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Everything posted by nwcruiselover

  1. The Guest Services staff didn’t tell us how many miles out we had to be, but I assumed 12 miles. They said the bridge staff had to assess the expected winds and sea conditions and would let us know what time the scattering could be done. They offered us a 2 hour window. My sister and I were very happy with the way everything was conducted.
  2. My sister and I scattered our brother’s ashes off the Carnival Panorama in January 2023. Everything was handled very respectfully, similar to what “Knights on the Beach” described above. A Guest Services representative and a security officer were present, but gave us our time and space. It was very meaningful. The following day my sister and I each received a beautiful padded folder with a picture of the Carnival Panorama inside, along with a certificate signed by the Captain that stated the exact date and time, and latitude/longitude where the ashes were scattered. It couldn’t have been nicer.
  3. Thank you for another great review, Greg! Safe journey home. I’ll be looking forward to your next review. Enjoy the Super Bowl tomorrow!
  4. You wouldn’t be able to sub 2 people in place of your in-laws. One person on the original booking must remain on the booking.
  5. Congratulations! I would have taken that upgrade too.
  6. Carnival doesn’t allow this. They call it a “down line debarkation,” and they stopped allowing it quite a few years ago. I don’t know the repercussions if you try to walk off in in Paris with your luggage, but if it were me I wouldn’t try it. Their passenger manifest must agree with the actual passengers onboard. I tried to arrange this in advance several years back and was given a blunt NO. I even pursued it all the way to the president’s office, and that answer was always no. I would recommend getting back to Paris after the ship arrives in London.
  7. If you have a PVP, they can take care of it. My husband had the same problem and our PVP took care of it while I was on the phone with him.
  8. I just got off the Panorama and had a 1A with portholes. It had one single bed and a couch that could be made into a bed. I didn’t need that because I was sailing solo, but the cabin attendant had it made up when I got there. It seemed like it would be quite comfortable but took away from the space available in the cabin.
  9. I just got off a Panorama 7 day a week ago. Clocks were set ahead one hour before getting to Puerto Vallarta, and set back before getting to Cabo San Lucas. So the PV and Mazatlan stops had ship time on US Mountain time. However, in PV, their time was one hour ahead of ship’s time. The tour guide mentioned that several times.
  10. I have had the fish & chips and the Buffalo shrimp on the Panorama and Venezia, and I think these meals were well worth the extra $8.00 (fish & ships) and $10.00 (shrimp). It was easy to order on the app and the food was ready when I got there. I ate there for dinner several times on each cruise.
  11. As far as priority delivery of checked bags, I’m diamond and haven’t gotten bags early. Usually there are bags all up and down the hallways before mine arrives.
  12. I was on the Panorama the past two weeks. They had a chocolate buffet and a white night party. I didn’t go to either of them but did hear them announced.
  13. On the Panorama last week at the MDR and also at Lido omelette stations, the only choices were: Cheese, Ham and Cheese, or Veggie. The veggies were all mixed together so a person couldn’t order spinach, mushroom, onion, etc, separately.
  14. You can cancel the reservation and then rebook for the day/time you prefer prior to sailing. I think to change it without the cancel/rebook process you’ll have to wait till you’re on the ship.
  15. I would advise calling Carnival’s Special Needs Department. 1-800-438-6744 extension 70025.
  16. That’s a dose of reality. I had hand surgery for a broken bone not too long ago, and no way would I have been able to cruise until at least a month after surgery. Physical therapy might be involved also.
  17. If the lead guest is cancelling and has travel insurance, they need to contact the travel insurer for guidance about how to proceed. In my experience, when I had to cancel a cruise for health reasons, my insurer wouldn’t pay unless I cancelled and provided proof that Carnival wasn’t refunding anything. Then they paid the claim. The cruise was then re-fared, with my roommate having to pay 100% solo supplement. However, her travel insurance paid what was needed to make her whole. If no travel insurance is involved, I agree with others who said to have the primary guest be a no-show.
  18. I totally agree with this. I would choose Venezia for the extra 2 cruise days, hands down.
  19. It does seem a bit tight, but I don’t know from personal experience whether the excursions in PV start and end on time. In theory you should be able to do both. The main reason I’m posting is to let you know that Rhythms of the Night was one of the best excursions I have ever done. It was a thoroughly delightful evening of entertainment and excellent food. If you have to choose between your five hour morning tour and Rhythms of the Night, I would choose Rhythms of the night for sure.
  20. I received my leather passport holder/luggage tag, and free steakhouse letter more than a year ago. Just this past Saturday I received another passport holder/luggage tag, which was “leatherette” in Carnival colors. No explanation and no steakhouse letter.
  21. Your son, his wife and daughter won’t be allowed to be in the suite waiting lounge or board with you. You can wait and board with them or meet them on the ship.
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