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Conquest Captain Boots Man off Ship for Starting A Protest !!!03/16/08 Cruise


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My in-laws were on a 'sick' cruise last fall. Upon arrival to port, they were interviewed by the local FOX station. Amazingly, their comments were aired: "The captain did a great job of keeping everyone informed and safe, we had a great time." He was, of course, in the minority of those who were on camera.


You have to work at having a bad cruise - unless you're on one of those that have lost power, been adrift in high seas with no AC, little food and backed-up toilets, there is really not much to complain about.

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Look at all these clueless first posters coming here to support the "protesters". Who gives a flip about the $25? That's pretty meaningless, don't you think?


You know what really matters? That these foolish people decided to quit relaxing and start protesting over the stupid issue of $25! They could have been relaxing on the deck, enjoying the sun and sea, with a cold drink. Instead they protest for more money? This is incredible! What was this - a redneck convention or something?


If these people had any sense, they would know that $25 is the FAIR and CUSTOMARY compensation for a missed port. It happened to me, and no one protested. What makes these people more special than everyone else, worthy of more money? I think they are just ignorant.

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Given the Fox news report and this 11-page thread, we're thinking of posting something on Cruise Critic about this incident. One thing I'm trying to find out (and forgive me if my search on this loooong thread didn't bring it up) was what exactly did the petition say? Can anyone who saw or signed it remember the wording? I'm trying to find out if the signers were asking for more money/compensation or just stating they thought the cruise line handled the situation poorly or something else entirely?



Associate Editor Erica


I did not see the petition either because I did not sign it. I did see him up on lido deck the day he was trying to get people to sign.

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Aren't there some other cruise lines out there where you get nothing for a missed port? I think the $25 is actually a nice goodwill gesture on behalf of Carnival. I haven't missed any ports yet, but if it ever happens, oh well. I know they had a reason and didn't do it just to ruin my vacation, and I'll happily take the $25 and have a few extra drinks.


Isn't the $25 a port fee? If Carnival is not charged by Jamaica, they have no right billing their passengers the $25. I think the $25 is a refund of a charge and not a convenience or "sorry" type of fee paid to passengers.

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I was on this ship and was THRILLED this man was removed! How heartless he was...dragging his unhappiness throughout the entire ship! No one WANTED to miss Jamaica but HE seemed to be the only one that didn't understand the life/lives of others was more important than the stop! I witnessed him trying to get the mic from the live band playing for those relaxing around the pool. Because of him, the band packed it up, ruining it for the rest of us! He was also going chair to chair asking people to sign his petition and telling them the Capt. wanted to remove him once we got to Grand Cayman. If he only could have stuck around to see what the other passengers were saying about him. Yes, the Captain could have done a better job with the communication....a letter was sent to every room explaining we had to return to have a person removed but we would have loved an update. BEFORE a cruise is booked, Everyone is required to acknowledge Carnival may not be able to stop at every port for reasons out of their control, and I do think this qualifies. The man's petition was asking for 1/3 of our money back because we missed one of the 3 scheduled stops. A bit unreasonable....we were on the ship the entire 7 days...eating, enjoying the entertainment, dirtying the ship...why would we get 1/3 the money back! Obviously this man doesn't have much business sense or sympathy for the ill. I hope his kids don't think the same way...what a shame that would be....children learn what they live! Scary thought!

The rest of the cruise was great and I applaud the Captain for removing this family.

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I was on a ship that mad an speedy unscheduled port stop due to a person needing medical attention. The captain communicated very well and everyone was very suportive...damn it happens (RCL). I've missed ports due to weather. It happens. This guy needs a lobotomy and the hundred morons that followed him, drink the Kool Aid. The captain is not a leader of a democracy. He is a dictator and thank God! Once I pay my money, I want the man to run the show and if he smiles at me, all the better, but he IS THE CAPTAIN, and YOU WILL SHOW RESPECT, or stay off the stinking ship. When it comes to that floating hunk of steel, I want the toughest tyrant alive to run that show. It does not matter the cruise line, the captains communication, somebody's runny nose...the Captain made a decision to save a life. He rocks. I just hope it is not mine or my kids a Captain ever has to save, but if it happens, I want the meanest SOB that ever sailed the seas. God Bless that Captain, steady as she goes!

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This is why I cruise. We missed GC because of high waves on our very 1st cruise years ago and didn't give it a second thought. I assumed that the competent, experienced, and concerned captain and staff on the Carnival ship know better than I did if it was safe for us to port or not. So we had an extra fun day a sea. The captain acted correctly and I applaud him. For 1 posters whose favorite cruise line is someone other than Carnival, don't over estimate your influence on future cruisers. I am sure any Captain on any major cruise line would have acted the same. Don't your think the Captain was in contact with his supervisor and senior staff before he made a decision like that?

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In my 2 years on this board, I have NEVER seen so many "new 1 post" members on a single thread. Now I usually try to be open minded and everyone has to start somewhere but c'mon...


Either this thread is a big old bridge with alot of new inhabitants under it, or I have fallen down the rabbit hole...


where is the cheshire cat with his :D

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For all of you upset - the cruise line doesn't have to take you anywhere - just so you know. They can cancel all your ports without reason at all if they want to and they don't owe you a dime. It's the captain's decision and his word goes.


Exactly. The contract everyone agrees to reflects this. They can cancel any port at any time for any reason whatsoever.


I was on the Voyager that was sailing the same itinerary that week. Trust me, it wasn't the prettiest day on the island by a long shot. They didn't really miss much. We sort of had a similar incident and people were more concerned about the person(s) than about being late to Jamaica.

I'll feel bad for the people on the ship, but my experiences on the island were bad and I wish we would have just had an extra sea day.


All I know was that the passengers we ran into in GC were really angry.

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My wife and I were on the Carnival Valor in Sept '07 and a similiar thing happened. We had to turn back toward Nassau overnight for an extremely ill fellow passenger. This put us laste getting into St. Thomas the next day, but we didn't care. We were just so happy to hear that our fellow passenger was doing better. There were several people that I had say shut up too, and reminded them to think if it had been them being seriously ill.

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Hmmm...something don't pass the smell test here....



Look how many "1 post" wonders are showing for the last few pages of this thread...and how many of them support the "victim".


Yep.. these are commonly known as sock puppets... usually the same 1 or 2 people.


So they missed a port because of an evac.. poor things. Luckily, I have never had to have a port missed, but it could have happened.. especially since Grand Cayman is all tenders, and those could have been canceled because of water conditions.. I did my homework on here and would have accepted it.. without compensation.

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All I can say is WOW! If every ship that missed a port had a guy like that onboard, I would stop cruising! Thankfully, we have only missed one port. The ship lost an anchor in an earlier port and needed 2 for the port we missed. Can't say communication was quick or accurate (they never did admit dropping an anchor) but we got $50 credit and a second day at the same port we were in. We were disappointed but it was no reason to wreck an otherwise great cruise.

Just goes to show how a news story gets a life of its own! They(the media) like to believe if they say it often enough it becomes true.

I am glad to see many long time contributers getting on board with the Captain. Good, bad or indifferent, he has the responsibility and takes the hits. Just like everything else some are better than others but no captain I have encountered should ever have to take the disrespect that seems to have taken place here. Good call in GC!

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I think we can blame Fox News.. for the new posters..


My dad is a captain on a merchant marine ship. So I understand the captains view point to a current existent. I would agree with some people if what was going on was not communicated to people then, "some" people would be upset.. But wasn't a letter sent to everyone's rooms. If that did happen then what was happening was communicated.. Okay so some captain explain everything in delete.. Big deal as long as the ship isn't sinking or on fire them I'm happy..


I'm sure profit is always in the back ground for Carnival, but then so is that for all cruise lines.. The funny thing the two cruises the stick out for me as "problem" cruises was not even Carnival, they were Royal Caribbean and Celebrity. It was family cruises we were on.. But you know what I still had fun and enjoy my cruise.. Those things that happen just added to the "history" of our cruises.


People need to be flexible in life..

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Why is it always the U.S.Coast Guard that flies out to evacuate people.I mean if the ship is closer to Grand Cayman or Jamaica why don't they send a helicopter out to get the ill passenger?Almost all ships are flagged Bahamas or some other country.Would it have not been faster for whatever country was closer to send help.If the health and well being of the person is all that matters then why send a U.S. helicopter out all that way,when some other place is closer.We were near Haiti last year and the U.S Coast Guard came all the way from Miami to get a sick person,we turned north to meet the helicopter.Jamaica was a whole lot closer than the U.S. So does anyone know why.Just wondering.Mike.


Here is the simple answer. would you rather be picked up by a coast guard helo and taken to the US, or picked up by the lowest bidder and taken to Haiti to treat your life threatening injury or illness? Also most health insurance companies wont cover you in a foreign country, or cover the transport to the hospital from the ship (Oh yes you will pay for that transport if not done by the Coast guard)


So did I answer your question?

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There are some real morons on this forum! WHy is it that Carnival can take advantage of you just because it is a vacation? The emergency was a Given. I dont care what the cirumstance ,a emergency comes before all other. If I have a love one or anyone else for that matter that needs medical attention that needs to be the first and foremost thing. You all keep going back to that when that had nothing to do with the complaint!The problem is that Carnival is a business not a medical facility. There job after emergencies are handled in the proper way is to satisfy there customers. I bet if any of you went to get your car repaired and they told you they would put a new motor in it for X amount of dollars and then said sorry there was a medical emergency and I had to put in a used but it is the same price you would not be happy would you? I am a business owner and I am obligated to give my customers what they pay for and if there ever is an emergency or issue then I do try to make them happy. Obviously some people cant be made happy but I at least put forth the effort. How can all you people not understand that Carnival Cruise line are laughing all the way to the bank? Did they loose any money? NO! All there customers did. They actually made extra because all those customers that were stuck on the ship were gambling,shopping and Drinking. I was on the ship and I signed the Petition and I am proud of it. Just because Carnival is a Big company does not mean they can run over people. P.S. I read the contract and do understand it! I guess you are all fine with the Gas prices. The gas companies are doing the same thing. They are reaping from all our emergencies. Emergencies are of top priority!!! But when everything is all fine and well then I beleive the customer should be satisfied. They could at least given us a little off the next cruise,a free drink or just a plain ole Were sorry from the Captain would have been nice. Nope, a letter saying it.

Thanks and I am sure some of you cruise lovers that love to be taken advantage of will love to jump on this. And by the way the ones that dont agree with me, why dont you go to the grocery store and pay for a steak and tell them no thanks I will take lunch meat instead.!!!!!!!!

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Hmmm...something don't pass the smell test here....


Look how many "1 post" wonders are showing for the last few pages of this thread...and how many of them support the "victim".


I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed this trend. :rolleyes:

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There are some real morons on this forum! WHy is it that Carnival can take advantage of you just because it is a vacation? The emergency was a Given. I dont care what the cirumstance ,a emergency comes before all other. If I have a love one or anyone else for that matter that needs medical attention that needs to be the first and foremost thing. You all keep going back to that when that had nothing to do with the complaint!The problem is that Carnival is a business not a medical facility. There job after emergencies are handled in the proper way is to satisfy there customers. I bet if any of you went to get your car repaired and they told you they would put a new motor in it for X amount of dollars and then said sorry there was a medical emergency and I had to put in a used but it is the same price you would not be happy would you? I am a business owner and I am obligated to give my customers what they pay for and if there ever is an emergency or issue then I do try to make them happy. Obviously some people cant be made happy but I at least put forth the effort. How can all you people not understand that Carnival Cruise line are laughing all the way to the bank? Did they loose any money? NO! All there customers did. They actually made extra because all those customers that were stuck on the ship were gambling,shopping and Drinking. I was on the ship and I signed the Petition and I am proud of it. Just because Carnival is a Big company does not mean they can run over people. P.S. I read the contract and do understand it! I guess you are all fine with the Gas prices. The gas companies are doing the same thing. They are reaping from all our emergencies. Emergencies are of top priority!!! But when everything is all fine and well then I beleive the customer should be satisfied. They could at least given us a little off the next cruise,a free drink or just a plain ole Were sorry from the Captain would have been nice. Nope, a letter saying it.

Thanks and I am sure some of you cruise lovers that love to be taken advantage of will love to jump on this. And by the way the ones that dont agree with me, why dont you go to the grocery store and pay for a steak and tell them no thanks I will take lunch meat instead.!!!!!!!!


So your assumption is that 1/3 of the price you paid for your cruise goes to the port in Jamaica? Think before you post! You paid for 7 days on the ship +$25 port charge for each stop. You got your $25 back.


Now just think about the thousands of PAX that had to stay on the ship eating food, using facilities, etc..... instead of using facilities, and eating in Jamaica. I would really like to hear your logic on how Carnival SAVED money by missing the port.


One other thing......this kind of thing happens on other cruiselines all the time. Oh and another thing I see a lot of clueless posters here saying how it is so much better on other lines and say THEY would have handled it better? Well Carnival OWNS those cruise lines!!!! SO..........Why would carnival do it one way on the ships with their name on it, and supposedly do it different on another line they own? Answer is IT IS DONE THE SAME ACROSS THE BOARD regardless of line, even if it is owned by Carnival or not!!

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One time I was on a Senior Citizen cruise. Literally it was advertised at numerous "Retirement Homes" trying to fill empty cabins and believe me it worked!! The entire cruise we had 4 kill over with heart attacks or just from old age, 3 had heart attacks, strokes or some serious illness and had to be removed. We took SO long taking care of all these passengers, we literally ran out of gas before the end of the cruise and had to make an unscheduled "Pit Stop" for fuel, which took the better part of a day. We missed 2 scheduled stops. They even had ALOT of the deck chairs stacked during the day to leave room for senior passengers in wheel chairs. But I didn't complain, I just took it in stride because cruising is cruising. No bad times! Remember that. And YES this was a Carnival ship 3 years ago.

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I never said I wanted a 1/3 back. Just something. Yeah they fed us but they also made profits off gambling,drinking and shopping. So what your saying is that its ok if we get done wrong as long as every cruise line does us wrong?

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There are some real morons on this forum! WHy is it that Carnival can take advantage of you just because it is a vacation? The emergency was a Given. I dont care what the cirumstance ,a emergency comes before all other. If I have a love one or anyone else for that matter that needs medical attention that needs to be the first and foremost thing. You all keep going back to that when that had nothing to do with the complaint!The problem is that Carnival is a business not a medical facility. There job after emergencies are handled in the proper way is to satisfy there customers. I bet if any of you went to get your car repaired and they told you they would put a new motor in it for X amount of dollars and then said sorry there was a medical emergency and I had to put in a used but it is the same price you would not be happy would you? I am a business owner and I am obligated to give my customers what they pay for and if there ever is an emergency or issue then I do try to make them happy. Obviously some people cant be made happy but I at least put forth the effort. How can all you people not understand that Carnival Cruise line are laughing all the way to the bank? Did they loose any money? NO! All there customers did. They actually made extra because all those customers that were stuck on the ship were gambling,shopping and Drinking. I was on the ship and I signed the Petition and I am proud of it. Just because Carnival is a Big company does not mean they can run over people. P.S. I read the contract and do understand it! I guess you are all fine with the Gas prices. The gas companies are doing the same thing. They are reaping from all our emergencies. Emergencies are of top priority!!! But when everything is all fine and well then I beleive the customer should be satisfied. They could at least given us a little off the next cruise,a free drink or just a plain ole Were sorry from the Captain would have been nice. Nope, a letter saying it.

Thanks and I am sure some of you cruise lovers that love to be taken advantage of will love to jump on this. And by the way the ones that dont agree with me, why dont you go to the grocery store and pay for a steak and tell them no thanks I will take lunch meat instead.!!!!!!!!


Explain this to me...

The people got the money back for the port fees for a port they didn't use, they stayed on a ship, used the facilities on a day that they normally would not have, ate food they probably wouldn't have, dirtied more dishes than they would have, staff had to stay on board the ship and work on a day when many of them have the time off (and have to be paid), the ship had to run it's engines (to keep electricity and heat water, etc.) and burning fuel at a very high cost (I have a ballpark figure from working at the pier in Galveston with a similar sized ship) instead of being plugged in to shoreside and the ship's staff/crew had to deal with a sick loved one (they really are like family) and Carnival is the one rolling to the bank? Not to mention that they flew this man (and presumeably his family) back to the US and ate the cost. I'm sure the medical evacuation wasn't cheap either!


Every passenger getting on to a ship agrees to the contract that's pretty much industry standard. The passenger agrees that they are getting on the ship and the captain can change the itinerary with no notice and no compensation. The end. Anything above and beyond is great, but not required for the cruiseline. If a person doesn't agree with that policy, they shouldn't cruise. No one but that Captain knows how he made the decision. He is between making a medical decision, a corporate head probably anxious as to them turning around (spending more money) back tracking (spending more money) having staff on duty (even more money) and the medical evacuation (lots more money) riding his back. His decision was not an easy one.

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Explain this to me...

The people got the money back for the port fees for a port they didn't use, they stayed on a ship, used the facilities on a day that they normally would not have, ate food they probably wouldn't have, dirtied more dishes than they would have, staff had to stay on board the ship and work on a day when many of them have the time off (and have to be paid), the ship had to run it's engines (to keep electricity and heat water, etc.) and burning fuel at a very high cost (I have a ballpark figure from working at the pier in Galveston with a similar sized ship) instead of being plugged in to shoreside and the ship's staff/crew had to deal with a sick loved one (they really are like family) and Carnival is the one rolling to the bank? Not to mention that they flew this man (and presumeably his family) back to the US and ate the cost.



At the end of the day ,it is a business and if they care about keeping there customers then they will try to keep them happy...Obviously they dont. As I stated, I am a business owner and if I have to take a loss then I will for the sake of my customer. I would expect any one that does not own a business to understand! There is no way possible for you nor I to know if they were ahead in profits or behind but the simple fact is that we were the customer and they were the ones making the profit.

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At the end of the day ,it is a business and if they care about keeping there customers then they will try to keep them happy...Obviously they dont. As I stated, I am a business owner and if I have to take a loss then I will for the sake of my customer. I would expect any one that does not own a business to understand! There is no way possible for you nor I to know if they were ahead in profits or behind but the simple fact is that we were the customer and they were the ones making the profit.

Actually, I owned a trucking company. Five trucks. And I own a DOT compliance auditing company. And there's one thing I know, a staff member who has faith that I will do right by them will do right by me ten fold. My staff would come first and if I lost a sale, I lost a sale but kept a great employee to make even more of my customers happy instead of having to look for and train a new person that angers people while training.

You said it yourself, we have no way of knowing if they were in the red or green so how can you say that they were "the ones making the profit"? You can't. Yeah, the customer paid them but the costs incurred by the ship having to turn and back track twice may have put them in the red for the sailing.

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I never said I wanted a 1/3 back. Just something. Yeah they fed us but they also made profits off gambling,drinking and shopping. So what your saying is that its ok if we get done wrong as long as every cruise line does us wrong?


I mean really....Signing the petition and being proud of it. ***** do you think the Captain could have done about it? Hand you a check? Give you carte Blanche at the bar? give you loaded dice at the casino? come on now please tell me what you wanted to accomplish by signing that petition?


The Captain made a decision based on Maritime experience and the petition starter made a scene based on lack of knowledge of how things work on a cruise ship. And you say you signed the petition proudly?


If you really wanted something from carnival all you had to do was nicely ask them later.


I went on a group cruise with 40+ people and we all had a great time. i let carnival know this in a letter, and low and behold I received a certificate for $25 OBC on my next cruise.


Since we were a group over 30 we opted for the "open Bar Card" that got all our drinks covered for a small fee each. All of us had to pay the fee in order to get this option. One girl in our group got pregnant a few weeks prior to the cruise and wanted to cancel the fee. Well according to the rules she couldn't do this without all of us losing out on having this perk. She wasn't happy and nicely wrote a letter to Carnival a week after our cruise. Carnival replied with a congratulations letter on expecting her first child and covered the difference between the "Open Bar card" and a Soda Fountain card.


My point is making a scene, and demanding the Captain with a petition to do something beyond his control is just plain foolish.


Asking Carnival nicely later for something, and explaining how this might have really inconvenienced you would have probably brought better result.


It sure did in my experience, and I bet it did for others on on you cruise that handled things better than the moron that started the petition!!

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At the end of the day ,it is a business and if they care about keeping there customers then they will try to keep them happy...Obviously they dont. As I stated, I am a business owner and if I have to take a loss then I will for the sake of my customer. I would expect any one that does not own a business to understand! There is no way possible for you nor I to know if they were ahead in profits or behind but the simple fact is that we were the customer and they were the ones making the profit.


Here is an example for you mr/mrs? business owner. What would you do if you had an emergency in your place and some customers got inconvenienced, you then follow procedure, even to the point of refunding some money. Now some Moron feels he deserved more and organizes a petition and starts soliciting and bothering customers in front of your business? I would call the cops and have them removed.


What would you do? interesting analogy isn't it. Are you still proud of signing that petition?

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