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Curious.... who is still going to add on an extra tip (bar or specialty)


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I won't tip extra. We feel this way because these employee's get paid well for what they do and they may tell you they only bring in XX amount but back in their country, that XX amount can buy a car, house or ??. They want you to think these workers are being paid paltry amounts but you must consider they are provided food, board and medical as well as other perks and most are from developing or 3rd world countries where our dollar goes a long way. Some make more than others on board and they range from $400 a month to $8,000 a month or more. They would not do it if they could not afford to live on it

and some live way better than I ever would or could.

I paid the gratuity (which so did 2,000 to 4,000 others -do the math there and see what gets passed out!) and will pay the 18% on drinks if I order them but to give more, sorry. I cannot see double tipping unless it is the tour operator in the ports.

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I always give extra for any bar service. Usually $1.00 per drink. Whether it's 15% or 18% doesn't make a difference to me. Even in a restaurant, unless the service is bad, 15% is now at the low end.

And you'll always get served quicker and get heavier pours than those who don't tip, and that's just a fact.

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And you'll always get served quicker and get heavier pours than those who don't tip, and that's just a fact.


Well then some people's service must be truly pitiful.


In the past whenever I have ordered a drink, even with the UBP I have always tipped at least $1 more per drink and I have never had a bar server give me any extra attention. Not that I was looking for any I just handed them a bill or two when signing off. IN November, on the Gem I can tell you I have never experienced such poor beverage service in all my life in any venue. One evening I was in Bliss for 4 hours playing on the side with the slot machines and not once was I asked if I would like something to drink. Lack of bar service was evident everywhere. I mentioned Bliss is particular because it was such a long time span that I was there and the fact that the only thing the staff have to do in this venue is serve drinks!


With the new increases I will be changing the way I tip on board.


In the past I have always tipped cash in a specialty restaurant. Those days are over as I don't agree with the double dipping. If and when NCL wants to change the information they have on their website in regards to the DSC and tipping and re-define who is and who is not included in the DSC then at that time I will re visit the issue.


As for bar service I will no longer be extra tipping either. If we are sitting down and order a couple of glasses of $10 wine I would think that the automatic $3.60 is more than sufficient. If there is four people at the table is a $7.20 tip not enough for one round of drinks?


I will keep the window open if I do ever receive exceptional service that goes above and beyond in which case I will reward the server accordingly. Until then NCL has raised every source of income for the staff to a level they seem to feel is appropriate. Well that is it then and that is what they will get.


I will not worry whether or not the staff is being tipped the appropriate amounts for promotional drinks and food packages. NCL has stated that these gratuities are included. I trust they will be compensating their employees appropriately out of their own coffers.




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Has anybody thought about the gratuity precisely??ι believe a server on board on the course of a week might give away more than 1000 drinks..with the loest tip of 1 usd per drinkif is 1000 per week on a month its 4000 usd.thats the minimum if he gives away beers for example not cocktails or liquor which will get him much more.if thats the truth then and he has monthly tips of at least 4000 usd then ncl sign me up..i want to become a bartender aboard your ships!!!



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You see from that that i dont believe this 18% goes to the bartender pocket most probably a big amount of that goes to ncl revenue department.same goes to all the other staff with the dsc..i cant prove this ofcourse its just my thoughts



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Has anybody thought about the gratuity precisely??ι believe a server on board on the course of a week might give away more than 1000 drinks..with the loest tip of 1 usd per drinkif is 1000 per week on a month its 4000 usd.thats the minimum if he gives away beers for example not cocktails or liquor which will get him much more.if thats the truth then and he has monthly tips of at least 4000 usd then ncl sign me up..i want to become a bartender aboard your ships!!!



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LOL I said a similar thing to my mother last night. Told her I was going back to work as a bartender and that I was going to work on a cruise ship. Free room, board and transportation around the globe. All while being paid a guaranteed 18% on every drink I serve to a contained target holidaying market. Come on beer buckets and pricey wine!! (Not to mention all the little extra I might get for being nice and doing my job)




Edited by rochelle_s
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I'm in my mid-50s. I've seen what was considered norm tipping go from 10%, then to 12% then to 15%, and now to 18%. That is tipping at land-based places.


My thoughts are that 18% is too high. Maybe it's just my age showing!! yikes! who knows...... My thoughts are that 12% seems more what I would consider a tip for average service. What I would leave pretty much with an average server in a land-based restaurant. Then I would tip up from there with what type of service I got. But the % that is considered the norm keeps going up and up.


One thing I've wondered about ..... with auto-gratuity on cruises ...... if the amount is automatically paid for your tips, do you think that you will not get outstanding service??


Do you think that the cruise staff will think ..... oh, I automatically am getting a tip ..... why work myself harder when I already know that I'm automatically getting a tip no matter what.


Or do you think they still work harder and try to give outstanding, above average service, hoping to get another tip in cash from you, above what they will automatically get????


I cruised back with The Big Red Boat, Premier Cruises, many many years ago. I think the service in the Main Dining Rooms was much better than I receive now on my cruises. That was back in the day when you put your tip in an envelope and gave it the last cruise evening.


I wonder if the staff is getting more $$ now, than when it was done in the envelope type of tipping. Do you think that a huge amount of folks bypassed tipping when it was done in the envelope way?????


I'm sure they probably did. It was a very inefficient way of collecting a gratuity for the staff. Much better to charge passengers a daily rate for this purpose. And these days, the staff covered by the Daily Service Charge is most of the service crew on board including stewards, servers, kitchen and buffet staff, etc. Only a select few are excluded, like Butlers, who still depend on your direct tip,along with salary, or those like bartenders, for which an auto grat of 18% is added to the tab.


Do I think they work any less hard to provide service under today's DSC and auto grat system than in the day of the "tip envelope"? NCL does not really share any info with us on how the DSC pool is distributed beyond the statement that these employees are compensated by a combination of salary and incentive programs that the service charge supports. I don't for one minute think that it is divided equally among all in the DSC pool. Guests are encouraged to turn in NCL Hero cards for any employee who goes the "extra mile" or has somehow made the cruise special for someone. They are posted on a board in the crew quarters. I would imagine that a large handful of these cards each month would earn someone a bigger slice of the pie than others. It is much like bonuses and raises at home. The outstanding employees get the bigger cut. And, they are permitted to take cash gratuities as well for exceptional or outstanding service, so I don't see how they have any disencentive to work hard and impress the passenger as well as their supervisor who is going to write up their eval.


It is a little murkier with the 18% add on to Bar Tabs. We don't really know if it goes into a pool and is shared, or if they must share with runners on the pool deck or the guy who washes the bar glasses in the back. And we don't know what their base pay is. But I think it's safe to say the more drinks they make and sell, the more money they'll make, so I don't think the 18% is a disencentive.


The only real question in my mind is with the new 18% auto grat added to Specialty Restaurants. The waiter is in the DSC pool, why then do they deserve an additional 18%?

Edited by punkincc
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Moving forward, I think I'll just watch my dollars spent on board a bit more closely; cutting back on drinks and specialty dining probably won't hurt me at all. :D


That way I'll spend about the same amount that is within my budget, ......approximately........;)


I am happy to pay the increased DSC but 18% to hand someone a beer is like tipping at any counter service; just don't get that. JMHO. :)

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Does anyone know if you purchase a bottle of booze at a bar for $100 do they charge you the 18%?





Usually mid price restaurants you tip on bar - that includes $100 wine. A higher end restaurant with a sommelier pays him/her a salary, so you don't tip on wine, which is generally much more than $100.

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Usually mid price restaurants you tip on bar - that includes $100 wine. A higher end restaurant with a sommelier pays him/her a salary, so you don't tip on wine, which is generally much more than $100.


Thanks for that.


I was more-so interested in the bottles of liquor you can purchase at the bar to bring back to the cabin. If I buy a bottle of vodka for $100 at the bar, bring it back to my cabin and make my own drinks do I still give the bartender an $18 tip?




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Does anyone know if you purchase a bottle of booze at a bar for $100 do they charge you the 18%?


Yes they do, and on all bottles of wine, no matter how expensive. If you call before your sail date you can order a bar set-up for your stateroom, they sell bottles of liquor for the same prices as the onboard menu, but you only pay a $3 service charge, not the 18% auto-tip. But pre-order only.

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Yes they do, and on all bottles of wine, no matter how expensive. If you call before your sail date you can order a bar set-up for your stateroom, they sell bottles of liquor for the same prices as the onboard menu, but you only pay a $3 service charge, not the 18% auto-tip. But pre-order only.


Thanks for that. Definitely worth it to set up before hand especially if you are buying a couple of bottles.




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ALWAYS an extra cash tip--every time, every dinner, every drink--and the buffet. QUOTE]


Who do you tip at the buffet? The crew that cleans your table every time you go back to the buffet? The crew that are behind the stations making sure there is sufficient food of your choice?

Who to tip at the buffet?? There was a crew member who used to post on here all the time--sometimes still does. He told the story of how he had started with NCL in the buffet. One day, he picked up a plate and found a dollar--he said it made his day--no one tips in the buffet. So now I always leave a tip under the plate. Worth a dollar to make someone's day??

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Just to mention 18% would already be very high for most of Europe & Asia, I would expect amazing service for 18%!


There are not many places outside of North America, where 18% would be considered low, or even standard.

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I am always surprised reading about all the people who leave tips. Okay, I mostly cruise out of Europe but you often have the change to see the additional tips line of other guests when signing the bar or restaurant receipt and I would say it is less than 5% where I see it filled out, same with handing over cash.

Not doubting that it happens but it might be vastly different from itinerary to itinerary.


I hardly ever gave an extra tip and will keep doing it like that in the future.

I've never been able to see anyone else signing their check at any of the specialty restaurants, maybe because it is a little darker or that the tables are far apart or my sight isn't as good as it use to be or I really don't care what someone else does.


I would guess that there possibly is a vast difference cruising out of Europe, where tipping is not the norm.


Question, do those that leave less than 5 percent in cash in the restaurants actually leave coins?

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With the new increases I will be changing the way I tip on board.


In the past I have always tipped cash in a specialty restaurant. Those days are over as I don't agree with the double dipping. If and when NCL wants to change the information they have on their website in regards to the DSC and tipping and re-define who is and who is not included in the DSC then at that time I will re visit the issue.


As for bar service I will no longer be extra tipping either. If we are sitting down and order a couple of glasses of $10 wine I would think that the automatic $3.60 is more than sufficient. If there is four people at the table is a $7.20 tip not enough for one round of drinks?


I will keep the window open if I do ever receive exceptional service that goes above and beyond in which case I will reward the server accordingly. Until then NCL has raised every source of income for the staff to a level they seem to feel is appropriate. Well that is it then and that is what they will get.


I will not worry whether or not the staff is being tipped the appropriate amounts for promotional drinks and food packages. NCL has stated that these gratuities are included. I trust they will be compensating their employees appropriately out of their own coffers.





Well said...

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I didn't always tip extra at specialty restaurants anyway since sometimes the service was crappy. Now I will just leave it up to the auto-gratuity should I choose to eat in any again. I don't plan to give this even 5 seconds more thought. It really isn't worth it.

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Question: We both have the UBP as well as the UDP, was/is part of NCLs promtion, yadda, yadda, yadda...Are my "tips/gratuities" included in the price I paid for the cruise...???Or am I expected to pay an additional 18% for both drinks and dinner...???I have already pre-paid my DSC at the rate of $12.00/day for a 10 day cruise, or $240.00...

We are staying in a suite for the first time, will there be any additional "charges" made to my account since we pre-paid our DSC...This has gotten too confusing for something that should be about pleasure...

Think if NCL wanted to generate more revenue, instead of screwing around with tip monies, just raise the price of drinks and or specialty dining to include the additional charges...

I am beginning to believe that NCL has added a "resort tax" in the guise of a tip increase, the monies don't go to the crew, but into the pockets of the CEO/COO's...Think its a terrible way for any company to do business...Bottom line and they know it, want to cruise...???Is what it is...

Did not mean to rant...



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Question: We both have the UBP as well as the UDP, was/is part of NCLs promtion, yadda, yadda, yadda...Are my "tips/gratuities" included in the price I paid for the cruise...???Or am I expected to pay an additional 18% for both drinks and dinner...???I have already pre-paid my DSC at the rate of $12.00/day for a 10 day cruise, or $240.00...




Those that received any of the promos that NCL offered will not be charged the 18% gratuity - on specialty restaurants OR bar drinks.


Those that purchased the UDP or UBP online PRIOR to March 20th also will not be charged.



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Question: We both have the UBP as well as the UDP, was/is part of NCLs promtion, yadda, yadda, yadda...Are my "tips/gratuities" included in the price I paid for the cruise...???Or am I expected to pay an additional 18% for both drinks and dinner...???I have already pre-paid my DSC at the rate of $12.00/day for a 10 day cruise, or $240.00...

We are staying in a suite for the first time, will there be any additional "charges" made to my account since we pre-paid our DSC...This has gotten too confusing for something that should be about pleasure...

Think if NCL wanted to generate more revenue, instead of screwing around with tip monies, just raise the price of drinks and or specialty dining to include the additional charges...

I am beginning to believe that NCL has added a "resort tax" in the guise of a tip increase, the monies don't go to the crew, but into the pockets of the CEO/COO's...Think its a terrible way for any company to do business...Bottom line and they know it, want to cruise...???Is what it is...

Did not mean to rant...



No you don't have to pay anything else if you have the UDP and UBP as promotional perks.


There will not be additional "charges" made to your account (unless you purchase something that is not covered under the UBP or UDP, like spa treatments, shore excursions, for fee activities, etc.) since you pre-paid the DSC, but remember, your butler and concierge are not included in the DSC (unless this has changed with the recent increase in the DSC-you should check on this prior to when you cruise or when you get on the ship).

Edited by NLH Arizona
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I've got it now, appreciate your responses, thank you...I will take care of the Butler, the Concierge as well as the room Steward as per...Might even slip a buck under a plate or 3 if/when we go to the buffet...In the past we always had a mini suite, in the morning when we ordered room service for breakfast we always gave whomever delivered our breakfast 2 bucks...Never stiff anyone who does us a service, just do not/will not be "abused" with BS double whatever...




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I'm gonna bring a roll of dimes.

I normally tip 20% So on a $10 dollar drink they add $1.80 and I leave $.20

same with the dinners.

I really don't mind tipping, even more than 20%, I just don't like it (at least feel like it) being forced down my throat.


I agree with you. I don't mind tipping, just not being forced to.

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