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Changes in Onboard Behavior & Procedures after Cruises restart sailing again...


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Obviously, I'm no expert on this. I don't even think the CEOs know exactly how the future is going to look. If I had to guess, I don't see all things staying constant. Not everything a cruise line does is mandated to them either. Many potential cruisers are actually looking for measures to be taken, at least in the foreseeable future. Optics mean more to a lot of people than any fact or logic.


If I had to guess, I think the lax health screening of past will be looked at in some form. I also think there will be an increase of employees dedicated to sanitation in some form. Heck, even if you added 5 employees to a large ship that can make some level of impact, even if just for optics. My cruise from a few weeks ago had a ton of extra roles in ensuring less people touched less things and/or with unsanitary hands.


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On 3/27/2020 at 7:09 PM, NavyCruiser said:

Even way before this current cruise line shutdown, we have observed numerous questionable guest behaviors & onboard procedures.  Pls don't take this personally if you still enjoy these activities, but just for us, we don't get into the hot tubs, pools, steam rooms, etc. anymore, since my spouse considers them cesspools for germs & other nastyness.  There are numerous guest behaviors that grossed us out, esp in the buffet, gym, theater, & other large gatherings.  For example:

- buffet:  both adults & kids directly touching food items then put it back, without using tongs;  how many people touch those tongs...?

- gym:  walking away from sweaty equipment without towel wipedown, spitting in water fountain

- theater:  openly coughing & sneezing, etc

Sorry, these are just a very few examples of gross behaviors that really need to change, esp after this shutdown is done

So what do you think new procedures the cruise lines will implement once they restart sailing again for better sanitation purposes?

I would guess:

- mini health inspection, ie: temperature scanner for fever, at embarkation, instead of just paper form stating you are fever free & no flu-like symptoms

- retrofit all ships with full hand washing stations instead of just Purell dispensers at buffet entrance

- staff will serve you food items from behind the counter in the buffet, instead of you self-serve food items with tongs

- limit number of persons in hot tubs, & must shower before entering

- eliminate steam rooms

- more antiseptic wipes in the gym

- no more self serve ice cream dispensers, only served by staff at certain hours


What are your ideas...?


Ooh, ooh, me, me, I know the answer. Can I tell you . . .


None of those changes will happen 


The best we can hope for is the self service to be removed from the buffet, but I doubt that would happen because it would need extra staff, who the cruiselines can't afford now



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5 hours ago, compman9 said:


Ooh, ooh, me, me, I know the answer. Can I tell you . . .


None of those changes will happen 


The best we can hope for is the self service to be removed from the buffet, but I doubt that would happen because it would need extra staff, who the cruiselines can't afford now



Holland America had been already doing this, so I do not think it is outrageous to think other lines could also adopt this.

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On 3/27/2020 at 2:59 PM, leaveitallbehind said:


A few comments:

  • While not a bad idea, not sure how practical it would be to have temperature scanners for all passengers during the boarding process.  That also is not a sure diagnosis of the flu, etc.  But as a first signal for further checking it may work.
  • There are several RCI ships today, as example, that have washing stations at the entrance to the buffet in place of Purell dispensers, which if you google it you will see are of limited benefit.  But it would be difficult to retrofit all ships with this. If done, however, it would only likely be done at a scheduled dry dock, which typically is every 5 years.  So that would take a while.
  • The staff serves the buffet on many ships, and almost always when there is a concern for noro.
  • You are supposed to shower before entering the hot tubs already and there are shower stations next to them in our experience.  And they already have a capacity statement.
  • Every ship I've been on has several antiseptic wipes stations in the gym - how many are you suggesting?
  • Several ships also already have crew dispensed ice cream at the self serve stations, which is a good thing.

As to some of your behavior observations, most of those rest with individuals or parents supervision of children.  Not sure how the crew can police all of that. Some passengers will just display poor behavior.  And I for one have no problem suggesting to someone who failed to wipe down gym equipment that they should do so.  Or just proactively do it myself prior to using the equipment as well as afterwards. And openly coughing or sneezing - really?  You have never coughed or sneezed in public?  There are also those with allergies that will display these symptoms but who are not contagiously ill.


Not being critical but just reacting from personal experience to your comments.

Airports in Asia have temp scanners.  the "cameras" are mounted pointed at a single file line that everyone has to walk thru - ie immigration.   These readers can act very fast and if a temp over a certain level is found, a sound can be beeped and the person taken aside for further screening.   On cruises, the line to get into the gangway could be used.

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On 3/28/2020 at 3:22 PM, Aquahound said:



Very true.  This photo circulated through our local media a few days ago about our neighbors to the north.  Despite all that's going on, these Vancouverites were playing beer pong.  It reminds me of the "covidiots" who packed the Florida beaches during Spring Break.



There were plenty of senior snowbirds on Florida beaches as well as spring breakers.  Our local TV news had similar interviews with both, but the national news just carried the drunk breakers.


During the 18 month long toxic red tide we recently had here in SW FL the local news usually ran a story each week about northerners who saw nothing wrong with the water and were adamant about swimming and sunbathing.  They paid for their vacation and were going to enjoy it, why would we let a little microbe in the Gulf bother us?


Idiots come in all ages and states.  


BTW, I am a 

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28 minutes ago, SuSuTrav said:

I would expect there to be a huge reduction in people booking cruises after these debacles at sea. 

I would agree.  Many of my friends are cruisers but our discussions now focus on all the problems involved in making ships more health friendly.  I doubt that any of us will be on a cruise ship in the near future (a year or two at best) and that assumes that the companies will survive the losses they will suffer this year.   Thinking about the debacle that buffets exhibit, I would only be on a ship in which patrons are served.  Most restaurants with buffets will experience similar hesitations.  The world is going to be a very different place in the future after 100,000 + people die 

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We were temperature scanned on a cruise we took the first week of February, 2020. It was MSC in Miami and the scan took about 15 seconds. This would be easy to do on all cruises. One person manned the camera/computer and another person told you to stand on the X. The scan was done at a distance and was completely non-intrusive. This should be mandatory for all cruises. As with most tests, it is not a panacea, but it is a start. I would also suspect you will see mandatory hand spray when entering any dining area. NCL has always done well in this regard, but other lines were strictly voluntary.


I would suspect that for approximately six months post quarantine, we will see improved behavior by cruisers on their own volition. However, human nature being what it is, folks will go back to old habits over time. That is why in addition to the above steps, you will need to end self service in food venues. There are a host of other ideas cruise lines can implement, but they will need to weigh cost/benefit. Passengers will tolerate some changes, but you can't make cruising seven days of a TSA lines. I don't envy those making these decisions because they are difficult choices. I will cruise again, and do my best to practice good hygiene. In addition to everything the cruise lines will do, passengers need to take some personal responsibility. 

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What has me worried is - MANY Cruise Ships tried to Dock at some Ports during the Corona Crisis, stating that they had NO Corona Cases on Board. However, as it turned out afterwards quite a large number of disembarking Passengers were found to be POSITIVE?

Did the Ships Company simply told a LIE to Port Authorities - to get them to allow Docking, or was the On-Board Medical Staff incompetent to detect such Cases?

Small Ships = BIG Ships? Of course the chance to "catch" something is higher when one is stuck  with 3-4-5000 Passengers, that's why I prefer smaller sized Ships ....... and yet, they build them bigger and bigger??? I did  a MEGA Ship once, but NEVER again!!

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I have been reading this board with interest since we were some of those caught on a ship during the Corona crisis. Thank heavens we were on the Oceania Marina which has a great passenger to weight ratio. Second it only has one partial buffet and  all the other restaurants are free but cook every meal to order. Immediately after the first hint of the Corona in late January (we were in a 53 day cruise) Oceania covered access to buffet food with plastic shielding and had crew serve all portions. Second, in all the self service coffee and beverage areas they stationed crew to do all serving. Every passenger was issued hand sanitizers in addition to the sanitizer stand outside every eating venue. Plus there were crew at the entrance to every eating venue to make sure every passenger & crew member sanitized their hands before entering. Frankly, I think these are great practices for all cruise lines at all times because a ship is such an enclosed environment. 

We were due to land in Peru to disembark but Peru closed its ports so we headed south to Chile where we just came from but half way there Chile closed its ports so we turned around & headed for the Panama Canal. At the canal we waited 3 days to get a transit slot and then headed for Miami. The joke on the ship was “ buy a cruise get a second 8 day cruise free”. We were totally healthy with no virus incidents on the ship and were allowed to land in Miami where Oceania proved free timed, low numbers per bus, transfers to the airport so all passengers from 21 countries could fly home (most of them on tickets rebooked by Oceania). This was a case of a cruise line really stepping up (Thank you Frank Del Rio, CEO of NCL & Bob Binder CEO of Oceania/Regent). By the way, Oceania gave all of us credits against another cruise equal to 50% of what we paid for this one.


Also what we appreciated and I think it should be standard practice was we were all screened as we came back from our latter ports with forehead temperature guns.


Cruises must be safe and healthy and tend to often attract a large number of “at risk” passengers...so prevention should be first even with a little inconvenience for the passengers...


An avid cruiser—- 



Edited by HiFi43
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My ideas?....go back to not allowing pax to wear jeans, I swear it all started then....LOL


Seriously though...let's just hope the cruise lines get back to sailing.....I don't go on a cruise to have policy offenders put in their place. Those who are concerned about that should stay at home and watch Judge Judy.


Enjoy. L😊ri




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Forget about the on-board sani-wipes, hand sanitizers and open buffets. Those are minor concerns. The cruise industry will start mothballing ships, reducing cruise itineraries, increasing fares but allowing cancellations at any time with money back refunds. Travel insurance costs will skyrocket. These are all standard business physics that will result from the pandemic. Only the truly diehard travelers will cruise in the future. The industry will not be able to expand by attracting new affluent cruisers, it’s bread ticket. Look for possible “young cruises” where no one over 40 will be allowed. Changes, they are coming.

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Been cruising since 1982 and have touch wood never been ill. Neither has the mr. we attribute this to staying away from crowded buffets, trying to sail on ships without self serve, and if forced only have food that others cannot breath on.  No hot tubs, steam rooms, saunas, only quiet places on deck.  In future I expect that passengers will need to present an official medical statement confirming whether they’ve had a immunization shot for whatever virus is prevalent at the time.  It has become clear that there will not be an easing of travel restrictions until a vaccine is developed for human use so in 18-24 months all travel providers will be able to hopefully coordinate their approach whether ship, plane, train or point of entry.  The whole world has to re-open before travel will re start up and travel providers will need to comply with the new world.  Dreaming of cruising every night. 

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On 3/27/2020 at 3:09 PM, NavyCruiser said:

Even way before this current cruise line shutdown, we have observed numerous questionable guest behaviors & onboard procedures.  Pls don't take this personally if you still enjoy these activities, but just for us, we don't get into the hot tubs, pools, steam rooms, etc. anymore, since my spouse considers them cesspools for germs & other nastyness.  There are numerous guest behaviors that grossed us out, esp in the buffet, gym, theater, & other large gatherings.  For example:

- buffet:  both adults & kids directly touching food items then put it back, without using tongs;  how many people touch those tongs...?

- gym:  walking away from sweaty equipment without towel wipedown, spitting in water fountain

- theater:  openly coughing & sneezing, etc

Sorry, these are just a very few examples of gross behaviors that really need to change, esp after this shutdown is done

So what do you think new procedures the cruise lines will implement once they restart sailing again for better sanitation purposes?

I would guess:

- mini health inspection, ie: temperature scanner for fever, at embarkation, instead of just paper form stating you are fever free & no flu-like symptoms

- retrofit all ships with full hand washing stations instead of just Purell dispensers at buffet entrance

- staff will serve you food items from behind the counter in the buffet, instead of you self-serve food items with tongs

- limit number of persons in hot tubs, & must shower before entering

- eliminate steam rooms

- more antiseptic wipes in the gym

- no more self serve ice cream dispensers, only served by staff at certain hours


What are your ideas...?


On 3/28/2020 at 10:28 AM, leaveitallbehind said:


To be clear, I'm not intending my last post to be critical of you with your question, but more of a generic commentary regarding the idea of changes that could be made in the industry resulting from all of this.  I was just using your post as the platform. Sorry if it comes across as more directed since I quoted you - it wasn't intended that way. 


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"Seriously though...let's just hope the cruise lines get back to sailing.....I don't go on a cruise to have policy offenders put in their place. Those who are concerned about that should stay at home and watch Judge Judy.

Enjoy. L😊ri"


🤣 I agree completely.  Who knows what changes will come down the road. One question that comes to mind... what about all the air that passengers breath in their cabins (and other confined spaces, theatre, etc.).  Should cruise lines be made to upgrade the filtering (or lack thereof) of the air up to airplane standards?  If cabin 3645 is breathing the recycled air from cabin 3644, is that safe??   Something to consider now for any new ships being built. How they upgrade older ships is a whole other complication.  Be safe out there!  Rob and Susan

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On 3/28/2020 at 5:43 AM, sparks1093 said:

I don't think much will change once this pandemic passes. People will revert to who they were and life will go on.

Which is why I probably will never cruise again. I've gotten ill on 3 of my last 4 cruises. On one, a guy who was clearly very sick coughed and sneezed in the combination coffeehouse/library (on Holland America) without covering his nose or mouth, spewing germs on people and furniture alike. A friend of mine just back from the Grand Princess - yes, that cruise - said people were coughing and sneezing in the crowded elevators without covering up. Some people are just totally inconsiderate, and nothing anyone can do, apparently, will change that.

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Some people just think rules don’t apply to them and in my opinion if there are set or written rules on board it is the cruise lines responsibility to enforce them. Sure there will be a few irate cruisers but it will be a better cruise vacation for everyone if all have to abide by them. The few make it bad for the many, and it just shouldn’t be that way.

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14 minutes ago, clo said:

One can speak up. Maybe carry a little packet of tissues, pull one out and 'offer' to him.

Oh, I did speak up, to the guy on Holland America. I told him, loud enough for everyone to hear, to cover his damned mouth!

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1 minute ago, drb888 said:

Oh, I did speak up, to the guy on Holland America. I told him, loud enough for everyone to hear, to cover his damned mouth!

Good for you!!!!!!!!!!

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1. We should all calm down

2. Cruise lines will find a balance of enhancing cleaning , regulating buffet , how much it will cost them and still make a profit

3. If I see kids or adults behaving in a manner that is not safe for the rest of the population, it is my responsibility to mention it , either to them or a staff member .

4. Maybe next year the CDC will not disregard that local flu and will include it on the flu vaccine they work on every year

And I hope in the future the  FDA will approve new drugs a faster

5. I wish I was in Sweden

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On 3/27/2020 at 3:09 PM, NavyCruiser said:

Even way before this current cruise line shutdown, we have observed numerous questionable guest behaviors & onboard procedures.  Pls don't take this personally if you still enjoy these activities, but just for us, we don't get into the hot tubs, pools, steam rooms, etc. anymore, since my spouse considers them cesspools for germs & other nastyness.  There are numerous guest behaviors that grossed us out, esp in the buffet, gym, theater, & other large gatherings.  For example:

- buffet:  both adults & kids directly touching food items then put it back, without using tongs;  how many people touch those tongs...?

- gym:  walking away from sweaty equipment without towel wipedown, spitting in water fountain

- theater:  openly coughing & sneezing, etc

Sorry, these are just a very few examples of gross behaviors that really need to change, esp after this shutdown is done

So what do you think new procedures the cruise lines will implement once they restart sailing again for better sanitation purposes?

I would guess:

- mini health inspection, ie: temperature scanner for fever, at embarkation, instead of just paper form stating you are fever free & no flu-like symptoms

- retrofit all ships with full hand washing stations instead of just Purell dispensers at buffet entrance

- staff will serve you food items from behind the counter in the buffet, instead of you self-serve food items with tongs

- limit number of persons in hot tubs, & must shower before entering

- eliminate steam rooms

- more antiseptic wipes in the gym

- no more self serve ice cream dispensers, only served by staff at certain hours


What are your ideas...?

Don’t allow guests to walk around barefoot in the eating areas and then get into pools. Absolutely disgusting. Limit number of people in hot tubs and pools. Have crew keep eyes open for sick/coughing/sneezing guests and report them. Keep lines moving, especially when exiting theaters. Wipe down bannisters and elevator buttons more often.

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