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Passenger overboard on Allure yesterday! (9/16/12)

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[quote name='Iamthesea']Glad to know they are in St. Thomas today. My hair dresser and group had big plans their. They are being picked up by the house keeper of a friend that has a home on the island. he will take them for a tour, and then go back to the house for a swim and early dinner. My understanding is that the ship does not leave St. Thomas until 9:00??? I've never known a ship to stay that late in the Caribbean, but since they go to St. Maarten the next day, I guess it can. ;)
Unless they changed the times because of this unfortunate incident,normally the Allure is in St Thomas 9am till 6pm..Hopefully,your friends know that by now..
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Now of course I did not expect everyone to stop their lives, as people die everyday. But as one person noted that the captain and crew seemed visibly upset. And lets not forget the people that felt like their vacations were ruined. So in saying mood, it could be a mixture of sadness, regret, and anger.
People can still go on to enjoy their vacation yet still feel a certain way because it had been altered.

[quote name='poncho1973']I don't mean to seem hardened or anything, but the mood on the ship is most likely not somber. It is certainly a horrible thing and devastating to the people that knew and loved this girl.

However, the Allure isn't a 30 passenger yacht. There are anywhere from 6,000 to 8,500 other people (including crew) on that ship that didn't fall overboard and are either on vaction or doing their job.

I'm sure that anyone on the ship who heard about it (and there are probably some that didn't) was sad and either paused for a moment to pray, think good thoughts, whatever they believe in and then went on. There was probably an announcement or something of note for the poor girl. Some people probably cried. Some people probably tried to help the mother.

Then people had to eat dinner and they went to the shows and they had fun in the bars. The CD most likely didn't stop the hairy legs contest or the midnight party. While it is a horrible event... the entire ship of people paid their respects however they felt they needed to and went back to their vacation.

[COLOR=red][B]I'm sure whenever they needed as many eyes on the water as they could get that the rails were jammed elbow to elbow from tip to stern.[/B][/COLOR] The human spirit, despite the bad eggs, comes through in tragedy. However, when they weren't needed for the potential rescue, people have the right to move back to their vacation.[/quote]
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[quote name='littlelamb814']Family member or not. Other people have plans at ports. I for one have my upcoming wedding in Nassau. When I read about this incident it now has me stressing and having anxiety. What will happen if I don't make it to port where I have plans and have already paid for my wedding? Then my wedding can't happen. There could be someone on that ship that has the same thing planned. I wouldn't be able to complain about it but I think I would die with all the stress and money I have put out for my wedding and not be able to have it because of an incident on the cruise ship.[/quote]

This happened to a party on our May 2012 Oasis cruise. Unfortunately a crew member jumped overboard after we left Nassau. We spent hours searching missing the St. Thomas stop. I heard there was a bride and wedding party on board who were supposed to get married in St. Thomas. With weather and many reasons why a ship might not make it to port, it's a gamble to rely on the ship as transportation to a wedding. Chances are you'll be fine, but make sure you take out insurance if you can. I believe they ended up finding someone in St. Maarten to marry them.

As for the mood, I do think the ship was a bit somber that extra sea day. There were some who were mad about missing the port, but from what a observed, most people were just saddened by the death of a crew member. And before anyone asks, they did give us a $200pp voucher on the next cruise for missing the port, we were in a balcony. I believe suites got more.
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Very Reliable Info!
Young woman had just turned 21 and her mother treated her to a cruise
The mother stated her daughter had too much to drink and at some point she lost track of her. Witness stated she was struck by the girls elbow as she fell overboard. Deceased name will not be release by the Coast Guard at the request of the mother.
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[quote name='sr4mjc']This happened to a party on our May 2012 Oasis cruise. Unfortunately a crew member jumped overboard after we left Nassau. We spent hours searching missing the St. Thomas stop. I heard there was a bride and wedding party on board who were supposed to get married in St. Thomas. With weather and many reasons why a ship might not make it to port, it's a gamble to rely on the ship as transportation to a wedding. Chances are you'll be fine, but make sure you take out insurance if you can. I believe they ended up finding someone in St. Maarten to marry them.

As for the mood, I do think the ship was a bit somber that extra sea day. There were some who were mad about missing the port, but from what a observed, most people were just saddened by the death of a crew member. And before anyone asks, they did give us a $200pp voucher on the next cruise for missing the port, we were in a balcony. I believe suites got more.[/QUOTE]

Yes on the Monday unplanned sea day the mood was somber too. But after that day everyone is pretty much back to their vacations. The crew seem all business too after the first day. People are still talking about it here and there but getting on with their lives.

A few more rumors that aren't verifiable. Allegedly the passenger who reported this was on a balcony when someone from port deck 11 fell past brushing her hand.

The missing girl was a guest of her mother who was on the cruise with a lot of people from her company (Transamerica) and had invited her daughter along for a mother\daughter cruise. People who met the girl said she seemed very happy and was enjoying herself, not upset or depressed and went back from dinner alone while mom stayed. One of the ships staff is said to have seen her enter her room alone.

All of what I just said is just rumor but it is what people are saying on the ship.

We arrived in St Thomas this morning at least an hour ahead of schedule. Tomorrow is St Maarten as planned and then Nassau on Saturday instead of a sea day. No word yet on Nassau arrival and departure time.
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Thanks for the update.

[quote name='oneputt18']Very Reliable Info!
Young woman had just turned 21 and her mother treated her to a cruise
The mother stated her daughter had too much to drink and at some point she lost track of her. Witness stated she was struck by the girls elbow as she fell overboard. Deceased name will not be release by the Coast Guard at the request of the mother.[/quote]
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Do you know if the mom has continued on the cruise or not?

[quote name='Raph']
The missing girl was a guest of her mother who was on the cruise with a lot of people from her company (Transamerica) and had invited her daughter along for a mother\daughter cruise. People who met the girl said she seemed very happy and was enjoying herself, not upset or depressed and went back from dinner alone while mom stayed. One of the ships staff is said to have seen her enter her room alone.
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[quote name='Raph']Yes on the Monday unplanned sea day the mood was somber too. But after that day everyone is pretty much back to their vacations. The crew seem all business too after the first day. People are still talking about it here and there but getting on with their lives.

A few more rumors that aren't verifiable. Allegedly the passenger who reported this was on a balcony when someone from port deck 11 fell past brushing her hand.

The missing girl was a guest of her mother who was on the cruise with a lot of people from her company (Transamerica) and had invited her daughter along for a mother\daughter cruise. People who met the girl said she seemed very happy and was enjoying herself, not upset or depressed and went back from dinner alone while mom stayed. One of the ships staff is said to have seen her enter her room alone.

All of what I just said is just rumor but it is what people are saying on the ship.

We arrived in St Thomas this morning at least an hour ahead of schedule. Tomorrow is St Maarten as planned and then Nassau on Saturday instead of a sea day. No word yet on Nassau arrival and departure time.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for taking time away from your vacation to let us know what the rumors on board are. They may not 100% accurate but I can bet you they are a lot more accurate than some of the assumptions being made on this board.
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[quote name='Raph']Yes on the Monday unplanned sea day the mood was somber too. But after that day everyone is pretty much back to their vacations. The crew seem all business too after the first day. People are still talking about it here and there but getting on with their lives.

A few more rumors that aren't verifiable. Allegedly the passenger who reported this was on a balcony when someone from port deck 11 fell past brushing her hand.

The missing girl was a guest of her mother who was on the cruise with a lot of people from her company (Transamerica) and had invited her daughter along for a mother\daughter cruise. People who met the girl said she seemed very happy and was enjoying herself, not upset or depressed and went back from dinner alone while mom stayed. One of the ships staff is said to have seen her enter her room alone.

All of what I just said is just rumor but it is what people are saying on the ship.

We arrived in St Thomas this morning at least an hour ahead of schedule. Tomorrow is St Maarten as planned and then Nassau on Saturday instead of a sea day. No word yet on Nassau arrival and departure time.[/quote]

Thanks for the update Ralph
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Perhaps the Mom should have gone back to the cabin with her daughter knowing she had too much to drink. Perhaps the people she was drinking with should have told the bartender to cut her off. Maybe she should have had sense enough not to drink so much. Perhaps she bent over the railing to throw up and fell. There are so many factors here that may have helped this girl...but in all reality, for whatever reason, she fell overboard. The Mom will live with this for the rest of her life, knowing she lost track of the girl.

As for other people enjoying the rest of the cruise, other than the group she was with, these people have no attachment to her. When I read the obits in the newspaper, I don't get emotional over people dying that I do not know, so why would it make any difference on a cruise ship. A cruise ship is like a small town in the middle of the ocean.

As for the poster hoping that her wedding will take place as planned, that the port won't be skipped, has every right to have wedding jitters. These were calmed by the poster who suggested wedding insurance. It may not be a case of a person overboard, but it may be due to weather, etc. I think the posters suggestion about the wedding insurance was giving this girl some sound advice, and apparently she was happy to get it.

Now on with the cruise.
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[quote name='aurelius180']I've followed along and have read plenty of your sanctimonious comments regarding individuals who feel differently than you do about the situation.

I quoted you because you took the time to criticize a woman's potential feelings at missing a port due to her wedding and was unaware that wedding insurance is an option. She was simply giving another potential consequence of missing a port. It's not always a simple matter of "I missed a port but I can always visit it another time."

Subsequent to her original post she learned of wedding insurance and was happy to have learned. Then you had marginalize her feelings about how all she "can think about is ME ME ME" when that's already been resolved. "Maybe you should read the previous correspondence to get a clearer view of the conversation."[/QUOTE]

We are thinking about a Nassau wedding too. Certainly would not be happy if the port were missed like that.

[quote name='Raph']Yes on the Monday unplanned sea day the mood was somber too. But after that day everyone is pretty much back to their vacations. The crew seem all business too after the first day. People are still talking about it here and there but getting on with their lives.

We arrived in St Thomas this morning at least an hour ahead of schedule. Tomorrow is St Maarten as planned and then Nassau on Saturday instead of a sea day. No word yet on Nassau arrival and departure time.[/QUOTE]

Good. Glad the rest of the ship went back to normal. They don't need to feel sad because of it.
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[quote name='littlelamb814']Family member or not. Other people have plans at ports. I for one have my upcoming wedding in Nassau. When I read about this incident it now has me stressing and having anxiety. What will happen if I don't make it to port where I have plans and have already paid for my wedding? Then my wedding can't happen. There could be someone on that ship that has the same thing planned. I wouldn't be able to complain about it but I think[B] I would die[/B] with all the stress and money I have put out for my wedding and not be able to have it because of an incident on the cruise ship.[/quote]
[COLOR=black][B]NO you would not die. [/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='littlelamb814']Family member or not. Other people have plans at ports. I for one have my upcoming wedding in Nassau. When I read about this incident it now has me stressing and having anxiety. What will happen if I don't make it to port where I have plans and have already paid for my wedding? Then my wedding can't happen. There could be someone on that ship that has the same thing planned. I wouldn't be able to complain about it but I think I would die with all the stress and money I have put out for my wedding and not be able to have it because of an incident on the cruise ship.[/quote]

I hope nothing challenges your wedding plans - however unfortunately when you cruise you always take the chance of missing a port for whatever reason - look into the wedding insruance - and best wishes!:)
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[quote name='littlelamb814']Family member or not. Other people have plans at ports. I for one have my upcoming wedding in Nassau. When I read about this incident it now has me stressing and having anxiety. What will happen if I don't make it to port where I have plans and have already paid for my wedding? Then my wedding can't happen. There could be someone on that ship that has the same thing planned. I wouldn't be able to complain about it but I think I would die with all the stress and money I have put out for my wedding and not be able to have it because of an incident on the cruise ship.[/QUOTE]

An incident on the ship may not be the only reason the ship does not dock in Nassau. I was in the Allure in Dec '10 for the New Years Cruise and we did not dock in Nassau because of choppy sea conditions. We had an extra sea day instead. I think getting wedding insurance would be a good idea.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of this young woman and the passengers on the Allure who had to experience such a sad event.
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[quote name='littlelamb814']Family member or not. Other people have plans at ports. I for one have my upcoming wedding in Nassau. When I read about this incident it now has me stressing and having anxiety. What will happen if I don't make it to port where I have plans and have already paid for my wedding? Then my wedding can't happen. There could be someone on that ship that has the same thing planned. I wouldn't be able to complain about it but I think I would die with all the stress and money I have put out for my wedding and not be able to have it because of an incident on the cruise ship.[/quote]

Wow, I didn't think there was any good reason to complain about skipping Nassau but I guess if you're getting married there...

My condolences to the family.
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[quote name='grammax3'] Perhaps she bent over the railing to throw up and fell. [/QUOTE]

[quote name='poncho1973']"Ya canna change the laws of physics!" - Scotty, Star Trek

Unless she was 7' tall and her head weighed 20% of her body mass.[/QUOTE]

This has happened on an RCI ship in the past. A young man climbed up the railing and leaned over to throw up and fell off. He was on deck 5 on either a Voyager or Freedom class ship.

If you lift yourself so your hips are at the rail you can see how you could easily fall over the rail by leaning forward as better that 50% of you body mass would be above the railing at that point. Add the that the fact that when drunk your balance is compromised and it certainly is not impossible.
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[quote name='WhiteSoxFan']This has happened on an RCI ship in the past. A young man climbed up the railing and leaned over to throw up and fell off. [COLOR="Red"]He was on deck 5 on either a Voyager or Freedom class ship.[/COLOR]

If you lift yourself so your hips are at the rail you can see how you could easily fall over the rail by leaning forward as better that 50% of you body mass would be above the railing at that point. Add the that the fact that when drunk your balance is compromised and it certainly is not impossible.[/QUOTE]

Deck 5 of Freedom and Voyager class ships is the Royal Promenade. The ony way off the ship on that deck is off the bow.
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[quote name='WhiteSoxFan']This has happened on an RCI ship in the past. [B][COLOR=red]A young man climbed up the railing[/COLOR][/B] and leaned over to throw up and fell off. He was on deck 5 on either a Voyager or Freedom class ship.

If you lift yourself so your hips are at the rail you can see how you could easily fall over the rail by leaning forward as better that 50% of you body mass would be above the railing at that point. Add the that the fact that when drunk your balance is compromised and it certainly is not impossible.[/quote]
That is the key fact. I think it is the point everyone is trying to make. Except for exceptionally tall or top heavy folks, an accidental fall requires you to climb or otherwise be lifted off the deck first. The people who "just fall" are climbing up the rail for some reason or are sitting on the railing or doing something else [something else both intentional and ill advised if not outright stupid] to keep the railing from doing its job. There is always the possibility that someone was helped over the rail against his or her will [i.e. pushed or thrown] but all the reports here say the individual was alone so that seems to be out of the question.
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[quote name='mjldvlks']That is the key fact. I think it is the point everyone is trying to make. Except for exceptionally tall or top heavy folks, an accidental fall requires you to climb or otherwise be lifted off the deck first. The people who "just fall" are climbing up the rail for some reason or are sitting on the railing or doing something else [something else both intentional and ill advised if not outright stupid] to keep the railing from doing its job. [/quote]

I do not believe that was the case with the aforementioned incident. The young gentleman was leaning over the rail vomiting and tumbled over. I do not recall any reference to his having climbed up the rail.

Edit: Here is a link to an article on that incident; it was longer ago than I had remembered, but there is no mention of any climbing up the rail: [url]http://www.internationalcruisevictims.org/LatestMemberStories/Daniel_Dipiero.html[/url]
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The picture that comes to my mind about vomiting over the side of a ship is the vomit sliding down the glass and dripping on the balconies down below, maybe hitting the heads of a few people standing at their balcony rail and some of it flying through the air splattering all manner of items....so gross!!

As a person who always has a balcony, I beg you sea sick folks to please, please, please puke somewhere other than over the railing.
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