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and so it begins.....RTW16


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Acapulco - very cool, beautiful bay but built up. Not many cruise ships stop there any more. We did a shorex from the Statendam. The cliff divers came out just for the many shorexes and the museum opened for us as well. It was closed that day for everybody else. I learned interesting things about the Pacific trade routes. The museum is in the fort next to the dock.

Edited by Floridiana
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Monday, June 13, 2016 Day 163




We have taken more than 55,000 pictures between the two of us. We would like to do a coffee table book but realize that it will probably take 6 books and I'll have to double check the structural integrity of the coffee table to see if it will hold them!


We've never done any photo books and understand we will be limited by the number of pages per book--hence the need for 6 of them. If anybody has the names of some of the publishers that have worked for them let me know.


We just think it would be neat to have them where we could just pick them up and thumb through them, marveling at the places we've seen and enjoying OUR pictures.



I use Blurb. Blurb allows to add many more pages than other companies and offers a lot of creative latitude.There are tutorials to get you started and you can chose the size and layouts you want.

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terrier1; thanks for the info on Blurb--will definitely check that one out


sitraveler: we heard through the RTW grapevine (and believe me, one does exist, and is not always accurate!) that yesterday was our last life boat drill.

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sitraveler: we heard through the RTW grapevine (and believe me, one does exist, and is not always accurate!) that yesterday was our last life boat drill.


Wow! What happened to June? All of a sudden the end is approaching .:D Sounds likely it was the last drill, I seem to remember every 14 days??? O how brave you were to blow those life jacket whistles....

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I've heard....from reliable sources, that the crew loved it when we blew the whistles.


We walked to the Gaslight District and through some side streets this morning, found a great Ralph's, bought 2 bottles of wine and some granola bars, and walked back to the ship and dumped them in the cabin.


San Diego is such a beautiful city and the parts we walked through were so well maintained and interesting with nice little cafes and pretty flowering trees.


We quickly left the ship and walked practically next door to the USS Midway and spent the next 4 hours there. It was an amazing experience, helped greatly by the men who had served aboard and were now docents who had great stories and explanations of what we were seeing.


The day was a stunning Southern California day and several times I remarked that I could live in San Diego. It was absolutely glorious today and a day that we needed after being at sea for 5 overcast and cool days with rocking seas.


One of the RTW agreed that she could too could live there and said she would move from Virginia to San Diego but it just seemed like such a huge effort to move.


Our sail away tonight was the best ever. We were escorted by US Coast Guard small boats with young men standing with their hands on a front mounted machine gun on either side of the Insignia.


The port side had a great USCG pilot who faced off fishing boats and sailing vessels and then we had a Greek (I think) naval vessel sail past and our ship blew a greeting, and we had an F-18 roar overhead and numerous military helicopters flew back and forth....quite the show!


I aim to tell Ray Carr that even though the band was playing great, the sun was out and the sea was sparkling, it was the US taxpayers that put on the best show for us!!!

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That sail away would have been wonderful - I would have had a lump in my throat, even as a foreigner... Agree about San Diego too. (But not about the life jacket whistles. Ewww. Germs.....)

Edited by Emma Chisit
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i figure the life jackets have been in the back of our closet for 5.5 months and all of the "ewwww germs" are gone...so I participated....and left my own ewwwwww germs behind!!!


Being in San Diego is one of those places where we Americans are reminded that it is because of our young men and women that we remain a free people....

Edited by cbb
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my beautiful city! I am a native and we love to have people come and enjoy "America's Finest City"...our slogan!!


BTW...my DH is a docent on the USS Midway...it is considered the #1 attraction in SD...ranking even higher than the Zoo!!


And the sail-away is pretty awesome, isn't it!! enjoy the last part of your amazing adventure...color me "green"!!! LuAnn

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yes, Cabo was today, tomorrow is a sea day, and then the day after is Acapulco. A. had been removed from the itinerary but now has been put back into the schedule...12am-9pm for June 20.


We've been told it is safe to travel there but I've heard that many passengers are taking shorex just to be safe.

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yes, Cabo was today, tomorrow is a sea day, and then the day after is Acapulco. A. had been removed from the itinerary but now has been put back into the schedule...12am-9pm for June 20.


We've been told it is safe to travel there but I've heard that many passengers are taking shorex just to be safe.

I have heard it is one of the most dangerous cities in Mexico. Many drug gangs. One of my best places to go on vacation years ago, but not now.

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well, we thought twice about going into Acapulco but then we've been to many places on this RTW where it wasn't the safest place to be and we were fine.


We've had police escorts, guys sitting in the back of our bus called "safety officers" and we've even been places where all traffic was stopped as the buses roared through town...we all waved and everyone waved back...so we're going to Acapulco.

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I have heard it is one of the most dangerous cities in Mexico. Many drug gangs. One of my best places to go on vacation years ago, but not now.


IMO, tourists are rarely the targets in drug wars - although they might be caught in a cross fire. They are more likely to be targeted by terrorists (or pickpockets all over the world :D)

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Saturday, June 18, 2016 Day 168


Today we arrived at Cabo San Lucas and the sail in was lovely. The scenery was quite different from Hawaii and French Polynesia since Baja Mexico is very brown. There are few trees or grass--very little green to be seen.


We had a lovely sail-in past the famous "El Arco" a natural rock arch that appears in a jumble of clifts that thrust up from the ocean which is doing its best to level the arch and clifts!


We anchored around 11 am and both Terrace and Waves opened then. Most of us ate quickly and were in the Lounge by 12 so that we could board tenders. The first tender went ashore filled with independent passengers and then the next 2 were for ship's excursions.


We had chosen "Land's End Boat and Cabo View which was listed at 4.5 hours and that proved to be accurate. We tendered ashore and quickly boarded another boat and a couple of other excursions joined us and then we waited for 1 hour for another tender to come in with approximately 30 more passengers.


We never did find out why there was such a delay but we think that part of the problem was loading passengers into the tender. It was quite an experience for an agile person so I imagine it was a tedious process for those that use a cane or has mobility problems.


It was one of those processes where the guys had to wait for the tender and the platform to meet before the two went their separate ways! They certainly earn their money and are so gentle and patient.


Finally everyone boarded and we were off to the Arco. It was really quite striking and I'm so glad I got to see it. It is probably just a matter of time before the sea wins and down it comes.


We sailed out into the Pacific for a little and saw Divorce Beach and hotel row on the beach. No one was on Divorce Beach as the currents there are particularly fierce.


Back to the pier and on to a bus. Here everyone on the boat went their separate ways and our group numbered just about 30 with an O representative on board as usual.


Our guide was Memo and he was a funny and engaging guide. He told us how much Cabo had grown and changed in his lifetime. He said in 1990 the population of Cabo area was just about 16,000 and in 2010 the census reported more than 70,000 people.


Most people are employed in the tourism industry: providing scuba dives, game fishing, pleasure boating, and the many employees need for the shops, hotels, and restaurants.


The second most important employer is the construction industry and everywhere we looked we saw evidence of building, although a few of the projects looked as if they had been sitting there unfinished for some time.


Our guide said that finances for projects can be a problem--usually not enough money!


We then went to a glass-blowing factory which I was resigned to seeing but it turned out to be quite good. The young men are quite adept and are just as good as the guys I saw in Venice.


One group saw an elephant appear before their eyes, and our group viewed the birth of a turtle which then morphed into a "Mexican Turtle", complete with sombrero and bottle! Very cute. Some folks bought some very pretty blown glass.


Next was a drive through parts of Cabo that are very definitely being built and marketed for well-to-do people. Lovely high-end condos are being constructed with every unit having a sweeping water view high on cliffs or close to the beach.


Several of them had signs promising "hotel condo units." Our guide said that a 2 bed/2 bath condo in Cabo would cost $45,000-$75,000 which is great for an ex-pat Canadian or American retiree but that if you wanted on the beach or to have a water view "add a zero."


At one of the lovely hotels that dot the brown landscape we pulled in for a drink and photo opp and speaking of "sweeping water views high on cliffs AND close to the beach" Sun Rock Resort provided it. Absolutely stunning views and the resort was gorgeous. It reminded me of a setting in Santorini perched on the side of a cliff.


Young people were busy preparing for a wedding and apparently the guests were all receiving flip flops and sunglasses since these were being packaged!


We hung around the Resort for a while with drinks in hand-- bottled water, sodas, and beer-- and took copious pictures of the truly gorgeous views of crashing surf against cliffs and upon beaches.


From there we went to San Jose del Cabo, a lovely and more colonial town which began life with the mission church on one side of the town square and shops on the other three sides. Nothing much has changed since its founding in 1730, except for more shops, gorgeous boutique hotels, and the internet!!


Yes, I bought silver earrings from a lovely man and the grade of silver is stamped on the back. I also bought a locally produced ceramic picture frame with the happy colors that I love. We wondered through the town which was preparing for 150 musicians to come for the weekend Fiesta.


Everywhere we went the shopkeepers asked us if we got to stay for "the party" and we said "no, we have to head back to the bus in about an hour" and they expressed their sadness that we wouldn't be there. The food tents smelled amazing!


There were many beer stalls being set up and Mr. Wonderful told Memo that he saw disaster ahead for the party. Memo looked startled and quite upset until Mr. W said that he saw all of the beer places and no porta-potties. Memo then looked very wise, and said "yes, too much beer and no place to go!" He grinned!


The guys in the square were testing the speakers volume and at one point they worked so well that the music reverberated in my chest--I'm not 18 any more so I was kinda glad this was a Fiesta I was going to miss!


I could have spent more time in San Jose as it is quiet (well, usually!) and had some lovely side streets I would have loved to explore but all too soon it was time to head back to the ship.


Once again the pilot and the guys did a masterful job unloading us from the tender into the ship and we all safely arrived back on board. The locals said that when the sea swells as it was doing, it means a storm is approaching. (That night we had an amazing lightning show and storm so they were right!)


Cabo San Lucas is a beautiful seaside town. The area right off the pier is loaded with stores, restaurants, cafes, and bars. One wouldn't have to leave the pier area to have a great time, but I'm glad we opted to explore the larger area.


I can imagine that if you live in cold country Cabo would be the ideal place for you to have a primary or secondary home. Having lived for many years in North Carolina and Florida it would be difficult for me to live there because I'd miss the green woods and the tropical plants that I love so much.


Our guide told us that Cabo was one of the few places in the world that could boast 350 days of sunshine. The rest of the time was spent preparing for, living through, and cleaning up from hurricanes!


Everyone I met spoke English so that if you were a retiree you wouldn't have to learn a new language and everyone seemed so helpful and gracious.


If you are looking for a warm weather place to visit or move to I can well understand the appeal of Cabo. Muy bonita!!

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yeah Paul....i'm not too worried.


I may get caught in cross-fire but then that can happen in South Florida, or heck....where all the places that people in the US are carrying, it could happen in Walmart or church!

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yeah Paul....i'm not too worried.


I may get caught in cross-fire but then that can happen in South Florida, or heck....where all the places that people in the US are carrying, it could happen in Walmart or church!

Check State Dept. travel warnings. They do not even let their people go there. Good luck and be safe.

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news flash! everybody is back on board and dancing during a sail-away party on pool deck.


not one of us caught in cross fire and there was heavy security everywhere. We saw local, state, navy and army everywhere and all is well tonight.


Our guide thanked us for coming and we are so glad we went to Acapulco.


People, please....just use common sense as you would in any big city in the US and quit listening to so much tv.


Go out...live life...and if the worse happens, at least you were doing something wonderful at the time, not sitting at home in the recliner watching some stupid person on tv telling you how terrible everything is!


Sermon over....back to the pool deck!!!

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news flash! everybody is back on board and dancing during a sail-away party on pool deck.


not one of us caught in cross fire and there was heavy security everywhere. We saw local, state, navy and army everywhere and all is well tonight.


Our guide thanked us for coming and we are so glad we went to Acapulco.


People, please....just use common sense as you would in any big city in the US and quit listening to so much tv.


Go out...live life...and if the worse happens, at least you were doing something wonderful at the time, not sitting at home in the recliner watching some stupid person on tv telling you how terrible everything is!


Sermon over....back to the pool deck!!!




Sent from my KFJWI using Tapatalk

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I use Blurb. Blurb allows to add many more pages than other companies and offers a lot of creative latitude.There are tutorials to get you started and you can chose the size and layouts you want.


I have done books on Shutterfly, Sony Image Station (back in the day) and finally through Apple using the design functions on the Photos app.This last has been most satisfactory and flexible for us. Up to 99 pages per book, coffee table format.


I do not envy your Herculean task!



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i'm not worried about the scope of the project...I'll simply tell Mr. Wonderful what I'd like and turn it over to him!!


Every man needs a project. For some it is in the computer, for others it is in the garage.


As I've said before, every woman should travel with a tech geek; he keeps the electronics charged and can figure out what I've done to the computer.


(Plus, his mad skills paid the mortgage!)

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news flash! everybody is back on board and dancing during a sail-away party on pool deck.


not one of us caught in cross fire and there was heavy security everywhere. We saw local, state, navy and army everywhere and all is well tonight.


Our guide thanked us for coming and we are so glad we went to Acapulco.


People, please....just use common sense as you would in any big city in the US and quit listening to so much tv.


Go out...live life...and if the worse happens, at least you were doing something wonderful at the time, not sitting at home in the recliner watching some stupid person on tv telling you how terrible everything is!


Sermon over....back to the pool deck!!!


Agree 100%. From Wayne's thread it doesn't sound like O brought a folklore group onboard for entertainment ... that was a highlight of our visit to Acapulco when we visited in 2002, and I was hoping we'd have similar entertainment next year when we stop there on the RTW.

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I may get caught in cross-fire but then that can happen in South Florida, or heck....where all the places that people in the US are carrying, it could happen in Walmart or church!


I agree, there are lots if places in the US where I would feel less safe than Mexico

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i'm not worried about the scope of the project...I'll simply tell Mr. Wonderful what I'd like and turn it over to him!!




Every man needs a project. For some it is in the computer, for others it is in the garage.




As I've said before, every woman should travel with a tech geek; he keeps the electronics charged and can figure out what I've done to the computer.




(Plus, his mad skills paid the mortgage!)



Oh, you made me chuckle! I am the tech geek in our household, DH won't touch anything more complex than an extension cord!







Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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