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Capnpugwash is making his last crossing of 2011 on QM2.


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Update no 26


The party was ok but it was hardly a select event so after a quick drink and a chat to a few attendees I slipped away. There is a bit of news about the sudden departure of the senior Maître d’, Beniamino Acler. It seems that he is leaving the QM2 very soon and going to QV and QE for a short period and then will leave Cunard. It seems that Osman will be returning here and assuming overall responsibility in the top spot. What is unclear is whether Mr Acler jumped or was pushed. It may however give a welcome boost to Jamie Firth’s future.


The ship is rocking a little from side to side because of the swells that we are encountering from the starboard side, it is quite nice really and as an added bonus the speed of the ship has been increased to 25 knots to allow the stabilisers to work better, it seems that at slow speeds they are much less efficient. The temperature is 57/14 degrees and the wind strength is now force 5 from the south-west.


I put my dinner jacket and trousers in for dry cleaning yesterday and they have just been returned to me pressed and pristine; the ship operates a two level laundry and dry cleaning service with same day and two day options. The same day service has a 50% supplement which on the face of it seems reasonable but then I got to thinking, Why does it take 2 days to do laundry, the items are put into a machine and it runs for a maximum of an hour, they are then dried and pressed. In truth it is no extra work or effort to return them on the same day and the laundry staff is there on both days anyway so I don’t really get it. I don’t begrudge the 50% surcharge but it doesn’t seem to make any sense as far as I can see.


We have our third formal evening tonight and we should have a host on the table, it will be someone from the Engineering Department but I doubt if it will be Ian or Phil again as they like to rotate the duty or perhaps the burden of the task. Anyway it is almost 5pm now and we are still rolling slightly but it is not an uncomfortable sensation in any way. I am going to put my feet up prior to the fun starting in a couple of hours.


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Hi Capn,


nice to follow your posts here. It's interesting to hear about your speed. If the speed will continue, QM2 will be early at Southampton. Maybe a short crossover to Cherbourg will be added :-)

If I look right at the wave forcast you will have some fun on your way.


Enjoy the last days of your crossing.



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Update no 26



We have our third formal evening tonight and we should have a host on the table, it will be someone from the Engineering Department but I doubt if it will be Ian or Phil again as they like to rotate the duty or perhaps the burden of the task. Anyway it is almost 5pm now and we are still rolling slightly but it is not an uncomfortable sensation in any way. I am going to put my feet up prior to the fun starting in a couple of hours.


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Hi Capn, I'm sure you've been asked this and answered it before so apologies in advance if this is the case. I was wondering which tables are hosted? Is it the all larger tables (8 and 10 seat tables) seeing as there aren't that many in the restaurant? Is it every night or some nights? Seems like a very nice tradition.



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Hi Capn, I'm sure you've been asked this and answered it before so apologies in advance if this is the case. I was wondering which tables are hosted? Is it the all larger tables (8 and 10 seat tables) seeing as there aren't that many in the restaurant? Is it every night or some nights? Seems like a very nice tradition.





There are 4 hosted, formal nights only

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Update no 27


The Chart Room was fairly quiet before dinner and only filled up after 8pm; I went into dinner and found that the host tonight was Adrian Archer who is the Chief Electrical Officer and a thoroughly nice and interesting man. His responsibilities are quite enormous from light bulbs, televisions and Wi-Fi to the propulsion pods. We had a very nice meal, I had a wonderful sirloin steak with a jacket potato, it was one of the nicest steaks I have eaten. Shortly after 10.45 we went our separate ways. I slipped into G32 for an hour and then took the opportunity to get an early night.


Today is Tuesday November 22 and the time is 7.45am. The QM2 is rolling slightly in the fairly large swells that are present at the moment; we have 916 nautical miles to go and are 22 degrees west of Greenwich. There is a south-westerly force 5 and the temperature is 58/15 degrees. Our speed is 25 knots.


After breakfast I went into the spa and now at 11.15 I have emerged rejuvenated. I had thought that my series of spa incidents was behind me but I was sadly wrong, today was the turn of the man in grey underpants as a substitute for a swimming costume which worked perfectly well until he hoisted himself up the ladder from the pool, he clearly hadn’t considered the additional weight that the water would add to the garment as it became separated from him and puddled around his ankles thus exposing him in all his glory.


We are only 1 hour behind UK time today and it seems that we have done all the hard work catching up over these last 4 days. The final hour goes forward tonight. This morning we have travelled a further 2 degrees of latitude and are now 826 nautical miles from Southampton. Our speed is 25 knots, the temperature is 58/14 degrees and the sea is moderate. The sky is partly cloudy but the sea is a deep blue colour, not the dark grey that is associated with the Atlantic.


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Update no 27


The Chart Room was fairly quiet before dinner and only filled up after 8pm; I went into dinner and found that the host tonight was Adrian Archer who is the Chief Electrical Officer and a thoroughly nice and interesting man. His responsibilities are quite enormous from light bulbs, televisions and Wi-Fi to the propulsion pods. We had a very nice meal, I had a wonderful sirloin steak with a jacket potato, it was one of the nicest steaks I have eaten. Shortly after 10.45 we went our separate ways. I slipped into G32 for an hour and then took the opportunity to get an early night.


Today is Tuesday November 22 and the time is 7.45am. The QM2 is rolling slightly in the fairly large swells that are present at the moment; we have 916 nautical miles to go and are 22 degrees west of Greenwich. There is a south-westerly force 5 and the temperature is 58/15 degrees. Our speed is 25 knots.


After breakfast I went into the spa and now at 11.15 I have emerged rejuvenated. I had thought that my series of spa incidents was behind me but I was sadly wrong, today was the turn of the man in grey underpants as a substitute for a swimming costume which worked perfectly well until he hoisted himself up the ladder from the pool, he clearly hadn’t considered the additional weight that the water would add to the garment as it became separated from him and puddled around his ankles thus exposing him in all his glory.


We are only 1 hour behind UK time today and it seems that we have done all the hard work catching up over these last 4 days. The final hour goes forward tonight. This morning we have travelled a further 2 degrees of latitude and are now 826 nautical miles from Southampton. Our speed is 25 knots, the temperature is 58/14 degrees and the sea is moderate. The sky is partly cloudy but the sea is a deep blue colour, not the dark grey that is associated with the Atlantic.


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Cap'n, I have told this story before on this website but in case you have not read it before, your story of seeing a man jumping into the pool in his grey underwear and then accidentally exposing himself is like the time aboard QE2 when I was at the stern section of the ship where the pool is located and I saw a man strip off his clothes and jump into the pool wearing just his colored brief underwear :eek: And I can tell that it was underwear and not a speedo because a speedo would not have a white waistband at the top of the garment like brief underwear has. Regards,Jerry
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There are 4 hosted, formal nights only


Sorry if this has already been answered. Are the hosted tables in the Brittania restaurant, and if so - how does one end up on one?


We're travelling over on 12th December and back on 3rd January and are following your progress with anticipation!


Peter and Hazel Thornton from Kendal

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There are 4 hosted, formal nights only


These are only at second seating.


Your chance of getting a hosted table is less than than of getting an upgrade


Not sour grapes, reality, in the past I have dined at Commodore Warners table 5 times even though I was normally first seating. I received an invite and for that night only I was second seating.


Normally I would not post this informtion, as in the world of good manners, name dropping is considered "bad form", however you did ask the question .

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I don't know if you are aware but according to the Cunard blog someone from ITV News is aboard at present.




He is on this crossing to film some reports for ITV News in the UK. They will be broadcast next April as part of a series looking at how safety and travel from Southampton to New York by sea has changed over the years since the Titanic one hundred years ago.


Apologies if already mentioned.

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I don't know if you are aware but according to the Cunard blog someone from ITV News is aboard at present.




He is on this crossing to film some reports for ITV News in the UK. They will be broadcast next April as part of a series looking at how safety and travel from Southampton to New York by sea has changed over the years since the Titanic one hundred years ago.


Apologies if already mentioned.


I met this person last week on the westbound section, asked if he was BTB and said that they wouldn't pay for it.


Re the hosted tables question I don't really know how they are assigned.

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These are only at second seating.


Your chance of getting a hosted table is less than than of getting an upgrade


Not sour grapes, reality, in the past I have dined at Commodore Warners table 5 times even though I was normally first seating. I received an invite and for that night only I was second seating.


Normally I would not post this informtion, as in the world of good manners, name dropping is considered "bad form", however you did ask the question .


Jimsgirl - We did two crossings in September 2011 and we noticed some of the same faces at the captain's table several nights in a row. Who can guess how the invitation system works?




We were never invited and found we didn't miss a thing since we chanced to meet a stunning couple from England, Ros and Malcom. Jack Morris

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Update no 28


I am going to the Champagne afternoon tea at 3pm today, it is being held again in the Winter Garden which is not an ideal venue as it is really too large and there are passengers passing by gawping at the participants. The plan is to hold it in the Champagne Bar but the tables there are too small so they might make up larger table tops that can be fitted on an ad hoc basis to the smaller ones. That sounds good until you take into account that the tables have narrow bases and they might be unstable and topple over. It is a problem but fortunately it is not mine to solve.


The champagne event was very stylish and reminiscent of Cunard in the early days, the cost is $26.50 and I think that it is really worth it. The bun fight and long queues for the Queen’s Room are missing, the sandwiches, cakes and scones are specially prepared as well. My advice is to go but also to miss lunch on that day. It finished a little after 4pm and was unhurried and very well served.


I went out onto the Promenade Deck as the sun was still shining although it was cool and very low on the horizon as it was due to set within 20 minutes. After that I returned to the cabin and prepared for our final formal evening, the CWC cocktail party washed tonight but as usual I avoided it. Our table was hosted by Dragana Prodanovic who is the CWC person on board and also handles future cruise sales. She had a gentle go at me for not attending tonight’s party and I promised that I would try harder in future. She is an absolute sweetheart who I have known for a few years so it was lovely to spend some time with her at dinner.


It was the usual fare but our Canadian lady broke new ground tonight, after her meal of which I have no information the waiters came to take the dessert order. Some had cheese and others Baked Alaska, she had two lobster tails which I freely admit neither I nor the waiters had ever seen before. To look at her she is a waif but she has the appetite of a stoker. It was incredible really.


After dinner, G32 was on the agenda and we had such a good time in there that it was a shame to leave at 3am, so we didn’t. It was gone 4 when we drew stumps and adding the hour shows how ridiculous it was. But we are only here once I believe so we must capitalise while we are here.


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Update no 28


I am going to the Champagne afternoon tea at 3pm today, it is being held again in the Winter Garden which is not an ideal venue as it is really too large and there are passengers passing by gawping at the participants. The plan is to hold it in the Champagne Bar but the tables there are too small so they might make up larger table tops that can be fitted on an ad hoc basis to the smaller ones. That sounds good until you take into account that the tables have narrow bases and they might be unstable and topple over. It is a problem but fortunately it is not mine to solve.


The champagne event was very stylish and reminiscent of Cunard in the early days, the cost is $26.50 and I think that it is really worth it. The bun fight and long queues for the Queen’s Room are missing, the sandwiches, cakes and scones are specially prepared as well. My advice is to go but also to miss lunch on that day. It finished a little after 4pm and was unhurried and very well served.


I went out onto the Promenade Deck as the sun was still shining although it was cool and very low on the horizon as it was due to set within 20 minutes. After that I returned to the cabin and prepared for our final formal evening, the CWC cocktail party washed tonight but as usual I avoided it. Our table was hosted by Dragana Prodanovic who is the CWC person on board and also handles future cruise sales. She had a gentle go at me for not attending tonight’s party and I promised that I would try harder in future. She is an absolute sweetheart who I have known for a few years so it was lovely to spend some time with her at dinner.


It was the usual fare but our Canadian lady broke new ground tonight, after her meal of which I have no information the waiters came to take the dessert order. Some had cheese and others Baked Alaska, she had two lobster tails which I freely admit neither I nor the waiters had ever seen before. To look at her she is a waif but she has the appetite of a stoker. It was incredible really.


After dinner, G32 was on the agenda and we had such a good time in there that it was a shame to leave at 3am, so we didn’t. It was gone 4 when we drew stumps and adding the hour shows how ridiculous it was. But we are only here once I believe so we must capitalise while we are here.


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Hi Capnpugwash. Is this the last night of the last Trans-Atlantic Crossing of a Cunard ship flying your Country's flag?


I did read your earlier post mentioning there was no discussion about the re-flagging amongst passengers, but personally, I feel it is a moment in maritime history that is deserving of mention, if only in passing.


Best wishes,


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Jim - Be of luck when you get off shortly. I am busy preparing for our Thanksgiving holiday and spending time with family. I will be interested in hearing what you think of Celebrity Eclipse -- I have always enjoyed Celebrity and think the prices are great for what you get. Enjoy your land time before your next cruise. Katherine

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Final Update no 29.


Today is Wednesday November 23and it is the last full day of the trip. We have smooth seas, the sun is shining weakly and we are making 23 knots as we head east north east into the western approaches to the English Channel. It feels like a lovely day with a steady barometer and air temperature of 58/14. We are only 335 nautical miles away from Southampton. There is minimal movement on board and as usual passengers are occupied buying last minute souvenirs from the various shops on deck 3. As I sit here writing this I have at the back of my mind that I will need to pack my belongings at some time today and of course this prospect doesn’t excite me at all.


I am going to the King’s Court now for a late breakfast.


The Captain made his noon announcement about 25 minutes late for some unknown reason; it seems that we will be sailing within 6 miles of the south coast of England later today so the light should be visible if there is no mist or fog. We will be arriving at our berth some three and a half hours early which apparently will give a head start to the preparations for the refit. It shouldn’t affect our debarkation apart from ensuring that it will all be as scheduled and that is in only 18 hours’ time.


I have started packing but really have no great enthusiasm for the task. We are 6 degrees west of Greenwich which puts us due south of Dublin. We only have 271 nautical miles remaining to the port. Our speed is 24 knots, the sky is partly cloudy and the temperature is unchanged at 58/14 degrees. The sun is shining and in the sheltered areas it is very pleasant especially for mid-November. The time is now 3.15pm and we will be docked within 12 hours, we have just passed Lands’ End and can now be considered to be within the English Channel. Maybe my eyes are a little weak but I can’t see any land off the port side, it will be easier to see the lights once the sun sets.


Tonight will be Elegant Casual for the ease of passengers, it is a nothing dress code in reality but it means that a jacket is required for one last time. I have really enjoyed this back to back crossing, the food, staff and guests that I have encountered have all been very good and have certainly added to the memories that I will take with me. There may have been too many late nights and a lack of sleep but I wouldn’t have missed them at any price. I am next due on here in July 2012 but I think that it may happen before then.


Thank you all for riding along with me and I hope that you have enjoyed it as much as I did. I appreciate your continued support and good wishes and I am delighted to share the experiences with you. Unless something exceptional occurs this evening this will be my final post on this journey. Let’s do it again soon!



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Time flies Jim...these crossings seem to go by faster and faster. Thanks for sharing your experiences.


Looking at your signature, I see lots of empty space in 2012....time for several TAs! look forward to reading more of your travels or perhaps meeting again on board.

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Thank you as well and I certainly hope that you decide to pack up and go again before next July, lest I go into Capnpugwash withdrawal in addition to my already well advanced Cunard withdrawal (see my next booked voyage).


I hope your packing is not too onerous, although I do share your distaste for it as it heralds the end of a voyage, always a sad occasion to my mind.

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