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Chair hog solution?


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What in the world are people doing running around at 6AM saving deck chairs? I prefer "having a life" is I believe what they call it.


On my Sunshine cruise there were some up in the Serenity area at 5am saving clamshells. I would either see a bag and other items thrown in one or sometimes hubby was in one snoozing (or maybe wifey kicked him out of the cabin :D).

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On my Sunshine cruise there were some up in the Serenity area at 5am saving clamshells. I would either see a bag and other items thrown in one or sometimes hubby was in one snoozing (or maybe wifey kicked him out of the cabin :D).


That might happen to me. I have a tendency to snore after a cocktail or 15.

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As an avid people watcher I love this thread. From the very serious to the people that think its no big deal, all great stuff.


It is safe to say that CHOGGING threads get a TON of traction.


I know you really don't need another opinion but like everyone else I feel obligated.


I do think it is rude for people to come up on the deck at 0600 and plop an item on chairs and then go about their day knowing they have a chair in a prime spot should they ever need it.


That being said I wouldn't remove anyone's stuff either, I would be the guy that removed a towel and it belonged to a single mom that just sat in the pool with her kids for 10 minutes.


Ultimately I am on vacation and I am not going to let the lack of a "prime" deck seat ruin even one minute of my cruise.


I just love to sit and watch the fireworks on a daily basis regarding this age old pastime.


Everyone enjoy your next cruise.


I couldn't agree with you more. I believe that both the chair hogs are rude for saving seats they are not using, but I also think it is rude to put your hands on someone else's things. Like you I am going to enjoy my vacation and a lack of a chair by the pool so I can watch my children is not going to ruin my vacation.

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Ok , this might say something about my life that I've got nothing better to do than read through 11 pages of posts about deck chairs, but anyway , I did , I'm now qualified as an expert , and here's my .02


Who is the bigger bully , the person that thinks they are entitled something for an entire day only to use it for a very short amount of time, depriving someone else of the use of that luxury for the day , or the person that walks up and says , this is what I want and I'm just going to take it because I have some mystical way of being able to tell whether or not another person is using it. How do I know that , well , you know , you can just tell.


I'm sure this debate has been going on as long as there have been cruise ships. The reason there is no good answer is because the only people that can solve the problem are the cruise lines , but they are unwilling to institute a policy and stick with it because they want everyone to be happy. Personally , I'm amazed because they are missing out on a revenue opportunity. If you want to have a certain chair or spot for the entire day , be willing to pay for that luxury. It has nothing to do with Platinum , Gold , Red , or whatever and everything to do with how bad do you want it and are you willing to pay for it. If you want a spot right by the pool , and want it to be available the entire day , then be wiling to pay for it. Everything else is fair game. And then , the cruise line has to be willing to enforce it. It's obvious from reading through these posts that we're not going to police ourselves. The " I paid just as much as you did and have just as much right to that spot " mentality kicks in and someone has to be the one to say , here is how it works and Carnival needs to be the one to do that , but again , in most cases they are unwilling to do that because they want everyone to be happy.


So , in the end the only real solution is skip the pool and head to the casino to lose some money. Of course , I'm sure after a while there's going to be a problem with people getting up at 5 am to put a towel over their favorite slot machine so it's available later in the evening , but that's another story .......

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Ok , this might say something about my life that I've got nothing better to do than read through 11 pages of posts about deck chairs, but anyway , I did , I'm now qualified as an expert , and here's my .02


Who is the bigger bully , the person that thinks they are entitled something for an entire day only to use it for a very short amount of time, depriving someone else of the use of that luxury for the day , or the person that walks up and says , this is what I want and I'm just going to take it because I have some mystical way of being able to tell whether or not another person is using it. How do I know that , well , you know , you can just tell.


I'm sure this debate has been going on as long as there have been cruise ships. The reason there is no good answer is because the only people that can solve the problem are the cruise lines , but they are unwilling to institute a policy and stick with it because they want everyone to be happy. Personally , I'm amazed because they are missing out on a revenue opportunity. If you want to have a certain chair or spot for the entire day , be willing to pay for that luxury. It has nothing to do with Platinum , Gold , Red , or whatever and everything to do with how bad do you want it and are you willing to pay for it. If you want a spot right by the pool , and want it to be available the entire day , then be wiling to pay for it. Everything else is fair game. And then , the cruise line has to be willing to enforce it. It's obvious from reading through these posts that we're not going to police ourselves. The " I paid just as much as you did and have just as much right to that spot " mentality kicks in and someone has to be the one to say , here is how it works and Carnival needs to be the one to do that , but again , in most cases they are unwilling to do that because they want everyone to be happy.


So , in the end the only real solution is skip the pool and head to the casino to lose some money. Of course , I'm sure after a while there's going to be a problem with people getting up at 5 am to put a towel over their favorite slot machine so it's available later in the evening , but that's another story .......


Au contraire. There is definitely a policy in place. Enforcement of the policy may be iffy depending on which ship one is one but the policy is there in black and white for all to see.

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Ok, I have to admit I was wrong in my earlier posts. Just cruised on the Triumph and was disappointed to see how many chairs were saved and actually went unused the entire day. More than half it seemed. I don't understand why people feel like they need to save a chair when there are enough available for those who would like to lounge. Maybe the solution would be to not allow saving a chair at all, then if you went to the restroom or whatever you may not get the seat you just vacated, but there likely would be another available

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This isn't something that's exclusive to cruise ships. I watched a huge fight at a Vegas hotel once between the "chair hogs" and the "claim jumpers". It started with insults, moved to racial slurs, then pushing and shoving and finally punches were thrown. Everyone got thrown out by security and, guess what? WE GOT THE CHAIRS! WOO-HOO!!!


I have no dog in the fight. I have a pool at home and rarely, if ever, lay out in the sun there. Why would I want to waste valuable time on my cruise that could be spent *EATING*??? LOL.


The same "hogging" mentality extends to quick-service restaurant at Disney and other parks. Granny is plunked down to save an empty table while Mom, Dad and the kids stand in line for 30 minutes to get food. Meanwhile, hordes of starving people holding loaded and tilting trays in one hand and ready-to-melt-down toddlers in the other weave hopelessly around the tables looking for a place to sit down, reminiscent of one of the rings of Dante's Inferno. (I can't remember.....was there one reserved for chair and table hogs? If not, there should be.) Said tables are, of course, occupied by people waiting for the rest of their party to show up with the food.


If we all would just live by the Golden Rule of Chairs and Tables....Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You..."

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  • 8 months later...
First, if you're really "taking a dip in the pool", then your chair will look used, like everyone's does who is actually using it and no one would move your things because that's rude if someone is using the lounger. I've never seen anyone move anything from a lounger that is very obviously being used! Ever.


Second, if you're not (and you can always tell!), then it'll look unused and it's not "your chair" and I'll move anything I want because you're rude for thinking you can "save" a chair when other paying passengers actually may need that chair to USE.


Finally, my man is 6' 4" and over 220lbs. Good luck with throwing him anywhere. I'll be waving at you when they sit you off at the next port after a night in the lower decks! :D:D:rolleyes::):p


Define "looking used?" I only bring a towel with me when I am going to the pool, so the only thing on the chair when I get in, it my towel. How am I supposed to make it look more used?

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Ok, I have to admit I was wrong in my earlier posts. Just cruised on the Triumph and was disappointed to see how many chairs were saved and actually went unused the entire day. More than half it seemed. I don't understand why people feel like they need to save a chair when there are enough available for those who would like to lounge. Maybe the solution would be to not allow saving a chair at all, then if you went to the restroom or whatever you may not get the seat you just vacated, but there likely would be another available


Why wouldn't you just get up earlier and get a chair it seems like you know how this works.

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while I would agree that there is a lot of negativity on this site I suspect that is not your issue with this thread. You have been called on the carpet for your actions and don't like it.


I am pretty much a live and let live kind of person. Chair hogs are one of the things that truly do bother me since it keeps me from getting a chair by the pool or clamshell on sea days.


Once again it seems like you understand what's going on. So make an effort to get up like everyone else and get a chair. On some extremely busy cruises I've slept in the chair I want over night. You'll make fun of me but you're the one without the chair.

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What bothers me just a little.... are the group of young people that each feel the need to have one of the large Blue Beds on the serenity deck. 4 small people can lay on one of those, but instead there is one tiny little person taking up at least 3-4 of them.


If by small person you mean child they shouldn't be there at all! But if it's an adult no matter what their size I wouldn't expect them to have more than 1-2 people per blue bed. At least even if I were small (which I'm not) I don't think my boyfriend would want somebody else in the bed with us!

Edited by Jana60
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I just don't get it! Or I'm just lucky, but i have never had a problem getting a deck chair . Breakfast by nine, wander down to coffee bar for cappuccino and pastry, complete suduko, wander back up to pool. Pretty much always get a chair by the pool, sometimes I go up a level for better sun. These aren't claimed chairs but empty ones. I got to the pool to get wet, the bar for a drink & the restroom.

When I want lunch take my stuff with me and go. Come back later get a new chair. I really don't understand the mentality of the chair hogs. There are probably only a few people who actually want be out in the sun for 8 solid hours.

I think that if every body took their stuff when they went to lunch and to do other activities around the ship it would be better and they would probably still get a chair they want as everyone would be doing the same.

I do not think people should move other people's stuff if they are using the pool deck i.e. swimming, in the hot tub, using slides or supervising kids in the kids area. This the common use of sun beds. I do think if a family is using the beds they don't need one for each child as they hardly use them other than a place to store their stuff. When I have been away we just use 2 beds as one as adult remains with the bed while the other is playing with the kids.

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What bothers me just a little.... are the group of young people that each feel the need to have one of the large Blue Beds on the serenity deck. 4 small people can lay on one of those, but instead there is one tiny little person taking up at least 3-4 of them.


I noticed that, also one person sleeping on the large sofas that seat around 5.

Edited by moniquet
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Tell that to the FBI when they come looking for you for assaulting a passenger.


And yes, the FBI would have jurisdicition as I have actaul experience in regards to what happens if you get into an altercation while on a cruise ship. lol



And maybe those who are saying they steel people goods need to think about the same

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People bring the Carnival "beach" towels left in the cabin and plop them on a lounger at 6am with plans to return at...some point in the day. Late morning, after lunch, afternoon...who knows? Instead of turning these in to a Carnival employee when they use the unused lounger that's being "saved", evidently some people take them back to their room and take them home.



Which is by definition theft.


But I guess if someone lacks ethics they just lack ethics.

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Once again it seems like you understand what's going on. So make an effort to get up like everyone else and get a chair. On some extremely busy cruises I've slept in the chair I want over night. You'll make fun of me but you're the one without the chair.


If you are in the chair I could care less what you do. It's the towels and flip flops that sit for hours on end that drive me crazy.

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I think I'll pack my own deck chair. I haven't been on a cruise yet, but I'm sure it'll be ok? Right?


Pack half of what you think you need, twice as much money and one deck chair. And a lanyard. :D


I kid. I'm glad I'm thinking I'll be one of those that would be happy with a deck chair tucked away in some inconspicuous place away from the pool.

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This is what I do. I posted this on the other thread as well.


I'm sure I will get flamed, but with that said...


I do get up early and get the location I want. Mostly at the serenity. Never at the pools..

I do stay in that lounger from about 8am to 2pm ish..

I do go to breakfast and I do go to lunch.

I have always been respectful of the time.


But what I also do is this:


I bring a small dry erase board with me. I write the time I leave on it. I also take a picture of my little sign. I do this so I have documentation that I didn't alter the time or some else.


I have never had an issue with anyone complain, touch or remove my things.

Maybe this kind of works.

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This is what we have.

It says:

I am not a CHOG. I stepped away for a bit. If I don't return in 40 minutes, kindly move this bag aside and enjoy this chair.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


It might help actually if Carnival posted that with signs or announcements on the lido deck

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Define "looking used?" I only bring a towel with me when I am going to the pool, so the only thing on the chair when I get in, it my towel. How am I supposed to make it look more used?


You do know you just responded to a statement written back in 2015? That person is long gone (probably on a cruise) and the hog problem is still with us.

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I move the belongings of people who are obviously chair hogging -- like the row of empty loungers all saved with towels clipped to the back or individual flip flops. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you've been lucky enough to not experience a cruise with excessive chair hogging. The worst chair hogging happens on cruises with many experienced cruisers and people cruising in large groups. There were on average one hundred empty "saved" chairs at 8 a.m. every morning we were not in port. :eek: Not to mention the people who proudly announced to their relatives that they had spots in the sun and spots in the shade on the packed Serenity deck. :mad:


I've never seen someone leave a dry erase board or a tote like that and would leave their items alone. However....would you be okay with a mom whose kid hates Camp Carnival sitting in your serenity spot for twenty minutes while you are at lunch? Or grabbing ten minutes of sun while you're having breakfast?


I will say this problem is not limited to cruises. A man became angry with me at a resort pool for sitting in an empty lounger because he was sure I moved his hat. He had been at lunch so long that his hat had apparently been moved by someone else long before I arrived. :rolleyes:

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