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Formal night...Don't wanna go


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OK so don't bite my head off. We've done this formal affair before, it's just not our cup-o-tea. Had fun, liked the atmosphere...however, would just like to opt out this time.


So what is one to do if they don't want to dress to the hilt yet still have fun?


Can one go to a specialaty rest. with dress casual clothing on?


How 'bout dinner on the deck ? Can that be done? Ya know under the stars?


Sorry to all the gussie upppers...hope you understand.

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You can dress casual in the buffet (the Horizon Court on all of the Princess ships I've been on) no matter what the dining room dress code is. The Patters will list the dress code for traditional, anytime dining rooms, and speciality restaurants. You can still go to the shows and other entertainment those nights even if you're not dressed to the nines, despite what some people will say.

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The evening dress code is for all dining areas except for the Pizzeria, Horizon Court Buffet and room service.


I must respectully dissagree. I just reviewed my patter from our November Caribbean Princess cruise and it says "This evening's dress code is formal."




If you can't comply with the "code", try NCL or your "private balcony".


Now you know how I feel about this issue.




Ps: Don't get me started on list angles. LOL :D

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md' date=' don't worry. Again, the dress code referred to in the Patters just applies to when entering and dining in the dining rooms and specialty restaurants. We're not talking Cunard or HAL here.[/quote']


I agree.. If you read your Cruise Answer Book that you receive with your precruise docs, it says that the 24 hour buffet, Patisserie, Pizzeria and the Hot Dog and Burger Grill are "Casual" dining areas

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I must respectully dissagree. I just reviewed my patter from our November Caribbean Princess cruise and it says "This evening's dress code is formal."




If you can't comply with the "code", try NCL or your "private balcony".


Now you know how I feel about this issue.




Ps: Don't get me started on list angles. LOL :D


Oh, give me a break!! Why do you think they have the horizon court and the pizzeria, it is for those who do not wish to dress up formal. What do you expect someone to put on a tux and go to the pizzeria??


To the OP not everyone wishes to dress up on formal night, while I love to play dress up my DH does not anymore, we've been on too many cruises I guess. So we comprise . . and skip formal night. We sometimes take in afternoon tea and skip eating that night, or we go to the pizzeria or horizon court. In the evenings we stroll the decks, we never go to the shows anyway so thats not an issue for us, but we don't go and hide in our cabin either. If you have a balcony cabin go get plates and take them back to your balcony, that could be very romantic.

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The "atmosphere" may be different on different ships, but on the Grand for the 2nd formal night we ate at the Painted Desert steakhouse. I had on a skirt and fancy top, Mom had on a dressy pantsuit, sis wore black gauchos and sparkly top, my stepdad wore dress pants with button-down shirt, no tie. Everyone was dressed similarly, not a single gown, tux or suit/tie.

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OK so don't bite my head off. We've done this formal affair before, it's just not our cup-o-tea. Had fun, liked the atmosphere...however, would just like to opt out this time.


I will not only "not bite your head off", but say it is fine when you decide not to dress up for dining and find another alternative for the evening. A vacation should be for you to decide what you would like to do. You may go to Horizon court and bring food to your cabin or eat at the tables outside or in the buffet area in casual clothes. There is the option of "limited room service" or I am not sure if Balcony Dining is offered on that night which would be a delightful option (and according to the CC you do not need a balcony to enjoy). The DH and I had a UBB and loved it! I must say that I personally observed on the Sapphire Princess several diners "not" dressed in formal/semi-formal attire in the personal choice dining rooms.


Sorry Rob.potter, NCL does have a dress code perhaps not the same as Princess but they do have one. Formal attired guests have dining rooms set up for those who chose to dress for formal nights. I have to say the guests we sailed with dressed accordingly in the other dining rooms.


I agree with Saylor girl...well said!:D

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I agree. It's your vacation. I think you are very considerate of others not to insist on going to the dining room in casual dress. I often see people in casual dress on formal night in the Horizon Court or the Pizzeria.


Personally, I like to get dressed up a couple of times during the cruise, but I am also one who often changes after dinner because I'm not comfortable sitting in the show lounge in restrictive clothes (I'm still dressed nice, but not "formal")


If the evenings dress is formal no matter where you go, what are they going to do if you are not dressed up and you are walking around the deck or going to the buffet, throw you overboard?


Have fun!!



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I must respectully dissagree. I just reviewed my patter from our November Caribbean Princess cruise and it says "This evening's dress code is formal."




If you can't comply with the "code", try NCL or your "private balcony".


Now you know how I feel about this issue.

While I totally agree with this sentiment, it seems to be a little much to expect of a subset of the Princess passengers of today. Some feel it overbearing to expect passengers to follow the dress guidelines. Others feel it overbearing to be expected to follow the guidelines presented on a cruise which they purchased, fully knowing what those guidelines were at the time of purchase. Personally, I would follow your advice and choose NCL if I felt that formal evenings were more than I could deal with…but that’s just me.


In the meantime, formal attire in the dining room is more strictly adhered to than formal attire around the ship after the meal. Some choose to eschew formal wear once the dinner is complete and as stated above, do so despite what anyone says (or thinks). But the sorry fact is that those of us who understand the social manners attached to the guidelines are overridden by Princess’ desire not to offend someone who might be a future passenger by requesting they dress properly. Doing so would imply they were improper and might engender a complaint.


All that being said, and to answer the questions of the original poster, it would be improper to go to a specialty restaurant in casual clothes on formal night, but in all probability, one would not be stopped by any Princess staff. Dinner on lido deck can be done (just take the food from Horizon Court) as can a balcony dinner. And if one is on a ship with the dreaded MUTS, movie snacks can also be had. There are alternatives on Princess ships for those who don’t feel they belong with the formal crowd – even without having to show up in formal areas of the ship.

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I must respectully dissagree. I just reviewed my patter from our November Caribbean Princess cruise and it says "This evening's dress code is formal."




If you can't comply with the "code", try NCL or your "private balcony".


Now you know how I feel about this issue.




Ps: Don't get me started on list angles. LOL :D


I will respectfully disagree with you. The areas you list do not require formal dress nor does the pool or hot tub. Nor does Princess state or imply what you stated anywhere.



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On the CB we skipped formal night and watched muts instead. We grabbed dinner from the burger/pizza area, went and grabbed our chairs and watched the movie. Did this both nights, worked great for us. Next cruise doesn't have muts and will most likely get room service or Horizon Court and play some mini golf.

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Whoa...I didn't realize I was hitting a nerve with some.


We're sailing on the Golden 4-8-06. This is our 3rd cruise and in the prior 2 we did dress to the hilt on both nights and both cruises. My hubby looks like a million $$$, however he doesn't feel comfy in the penquin suit. In fact we both changes asap after dinner. Nobody could tell if we ate already or not. But we were still all formal'd up for the main event.


To squash any fears some may have, no we will not arrive or stroll around anywhere in wife beatter tank tops and Daisy Duke shorts (yikes!!!).


I fail to see how someone elses attire would make anyone think they were personally being disrepected.


Maybe somepeople should worry less about what someone else is wearing and think more about things that really do matter.


Anyways....thanks to everyone who understands and the kind words.


Safe travels to everyone....enjoy.

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Whoa...I didn't realize I was hitting a nerve with some.


We're sailing on the Golden 4-8-06. This is our 3rd cruise and in the prior 2 we did dress to the hilt on both nights and both cruises. My hubby looks like a million $$$, however he doesn't feel comfy in the penquin suit. In fact we both changes asap after dinner. Nobody could tell if we ate already or not. But we were still all formal'd up for the main event.


To squash any fears some may have, no we will not arrive or stroll around anywhere in wife beatter tank tops and Daisy Duke shorts (yikes!!!).


I fail to see how someone elses attire would make anyone think they were personally being disrepected.


Maybe somepeople should worry less about what someone else is wearing and think more about things that really do matter.


Anyways....thanks to everyone who understands and the kind words.


Safe travels to everyone....enjoy.


It's nothing you said. Princess has changed over the years, accelerating marketing to all kinds of travelers (especially in the Caribbean). Some long-time customers feel that this marketing strategy brings an unsavory clientele to Princess and degrades the ambiance on the ship.


I look at it this way...if you go to an all-inclusive resort, you are not required to attend dinner every night, and there are different dining choices so you can tailor your vacation to be exactly what you want it to be. Cruising is the same.


There are choices for a reason....have a wonderful vacation!

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I find it so very sad that people find it so hard to dress nicely for formal nights because to me cruising is the one place and few chances in a year i get to wear glamorous clothes .Hence why we choose cruises that do have formal nights and a dress code


Any day of the year i can be in my gardening clothes working in the yard or in jeans and a t shirt to clean the house


Equally I can eat pizza or hamburgers etc any day of the year but i sure enjoy a 4 course meal served to me in a nice restuarant either on land or on a cruise ship

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I've never gone to the dining room in anything close to gardening clothes or jeans and a t-shirt, whether it be formal night or smart casual. Both my husband and I always dressed nicely. However, If I choose to change after formal dining, who really should care? I'm clean, well dressed and, frankly, I smell pretty darn good, too. What's the big deal? I, too, like to gussy up for formal dinner but much prefer the shows and rest of the evening in smart casual. I don't understand why anyone should be offended or "saddened." If I choose to skip formal dining, I will dress in smart casual and enjoy dinner in one of the casual dining venues or, as suggested, on our balcony. For you, I wish a wonderful formal dining experience. It sounds like they're important to you and you enjoy them.

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I must respectully dissagree. I just reviewed my patter from our November Caribbean Princess cruise and it says "This evening's dress code is formal."




If you can't comply with the "code", try NCL or your "private balcony".


Now you know how I feel about this issue.




Ps: Don't get me started on list angles. LOL :D




Where does it say that you can't change after dinner???? Your also wrong about the HC, that's why they have it open, so you can go and eat wearing casual clothes. We've done that on several cruises. Especially after being in port all day, and not wanting to get dressed up.

I quite often will go back to my cabin and put on comfortable clothes for the evening.

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I find it so very sad that people find it so hard to dress nicely for formal nights because to me cruising is the one place and few chances in a year i get to wear glamorous clothes .Hence why we choose cruises that do have formal nights and a dress code


Any day of the year i can be in my gardening clothes working in the yard or in jeans and a t shirt to clean the house


Equally I can eat pizza or hamburgers etc any day of the year but i sure enjoy a 4 course meal served to me in a nice restuarant either on land or on a cruise ship


Don't find it sad as there are plenty of us who dress formally throughout the year for various functions, quite often sometimes and therefore don't like to when we vacation. My husband wears a suit and tie every day plus there are plenty of black tie functions here during season we attend and other functions where he's required to wear a suit, (going to one this Sunday) that when he's finally on vacation he really doesn't like getting dressed up. We follow the dress guidelines and we do attend one formal night, but the first one, we're opting out.

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I'm pretty sure rob.potter was being facetious!!!

If some feel that the CB is now allowing "unsavoury" characters onboard, perhaps those individuals should cruise with another line.... Radisson perhaps!


My husband and I will be on the CB Saturday and have cruised many times... we're both in our early 30's, have stressful jobs and go on vacation to relax and unwind. We do not partake in formal night; however, we do dress up every evening for supper and will not dine in the formal dining rooms on formal nights. With that being said, I'm all for the people who get dressed to the nines on formal nights... it's just not our cup of tea (which I believe too was the statement from the OP).....


Perhaps the people that are on edge over this issue, should go on vacation and relax.... just MHO...


Happy cruising to all!!! :)

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I think most people know the drill and understand that one or two nights on a cruise will be a special occasion with the opportunity to dress up, whether strictly formal or not. There are no rules that say anyone has to participate if they don't want to.


Why argue? We're grown-ups who can make up our own minds, and don't need anyone else's approval or permission. As long as people do their best to be good company and good neighbors on board, we can all have a great time. You don't have to go along with requests to respect them.


"I don't see how an article of clothing can be indecent. A person, yes." - Robert Heinlein.

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The thread of all threads: PROPER ATTIRE! :D


2 weeks ago Holland America forum had a thread that went on for pages and pages regarding this issue.


Last week it was the Celebrity forum that had it's turn, and at times it too got quite heated...


Let's see if Princess cruisers can control themselves. ;)

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Actually at some of the all inclusives, they will turn you away if you do not adhere to the dress code for that venue. They don't care because you can't take away tips if you don't get your way, since most are non tipping resorts.

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