtrvl and trvlcrzy are much younger.



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I am loving your posts. I was born and raised in the Lakeland area and spent my youth from Gainesville to Sebring so have visited Tampa many times. Great memories from your descriptions of Bok Tower and the Sunshine Skyway. My favorite restaurant in the whole world is the Columbia in Ybor City. Loved the Ryndam and regret she is going out of service.


Thanks for taking me along with you on this trip.


Himself, if you see this, please tell me which sailing of the Statendam you will be on. We are sailing on her for the 27 July trip to Alaska.


Happy New Year


As of now, I am scheduled to be Catholic Chaplain on board for that sailing. I hope to meet you.

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The first 3 photos are from the Quirigua Archaeological Ruins:








This was at the entrance to the Rotterdam Dining Room:




Aftermath of the party in the Lido Pool area:




I saw a small error in my report. I mentioned staying in the Lido, it should have said “stayed in the Lido for a snack before returning to my cabin.


From today (Friday), I was heading up to the Lido after the sailaway from Costa Maya when trvlcrzy and luvtwotrvl came up to introduce themselves. It was not the David I met the day of the Meet and Greet who probably thought I meant “Do you love to travel”. Luvtrwtrvl and trvlcrzy are much younger.





I met them both is Seattle a few years ago. They are really nice people.

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Thanks all.


It was fairly clear but quite windy when I went out on deck a little after 5. Anticipating additional walking ashore I walked 3 miles on the Lower Promenade deck. By the end of my walk we had picked up our pilot and we maneuvering somewhat gingerly towards the dock. We eventually got within about 100 yards of the dock (a long dock with a shorter perpendicular arm near the end), and then pulled away again. The NCL Dawn was approaching and headed towards the dock as we were headed away. It looked to me like we had called off the port call when I realized we had not picked up speed.


Captain Timmers came on the PA about 7:15. He explained that we were unable to dock at our assigned berth (the pier that extends to the shore) as the winds were too strong and we were being blown towards a reef. Costa Maya has 3 berths, our assigned berth and one on each side of the perpendicular arm. The Dawn was docking on the outside of that arm, and once it docked we would try to dock on the inside of the arm. Apparently, Costa Maya has only 1 pilot so we would stay in the outer harbor until the Dawn had completed docking, and then the pilot would return to our ship. We did succeed in securing to the alternate berth, but by this time it was after 8AM, and our first tour was due to leave at 7:30. We were cleared to go ashore a little after 8:30, and they announced that all aboard had been pushed back from 2:30 until 3:00.


Among the tours at Costa Maya there were 2 to Mayan ruins. The longer one was to Kohunlich while the shorter tour went to the Chacchoben site. I had been to Kohunlich on the Crystal Symphony and chose Chacchoben for today. The tour left at 9:30 but I had a family shopping assignment and left the Ryndam about 8:45 to scout out the merchants. I found what I was looking for at the second stall I visited. By 9:10 people were lining up for my tour and I was soon on my bus. We actually backed out of our parking space about 9:35 and our guide Sergio spoke for most of the hour we were on the road, passing around photos and maps. Chacchoben was a small city from the 10th century AD with perhaps 10,000 inhabitants. We spent about 100 minutes on the grounds, visiting 3 major buildings and some less developed ruins. At our first stop we looked at 3 sides of a medium sized temple. At Kohunlich we were able to climb to the top of the temples, we could not do so here (I’m not clear whether the difference was changes to the rules over time or differing rules between sites). The Mayans were masters of recycling and each ruler tended to build new layers over the established structures.




Our second stop was a complex of 2 temples, the largest and the smallest we would see in our visit. They were situated on a hill about 40 feet above the surrounding land. From this point we started back towards to the parking lot, pausing at a large residential complex. Little remains of the dwellings but archeologists have identified that that’s what they were, and there were rows on either side of a central passageway. Sergio indicated that these would have been the residences of an upper middle class. The common people would have resided in the countryside and not allowed into the city. Our final stop was at the back of the temple we saw first, much modified by a later ruler using white stone and including some rooms in place of the other 3 plain sides.






We returned to the port about 1:30. I explored the port a bit and boarded the Ryndam or the final time about 2. All aboard was 3, and that’s about when I went up to DiveIn for a late lunch. Captain Timmers came on the PA as I was entering the Lido indicated we were waiting on a few stragglers but would be leaving soon. From my table I could see us passing the Dawn about 3:15 and soon we were clear of the dock. I didn’t quite understand what I saw but as we were preparing to leave a large contingent of NCL crew had formed into something like a step team and serenaded our departure.




I really am not big on cooking demonstrations, but 2 have caught my fancy in the past 2 months. On the Wind Star I was very intrigued with a demonstration on popcorn soups, and today Culinary Center Host Barbara gave a demonstration on chilled soups. I love them and the demonstration was very interesting but I’m not going to keep a blender around for them. I’m also intrigued by a planned demonstration tomorrow featuring the Hotel Director and Captain.


For our final Formal Night table 64 was full. We were joined for the evening by First Electrical Officer Jeremy. He shared with us that he will be going back to Holland Sunday for his vacation, returning in April for one final contract on the Ryndam. He was a charming host.


The main evening entertainment was the Ryndam Singers and Dancers in Droom. The songs were excellent but the theme of the show completely escaped me. Not long after the show we passed very close to the lights of Cozumel. As I write this paragraph it is about 9:40 PM. We lose an hour tonight so I may spend a few minutes in the Piano Bar with Jeff but will do very little else.


Today’s parting shot considers the mysteries of ship security. I think I mentioned in last Sunday’s report that I got called up to the Hudson Room to open my suitcase and prove that I was not smuggling liquor. Today I bought more liquid and carried it through security in my back pack with absolutely no problems. In the photo below, can you guess which container raised the alarms with security.




If you guessed the one on the right, you would be correct.



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I wonder, is mama Lou on this sailing? She loves the ryndam but is not happy when they do new ports.


I am enjoying your reports, as always.


I haven't heard of her being on board.



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The winds were in the 35 knot range, but it was a clear morning, and a beautiful full moon shone over the Lido deck when I rose. As dawn grew closer the sky turned to lovely shades of color. Sunrise was 7:23, I completed my walk about 7, and got a second cup of coffee while waiting for what became a picture perfect sunrise. There was not much of interest in the morning activities, giving me a chance to get a start on my packing.








Things turned very busy after noon. In his midday report Captain Timmers noted that Tampa Bay frequently encounters morning fog and we are sailing with “Pedal to the metal” to arrive before fog starts to form. Once the bay is fog bound we cannot proceed past the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. We plan to pass the bridge about 1AM and arrive at the port around 4, ahead of the time fog normally develops.


I left the Mariner’s Brunch about 1:45 and joined the walk for cancer in progress, walking 2 miles in addition from the 4 miles in the morning. Cookies and lemonade were waiting for us at the conclusion of the walk.






Captain Timmers joined Hotel Director Darren Lewis in a cooking demonstration at 3. It was an excellent program but it cemented my feeling that cooking demonstrations really are not my thing. Packing resumed until 5 when I attended the liturgical part of the Catholic Mass, and went on to dinner. At the conclusion of the meal Cruise Director John Cleford introduced a number of the Ryndam’s crew, and we said our sad farewells, especially to our waiters Gede and Aria.


The primary evening entertainment was the finals of Dancing With The Stars. I’ve always found those shows dragging on way past the point of entertainment for me. I thought tonight I would pop in towards the end and find out who won. Showtime was 9:30; I stopped at the piano bar about that time and went into the showroon about 10:10. At that time John indicated they were at the halfway point. I returned at 10:35 and the show had just ended. Oh, well, the time in the piano bar was very nice.


Tonight’s parting shot actually comes from the Piano Bar. I haven’t spent much time there this cruise but stopped there very briefly last night. In that time Jeff mentioned that when you play a lot you see relationships between songs and called Mr. Bojangles and Piano Man “first cousins” then played a medley of the two where I could see how easily one connected to the other. Amazing what you can learn in unexpected places.



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Thanks, All.


As expected, when I woke at 5AM we were fast to the dock. There was no evidence of fog, but also no sign of the full moon that was so evident Saturday morning. I finished my 2 mile walk about 6AM and returned to my room for some final online business and packing. When I went up to the Lido for breakfast the clouds made it clear there would be no sunrise over Tampa this morning. After breakfast I returned to my room for final preparation to leave and some reading. John came on the PA about 7:30 calling by name 6 parties who had not shown up for the mandatory immigration inspection. Fortunately, he didn’t need to call them a second time, and expedited disembarkation began about 8.


My black 2 was due to leave about 8:15 and we were called just about that time. There were no significant lines in the terminal and I was soon on my bus to the airport. I had my rental car about 9:30 and was off.


My mother spent 20 years of her retirement in Lakeland and a number of times I worshiped there at Trinity Methodist Church. My time was tight but I made it into the sanctuary early in the opening hymn.




My niece now lives just outside Orlando. There was not quite room for me there but I am in a hotel about 2 miles away and spent the evening there. I will probably accompany my brother on a round of golf Monday and will have one more evening with the family before flying home Tuesday.


I’ve been a little out of touch, and as todays parting shot want to congratulate the Baltimore Ravens on their Saturday win. Our team has made some key missteps this season but has often come through when the chips are down.



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As someone also on this same trip last week, I enjoyed reading your version of the cruise. I'm sure we crossed paths walking on the Promenade Deck at some point since I dragged my parents on 2-4 mile walks almost every day, usually between 7 or 8am.


I enjoyed reading about the different excursions you took, mostly all different from the ones my family took. For others reading, it might be interesting to note that all four members of my family (my parents and sister) all said that Honduras was our favorite port of call. We did the starfish snorkel tour and everyone we encountered was so friendly and welcoming. Even walking through the "town" and the local beach, we encountered so many friendly people. We all said that we'd love to go back there again. We also enjoyed Guatemala, where we did the rainforest tour of the waterfalls.


Back to the grindstone!

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