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God Bless Texas


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And if you watched the President this AM,and picked up on things that are being said by others...The US will not be quick to ask for Money or aide from other nations.First of all.It does not want to be in debt to anyone...Secondly,it does not want to show any signs of weakness,or not being able to take care of its own.Thirdly,on a more policical note.I am sure there would be a huge out cry if we were asking for money,while still funding the war..(please,don't turn this into a war debate)...But the US is proud and strong...And it would take a lot for "us" to outright ask for aide.

We love our neigbors in the UK,Canada Mexico etc...And know that if and when we need help...They will be there.

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American officials are still assessing their needs, but in coming days Canada will be prepared to send everything from water purification systems to the Canadian military's Disaster Assistance Response Team.


Asked by reporters about the effect of Katrina on the Canadian economy - such as sharply higher oil prices as a result of supply disruptions - McLellan acknowledged there could be an impact but stressed she wants to focus on the human tragedy of the disaster at this moment.


Federal Finance Minister Ralph Goodale didn't put any limits on the financial or in-kind contributions Canada could make to the rescue and reconstruction efforts.


"If we've got it, and the Americans need it, obviously, we'll be there," he told the Regina Leader-Post.


Goodale cited the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration as a possible way in which Canada can help in the re-building effort.


"PFRA is one of the pre-eminent agencies in the world on waterflows," he said.


"Obviously, this is a human tragedy of enormous proportions, and the government of Canada and the people of Canada will want to be of every possible assistance we can be to our neighbors at a time of great distress."


Prime Minister Paul Martin was set to speak by phone Thursday with U.S. President George W. Bush about what Canada can do to help the reconstruction effort.


B.C.'s provincial Heavy Urban Search and Rescue team was leaving for Lafayette, La. on Wednesday.


The state's goveror's office had requested help from the team, Solicitor General John Les said.


"We're the first non-U.S.-based team to be requested," Les said. "They're going to be helping as many people as they can."


The 45-person Vancouver-based team is trained in urban disaster relief and had been dispatched to Southeast Asia after the Boxing Day tsunami.


Elsewhere in Canada, Ontario is looking into whether its medical and hydro workers can help, and Premier Dalton McGuinty spoke to the U.S. ambassador to Canada asking what the province can do.


"We stand at the ready to assist," said McGuinty, who added Ontario could help with its Emergency Medical Assistance Team.



Manitoba Premier Gary Doer said officials with Manitoba Hydro have also offered to send staff to the affected areas to help restore power.


A spokeswoman for the Canadian Red Cross said lists of volunteers experienced in large-scale disasters were being assembled. Suzanne Charest said agency officials expect a handful of volunteers may be ready to travel to Louisiana and Mississippi sometime this weekend.



Some aid was already heading south Wednesday. A crew of 10 hydro-line workers from Chatham-Kent Hydro in Ontario was on its way to help restore power to homes and businesses.

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I also heard that Germany had made an offer to help. We here in Georgia already have 4 shelters set up and at least one is full. One is near me and I hope to go help out this weekend. Also, my friend who is a manager at Wal-Mart said they had donated a milllion dollars.

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I’m just stunned.


Watching what is happening in New Orleans today, as they attempt to evacuate the Superdome.


It’s like something out of “Mad Max”, “Waterworld”,… or “Fort Apache, The Bronx”.


Watching some of the newscasters, looking so insincerely sincere as they report widespread looting, shooting, and general mayhem amid stories of heroism and humanity.


Please donate to the Katrina victims.



Texans...go one better than a monetary donation. Gather all of your extra clothing and household goods and drop them off at a church or fire department near you. Call one of your friends hosting relatives from the affected areas and offer up those spare bedrooms you have.

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I still have a problem with the hot dog situation.


I thought I saw on the news last night that these guys just st up camp nearby and offered up the hot dogs to the evacuees being turned away from the dome (it's for Superdome evacuees only, so they've been turning away people who made it to Houston on their own). I think they did manage to dole out their goodies in the end.

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I am in Beaumont Texas as a result of katrina, I am lucky as i have the means, well credit, to stay in a motel. I would like to echo the the comments as to the

great heartfelt efforts that are happening. I pesonnally witnessed a minister offer his 4 br home to a family for as long as they need it. I also talked to a family that was offered an apartment for a really low rent an the local community and or the complex was going to furnish it for them. Then Hampton inn her in beaumot has been great, with employees feeding us in addition to the hotel also doing their best to make us comfortable. I just wish he federal governmebt would send in the REAL firepower to quell the lawlessness and rescue those unortunate souls that are stuck in that disasterous situation. God BLESS TEXAS and all of you all over AMERICA that are helping those in need. In New York's time of need the people of America came to their need and they are coming to our need.

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I'm in Houston. I am watching everything and feel so bad for them. Not to be negative at all but jobs are scarce here and I'm afraid some people that have been looking for a long time well.. there is some talk about the employment aspect..... I hope everything works well for everyone. The gas prices are starting to really hurt not only us but the refugees... Debbie

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Three Cheers for Texas ! ! :D :D

As it relates to the "hot dog" issue, this is just another example of our litigious society. Years ago, the hot dogs would be welcome. 1000 would be fed and if 3 got sick that would mean 997 got fed and ONLY 3 got sick. This would be considered a good thing and even those that got sick would be grateful and appreciative of the thoughtfulness of the donor.


Today, the media, every ambulance-chasing attorney, and the gimme-my-fat-settlement-check-people force the Red Cross to decline such offers so graciously made. Disgusting ! ! :mad:

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Today, the media, every ambulance-chasing attorney, and the gimme-my-fat-settlement-check-people force the Red Cross to decline such offers so graciously made. Disgusting ! ! :mad:


I agree :( It's a sad state of affairs when they can't accept hot dogs :(


Also, the Red Cross has said one of the reasons they don't accept "goods" from individuals is that they have to make sure there is enough to be distributed equitably... I'm going to guess that the man didn't have 30K hot dogs, so the people that didn't get them would have just added to the riots going on there now :( It was such a nice gesture though, I hope he took them to the hotels that were operating as shelters... bless his heart...

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an outlet such as CC to 'vent' brings us, as a world, together in time of need. frustrations and anxiety will cause some of us to mis-speak or to mis-interpret - the best advise I've read: "keep your chin up, cobbers" Texas is a Great BIG State....understand Houston, as well as, San Antonio are both prepared to receive 25K evacuees. Where are the rest going????? FEMA has halted NO rescue ops due to "unsafe conditions (in NO)" Really hard to gear up to happy cruise mode for our 9/12 departure....

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The sad part of this is, we Americans help everyone, even those ungrateful Europeans (please, flame away) and no other country offers help in our time of need. Please let me know (other then RedCross, already done that) how I can help you in Texas. You are truly doing what is needed.


"No other country" helps? So not true, hip, and really unfair of you to say.


Thanks Australia, Canada, UK, Germany, et al who are showing their concern and to the others who will surely line up to help as well.


The Red Cross needs our money first and foremost. Water, formula, food, medicines all cost money and are what is needed today. As things stablize, I'm sure they will be more than happy to accept anything else we have to offer.


As nice as it is to have help from our friends, I think no matter what happens, we can and will take care of our own if need be.

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Thank you for all the generous comments about Texas and Texans. I live in East Texas and find folks here to ALWAYS take care of anyone in need. New Orleans is about a 7 hour drive from here and we have hundreds (and growing every day) and hundreds of evacuees here. All the motels and hotels are full and the churches have opened their recreation centers, gyms, etc. for victims to stay indefinitely. Many of the dads have been given jobs and their children are enrolling in our local school system. We have water, diapers, canned goods, linens, clothing, etc. drives going on all over our city and I am sure all over our state. Our country is pulling TOGETHER. I am proud of our country, our President, our elected officials, our military - AMERICA - God Bless Us. gg

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This thread was cruising along great until someone had to take an uninformed shot at our brother nations around the world. I'm especially sorry for the offense to the people of the UK, Canada and Australia. Y'all have always stood by our side when it mattered and this American thanks you. Many other countries are coming to our aid and more will if only in spirit. Even France, with whom we have had a strained relationship of late, is exploring ways to help. At times like this all people of goodwill stand up to do what they can. It's one of the better human natures. Too often we only see the worse ones.

I'm proud to be a Texan and glad we are able to do what we are. The truth is that any state would be helping it's neighbors. We just happen to be closer. And besides, we had this big 'ol barn that no one was using.....

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This latest news might help... God Bless everyone, this is going to take a global effort :(


Aid offers pour in from around the globe

Rice: U.S. will accept assistance that ‘can help alleviate the suffering’


The Associated Press

Updated: 4:17 p.m. ET Sept. 1, 2005


WASHINGTON - In a dramatic turnabout, the United States is now on the receiving end of help from around the world as some two dozen countries offer post-hurricane assistance.


Venezuela, a target of frequent criticism by the Bush administration, offered humanitarian aid and fuel. Venezuela’s Citgo Petroleum Corp. pledged a $1 million donation for hurricane aid.


With offers from the four corners of the globe pouring in, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has decided “no offer that can help alleviate the suffering of the people in the afflicted area will be refused,” State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Thursday.


However, in Moscow, a Russian official said the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency had rejected a Russian offer to dispatch rescue teams and other aid.


Condolences and cash

On Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin sent condolences to President Bush and said Russia was prepared to help if asked.


Boats, aircraft, tents, blankets, generators, cash assistance and medical teams have been offered to the U.S. government in Washington or in embassies overseas.


Offers have been received from Russia, Japan, Canada, France, Honduras, Germany, Venezuela, Jamaica, Australia, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece, Hungary, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico, China, South Korea, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, NATO and the Organization of American States, the spokesman said.


Israeli Ambassador Daniel Ayalon called Wednesday at the State Department to offer condolences and assistance. Israel is the largest recipient of U.S. aid, about $2.2 billion a year.


Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has offered the U.S. hundreds of doctors, nurses, experts in trauma and natural disasters, NBC News has learned. Sharon has also offered field hospitals and medical kits as well as temporary housing and told Bush in a letter that the medical assistance and other help could be deployed within 24 hours.


Tempered expectations

Still, Bush told ABC-TV: “I’m not expecting much from foreign nations because we hadn’t asked for it. I do expect a lot of sympathy and perhaps some will send cash dollars. But this country’s going to rise up and take care of it.”


“You know,” he said, “we would love help, but we’re going to take care of our own business as well, and there’s no doubt in my mind we’ll succeed. And there’s no doubt in my mind, as I sit here talking to you, that New Orleans is going to rise up again as a great city.”


Historically, the United States provides assistance to other countries experiencing earthquakes, floods and other disasters.


Germany, which was rebuilt after World War II largely by the U.S. Marshall Plan, offered its help in a telephone call to Rice.


“The German Government is prepared to do all that is humanly possible,” the German embassy said. In his call, German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer assured Rice of Germany’s solidarity with its American friends in a difficult time, the embassy said

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Live in the DFW area and my understanding once they are in Houston some will be transfered to Dallas and Fort Worth. I'm an ER nurse at one of the hospitals here in DFW area and we are gearing up to accept patients from the NO hospitals. Glad to be able to help.


Some are already up here. I know both Children's and Cook Childrens have been taking in patients. Also many of the shelters have refugeees that made it upto DFW including some who have run out of money for motels and such and now have to resort to the shelters at Reunion and elsewhere.


Of course my wife wants us to start taking in the stray animals that need rescuing. This is a just a mess.




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The sad part of this is, we Americans help everyone, even those ungrateful Europeans (please, flame away) and no other country offers help in our time of need. Please let me know (other then RedCross, already done that) how I can help you in Texas. You are truly doing what is needed.


What an idiot.




People from around the world who can help are lining up to help. Sending supplies, money, workers, gasoline (Venezuela). In fact some Canadian Search and Rescue teams were turned away by Homeland Security until they can be checked out.


And those that talk about the Tsunami countries needing to help are fools. The reason those countries needed so much help is because they are dirt poor (for the most part)

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Some are already up here. I know both Children's and Cook Childrens have been taking in patients. Also many of the shelters have refugeees that made it upto DFW including some who have run out of money for motels and such and now have to resort to the shelters at Reunion and elsewhere.


Of course my wife wants us to start taking in the stray animals that need rescuing. This is a just a mess.





Our city was asked to take in over 100 patients from the Gulf. However, we can't get them :( They have ceased the evacuation efforts from the hospitals due to the shootings... hopefully they will start back up again and they can get people out of there... it is truly heart wrenching.


I know what your wife means... I have said the same thing. I'll adopt animals, families... whatever is necessary :(

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We really appreciate our great friends from the UK and Australia. Believe me we never forget your standing with us on many fronts. We just get our feelings hurt sometimes when we try so hard to help everyone and we get

bad-mouthed in some countries. So forgive us all for those comments!


You know, since the men from Tennessee came with Davy Crockett to help defend our state and the Alamo we have never forgotten that favor and try to repay it any chance we get. For ya'll that don't know, they are called the Volunteer State for that very reason.


Thanks for the compliments to my fellow Texans. I know our great neighbors would come to our aid also.

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You know, since the men from Tennessee came with Davy Crockett to help defend our state and the Alamo we have never forgotten that favor and try to repay it any chance we get. For ya'll that don't know, they are called the Volunteer State for that very reason.


Thanks for the compliments to my fellow Texans. I know our great neighbors would come to our aid also.


You learn something new everyday. I've been to TN numerous times and have often wondered why they were called the volunteer state.

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My sincerest apologies to those I have offended. I had just read some comments from various European sources, saying we (as a country) could have prevented, should have been better prepared, deserved it because we caused global warming, etc. I went off half-cocked and should not have disparaged an entire continent because I was upset at what a few people had expressed, I acted no better than they did.

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