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MDR Dress code??

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Wow. Judge much? :rolleyes:


I have read many of her posts and HOLY CARP, she must think she is the Queen and that the rest of us are merely peasants if her posts are any indication of her opinions of others :D OR could merely be a ruse and she is putting us all on with her "air of superiority" :p who knows these days because you really never know WHO is on the other end of that computer screen :cool:


Me and my flip flops and sometimes, GASP, yes a bathrobe will be happy out by the solarium pool whilst she is making sure everyone entering the dining room is "dressed to the nines"

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It's the WISHES of the cruise line. They are the "hosts." It's their ship. It's part of the experience they are trying to create. They publish the suggested dress. I don't want you to "dress [that] way," Royal Caribbean wants you too. So, when you elect to book a cruise on Royal Caribbean, but opt to disregard their requested dress, behavior, rules, etc., and justify it with "I paid for it, it's my vacation, I'll do what I want," then it IS "all about you." There is no "turning it around." We book the exact same cruise, using our equally hard earned money, looking for an "experience" as defined in the brochure, expecting a certain level of decorum, behavior, etc. We want the experience we paid to have and Royal Caribbean tries to provide. You want to try to downgrade that experience by totally ignoring the request of the cruise line and changing the experience. You really don't see that as self centered?

So, bottom line, I don't "wish" you dress in any manner. Royal Caribbean does.


I understand your point and, to an extent, agree with you.


There was a time when cruising was a much different experience than what RCL is selling today. In days of yore (15-20 years ago) cruising was on much smaller ships and the main demographic was the relatively well-heeled traveler. Luxury and etiquette were expected and maintained.


Flash forward to the 21st century: cruise ships are now floating theme parks and are marketed as such by RCL. Families are encouraged and fares are on-par (or less) than a Disney World vacation. RCL highlights bumper cars, ziplines, surfing machines, etc. all in an effort to appeal to a wider demographic, and most in that demographic do not want to "dress up" for dinner. Faced with the task of filling cabins on enormous ships wek after week, is it any wonder RCL has abandoned (or turned a blind eye to) an out-of-date dress code?


Cruising has changed and will continue to change. You may not like the changes and stop cruising RCL. They don't care - they have enlarged their customer base to such an extent that the desire of one individual no longer matters. Appeal to the masses, enlarge the bottom line, make the shareholders happy.

Edited by CruiseTobey
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No way. And rob me of my daily dose of comedy?!? :eek:


Eating popcorn and enjoying the rancor.


It is SSOOO reassuring to know that "Dress Code Threads" (with their associated entertainment and enjoyment) are not unique to just the Celebrity boards. ;) :D :rolleyes:



It is also very comforting to KNOW, that dedicated and tireless members of The Fashion Police, will go to the far corners of the Earth and the Cruise Critic Website, in their selfless quest to uphold the outdated and completely arbitrary standards of class conscious apparel standards on cruise ships everywhere! :p


I feel so safe and secure now! :)

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It is SSOOO reassuring to know that "Dress Code Threads" (with their associated entertainment and enjoyment) are not unique to just the Celebrity boards.



It is also very comforting to KNOW, that dedicated and tireless members of The Fashion Police, will go to the far corners of the Earth and the Cruise Critic Website, in their selfless quest to uphold the outdated and completely arbitrary standards of class conscious apparel standards on cruise ships everywhere!


I feel so safe and secure now! :)


What makes me laugh is knowing that those who appoint themselves as the "fashion police" on internet threads would NEVER in a million years say something to a person's face :D Seriously, I have had someone be so incredibly hateful and rude on here and FB, but when we met in person it was all unicorns and rainbows :cool:


Oh well, it DOES make for fun reading :D

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It is SSOOO reassuring to know that "Dress Code Threads" (with their associated entertainment and enjoyment) are not unique to just the Celebrity boards. ;) :D :rolleyes:
They have absolutely no redeeming entertainment value at all over on the Oceania forum. They all just say "No formal nights...".
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What makes me laugh is knowing that those who appoint themselves as the "fashion police" on internet threads would NEVER in a million years say something to a person's face :D Seriously, I have had someone be so incredibly hateful and rude on here and FB, but when we met in person it was all unicorns and rainbows :cool:


Oh well, it DOES make for fun reading :D


Oh, I don't know. On some of the celebrity dress code threads, the fashion police has reported confronting those who do not meet their interpretation of the dress code standards.


I remember reading the following:

- Posters reporting "storming out of the main dining room" to find the Matre'd and take him through the MDR pointing out violations of the dress code.

- Posters refusing to allow the wait staff to seat certain persons whose dress did not meet their standards at their table.

- Posters meeting with the Matre'd to ensure he understood their expectations for the enforcement of the dress code.

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Oh, I don't know. On some of the celebrity dress code threads, the fashion police has reported confronting those who do not meet their interpretation of the dress code standards.


I remember reading the following:

- Posters reporting "storming out of the main dining room" to find the Matre'd and take him through the MDR pointing out violations of the dress code.

- Posters refusing to allow the wait staff to seat certain persons whose dress did not meet their standards at their table.

- Posters meeting with the Matre'd to ensure he understood their expectations for the enforcement of the dress code.


Those posters always make me laugh and say to myself, yea right! I can think of one right now but won't mention his name.

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Just curious to those that say "it isn't enforced" so it doesn't matter, if you receive an invitation to an event hosted by a friend with a suggested dress level do you attempt to follow the suggestion or do you do your own thing and expect the host to have to actually enforce it (possibly leading to hurt feelings / damaged friendships) etc in order for their written wishes to count? I imagine that for a very large event with hundreds to thousands of people attending the host would be quite exhausted if they had to "enforce" for every Tom Dick or Harriet that decided they prefer a different dress code than the host. Multiply that large event by 365 days a year and is it any wonder the host gives up enforcing?


Personally what other people wear won't ruin my experience although it may detract from the ambiance of the event. Out of respect to my host though I will do my best to follow the dress codes or find alternative dining locations if I do not feel like following the dress code of the day.

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its so nice to hear your views on this, and a big thank you for your support.


I have been a beacon of light, I have being saying this for years that the MDR experience is being threatened by some of the people whom book last minute.


I applaud you for mentioning this, and on behalf of the many, may I say well done sir !






Polo and shorts on formal night in MDR. You mad?

This is very similar to the marriage issue right now. "Oh my god, other people who love each other are getting married, they stick out like sore thumb and we should ban them because we should mind other people's business"


Give me a break, time is not going to stop, it moves forward.

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those who appoint themselves as the "fashion police"



WHAT! :eek: :confused:


Surely you jest... I was absolutely positive they had been ordained by GOD herself! :rolleyes: :p ;)

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Just curious to those that say "it isn't enforced" so it doesn't matter, if you receive an invitation to an event hosted by a friend with a suggested dress level do you attempt to follow the suggestion or do you do your own thing and expect the host to have to actually enforce it (possibly leading to hurt feelings / damaged friendships) etc in order for their written wishes to count? I imagine that for a very large event with hundreds to thousands of people attending the host would be quite exhausted if they had to "enforce" for every Tom Dick or Harriet that decided they prefer a different dress code than the host. Multiply that large event by 365 days a year and is it any wonder the host gives up enforcing?


Personally what other people wear won't ruin my experience although it may detract from the ambiance of the event. Out of respect to my host though I will do my best to follow the dress codes or find alternative dining locations if I do not feel like following the dress code of the day.



Fair question. I tell my friends that we will not be attending because of the 'suggested dress level'.


That's not really a good analogy though since the cruise line is actively encouraging people to attend in casual dress.


The cruise line doesn't enforce the dress code because of the difficulties. It doesn't enforce the dress code because enforcement would cost them business. Too many of their customers do not wish to dress for dinner.

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Those posters always make me laugh and say to myself, yea right! I can think of one right now but won't mention his name.


And, they justify these actions because others do not show them the proper amount of respect. They should consider showing respect to others.

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Fair question. I tell my friends that we will not be attending because of the 'suggested dress level'.




That's not really a good analogy though since the cruise line is actively encouraging people to attend in casual dress.




The cruise line doesn't enforce the dress code because of the difficulties. It doesn't enforce the dress code because enforcement would cost them business. Too many of their customers do not wish to dress for dinner.



How does the cruise line "actively encourage" people to attend in casual dress if the dress code says otherwise?

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How does the cruise line "actively encourage" people to attend in casual dress if the dress code says otherwise?


Tell your server you are skipping the MDR because of dress code requirements. It's my understanding that they'll tell you to come how you like. I don't doubt it either, on our Disney cruise our server was really insistent that we and everyone else come to the dining room every night.

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How does the cruise line "actively encourage" people to attend in casual dress if the dress code says otherwise?


Very simple. The dining room staff has "actively encouraged" when they insist that people come in casual dress even on formal nights.


Multiple posters have reported such 'active encouragement'.


The important thing is not what the suggestions state, its what the cruise line does that matters.


Those that prefer the strict enforcement of a formal dress code have lost this battle. It was a gallant fight but they were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of those preferring something different.

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How does the cruise line "actively encourage" people to attend in casual dress if the dress code says otherwise?



2nd formal night on our Celebrity cruise, I was not feeling well so husband decided to drop by the MDR on his way to the buffet to let our tablemates know we were not coming. He was wearing a t shirt & jeans. The Head Waiter was horrified that he was not staying and very insistent that he do so. He stayed, and the world did not come to an end.:D



Edited by sjb317
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Fair question. I tell my friends that we will not be attending because of the 'suggested dress level'.




Yeah, sure you do. :rolleyes:


"Hey Jim...listen, thank you for the invitation to your daughters graduation party at "Le We Be Loaded," but Carol and I won't be attending due to the 'suggested dress level."'





The dining room staff has "actively encouraged" when they insist that people come in casual dress even on formal nights.


Multiple posters have reported such 'active encouragement'.





Well you can't argue with that. If there is truly the strength of 'multiple posters' behind this statement...then it has to be true.:D



I really have no horse in this race, don't really care what is enforced, unenforced, etc. But some of these statements attempting to back up one side or the other are hilarious.

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Really? You "don't want me to "dress [that] way", Royal Caribbean wants you too"? Fine, but if that's true, then why do you say "We want the experience we paid to have and Royal Caribbean tries to provide."? Seems to me, you do want me to "dress [that] way".


Royal's dress code suggestions are not relevant to my question since Royal's lack of enforcement makes it is very clear that Royal could care less what one wears.


Now, please answer why your desires are not 'self-centered' but mine are?


And, No, I do not wish to "change the experience". The 'experience' has already been changed.


Sure. Here goes. You talked about reversing roles. You said why are the wishes for those to dress up more important.... My point is that the dress suggestion is the recommendation, or "wishes" of the cruise line. I might wish we dressed formally every night, but the cruiseline definitely does not. The reason the cruiseline requests certain dress is to provide a certain experience. Here is their quote about Grande:


"The Grande Restaurant is a luxuriant nod to a bygone era. When dining was not a task, but a time-honored ritual. When you dressed for a date with an unforgettable dish."


So when I go to Grande, that is the "experience" I am expecting. If you go and insist on entry in a polo shirt and jeans, in a borrowed jacket 2 sizes to large, the whine "it's my vacation I should get what I want," you are being remarkably self-centered. If I go, dressed as requested to experience "a luxuriant nod to a bygone era," an experience offered by RCCL, that I paid for, how can you say I'm the one who is self-centered?

As for "they don't enforce it?" True. But what would you do if they did?

You'd whine to no end about it.

Truth be told, I really don't care what you wear unless I'm sharing a table with you. Then I draw the line at tank tops (except on hot women), I really have no desire to eat anywhere near your hairy armpits or back. In fact I'm with the "enforce it or drop it" crowd. I think Grande is a perfect solution. Let those who want to dress up go to a select restaurant like Grande when they choose. Let casual diners eat at all the other venues. But, guess what? The "It's my vacation I should be able to wear what I want" crowd began whining about enforced dress code in Grande on the inaugural cruise. In fact when we were on Quantum I saw one guy in a polo shirt and jeans abusively argue with the staff about wearing a borrowed jacket. We were 8 people behind and it was holding us up. Finally, after starting to incur the wrath of those in line who he was delaying, he relented. So tell me, who was being self-centered in that case?

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Yeah, sure you do. :rolleyes:


"Hey Jim...listen, thank you for the invitation to your daughters graduation party at "Le We Be Loaded," but Carol and I won't be attending due to the 'suggested dress level."'


Well you can't argue with that. If there is truly the strength of 'multiple posters' behind this statement...then it has to be true.:D


I really have no horse in this race, don't really care what is enforced, unenforced, etc. But some of these statements attempting to back up one side or the other are hilarious.


That is exactly what we would tell Jim.

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I think Grande is a perfect solution. Let those who want to dress up go to a select restaurant like Grande when they choose. Let casual diners eat at all the other venues. But, guess what? The "It's my vacation I should be able to wear what I want" crowd began whining about enforced dress code in Grande on the inaugural cruise. In fact when we were on Quantum I saw one guy in a polo shirt and jeans abusively argue with the staff about wearing a borrowed jacket. We were 8 people behind and it was holding us up. Finally, after starting to incur the wrath of those in line who he was delaying, he relented. So tell me, who was being self-centered in that case?


I agree that Grande is a great solution. However, not all ships offer that solution and this thread is about Oasis which has not implemented Dynamic Dining and still has MDR wide dress codes (unenforced).


One of the complaints made against Dynamic Dining is that having a formal always venue like Grande is insufficient since only a portion of the ship's passengers would be in formal wear on any given night. To turn your phrase around: "But, guess what? The "It's my vacation and I want everyone to wear what I want" crowd began whining about there only being a formal dress code in Grande." That is being just as self-centered as the 'I want to wear what I want crowd'.


I also agree that the person who argued with the staff was being self-centered. But, set aside the fact that this happened at Grande since Grande is a special case. Suppose, that in another dining venue, that the staff had allowed him entry implying that his dress was adequate for that venue. Now, further suppose another passenger refused to allow that passenger to be seated at their table because this person did not meet their interpretation of the dress code, would the objecting passenger be self-centered? Some have reported doing exactly that.


I believe there is room for compromise where every one gets a bit of what they want. What's wrong with only a portion of the ship's passengers celebrating formal night on any given night like in Grande? What's wrong with MTD being smart casual and Traditional Dining celebrating formal nights? Why does everyone have to play dress up?

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Already did, after someone else suggested it didn't apply to dinner. It states in the compass, "please note that bare feet, short pants, caps and tank tops are not recommended at dinner in the dining rooms or any of our specialty restaurants." Now you can debate intent all you like, but since older compasses from the same ship state they are not permitted, it seems that the change in wording is deliberate.

So in other words, with what you're claiming is the "intent" of what you quoted from the Compass, you'd be able to show up in barefooted in shorts & a tank top for dinner and would be admitted with no problem.


Good luck with that... :rolleyes:

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I believe there is room for compromise where every one gets a bit of what they want. What's wrong with only a portion of the ship's passengers celebrating formal night on any given night like in Grande? What's wrong with MTD being smart casual and Traditional Dining celebrating formal nights? Why does everyone have to play dress up?


Agree wholeheartedly. And that's exactly what Dynamic Dining and Grande tried to provide. But if you followed the threads, beginning the Inaugural Cruise began the whining. Passengers stated on CC that they wanted the menu in Grande but didn't want to dress up and it wasn't fair. But even you insinuate that it is fair. So if Traditional Dining required suit or tux, people would complain because they like Traditional Dining but don't see why they have to dress up.

Grande was the perfect solution....until the very first cruise.

So if I like to dress up, and RCCL provides a dress up only venue, Grande, and someone want to eat there and demands that right but refuses to follow the dress code, who is being self-centered?

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Agree wholeheartedly. And that's exactly what Dynamic Dining and Grande tried to provide. But if you followed the threads, beginning the Inaugural Cruise began the whining. Passengers stated on CC that they wanted the menu in Grande but didn't want to dress up and it wasn't fair. But even you insinuate that it is fair. So if Traditional Dining required suit or tux, people would complain because they like Traditional Dining but don't see why they have to dress up.

Grande was the perfect solution....until the very first cruise.

So if I like to dress up, and RCCL provides a dress up only venue, Grande, and someone want to eat there and demands that right but refuses to follow the dress code, who is being self-centered?


hi sis i dont understand what you said you say that grande is grand and nice and old time dining is nice i dont understand its like will and grace where jack and karen walker were at a nice fancy restaurant for a meal i miss will and grace

your bud

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