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Oh happy day for anti_lounge chair hog


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I see this saving of chairs in the theatre shows on cruises, also, even though they always say not to save and some always do.


Somehow manners, the concept of "sharing" which is learned in kindergarten,

seems to disappear with some people when they have paid money for a hotel room, cruise, movie ticket, et al


The same thing occurs on the Thermal Suites (Celebrity and Princess

have these heated stone lounges). People go in there and fall asleep, some snore. ......oblivious to others. I usually check to see if a lounge is available and if there are persons' who have clearly been there for more than 45 min.....

(30 tops when others are waiting).......

Once I went to the Spa desk and told them I wanted my money back for the week's tab as I could not use the facility. That worked....only had to do that once after many times checking.

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It's English, American style, I don't know that it's epic, but I agree with him.


Would that be U.S. American*?









* "I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future for our children." - Caitlin Upton

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I see this saving of chairs in the theatre shows on cruises, also, even though they always say not to save and some always do.


I sit down and thank them for their extreme kindness.


I've told this story several times now, but it's always one of my favorites:

I did that. A woman was sitting in the middle of a row telling everyone that the whole row was "saved", so I sat down and said thanks for saving it for me.


She said she was going to go get security and have me thrown out. I invited her to do so and assumed she'd get the same response as I would've got for complaining about her... nothing.


About 20 minutes later, she was still alone. A couple was looking for 2 seats and I told them the seats next to us were free, so they sat down. She came down and told them to leave or she'd call security on them. They started to stand up and I said "Really? You caved like that? You're not allowed to send someone down and save an entire row, so she's in the wrong. Enjoy your seat." The wife laughed and they sat back down.


The woman abandoned the row at that point.




Right... nothing happened.

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That's because, my dear, you are a chair hog, so of course you can't understand it. When both you and your husband are ready to "spend the afternoon together at the pool on chairs" then get them then. Bad enough getting chairs and then going to breakfast, sitting for a few minutes and then running errands, but to keep TWO that long? Despicable.

How is that despicable? I am finding this thread completely amusing. 90% of the day I am on the chair. If I get up for 30-40 min or less to use the pool or grab something to eat thats despicable? Seriously laughable! Oh wait, maybe I shouldn't go to the bathroom either. God forbid I take too long!

Edited by descotes
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TFB!! If U wanna get up early, that is YOUR CHOICE! But Don't expect to save chairs ALL MORNING so you can have one in the afternoon! If you want to eat breakky, EAT BEFORE going out to the pool, then go get UR chairs. I wouldn't hesitate 1 second getting the pool cops to move your stuff!![ sorry, that's just the way I am] BTW, I am a police dude

What's it your business where I go for 30 minutes? -- that's how much time I have. If I want to go and have breakfast and can eat in 30 minutes then they shouldn't touch my stuff. And then I sit in my chair for most of the day unless I'm in the pool.

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How is that despicable? I am finding this thread completely amusing. 90% of the day I am on the chair. If I get up for 30-40 min or less to use the pool or grab something to eat thats despicable? Seriously laughable! Oh wait, maybe I shouldn't go to the bathroom either. God forbid I take too long!


If you're only away from your chair for around 30 minutes then you're entirely compliant with Royal Caribbean's policy and you aren't doing anything "despicable" by any means.


However, you expressed a different sentiment in your earlier post. I don't have have it in front of me but I seem to recall you acknowledging that you would probably get flamed for it, and you did, so it shouldn't come as a surprise. The bottom line is the cruise line sets the rules, we're responsible for following them. If you disagree with Royal's policies that's fine, there are lots of cruise lines to choose from.

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Great news about the pool patrol. When we want lunch, we go in shifts to get our lunch and bring it back to the pool and then the other person goes. When the buffets had trays, this was easier to do. Now I fill up my plate and get a drink. If I want something else, then it requires another trip to the buffet.

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If you're only away from your chair for around 30 minutes then you're entirely compliant with Royal Caribbean's policy and you aren't doing anything "despicable" by any means.


However, you expressed a different sentiment in your earlier post. I don't have have it in front of me but I seem to recall you acknowledging that you would probably get flamed for it, and you did, so it shouldn't come as a surprise. The bottom line is the cruise line sets the rules, we're responsible for following them. If you disagree with Royal's policies that's fine, there are lots of cruise lines to choose from.

I said I would be in the minority because I don't agree with the 30 minute rule. I didn't say I didn't follow it. But what I said was one of the reasons I don't agree with it is because a) the point of going to the pool is using the pools/hot tubs so if I'm gone for more than 30 minutes to use the facilities I came to use I should be able to enjoy them without worrying that I'm coming back to my chair to find it gone and my stuff taken off of it. And b) I don't think the "pool police" as I call them have any idea of the true actual time that people are gone before taking their stuff away. This happend to me at another resort I went to as well that had the "30 min rule" -- I literally got up to take a picture of my husband and kids who were playing in pool. I happend to turn around and glance over at my chair to see the woman taking my stuff off of my chair. I was like you're kidding me right? I just got up to take a picture. I hadn't even been off my chair for 2 minutes but she wasn't paying attention.

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I said I would be in the minority because I don't agree with the 30 minute rule. I didn't say I didn't follow it. But what I said was one of the reasons I don't agree with it is because a) the point of going to the pool is using the pools/hot tubs so if I'm gone for more than 30 minutes to use the facilities I came to use I should be able to enjoy them without worrying that I'm coming back to my chair to find it gone and my stuff taken off of it. And b) I don't think the "pool police" as I call them have any idea of the true actual time that people are gone before taking their stuff away. This happend to me at another resort I went to as well that had the "30 min rule" -- I literally got up to take a picture of my husband and kids who were playing in pool. I happend to turn around and glance over at my chair to see the woman taking my stuff off of my chair. I was like you're kidding me right? I just got up to take a picture. I hadn't even been off my chair for 2 minutes but she wasn't paying attention.


The thing is, its not your chair. If you were sitting on a swing in the playground, or a bench in the park, would you expect to come back to the same seat? What about on a bus or train?


In reality, 30 minutes is generous. It is not a seat for you, it is for everyone's use. Even if it puts you out. What's more, you leave your stuff at your own risk. The chairs are the property of RC and they can do what they like with them. They can move them, pack them away, whatever they please.

Edited by Adayatatime
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What's it your business where I go for 30 minutes? -- that's how much time I have. If I want to go and have breakfast and can eat in 30 minutes then they shouldn't touch my stuff. And then I sit in my chair for most of the day unless I'm in the pool.


You implied by the way you worded it that you put your stuff down to save the seat before you ever even used it....saved the seat then went to breakfast and wherever else. That's being a chair hog and saving seats. Eat breakfast first and wait til you are ready to use the pool or pool area, THEN come find a seat. After you've been enjoying the pool area, if you decide to go get a bite to eat or do whatever, no one is going to say much if you are gone 30 min or less. If you meant that you actually DID stay and enjoy the pool for a while before going to breakfast etc. then your post didn't make that clear.

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I've never had a problem asking a neighboring "lounger" to watch my place while I go to (spa, pool, pee, watch kids etc) Most are very willing if it is for a reasonable period of time.


If I return 2 hours later, I surely wouldn't expect my "stuff" to be still there.


As far as the seats in the Theater are concerened, we usually get there 5 or so minutes before curtain time. The choice real estate some are saving is accessible just by sitting down. There is little to nothing that can be done.


It should be a lesson that the whole party be responsible enough to assemble early to assure they will be seated together. (Not sure why big groups think they should be joined at the hip for shows:confused:!)

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Okay, explain this: If chairs can always be found, why do you feel the need to hog THIS ONE for the whole day, even when you admit you're not using it the whole day?

You're going to have to dig deep in the bag of justification to make up an answer for that one.

I don't have to dig for anything; nice try. If you'd have read (or comprehended-perhaps the language was too advanced for yoy) my post, I want *that one* so I don't have to drag my stuff around the ship all day. I'm on vacation after all. :rolleyes:



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I don't have to dig for anything; nice try. If you'd have read (or comprehended-perhaps the language was too advanced for yoy) my post, I want *that one* so I don't have to drag my stuff around the ship all day. I'm on vacation after all. :rolleyes:



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Wow, poor you. YOU don't want to be inconvenienced by having to drag your stuff around the ship all day because YOU'RE on vacation. Never mind all the other people who are on vacation too and might like to actually sit in (i.e. really USE) the chair that you're using as a storage locker half the day. Sounds like perhaps you should look into chartering a private boat. Then you can use all the space you like, however you like and whenever you like, without regard for anyone else. That seems to be your preference.

Edited by waterbug123
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On another note, I have a better chair hog story than any of the ones on these boards that mentioned people coming out at 6am or 8am or whatever. Last year we were at a Sandals resort and there were some cabanas by the pool. We were told they were first come, first served. Well one night after dinner we walked by the pool and noticed most of the cabanas already had items on them to save them for the NEXT DAY! :rolleyes:



My brother likes to tell the story of the "Germans" at a resort a few years ago. First day my brother and a few of my other siblings are looking for a prime spot. They notice a really nice area near some trees that would comfortably sit 6 to 8 people in their loungers so they sit back and relax. Now, chair hogging could be considered a certified past time at these resorts, or so I'm lead to believe. So next morning they all head to the beach and what do they find? All the loungers wrapped around the trees with chains and pad locks on them. Thinking that the staff must have done this for some reason, they seek comfort nearby. Noon hour rolls around and the Germans show up, unlock the chairs, place then in the sand and relax for a couple of hours. Before they leave, they lock them back up. Now, my brother and I are a lot alike and we both like a challenge. So the next day, he makes a trip in town and buys bolt cutters. Next day when the Germans arrive, well their seats are gone. They protest and are ignored. Then the typical competition resumes - who can get to the beach early enough each day to reserve the chairs. Apparently the normal thing is to get up at 5-6AM, run down to the beach, place your towels on the chairs and go back to bed. No thanks.

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How is that despicable? I am finding this thread completely amusing. 90% of the day I am on the chair. If I get up for 30-40 min or less to use the pool or grab something to eat thats despicable? Seriously laughable! Oh wait, maybe I shouldn't go to the bathroom either. God forbid I take too long!


My biggest issue was that you were saving an additional lounger for your late sleeping husband that whole time. When you are BOTH ready to enjoy the area together, then go look for chairs. My husband is a night owl and sleeps late. I never save him a seat. I'll sit out for a few hours, join him for lunch, taking all my stuff - fits into a tote bag, no big deal - then go back and find two seats to enjoy. Not rocket science.

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Who decided that pool chairs are prime spots?


I enjoy looking at the ocean and being at sea. I have no desire to sit around a pool and look at other people sitting around the pool looking at other people sitting around the pool. I could do that at a Holiday Inn. I usually like to sit on one of the decks above pool level where I can read or look out at sea and have never even thought about saving a seat. If by chance I want to use the pool or hot tubs or watch an event, I can simply walk from an upper deck or other area.


It tickles me when people chair hog to get a spot by the pool where they can close their eyes and sleep or look down at a book.


All this jockeying for position around the pool reminds me of school kids wanting to sit at the cool lunch table.


On the other hand, as long as people try to crowd around the pool, it leaves all sorts of room in other areas for me to enjoy.


Happy Sails to You


OOOEEE :D:D Bob and Phyl

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Who decided that pool chairs are prime spots?


I enjoy looking at the ocean and being at sea. I have no desire to sit around a pool and look at other people sitting around the pool looking at other people sitting around the pool. I could do that at a Holiday Inn. I usually like to sit on one of the decks above pool level where I can read or look out at sea and have never even thought about saving a seat. If by chance I want to use the pool or hot tubs or watch an event, I can simply walk from an upper deck or other area.


It tickles me when people chair hog to get a spot by the pool where they can close their eyes and sleep or look down at a book.



OOOEEE :D:D Bob and Phyl


EXACTLY my thought, right down to the motel comparison.


Many times I have gotten grossed out just walking through the crowded pool side deck on a sea day..hot, sweaty, wet, crowded, noisy...

I never understood the appeal of the pool side mob scene.


I'll also be on an upper deck, enjoying the peaceful sea view.


I am getting a chuckle out of the stories, however, bravo to the guy photographing the hogs.

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Honestly, I really don't.

Is that in the bible or something? :rolleyes:

No, I'm not taking my stuff with me to the bar or the restaurant or sauna.

Yes, it's my chair for the day, as long as I'm going to use it more than 50% of the time I have stuff on it. (That's in the bible.) It's not my fault if the cruise line doesn't have enough chaise lounges for its passengers. And frankly I've never been in a situation where you couldn't find chairs somewhere not more than a few minutes walk from the pool. So as long as there are other chairs, why do I need to schlep my stuff around? :rolleyes:


Nope, incorrect answer. It's your chair as long as you keep your butt in it. You are allowed to leave for a short amount of time (30 minutes) while still retaining possession but other than that, it's up for grabs. If you decide to leave your stuff for more than 30 minutes, you'll be able to find it at the towel station.

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What do ppl do if they have kids they need to watch by the h20 ? Stand up everywhere?


Sorry I'm a newbie going on my first cruise this weekend. Before you think carefully about what I've said, do not slam me... I'm entitled to an opinion and I have a valid question/thought concerning those with young kids as well.


I'll have two kids w me I have to think about besides myself. I hope someone doesn't remove our towel or worse, vandalize our property. While I don't plan to schlep around much without a chair i do plan to enjoy our vacation too, I hope I don't have to worry too much about it while on vacation either 😤 after reading many responses about this topic, I stopped to think about ppl putting towels on chairs who may have young children. I tried to think of reasons I might be out of my chair for more than 30 minutes. Not hard to think of....not even if you have a child with ADHD or god forbid any other disability.


No offense but I find this topic and many responses odd. It seems a matter of common courtesy and common sense. If someone's "hogging a chair" with a towel but they aren't sitting in it I'll sit in it until they come along ...no big deal ... I mean what if they have kids??? For this I could understand timing past 30 mins being a factor. For 4,5,6 hours.... Ok that's pushing it! So go use the chair....


The allure is huge. If I've sat 30 mins just to watch 30 mins go by just to catch chair hogs then I hope I didn't go back on that cruise again after that because that would mean there's not enough to do on it besides sit around catching chair hogs all day... :( sounds very boring and a wasted vacation to me....just worrying about chairs?



I know I am not arguing with anyone about chairs I'll try my best to use common sense and common courtesy for others while I'm on my first cruise. I will also try to do my best to think of my children first. Thankfully I'm only looking for three chairs out of 1000's. I hope others will use common sense and courtesy about the chairs I find. If I'm not in it and you want to use it til I get back no problem I do not mind.


Rant done. Thank you if you read it and you did not respond rudely. If you plan to respond rudely please move on to the next person. Have a great trip everyone!!


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You are correct, you are entitled to your own opinion. You are not however entitled to your own rules. The reasons for attempting to create your own rules are immaterial. If you are gone from your chair for more than 30 minutes you will most likely find you personal items at the towel station.

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