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Norovirus is on the Dawn


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You can provide all the “ifs. ands and buts”.  


If you have a fever, you’re likely sick.  There is no theater involved, not when my GP takes my temp EVERY visit.  Hospitals that I get treated in require my temp be taken while in the examining room.


Untrue?  i know plenty of medical personnel who would disagree with you, including my GF who is an RN!


I would be all for cruise lines taking temps again before boarding!

Edited by graphicguy
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9 minutes ago, graphicguy said:

You can provide all the “ifs. ands and buts”.  


If you have a fever, you’re likely sick.  There is no theater involved, not when my GP takes my temp EVERY visit.  Hospitals that I get treated in require my temp be taken while in the examining room.


Untrue?  i know plenty of medical personnel who would disagree with you, including my GF who is an RN!


I would be all for cruise lines taking temps again before boarding!

Changing your story now?  What you said and I quoted is that 

A fever of any type is indicative of some sort of viral illness!


And again, that statement is incorrect!  


A fever MAY indicate an illness ( and all illnesses/infections are certainly not viral ) but

everyone with an elevated body temperature is not ill/contagious and many people with no "fever" can still be ill and contagious.


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27 minutes ago, drew69 said:

Changing your story now?  What you said and I quoted is that 

A fever of any type is indicative of some sort of viral illness!


And again, that statement is incorrect!  


A fever MAY indicate an illness ( and all illnesses/infections are certainly not viral ) but

everyone with an elevated body temperature is not ill/contagious and many people with no "fever" can still be ill and contagious.


Dear Lord, give me the patience to tolerate those who are clueless.  


Didn’t change anything.  If you have a fever you are sick, which is the entire reason medical professionals take your temp and BP when they treat you.  


If you have a virus or bacterial infection a fever will normally accompany it.  


And yes, you can

have a broken limb and not have a fever, as an example!  There are others.    


Done arguing!

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5 minutes ago, graphicguy said:

Dear Lord, give me the patience to tolerate those who are clueless.  


Didn’t change anything.  If you have a fever you are sick, which is the entire reason medical professionals take your temp and BP when they treat you.  


If you have a virus or bacterial infection a fever will normally accompany it.  


And yes, you can

have a broken limb and not have a fever, as an example!  There are others.    


Done arguing!

Still incorrect

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On 2/25/2024 at 5:08 AM, Asawi said:

Wondering the same! As someone who will embark Dawn in less than 2 weeks I'm not amused. But to each their own I guess... 

In 2013 I was booked for a TA on the Queen Mary 2, my first voyage since 1966. Always scared to death of norovirus.  It turned out the cruise before mine (mine was 1/3/13) was the Christmas cruise and it was ruined by norovirus. Apparently even the staff succumbed in large numbers. It was on the evening news as I was making last minute preparations for my trip. You can imagine I was not happy.  They handled it well. The CDC came on board in NYC and outlined what they had to do to disinfect the ship. Instead of leaving NYC late afternoon we were delayed until 9 pm. The crew was hypervigilant about wiping down surfaces. The captain gave an announcement every morning updating the protocol/   It worked out fine.  I am sure that NCL will handle it well also. This is really a BIG problem for a cruise line, they have to.  

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On 2/25/2024 at 5:47 AM, Asawi said:

As I understand they have taken samples to be analyzed to make sure it's "just" norovirus (or similar) and not cholera. Analyze can take up to 48 hours.

So sorry for those of those that should have embarked today! They must be so frustrated.

I feel most sorry for the people who have the sickness  If you havent gotten on the ship yet you are actually lucky  Anyone who has ever had norovirus will agree.  Although it might just be  a 'stomach flu" in some people in most it is not. It is *horrible*  It can strike at any moment with very little warning. 

Edited by Smitheroo
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11 hours ago, laudergayle said:

In May of 2022 we had just arrived at port in Seattle to board the Bliss for our AK cruise.  Outside the terminal they were handing out flyers which stated that the previous cruise had a >2% outbreak of Norovirus and they were required by the CDC to inform passengers.  We were offered a full refund (don’t know if it was FCC or refund).


Well, we thought “what are the chances” and we boarded.  Two days in and Hubby was soooo sick.  He saw AK from the bed in a balcony cabin.  I saw AK from the balcony.


If you have never had noro, you have no idea how viscous this illness is.  If you have…we’ll then you know.


I would be thinking long and hard about whether I would be willing to board the Dawn…and I hope they are offered the option to cancel without penalty.


P.s.  We have a fairly good idea that he picked up the germ in the Observation Lounge soft seating which had a sour smell as if vomit may have been present at one time.  So, it really can happen to even those who are diligent with hand washing and personal hygiene.




Norovirus is spread by hand to mouth contact so ideally you should never eat anything with your bare hands because you dont what you have touched since you last washed them.  You can wash your hands frequently and still touch a contaminated surface. 

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27 minutes ago, Smitheroo said:

Norovirus is spread by hand to mouth contact so ideally you should never eat anything with your bare hands because you dont what you have touched since you last washed them.  You can wash your hands frequently and still touch a contaminated surface. 

So what are you saying?  Are you suggesting that sitting on a sofa that was contaminated would not make you ill?  Are you saying noro cannot be air bound.  Confused by what you are saying?

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I always take covid tests with me.

Secondly, I am just amazed at how everyone think a little spritz of hand sanitizer is all you need...I have been on some of the newer ships (maybe NCL has these too, not sure) that RCL and Celebrity have that have hand washer stations as you walk into the buffet-and guess what?  Hardly anyone uses them!  Drives me nuts!  For awhile they only let you in if you washed, but that too has gone by the wayside.  Makes me sad.  Washing is better than a little spritz.  Just saying>>>


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12 minutes ago, laudergayle said:

So what are you saying?  Are you suggesting that sitting on a sofa that was contaminated would not make you ill?  Confused by what you are saying?

No, unless you somehow got the contaminant in your mouth. (your hand would be the most likely way as I doubt you would put your face on the sofa especially if it smelled)  I'm not sure that a dry material could still transmit virus although I think norovirus is quite hardy.  If all you did was sit on the sofa then no you probably would not get norovirus from it. (kind of like the toilet seat business, to catch an STD from a toilet sit it would have to be visibly dirty as well as expose mucous membranes to it)  If you touched the sofa with your hands, or touched your clothes with your hands, and then put your hands near your mouth, then you might.   If norovirus was on board there were many places you could have picked it up.   I suppose its also possible to get norovirus if you ingest an aerosol like if someone vomited right next to you and your mouth was open. An aerosol with viral particles could possibly get into your mouth.  Ewwwwww, I know.  Norovirus is a gastrointestinal illness that you pick up by something getting the virus into your mouth. And we put our hands near our mouth all the time, eat with our hands (bag of chips, french fries, etc)   And of course the next question is why did you not get it? You sat on the same sofa?  You were in close contact with him sharing a room and even the bathroom?   Our immune systems are very interesting.  I read that people with some genetic mutations to their DNA (too long to go into what these are) have a resistance to the norovirus. I have only had "stomach flu" once or twice in my life and I'm in my 70's. (I do have these genetic mutations)  One time I'm sure it was norovirus and I read that year it was a very virulent strain.




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36 minutes ago, Smitheroo said:

Norovirus is spread by hand to mouth contact so ideally you should never eat anything with your bare hands because you dont what you have touched since you last washed them.  You can wash your hands frequently and still touch a contaminated surface. 

You best avoid the Boodlefight restaurants in the Philippines.   A mat of banana or coconut leaves is spread across the table and everyone is forced to wash their hands.  Then food is piled on the table and everyone eats using only their bare hands, no utensils.   The big pile of white rice placed in front of each patron is for that person only, all the other piles are fair game.

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4 minutes ago, Smitheroo said:

No, unless you somehow got the contaminant in your mouth. (your hand would be the most likely way as I doubt you would put your face on the sofa especially if it smelled)  I'm not sure that a dry material could still transmit virus although I think norovirus is quite hardy.  If all you did was sit on the sofa then no you probably would not get norovirus from it. (kind of like the toilet seat business, to catch an STD from a toilet sit it would have to be visibly dirty as well as expose mucous membranes to it)  If you touched the sofa with your hands, or touched your clothes with your hands, and then put your hands near your mouth, then you might.   If norovirus was on board there were many places you could have picked it up.   I suppose its also possible to get norovirus if you ingest an aerosol like if someone vomited right next to you and your mouth was open. An aerosol with viral particles could possibly get into your mouth. Ewwwwww, I know. 


Perhaps.  DH sat down while I got a cheese plate.  Once I smelled the seating area, we moved.  Since this was the pinnacle of Covid testing, I actually wiped down the new table with wipes.  All I know is it spreads invisibly.  To all cruisers, beware and always travel with Zofran. 

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12 minutes ago, mugtech said:

You best avoid the Boodlefight restaurants in the Philippines.   A mat of banana or coconut leaves is spread across the table and everyone is forced to wash their hands.  Then food is piled on the table and everyone eats using only their bare hands, no utensils.   The big pile of white rice placed in front of each patron is for that person only, all the other piles are fair game.

Yeah, that would not be my favorite type of restaurant. This is one reason I have not had any inclination to travel to exotic places.  I never ever eat off food trucks.  I wouldnt mind a cruise to an exotic place but in that case I would only eat on the ship. Dull, I know    And eating only on the ship might make food poisoning less likely, as we know norovirus is still there.  You have to wash your hands and keep them away from your mouth.

Edited by Smitheroo
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2 minutes ago, Smitheroo said:

Yeah, that would not be my favorite type of restaurant. This is one reason I have not had any inclination to travel to exotic places.  I never ever eat off food trucks.  I wouldnt mind a cruise to an exotic place but in that case I would only eat on the ship. Dull, I know

Lol…right there with you.  We actually were much more adventurous with eating before the noro incident.  We are sooo cautious now.

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3 minutes ago, laudergayle said:

Perhaps.  DH sat down while I got a cheese plate.  Once I smelled the seating area, we moved.  Since this was the pinnacle of Covid testing, I actually wiped down the new table with wipes.  All I know is it spreads invisibly.  To all cruisers, beware and always travel with Zofran. 

Yes norovirus is very contagious and invisible     I like to say I dont get norovirus because I dont eat in exotic places ,which might protect against food poisoning but I dont really think it protects against norovirus)   I really try not to have hand mouth contact (its hard), I wash my hands often. (hand sanitizer apparently has no effect on this virus)  but it might really be due to those genetic mutations I referred to or luck.   I can count on one hand the times I've had any of what people refer to as "stomach flu".  People would be dropping like flies around me at work and I'd be fine. I did get it once 

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I fall into a few of these….i suffer from horrible allergies.  That often times will manifest into a sinus infection depending on the time of year. Severe congestion, and I sound horrible…had to fly home from Europe with that…not fun. I usually have to take a pill before I eat, because I can’t get away from my allergens easily.  Different foods and concentrations cause different reactions, from congestion to hives to vomiting.


I admit I’m not as diligent at home as I should be, but I use the towel on the door handle in every public restroom. I don’t care if I have wet hands yet from washing them, I will washy washy with the best of them.


i woke up on morning 1 of a 10 day Alaskan cruise, with that turned out to be shingles.  Self treated with hot compresses, Tylenol, triple antibiotic ointment and Boudreaux’s Butt Paste (which personally I think was the magic trick) DH was not getting anything, and it wasn’t spreading from my back and the one spot on my front.  Blisters didn’t open. (Open blisters and contact are what causes them spread from one person to the next.) And I kept them covered (near impossible for me to NOT have covered them naturally).  Other than uncomfortable, I was ok.  If they were spreading or getting worse would have treated different.  But I was lucky enough I guess to get shingles at 49…we did initially suspect an allergic reaction to something, we just weren’t sure what.


While I know myself and my allergies, I also know that others do not, so I do my best to put people at ease as much as possible.  If I’m in a full on attack, I will have DH do more for me, not because I can’t, but because Joe stranger will jump to incorrect conclusions, if they see me at the buffet not being able to breathe trying to get food…

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31 minutes ago, laudergayle said:

So what are you saying?  Are you suggesting that sitting on a sofa that was contaminated would not make you ill?  Are you saying noro cannot be air bound.  Confused by what you are saying?

I just saw your question about whether it can be air bound. That's a good question. Not in the sense that Covid is air bound.   The norovirus would have to be in an aerosol which a person might breath in or get in their mouths.   But it doesnt travel through the air like a respiratory infection does.  that's why they keep wiping down surfaces that people have touched with possibly contaminated hands.

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4 minutes ago, Smitheroo said:

Yes norovirus is very contagious and invisible     I like to say I dont get norovirus because I dont eat in exotic places ,which might protect against food poisoning but I dont really think it protects against norovirus)   I really try not to have hand mouth contact (its hard), I wash my hands often. (hand sanitizer apparently has no effect on this virus)  but it might really be due to those genetic mutations I referred to or luck.   I can count on one hand the times I've had any of what people refer to as "stomach flu".  People would be dropping like flies around me at work and I'd be fine. I did get it once 

Well my friend, as we say in the south… Count your blessings.  That being said, get a travel prescription for generic zofran.  You will be thankful you were on CC and someone suggested it.

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2 minutes ago, laudergayle said:

Well my friend, as we say in the south… Count your blessings.  That being said, get a travel prescription for generic zofran.  You will be thankful you were on CC and someone suggested it.

yes, my daughter says the same.  Pepto bismal and immodium work farely well for anything I've had (except the noro, there was no time to try any remedy and I suspect I had a very mild infection as it didnt last very long) 

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9 minutes ago, MrsTocko said:

I fall into a few of these….i suffer from horrible allergies.  That often times will manifest into a sinus infection depending on the time of year. Severe congestion, and I sound horrible…had to fly home from Europe with that…not fun. I usually have to take a pill before I eat, because I can’t get away from my allergens easily.  Different foods and concentrations cause different reactions, from congestion to hives to vomiting.


I admit I’m not as diligent at home as I should be, but I use the towel on the door handle in every public restroom. I don’t care if I have wet hands yet from washing them, I will washy washy with the best of them.


i woke up on morning 1 of a 10 day Alaskan cruise, with that turned out to be shingles.  Self treated with hot compresses, Tylenol, triple antibiotic ointment and Boudreaux’s Butt Paste (which personally I think was the magic trick) DH was not getting anything, and it wasn’t spreading from my back and the one spot on my front.  Blisters didn’t open. (Open blisters and contact are what causes them spread from one person to the next.) And I kept them covered (near impossible for me to NOT have covered them naturally).  Other than uncomfortable, I was ok.  If they were spreading or getting worse would have treated different.  But I was lucky enough I guess to get shingles at 49…we did initially suspect an allergic reaction to something, we just weren’t sure what.


While I know myself and my allergies, I also know that others do not, so I do my best to put people at ease as much as possible.  If I’m in a full on attack, I will have DH do more for me, not because I can’t, but because Joe stranger will jump to incorrect conclusions, if they see me at the buffet not being able to breathe trying to get food…

what rotten luck! 

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Just now, Smitheroo said:

yes, my daughter says the same.  Pepto bismal and immodium work farely well for anything I've had (except the noro, there was no time to try any remedy) 

I travel with it all. Pesto, Tylenol, motrin, hydrocortisone, butt paste, triple antibiotic ointment, tums, allergy meds, bandaids, gauze, aloe, sunscreen, Dramamine, Bonine, sea bands

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10 hours ago, Laszlo said:

I've seen some people do some pretty gross things at the buffet. The worse is one someone picks up a piece of food, usually something baked. They sniff it and put it back......🤢


If you touch food you own it, it doesn't get put back

When I was on the QM2 many years ago after a major norovirus outbreak in the previous cruise, only staff were allowed to serve the food from the self serve areas of the buffet. They were standing there with tongs and you told them what you wanted.

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2 minutes ago, MrsTocko said:

I travel with it all. Pesto, Tylenol, motrin, hydrocortisone, butt paste, triple antibiotic ointment, tums, allergy meds, bandaids, gauze, aloe, sunscreen, Dramamine, Bonine, sea bands

ha ha, you are prepared!  

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