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Who in their right mind would want to cruise under these conditions??????


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3 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

What do you do when you wish to enter an establishment that has a sign on the door "MASKS REQUIRED"?

Walk in like a boss and nobody says a word. 

Your mask protects you I don't need protection I'm not afraid of having a cold and I'm vaccinated.

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50 minutes ago, BermudaBound2014 said:


If I'm calculating this correctly, that is a death rate of .0125%. Have we ever, in the history of the world, vaccinated large numbers of the population for a death rate of .0125%? 


And before I'm called a monster, I know first hand that covid is not a hoax as I lost BOTH in-laws to covid. I'm all for vaccinating our most vulnerable population. But I do questing vaccinating healthy individuals.


I am not trying to be disrespectful. I am truly trying to understand. We will probably never agree on this subject, but I am willing to listen with an open mind.


It's a simple was weighing risk. With the information we have now (the only information I have with which to make an informed decision), my risk of dying of COVID as a 42 year-old woman is greater that 125 in a million. My risk of dying from the Pfizer vaccine is zero. Literally hundreds of millions of doses of the Pfizer have been administered (including the two I already received) in the US with zero deaths.


People can say "but we don't know what the long term effects of the vaccines might be", but we also don't know what the long term effects of COVID might be. Some of the long-hauler symptoms we DO know of sound pretty miserable. We know there are other viruses that can re-emerge years later, like Shingles. So COVID might be similar. What it all boils down to is that, with the information we have RIGHT NOW, getting vaccinated is clearly MUCH safer than not getting vaccinated.

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22 hours ago, parttimer55 said:

Couldn't help but notice that Miami cruises in September were nearly sold out.  What does "sold out" actually mean in this context?  An NCL agent was not able to clarify.  Let's assume they actually sold all the cabins.  There is no buffet , limited seating at all restaurants , limited seating in outdoor pool areas etc. etc.  The last cruise i was on had a busy buffet , crowded restaurants (waiting in long lines for a table) and crowded pools.  Does anyone have any idea how they expect that to work ?

There will still be a buffet, just not self serve. The crew will be serving the passengers. Just point to what you want them to put on your plate. Much like the precautions the cruise line takes when the is a Noro outbreak on the ship.

Edited by coffeebean
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22 hours ago, JamieLogical said:

I am a rule abider by nature, but it definitely chafes when the rules are nonsensical. The CDC has already said that it is safe for vaccinated people to gather indoors unmasked. The CDC has already said it is safe to go unmasked outside. The CDC has already said that COVID does not spread effectively on surfaces (and probably even less effectively to vaccinated people!), but they have come up with these rules that only apply on cruise ships. Why can I go maskless in a lounger at my local pool by the CDC standards, but not in a lounger next to a pool that happens to be on a cruise ship? Especially when every single other person on that cruise ship is vaccinated, but not everyone at my local pool is? Why can I sit and eat my leisurely dinner, eating and drinking, maskless for an hour or more in a restaurant on land, but not in a restaurant on a cruise ship where 100% of the staff and other patrons are vaccinated? These are not apples to oranges comparisons. These are apples to apples. Take any scenario on land versus on a cruise ship, and the CDC's guidance is more strict on the ship. Even though, on the ship, they can guarantee 100% vaccination and they can't come close to that on land.

What she said. ^^^^

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Back to the original topic, the answer is me.  I, being in my right mind, want to cruise, and will abide whatever conditions are required.  Of course, I wouldn't take a bucket list cruise under the condition of cruise line required excursions, but would happily do a regular ol' Caribbean cruise.

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6 hours ago, jperry2011 said:

Your literally gonna sneeze into a mask and wear it around? 🤣🤣🤣

Absolutely MUST MUST MUST sneeze or cough into the mask. THAT is what they are for. Change your mask if your (POSSIBLY) disease infected droplets just happened to wet your mask AND BE CONTAINED IN YOUR MASK. That is what source control is all about.


Now I realize why the US had a devil of a time mitigating this pandemic. Not everyone understood how to use the masks and what they were for. Oh My Goodness!!!!!

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5 hours ago, bookbabe said:

It’s spring.  I’d have to take twenty or thirty masks with me to make a half hour trip to the grocery store.  Obviously you and/or your loved ones don’t have allergies, or you’d be a tad more sympathetic.

Clariten, Flonase, Zyrtec anyone? Just a suggestion.

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5 hours ago, Notnewtoit said:

Yes, that is the very point... to protect other people but I see that doesn’t really matter to you. Alternatives that are quite popular among responsible people are Kleenex or subsequently washed hands. 

Actually, we have been instructed for year to sneeze or cough into the bend of our elbow. That works too.

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4 hours ago, jperry2011 said:

You just said I should avoid going out at all though? I'm confused do I need 100 masks on or do I have to stay home during allergy season?

Just saying people who suffer from allergies, should not be sneezing all over the place without some sort of mitigation. Do what ever you have to do to keep your droplets and aerosols from escaping from your nose and mouth into the atmosphere.

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2 hours ago, RocketMan275 said:

It's very simple why CDC is asking for mask wearing.

The guiding principle has always been 'in an overabundance of caution'.

The decision makers at CDC won't get in trouble for making a cruise less enjoyable.

The decision makers at CDC will get in trouble if they do not require masking and someone becomes infected.  

BTW, I'm in the 'it's ludicrous' camp.  

Even more ludicrous is the politician that forbid the bride and groom from dancing together at the wedding reception.  One wonders if this politician thinks the bride and groom will be in separate bedrooms their wedding night following the reception?

Seriously. That is the height of stupidity. At least allow the newlyweds to dance together for crying out loud. Rulings like this are the reason why there is so much push back from the masses.

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2 hours ago, RocketMan275 said:

One would think so but those opposed to the vaccines are now pushing that we won't know if the vaccines are really safe for many, many years.  Like maybe 15 years.  There are all sorts of rumors going around that the vaccines are really long term ticking time bombs and that anyone who is vaccinated may die of mysterious ailments ten years from now.

Where did this conspiracy theory have its origins? Gee.......I wonder where?????

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2 hours ago, HBCcruiser said:


Including all of the illegals crossing our southern boarder and being flown all over the US. No C19 test or vaccine requirements. 

How can that be??? Don't all airlines require a Covid test?

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2 hours ago, BirdTravels said:

I have been to a buffet in Vegas. It is "no self serve" which means that people have to serve you (like when there is noro on a ship,,, or turning the buffet in to a waiter-served restaurant). And there is a lot of restaurant space which could be opened, as needed for additional seating. 

Here in central Florida, I have been to Golden Corral and Ruby Tuesday which offer buffets. They are self serve and you must wear these over sized vinyl gloves before touching the utensils. There are also "sneeze guards" protecting the food. I'm good with that.

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2 hours ago, BermudaBound2014 said:


Thank you. I believe that you truly believe this. I do not believe that most people on CC are coming from a malice place. I just don't believe that we (including myself) have all the information needed to make truly informed decisions.


Please read this article supplied by winterbliss. If, after reading it (and some of the references supplied within), tell me if you believe that information about the vaccines effectiveness has been withheld from the general public? IMO, there is good info here. At least enough to make everyone pause momentarily to contemplate. Maybe not change your mind completely, but at least give it some thought.




The entire abstract is way too tedious for me to consider my feeble brain to read. I did read the conclusion. I'm happy that the mRNA vaccines are concluded to reduce the risk of Covid by a great margin. However, the reporting was not quite done to standard. That is what I got from that abstract. I'm more concerned to see what the FDA will demand to give these mRNA vaccines full FDA approval. There must be some data that was not divulged in this abstract and the FDA will have access to that data.



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2 hours ago, BermudaBound2014 said:


If I'm calculating this correctly, that is a death rate of .0125%. Have we ever, in the history of the world, vaccinated large numbers of the population for a death rate of .0125%? 


And before I'm called a monster, I know first hand that covid is not a hoax as I lost BOTH in-laws to covid. I'm all for vaccinating our most vulnerable population. But I do questing vaccinating healthy individuals.


I am not trying to be disrespectful. I am truly trying to understand. We will probably never agree on this subject, but I am willing to listen with an open mind.


A friendly comment:

Yes, you are NOT calculating it correctly.

In the USA: 32,700,000 have gotten covid and 581,000 have died.

Yes, 581,000/32,700,000 = 0.0125 BUT that is NOT a percentage (%).

To be a percentage means out of a hundred. So you must

multiply by 100 to get a percentage  0.0125 X 100 = 1.25%.

A simple example. If 1 out 100 people eat bacon then:

1/100 = 0.01 and 0.01 X 100 = 1 . So 1% eat bacon.

Also the graph on the web site https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality

says that USA has a 1.7% covid mortality in the USA which is low compared

with many countries in the graph.

Health care is great in many countries and recently getting MUCH 

better since they know a great deal on how to care for people

who have severe symptoms.



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2 hours ago, BermudaBound2014 said:


Thank you. I believe that you truly believe this. I do not believe that most people on CC are coming from a malice place. I just don't believe that we (including myself) have all the information needed to make truly informed decisions.


Please read this article supplied by winterbliss. If, after reading it (and some of the references supplied within), tell me if you believe that information about the vaccines effectiveness has been withheld from the general public? IMO, there is good info here. At least enough to make everyone pause momentarily to contemplate. Maybe not change your mind completely, but at least give it some thought.




I'm sure that article is very popular on Right-wing websites because he's written several Covid denier articles but are you aware that Ronald B. Brown Ph. D is simply a graduate student at Waterloo and not even a member of the faculty? Hardly an expert in his field and not a medical doctor. His opinion wouldn't be admissible in any administrative or judicial proceeding


Here's the Waterloo website-see if you can find him among the faculty




Here's the School of Public Health and Health Systems, faculty which he lists under his name(see his article)




An inquiry was made to Waterloo U for comment:

Reply from the Director of UW's School of Public Health and Health Systems:

"Ronald Brown is a graduate student in the School of Public Health and Health Systems. He is not a member of faculty, nor does he have a PhD from the School.

As I understand it, this is a sole-authored paper submitted for publication, and represents solely the opinions/reasoning of the author."


Edited by Stallion
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1 hour ago, coffeebean said:

Absolutely MUST MUST MUST sneeze or cough into the mask. THAT is what they are for. Change your mask if your (POSSIBLY) disease infected droplets just happened to wet your mask AND BE CONTAINED IN YOUR MASK. That is what source control is all about.


Now I realize why the US had a devil of a time mitigating this pandemic. Not everyone understood how to use the masks and what they were for. Oh My Goodness!!!!!

Wear around a snot covered mask all day. I'll leave that up to you 🤣🤣

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17 minutes ago, BP99 said:


A friendly comment:

Yes, you are NOT calculating it correctly.

In the USA: 32,700,000 have gotten covid and 581,000 have died.

Yes, 581,000/32,700,000 = 0.0125 BUT that is NOT a percentage (%).

To be a percentage means out of a hundred. So you must

multiply by 100 to get a percentage  0.0125 X 100 = 1.25%.

A simple example. If 1 out 100 people eat bacon then:

1/100 = 0.01 and 0.01 X 100 = 1 . So 1% eat bacon.

Also the graph on the web site https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality

says that USA has a 1.7% covid mortality in the USA which is low compared

with many countries in the graph.

Health care is great in many countries and recently getting MUCH 

better since they know a great deal on how to care for people

who have severe symptoms.




The person you quoted was quoting me. I had stated that 125/million 18-49 years olds in the US had died of COVID so far. So the poster's math was correct for that specific demographic. And my post was talking about ALL Americans in that age range, not just those who had tested positive for COVID.

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2 hours ago, coffeebean said:

How can that be??? Don't all airlines require a Covid test?


Im not sure where you got that idea. The airlines are not requesting testing to fly. The countries, like the US, require a negative test to enter. Illegals enter the country illegally, so do not follow any laws related to COVID. When I flew to Cabo this year I did not need a COVID test to fly there, only to renter the US. 

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3 hours ago, coffeebean said:

Clariten, Flonase, Zyrtec anyone? Just a suggestion.

Daily Zyxal and Flonase and still must take Benedryl every 4 hrs in the middle of a serious allergy attack.  Nothing is 100% effective at immediately stopping an allergy attack.  You must've never had one.  Lucky you.

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As a person who worked hard to establish and grow my business, no idiot would walk into my business like he is the “boss” and openly defy the policies I have set forth in “MY” business. As a business owner I suggest all idiots with that mindset to stay away if you don’t want to wear a mask. As someone said in an earlier post..

               “If someone did that to me, we would have issues..”😉

If you don’t have your own business I suggest you work hard to get one so you can walk in like the boss without a mask.

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58 minutes ago, HBCcruiser said:


Im not sure where you got that idea. The airlines are not requesting testing to fly. The countries, like the US, require a negative test to enter. Illegals enter the country illegally, so do not follow any laws related to COVID. When I flew to Cabo this year I did not need a COVID test to fly there, only to renter the US. 

Oh, thanks for setting me straight on that. I have not flown since the beginning of the pandemic but I guess that is no excuse.

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35 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

Oh, thanks for setting me straight on that. I have not flown since the beginning of the pandemic but I guess that is no excuse.

Don’t be hard on yourself. That’s why we ask questions here. 😄

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4 hours ago, coffeebean said:

Clariten, Flonase, Zyrtec anyone? Just a suggestion.

Gee, I never thought of medication...wow, that’s new, right? 😉


I’ve been dealing with allergies all my life, including years spent getting weekly vaccinations.  My allergies laugh at OTC meds.  I’m on heavy duty prescription allergy meds just to stay functional.  They don’t relieve all the symptoms, though.  You get used to it, and it’s normally not a problem, unless I’m surrounded by paranoid unsympathetic people who like to point fingers and shame people without knowing any actual details about their situations.

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