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Why I DO NOT LIKE cruising!!

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OP: We all agree with your original conclusion, which is that cruising is not for you. There's nothing wrong with that, but I can't understand why you would keep making posts that explain why it's not for you OVER and OVER. We get it. It's fine... Really.


As far as activities go, there's only so many hours in the day, and so much square footage in which to have activities. They can't have what everybody wants, all the time. They do tend to make a lot of people happy, though...


Lesson learned, I guess...

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I don't often get bated by this kind of post, but the OP seems to want answers to her questions, from those of us who like to cruise -


No chairs were available near pool. People put towels , books, etc.. on them and therefore you can't get near pool???? Do you think this is different at all inclusive resorts, beaches, etc? How is this a cruise issue?


Dancing at night?? What music OTHER than the listening type or slow dance is available?? Is there country, blues, disco (before 10-11 pm?_) 70's , 80's, ??? Where and when?? I did not find any?? Did you consider you were in Europe, and possibly the music was geared to a more continental crowd?


How do you gamble IF you don't SMOKE??? The casino is non-smoking on formal nights. That should have been at least two nights of your cruise. Did you use the casino then?


What classes are available during day that are very interesting???? Possibly you should take a chance and try a class you don't think you are interested in? What is the point of taking classes in what you already know? I was not on your cruise, but I have never been on a cruise that did not have some form of dance class daily.


If the shows are NOT good, is that ok?? Two were very good!! Majority were NOT good. Do you have any idea that this statement is not a question, but an opinion? Did you poll all of the passengers? Was it a majority consensus the entertainment was bad? I remember listening someone complain about a Motown group we saw on a ship. We had enjoyed the heck out of them, but the lady thought they were awful. Her comment was, "not everybody is from Detroit, so they should not have that kind of entertainment". You do realize it is impossible to meet everyone's tastes? Not to mention, again, you were in EUROPE.


Why so many classes on health in the spa that sell products?? So, you've been on "at least 5 cruises", and this was a surprise to you?


I will address the LAND portion of the trip for those who are interested in awhile as I'm still trying to get our luggage back from our trip since it's lost and am still tired from trip.


And to your point about the food, did you consider stopping eating at any point? Were you being force fed? Are you personally responsible for anything?

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ok I will answer to those who are not being rude and nasty. Just because we didn't find any activities we enjoyed does NOT mean we are bad people. Bingo, napking folding again is NOT for us. Rock climbing is not nor is ice skating as we are 62. However , like I mentioned MANY MANY CLASSES I would enjoy IF offered but are NOT. EATING AND EATING AGAIN is not for us. I have listed many activities , classes, etc. . we WOULD have enjoyed if available. Maybe it's because we live in a community with over 900 clubs we are used to being active.


We took the RC to Western Med (Turkey, Greece, Sicily) It was a GREAT trip to see the other countries!! However, a warning that is accurate. It is extremely active, with tons of walking to do Venice, Rome, Florence, Sicily, then Greece and Turkey. That is good solid advise which I am trying to offer here. But some seem so sensitive if you don't like to eat and sit around on a ship they get offended. I am not trying to offend anyone but offering an alternative opinion. I would appreciate your answering my questions on crusing and telling me where I am off on this one.


No chairs were available near pool. People put towels , books, etc.. on them and therefore you can't get near pool????


Dancing at night?? What music OTHER than the listening type or slow dance is available?? Is there country, blues, disco (before 10-11 pm?_) 70's , 80's, ??? Where and when?? I did not find any??


How do you gamble IF you don't SMOKE???


What classes are available during day that are very interesting????


If the shows are NOT good, is that ok?? Two were very good!! Majority were NOT good.


Why so many classes on health in the spa that sell products??


I will address the LAND portion of the trip for those who are interested in awhile as I'm still trying to get our luggage back from our trip since it's lost and am still tired from trip.


Okay. If you are reading others' responses to you here as rude, you might want to take a step back and reread this post. Generally, in netspeak, the use of lots of capitals and multiple exclamation points is considered shouting and/or assertive language. Perhaps read your post aloud, with those inflections, and you might see how it sounds. Then look at the title of this thread. Can you see how you may have been seen as aggressive?


As a previous poster said, I think you have assessed your vacation needs well. I,for one, would never want to travel in an RV. To me, vacations must include not having to do dishes. ;-) For you, it sounds like a good time. That is the greatness of having so many options available to us.


However, I would respectfully suggest that it wasn't so much that there were no options for activities, as there were not options that you appealed to you. I understand that. (BTW, if that is the case, never, ever take a river cruise... then you will *really* experience "no options"! ;-)) I think, especially with a port intensive cruise, such as the European cruises, people often do just like to relax when they can -- I know that was the case for me. So, there may not be a lot of feedback to the cruise lines requesting more activities.


Music is a very hard thing to regulate well, I would think. With so many styles, if they were to go through them all, it sounds like it still would not meet your needs. I can sympathize. I am fairly picky about my music, so I tend just to bring a small stereo and play it in my room, or listen to my IPod through earbuds.


The cruise lines generally tend to keep activities that are well attended, and easily staffed. While I love to dance, the ship dance classes I have attended were not exceptionally well attended. They can't offer everything, so they choose the activities that tend to bring in the most people. I would love to be able to design the ships' activities -- all tailored to my desires! ;-) But, I don't see them hiring either you or I in the near future, and in the meantime, lots of folks come on the ship to unwind, and so the bartending classes brings in the people. Not my thing, but generally appeals to more people than Scrabble tournaments. I get that.


I have to say, as I was reading all of your posts on this thread, I felt like there was a "tone" when you talked about people "eating, eating, eating" and "sitting around all of the time". Maybe that is entirely in my head, but the way I read it, it felt less about the availability of food and the lack of suitable activities than a judgement on your part about the other people on the cruise. If that is the case, I would respectfully suggest that this is not a good thing; of course, you can decide what best suits you, but it is unkind to say pejorative things about others. If it is not an accurate reflection of what you meant, I apologize for jumping to conclusions.


At any rate, I wish you luck on your future vacations. I hope you find an experience that fulfills you.

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It's nice to experience 'tastes' and not neccesarily eat 3 cheesburgers from the Windjammer at lunch, not that you did, but I see those that do. It depends on the focus of the vacations. Some like to be active and some relax (me), or a mix of the two.


The physical space can be limiting, but there is the gym to work off calories, although, I do not find that to be fun. Rather play 18 holes of golf, if I'm going to exert that kind of energy. I like exercise to be fun, which seems to be your point, so I get it.


Save your strength for port days and go for it, or not.

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NO this wasn't our first cruise. I didn't want to just try one or two and form an opinion quickly so we gave it a fair chance. This is probably our 5th cruise. Yes the ports in Western Med were exhausting so relaxing on ship is a plus for many. I can understand folks who are still working and just want to relax also. Completely. Just for us, since we are retired and live in an extremely active community we found ourselves BORED. I listed activities they have such as gambling (but it's smoke filled rooms) bingo (not our interest) napking folding (not for us) name that tune in a bar for 10 min (nope) We LOVE to read!! Problem is no lounge chairs to do it in. Only 4th deck had quiet for reading but chairs ONLY (no lounge ones) top deck is all sun and pool area , well just NO LOUNGES available at all!! WE LOVE DANCING but they ONLY have the slow cocktail music more for listening and NEVER a variety of music!! Would love to hear some blues, country, disco, etc... but just not on these ships!! Would love to see some great shows but for 7 nights not only two. Last two shows ONLY were good!! We love so many activities but found sea days boring. I would have LOVED it IF they had classes all day for example, drawing, art, cooking class, dancing such as belly, hula, country, salsa, ballroom, etc.. and on and on. Nope. One day belly for 15 minutes. Lots of saloon type talks though to get you to purchase. Just need more activities. Batting cage for softball players would have been nice for hubby and maybe place to practice golf swing. Maybe some of you know a ship like that?? More active?? If so your experience would be appreciated. I can understand why some enjoy the relaxing but for us, I think traveling around and in the US is probably better suited. Maybe if in the future things change we would try again.


I too love to read!!!! That's the main thing I do on a cruise. Give me a book or my kindle and leave me alone. Boredom doesn't exist. All the ships we've sailed with RCCL or X has a solarium. An adult area with loungers. Great for a quiet place to spend the day, reading, napping and people watching. I don't know what class ships you've sailed, but you might try one with a solarium.

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So you don´t like cruising. Good for you to have that question answered. Not everything is for everyone. It´s all about personal preference and choice.

If you don´t like it don´t go. There´s really no need for everyone on earth to like cruising. Just because I like it, you don´t have to.


All is good, just move on with the vacatoin to your liking, as most of the people on here will move on with cruising.

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I gained 2 lbs and am upset. ha


Seriously? <sigh>

I think I read your "tone" correctly.


Given what you have posted, it seems like you really aren't interested in learning about or interacting with a great variety of people - a large diversity of different nationalities, cultures, shapes and sizes. You want things to be more tailored to your background and perspective -- and that is your choice. However, given that, totally independent vacations (such as the RV, in the USA) would probably be your best bet.


Good luck.

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funny how those who LIKE crusing won't answer the questions?? Now why would that be? Possibly I have a few good points that could IMPROVE the crusing industry??


of course the ship didn't lose my luggage. I never said they did. The airline is responsible for that one. I don't blame the ship.


The couple who decided NOT to do the land portion of the trip you made the right decision. The price was outrageous for what you got and bravo to you for choosing wisely.


I dont' say we'll never cruise again but we have learned quite a bit to make an informed decision in the future and maybe every 5 yrs we'll take a cruise and every yr travel the USA and see all our beautiful parks etc.. in our country!! We do have so much to see in the US alone it would take a lifetime. Happy cruising!!


Certainly no offense intended but I was only responding to your capitalized thread title stating "Why I DO NOT LIKE cruising!!" and your several very long posts full of complaints and negative experiences you had. Based on that I stand by my last post. No corrections / no apologies. I actually thought I was being supportive.


It also seems clear IMO that you would like us all to just support your viewpoint and suggestions for your personal perfect cruise and if we differ in our viewpoint in our response we are being rude. Interesting.


BTW - you did not identify how or where your luggage was lost so based on your thoroughly stated theme and list of complaints I just wondered.....


Enjoy your next vacation.

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Ok, I've been pretty nice with objective views, but now your "Villages" attitude is really starting to show.


You started this by saying cruising is not for you. Folks agreed. Now, you just want to argue with everyone for some reason. You obviously cannot be told anything other than excatly what you want to hear. :rolleyes:


Yeah Paul, I'm with bajathree on this one! I have relatives who live there as well......will we see you there someday? :D

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Check out this post by the OP from back in 2007...sound like this isn't the first time the OP was done with cruising. This OP has a history of complaining...just look at her past posts.


in reply to the gentlemen who just wrote about getting sick of cruises i have to tell you SICK isn't the word to discribe what happend to my husband and myself. he ended up in the hospital first upon arriving home (which he has never been in one in his whole life!!) upon his exiting the hospital several days later i landed in one and i won't even describe what i went through with the illness. just believe me it was disgusting!! and for those of you who believe it starts on a plane don't fool yourself. hubby and i have traveled our whole lives on planes, never once got sick (your only on a plane so many hrs) but the cruise was 17 days and once one or two people get something and start touching doorknobs, railings, elevator buttons, etc... there you go you got it!! our experience was SO BAD i dont' think we will cruise again. plus we feel you don't really see a country when off a ship a couple hrs vs staying in a country and traveling throughout it. i wish you all well but after what we went through our cruising days are over !!!! i'm still on meds and will be for 14 days. sunset gal



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Check out this post by the OP from back in 2007...sound like this isn't the first time the OP was done with cruising. This OP has a history of complaining...just look at her past posts.






Wow. Sounds like someone just likes to spend money to support a history of complaining! By their own admission, 5 and counting......

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You know, I am going to cut the OP a little slack here.


In July, DH and I went on a river cruise. I did not like it. I came back feeling stressed and disappointed, and fairly quickly wrote a review and some board posts that probably could have been written better. Not that I would ever say I *liked* the cruise, but, still feeling raw from the experience, what I wrote had more to do with how I was feeling, than providing objective data about the cruise.


I think that the OP, like myself, has a valid perspective, and it may well be useful to some people. Ocean liner cruises are not for everyone, just like river cruises are not for everyone. And, certainly, the experience varies over the ships and line.


I know people for whom cruising is not the best vacation. I cruised with someone who sounds like a younger version of the OP -- she pronounced the cruise "boring", because, like the OP, the activities were not to her liking, and she is not good at entertaining herself. Some find the schedule too constraining. One person said all she wanted to do is go to a beach, and so docking, having to be back at a specific time, didn't appeal to her. All of that is fine; like I said earlier, we all have our preferences -- I would never again camp or go in an RV... just not my thing.


Perhaps, in a week or two, when the OP has had time to get herself settled, she will be more in a place to talk less emotionally about the experience. It was a big anniversary for her, and she is disappointed that it did not meet her expectations. She probably just needs some time.

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Perhaps, in a week or two, when the OP has had time to get herself settled, she will be more in a place to talk less emotionally about the experience. .


Maybe you are right, but we have several friends we've taken crusing that haven't cruised since for about the same reasons as the OP. Crusing is just not for everyone just like Disney or snow skiing is not for everyone. I'm glad they gave it a try.



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You know, I am going to cut the OP a little slack here.


In July, DH and I went on a river cruise. I did not like it. I came back feeling stressed and disappointed, and fairly quickly wrote a review and some board posts that probably could have been written better. Not that I would ever say I *liked* the cruise, but, still feeling raw from the experience, what I wrote had more to do with how I was feeling, than providing objective data about the cruise.


I think that the OP, like myself, has a valid perspective, and it may well be useful to some people. Ocean liner cruises are not for everyone, just like river cruises are not for everyone. And, certainly, the experience varies over the ships and line.


I know people for whom cruising is not the best vacation. I cruised with someone who sounds like a younger version of the OP -- she pronounced the cruise "boring", because, like the OP, the activities were not to her liking, and she is not good at entertaining herself. Some find the schedule too constraining. One person said all she wanted to do is go to a beach, and so docking, having to be back at a specific time, didn't appeal to her. All of that is fine; like I said earlier, we all have our preferences -- I would never again camp or go in an RV... just not my thing.


Perhaps, in a week or two, when the OP has had time to get herself settled, she will be more in a place to talk less emotionally about the experience. It was a big anniversary for her, and she is disappointed that it did not meet her expectations. She probably just needs some time.

Read the OP posts from prior to the cruise, she was unhappy before she even left on the cruise. She never should have made final payment if she didn't like what she had booked. There is no way I would spend $11,000 on a vacation that I wasn't happy with, she needed to do her homework.


Cruising isn't for everyone but we all have to take responsibility for our own decisions.

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Maybe you are right, but we have several friends we've taken crusing that haven't cruised since for about the same reasons as the OP. Crusing is just not for everyone just like Disney or snow skiing is not for everyone. I'm glad they gave it a try.




Oh, I'm not saying the OP will decide she *likes* it! I think, after five unhappy experiences, she has enough data points to make an informed decision. :-D


I more meant that the way in which she is stating her opinion might change, once she has had some time and space. Some of the things she is ruminating on might have a little less importance or she might be able to see that it isn't so much that the cruise lines are "wrong" (which is what she appears to be saying in several places) than that it simply isn't a fit for her.

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Dadgum it now I'm going to have to google The Villages Florida to get some insight on this. :D


LOL! I just did that!


I have to say, I'm 52, but I don't think that we'll be buying down there in the near future. Just not my kind of place.

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You know, I am going to cut the OP a little slack here.


In July, DH and I went on a river cruise. I did not like it. I came back feeling stressed and disappointed, and fairly quickly wrote a review and some board posts that probably could have been written better. Not that I would ever say I *liked* the cruise, but, still feeling raw from the experience, what I wrote had more to do with how I was feeling, than providing objective data about the cruise.


I think that the OP, like myself, has a valid perspective, and it may well be useful to some people. Ocean liner cruises are not for everyone, just like river cruises are not for everyone. And, certainly, the experience varies over the ships and line.


I know people for whom cruising is not the best vacation. I cruised with someone who sounds like a younger version of the OP -- she pronounced the cruise "boring", because, like the OP, the activities were not to her liking, and she is not good at entertaining herself. Some find the schedule too constraining. One person said all she wanted to do is go to a beach, and so docking, having to be back at a specific time, didn't appeal to her. All of that is fine; like I said earlier, we all have our preferences -- I would never again camp or go in an RV... just not my thing.


Perhaps, in a week or two, when the OP has had time to get herself settled, she will be more in a place to talk less emotionally about the experience. It was a big anniversary for her, and she is disappointed that it did not meet her expectations. She probably just needs some time.


All well and good except for the fact that this is their 5th cruise - not their first - and by the thread posted by bajathree very similar to feedback from a 2007 post. I am less willing to cut them any slack as I suspect a trend here.....

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well I see we have a few nice understandable people who like to read others viewpoints and those who are just rude and negative. ha those who posted about my previous post yrs ago when my husband and I ended up in hospital well that was the truth. That was our 25th anniv and we thought we'd give cruising a try. This was our 30th and we thought we would try again. This time at least we didn't get sick. All in all we had a great time, seeing other countries, meeting other people, my only complaint was not enough activities for "us" Some post about the villages. Well you have NO idea when you don't live in such an "active community" as we do. We are used to going day and night so to go all day on a ship without many choices is disappointing. Trying to get in a pool and not being able to find a seat is disappointing. Trying to dance without a variety of music to choose from is disappointing. The shows as I mentioned the FIRST night most people just walked out of so hmmm guess it wasn't me. We have many friends who love crusing and they tell us some ships are known for great shows and not so good food and other ships known for great food, not so good shows. One person mentioned the casino is "smoke free" formal night. We did not know that at all?? Didn't see any advertisement of that in brochure. Most nights we walked in and out quickly and usually smelled the smoke so not sure about formal night. Maybe some other cruiser who has been on Navigator would know?

Those who mention RVing I'm laughing. We never tried RVing nor thought about it. We do enjoy traveling throughout the US and renting a car and really seeing a state for 3 weeks or so. We may be more "land travelers" but I really don't see a problem with that. This way at night we can always find a place to dance (country) if we prefer and not just a lounge to sit in and drink. Activities, well we're used to over 900 to choose from, where we live so having to choose between Bingo and napkin folding isn't for us. The gym we do every morning so yes we got that in. Just was hoping there would be more to choose from. Enjoy cruising!!

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Yeah Paul, I'm with bajathree on this one! I have relatives who live there as well......will we see you there someday? :D


Oh, no no no. Not a chance. This is a retirement community other retirement communities make fun of. :D Besides, I don't know what it is about that place.....I'm sure there are nice people in the mix.....but everyone I know and have met from there are CHRONIC complainers.


Dadgum it now I'm going to have to google The Villages Florida to get some insight on this. :D


Google "Villages STDs." ;)

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well I see we have a few nice understandable people who like to read others viewpoints and those who are just rude and negative. ha those who posted about my previous post yrs ago when my husband and I ended up in hospital well that was the truth. That was our 25th anniv and we thought we'd give cruising a try. This was our 30th and we thought we would try again. This time at least we didn't get sick. All in all we had a great time, seeing other countries, meeting other people, my only complaint was not enough activities for "us" Some post about the villages. Well you have NO idea when you don't live in such an "active community" as we do. We are used to going day and night so to go all day on a ship without many choices is disappointing. Trying to get in a pool and not being able to find a seat is disappointing. Trying to dance without a variety of music to choose from is disappointing. The shows as I mentioned the FIRST night most people just walked out of so hmmm guess it wasn't me. We have many friends who love crusing and they tell us some ships are known for great shows and not so good food and other ships known for great food, not so good shows. One person mentioned the casino is "smoke free" formal night. We did not know that at all?? Didn't see any advertisement of that in brochure. Most nights we walked in and out quickly and usually smelled the smoke so not sure about formal night. Maybe some other cruiser who has been on Navigator would know?

Those who mention RVing I'm laughing. We never tried RVing nor thought about it. We do enjoy traveling throughout the US and renting a car and really seeing a state for 3 weeks or so. We may be more "land travelers" but I really don't see a problem with that. This way at night we can always find a place to dance (country) if we prefer and not just a lounge to sit in and drink. Activities, well we're used to over 900 to choose from, where we live so having to choose between Bingo and napkin folding isn't for us. The gym we do every morning so yes we got that in. Just was hoping there would be more to choose from. Enjoy cruising!!


Wow - yet another extemely long and repetitious post overstating everything you've said several times before to continously try to emphasize the singular correctness of your point of view - which was accurately and very concisely stated in your title as previously pointed out with "Why I DO NOT LIKE cruising!!".


OK I give up - you are correct and I cannot possibly like anything about cruising since the shows are all bad (except for a select few you approve of), I certainly eat and eat and eat like a mindless slug, go to the only one or two boring activities that are offered, cough and choke in the haze of cigarette smoke, and yet continue to spend my discretionary income continually punishing myself with cruising.


Again - and for the last time - I will suggest that since it is painfully clear that you don't like cruising (where would I get that idea?) to not cruise again! Leave that torture to me.

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