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Merry Cruise-Mas and Happy New Year! Live from the Zuiderdam-- December 27th, 2013


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Hi, my CC friends!

I am going to attempt another "live from". Only this time, I am so excited, I started super early!


We are sailing on the Zuiderdam on December 27th, 2013. This will be our second HAL cruise. I am sailing with my husband. Typically, in the odd years at Christmas time, we take a trip with our son and my mother. In the past, we have gone to Hawaii (twice), Disney, a Princess cruise, Gatlinburg, TN. This year we could not travel, as my 21 year old son is gainfully employed!!! (A very Merry Christmas to us!) He is an engineer with a super large computer company... one that starts with an M... one that does not make you have a college degree to gain employment (because, its founder did not finish his degree ---and probably broke his mother's heart). Oh... ok... back to the thread. THIS is the reason why we did not go on a family vacation over Christmas. My son, (the college drop out), could not get the time off. So this year it is just my husband and myself. Wow! That was a whole lot of unnecessary information. But I digress.


As a matter of fact, I digress ALL the time. I am one huge digressing mess! You will see. Just keep reading...


Pre-Cruise- December 22nd through December 26th

December 22

In spite of the holiday that is rapidly bearing down upon us, I have managed to open (and somewhat fill) my suitcase. I am going to attempt to bring less than a million pairs of shoes. On my last cruise, I packed 13 pairs of shoes, and became the talk of my CC Meet and Greet. As an aside, I wore them all too... but not all at once. That would be weird. I am typically super organized and have clothing charts and stuff. By the time I leave for any given trip, by suitcase looks like something from a LL Bean catalog. My husband's suitcase usually looks like someone threw up in it, but not this time! He has very neatly packed all of his things. I am impressed! I am totally OCD. I box-fold my pajamas. He does not.


So today was packing, wrapping, list-making day. We have completed the shopping for the holiday and are just waiting for "our turn" to get on the boat. I think my husband has spent the majority of the day preparing for the cruise his way. That mean lots of downloading... maps for the GPS(s), movies for the iPads, music for the MP3s, books for the Kindle. We are planners and preparers by nature, so this is the fun stuff for us. (If we were just two degrees weirder, we would be like those Dooms-Day Preppers). Seriously.


That might be enough for now! I do hope to post daily. I will try to answer questions and respond to comments.


Hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday!


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Hi Tracie-Lynn -- enjoyed reading your getting ready post and am truly looking forward to sailing along with you! We will be on the Zuiderdam in May for our first cruise on HAL so I'll enjoy hearing everything you have to report.


The planning and preparation are what makes vacationing so wonderful! I already have my copybook filled with notes and Santa is bringing many items that we will be needing for our Alaska adventure!


Enjoy every moment and all the memories you will be making!

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You are too funny. Wow, 13 pair of shoes. This has been my paring down year in packing. I was gone for 17 days in October with one large suitcase and a carry on roller board. It seemed like I had nothing to wear:D:eek:. Looking forward to reading more. Enjoy!

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KK, it's only 4 days away and Xmas is in there:eek:. When do you pack?


Since we have no choice but to stay at an airport hotel before we fly out, I pack 2 days before we leave for there. Two suitcases actually go into the trunk of the car as soon as they are done, then the next day the last 2 suitcases and the carry-ons go in that evening. The next day we leave for the hotel.

My biggest problem -- and I have to start on this 2 weeks before we cruise -- DH's medications. 17 prescriptions and it is a nightmare.

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Tracie, you are cute, wait till you have taken 40 cruises, I now narrow it down to 4 pairs of shoes including the pair that will be on my feet for traveling ;) I can only follow your Live from till Friday then I will be starting my own Saturday morning ;)

BTW, I won't start to pack till Friday the day before....well I might get the luggage out on Christmas Day and throw a few things in :)

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I started to make computer lists many years ago (actually 1998 when I first got on the Internet -- I know -- others were on way before me) -- and those lists have exactly everything that go into every suitcase. And, yes, I do have to update them when we get some new clothes and when DH decided "no more tuxedo".

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Hi friends-

Thank you for the positive responses so far. Yes, I am a planned packer... And I don't normally bring 13 pairs of shoes. I swear! Last year, I had some pretty challenging circumstances, and I just could not edit. I just couldn't.

This trip, I am only bringing 1 bag and 7 pairs of shoes. That includes my running shoes (which take up a stupid amount of space in my suitcase, so I had better use them! (so therefore, I don't think they should actually count...).


I promise, I don't usually overpack. If anything, I normally go the other way. I have done two "adventure trips" (China, and Tibet and Nepal). Each of these trips were 18 to 21 days, and I only took 1 carry on that weighed 22 pounds. (Isn't that like one stone--- for those across the pond???). I must say, I did A LOT of sink laundry. This is where I discovered my passion for high speed water extractors. :rolleyes:


This cruise, I am limiting to one suitcase and 1 small bag (smaller than most purses). After all, I am only gone for 10 days!


More goofy information!


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Hi friends-

Thank you for the positive responses so far. Yes, I am a planned packer... And I don't normally bring 13 pairs of shoes. I swear! Last year, I had some pretty challenging circumstances, and I just could not edit. I just couldn't.

This trip, I am only bringing 1 bag and 7 pairs of shoes. That includes my running shoes (which take up a stupid amount of space in my suitcase, so I had better use them! (so therefore, I don't think they should actually count...).


I promise, I don't usually overpack. If anything, I normally go the other way. I have done two "adventure trips" (China, and Tibet and Nepal). Each of these trips were 18 to 21 days, and I only took 1 carry on that weighed 22 pounds. (Isn't that like one stone--- for those across the pond???). I must say, I did A LOT of sink laundry. This is where I discovered my passion for high speed water extractors. :rolleyes:


This cruise, I am limiting to one suitcase and 1 small bag (smaller than most purses). After all, I am only gone for 10 days!


More goofy information!


I think a person should take as much as they want. If I could handle 2 suitcases and a roller board I would do it for longer cruises. I have a lot of clothes and I would take a different outfit for every day if I could. I usually only take about 4 pairs of shoes including my runners that are on my feet.

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I absolutely love Goofy threads that are about HAL and a cruise:)


LOL, I got you beat on the least ever packed!! Our last cruise just a few weeks ago, I was able to get by with just 5 dresses, each weighing 5 pounds (But wore one so suitcase only had 4 packed). They can be used for everyday or formal and are the only thing I can wear due to severe dermatological allergic reaction I had last May. I cannot wear anything that binds me and these are of a material that I've not reacted to yet (Knock on wood)!! They look like a Medieval Peasant Dress and are super great!! You can see a photo of one here: http://www.lotustradersclothing.com/collection-detail.php?id=3584 and I can only wear flats so wore the only pair of flats I own:)


Hubby on the other hand over packed as usual with 2 suitcases:)


But, I can relate to KK and her hubby's meds...That is me!!


OK, Going to watch The Original Sound of Music.



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Tracie - I am sooooo looking forward to your reports.:D And don't feel bad about the shoe thing - I always take many pairs - and I wear them all! Shoes are my thing. I always over-pack and I don't care! I decide what I want to wear on the night, not in advance.:o You are going to have a fabulous time!

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I absolutely love Goofy threads that are about HAL and a cruise:)


LOL, I got you beat on the least ever packed!! Our last cruise just a few weeks ago, I was able to get by with just 5 dresses, each weighing 5 pounds (But wore one so suitcase only had 4 packed). They can be used for everyday or formal and are the only thing I can wear due to severe dermatological allergic reaction I had last May. I cannot wear anything that binds me and these are of a material that I've not reacted to yet (Knock on wood)!! They look like a Medieval Peasant Dress and are super great!! You can see a photo of one here: http://www.lotustradersclothing.com/collection-detail.php?id=3584 and I can only wear flats so wore the only pair of flats I own:)


Hubby on the other hand over packed as usual with 2 suitcases:)


But, I can relate to KK and her hubby's meds...That is me!!


OK, Going to watch The Original Sound of Music.




What a super easy way to pack!:) Those dresses are so cute!


Enjoy TSOM! The original is so much better than the recent re-done debacle that was shot live for TV...

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Tracie - I am sooooo looking forward to your reports.:D And don't feel bad about the shoe thing - I always take many pairs - and I wear them all! Shoes are my thing. I always over-pack and I don't care! I decide what I want to wear on the night, not in advance.:o You are going to have a fabulous time!


Thanks, Star! I do plan exactly what I am going to wear... and I even (almost) stick to my chart.


This time, I am a little challenged, as I am traveling to the Caribbean and I am extremely sun-sensitive. I have to keep covered all the time.


My swim wear has "knees and elbows". This will be a first for me.:) From a two-piece to "Swim-wear" by the Amish! Oh my...:)

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December 23

This is our last day of work until the New Year... Can you hear it... Listen carefully... Yep, there it is-- strains of Handel's Messiah and the Hallelujah chorus! We are officially on vacation! Yay us! Both of our jobs released us a little early, so we have received a "vacation time bonus"!


Of course, it is raining. Not just dribbles, but steady rain for two days. The pansy are flooded, the gutters are flooded, even some streets are flooded. But do you think that dampened our spirits? No way! We are going on a cruise! Just checked the weather report and it looks like we may see some sun!


Time to clean the house and finish packing. In our spare time, we may need to build an ark so we can float on out of here.


Four more "go to sleeps!"


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Hi friends!

This is actually a two day post:


As We are having a minor Christmas tragedy at our house... The internet and cable have gone out. They are dead. Really, really dead. I can do without the the television, but not having the internet...:eek: Luckily, we printed all of our boarding passes and luggage tags earlier this week. We have jacked into my mothers internet, but that has certain limitations. :p


December 24


We are by no means religious, but we are Swedish, so this means that we must have a Smorgasbord! Only on our Smorgasbord there is a conspicuous absence of lutefisk. Thank goodness.:rolleyes: For those, non-Swedes out there, who are scratching their heads and saying "What the heck is lutefisk?" I will share with you, quite possibly the most heinous food product know to man or beast. As a matter of fact, there are many who would argue that lutefisk is indeed a food substance at all. It is white fish or cod that has been dried to an 8.9 on the Moh's hardness scale. Then, if that weren't insulting enough, it is reconstituted in a solution of lye--- Yep, you read that correctly. Lye- the central property in all harsh soap. Is there anything appetizing about this? I don't think so... "Yum, I think I will have a second helping of that delicious lutefisk!", said no person ever.:eek:

Each of these little milestones leads us that much closer to Cruise-mas Day!


December 25

Well, a certain jolly fellow made a midnight appearance and that means we are T -1 day for our journey!!! The suitcases are zipped (barely), the carry-ons are packed (almost), the GPS(s) are loaded (completely), and the alarm clocks are set for 3:30 am (:eek:) We are just about 12 hours from go time!


I am having some deep and profound gratitude right now that I want to share with you! Last year, we were living in the land of "what ifs". We sort of muddled through the holidays just trying to get some answers. By February, we knew everything we needed to know and everything we needed to do. My real Christmas gift this year has been a round of clean scans and a super supportive husband. This cruise feels less like a distraction and more like a celebration! I am so glad that I have the love of my life to celebrate all of this good fortune with!


So, let's get this celebration rolling! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Wonderful New Year to all of you!



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Hi friends!

This is actually a two day post:


As We are having a minor Christmas tragedy at our house... The internet and cable have gone out. They are dead. Really, really dead. I can do without the the television, but not having the internet...:eek: Luckily, we printed all of our boarding passes and luggage tags earlier this week. We have jacked into my mothers internet, but that has certain limitations.


December 24


We are by no means religious, but we are Swedish, so this means that we must have a Smorgasbord! Only on our Smorgasbord there is a conspicuous absence of lutefisk. Thank goodness.:rolleyes: For those, non-Swedes out there, who are scratching their heads and saying "What the heck is lutefisk?" I will share with you, quite possibly the most heinous food product know to man or beast. As a matter of fact, there are many who would argue that lutefisk is indeed a food substance at all. It is white fish or cod that has been dried to an 8.9 on the Moh's hardness scale. Then, if that weren't insulting enough, it is reconstituted in a solution of lye--- Yep, you read that correctly. Lye- the central property in all harsh soap. Is there anything appetizing about this? I don't think so... "Yum, I think I will have a second helping of that delicious lutefisk!", said no person ever.:eek:

Each of these little milestones leads us that much closer to Cruise-mas Day!


December 25

Well, a certain jolly fellow made a midnight appearance and that means we are T -1 day for our journey!!! The suitcases are zipped (barely), the carry-ons are packed (almost), the GPS(s) are loaded (completely), and the alarm clocks are set for 3:30 am (:eek:) We are just about 12 hours from go time!


I am having some deep and profound gratitude right now that I want to share with you! Last year, we were living in the land of "what ifs". We sort of muddled through the holidays just trying to get some answers. By February, we knew everything we needed to know and everything we needed to do. My real Christmas gift this year has been a round of clean scans and a super supportive husband. This cruise feels less like a distraction and more like a celebration! I am so glad that I have the love of my life to celebrate all of this good fortune with!


So, let's get this celebration rolling! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Wonderful New Year to all of you!




Tracie-Lynn, I hope your cruise is everything you dreamed of and more. You so deserve this. Have a fabulous time, and we will look forward to your reports.:) Bon Voyage!!

Edited by startwin
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